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Thread: Public order is making me really mad

  1. #21

    Default Re: Public order is making me really mad

    My Macedon FL Antigonos Gonatas acquired the trait "Extremely Unhappy People" +3 Unrest.. How should he get rid of this undesirable trait because I intend to make him a governor of Athens..

    How does one gain the "Happy People" trait then?

  2. #22
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Sep 2010
    Virginia, USA

    Default Re: Public order is making me really mad

    Quote Originally Posted by Genghis Skahn View Post
    Well then, that solves that. The Interloper trait is more than enough to explain such order maluses IMO. Case closed.
    To be honest, the EBII team needs to make this much clearer in the forum or even the welcoming message and building info scrolls of the campaign map for newbies who don't know all the mechanics and how everything works. This mod is VERY sensitive when it comes to public order issues and if you don't know what you're doing, your empire could fall apart in a few turns of mismanagement. That being said, I've managed to play Makedonia and Koinon Hellenon campaigns into the 1st century BC where I conquer all of Western Europe including the British Isles, the Mediterranean including North Africa, and the entire rim of the Black Sea. It can be done! It's just a huge pain in the ass to get there, filled with revolts, bad governors, assassinated generals, and worst of all client ruler governors who get killed by plagues or earthquakes. If you don't recruit another client ruler fast enough in some cases, the settlement revolts from crap public order and rioting.

    Quote Originally Posted by qwertykov View Post
    My Macedon FL Antigonos Gonatas acquired the trait "Extremely Unhappy People" +3 Unrest.. How should he get rid of this undesirable trait because I intend to make him a governor of Athens..

    How does one gain the "Happy People" trait then?
    I think he's already a lost cause, bro. You'd have to spend a decade or more sticking him in a high public order settlement and have him babysit as governor while you build nothing but cultural and educational buildings that might improve his traits. That's not even a guarantee, though, seeing how the game sometimes decides to be totally random and gives your generals/family members traits indicating that they are insane and use various cheeses for religious divination, seeking omens from the gods. LOL.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Public order is making me really mad

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    To be honest, the EBII team needs to make this much clearer in the forum or even the welcoming message and building info scrolls of the campaign map for newbies who don't know all the mechanics and how everything works.
    That's why there's a Player's Guide. The whole issue of Allied Govs and the need to recruit a Client Governor and even "interlopers" are explained on page 5. Really, the entire "mechanics" section is only 13 pages long and most of that is pictures. If that causes a horrified tl;dr reaction, then by all means, yes, stumble through and try to figure everything out the hard way. God forbid somebody should have to spend 15 minutes learning how the mod works.
    EBII Council

  4. #24

    Default Re: Public order is making me really mad

    Quote Originally Posted by Kull View Post
    That's why there's a Player's Guide. The whole issue of Allied Govs and the need to recruit a Client Governor and even "interlopers" are explained on page 5. Really, the entire "mechanics" section is only 13 pages long and most of that is pictures. If that causes a horrified tl;dr reaction, then by all means, yes, stumble through and try to figure everything out the hard way. God forbid somebody should have to spend 15 minutes learning how the mod works.
    That's a bit of an harsh. I, as an experienced TW player (much of it in DeI, spiritual successor of EBII), also chose to skip that part of Manual. I returned to it latter, and I haven't really lost anything by not reading it. Most of the stuff is ether obvious or EXPLAINED WITH BIG LETTERS in game so, again, it can be played without it. Charts are useful if you are looking at them the same time you are looking at it in the game, but even then are not perfect (you can't see that Free City "upgrades" to Province, for example). But, I get where you coming from, I just think that in-game descriptions are enough, if you read them, that is (I read even province descriptions).

  5. #25

    Default Re: Public order is making me really mad

    To be honest, the EBII team needs to make this much clearer in the forum or even the welcoming message and building info scrolls of the campaign map for newbies who don't know all the mechanics and how everything works.
    Well, in this case, simply reading the character's trait scrolls would have sufficed to avoid the issue, if you ask me. Once I mentioned the trait sheet, he easily self-diagnosed the problem and voila.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Public order is making me really mad

    Quote Originally Posted by Genghis Skahn View Post
    Well, in this case, simply reading the character's trait scrolls would have sufficed to avoid the issue, if you ask me. Once I mentioned the trait sheet, he easily self-diagnosed the problem and voila.
    Exactly this. No need for banner, guide, having EBII modder team come to your house (as cool as that would be). To be honest, I learned EBII systems and features before M2:TW, ones.

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