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Thread: MCWC XIX - The Winners

  1. #1
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default MCWC XIX - The Winners

    Creative Workshop Competitions - Check out our sister competitions here on TWC! << Picture of the Week | Tale of the Week | Writers' Study General Competitions | Graphics Workshop Monthly Competition >>

    Image by cedric37.


    Congratulations to the winners!

    ]In FIRST PLACE is Cat Tails by NorseThing. Creative writers can show us anything they can imagine ... floating cities, mythical creatures, sinister sorcerors, dazzling technology and the rivalries of mighty empires. NorseThing tells us about the lives not of great heroes or villains, but feline family members. Instead of the clash of armies, we read of a domestic mission in which "A broom was my weapon of choice. A towel would be my shield. A baseball cap my protective helmet." With humour and warmth, NorseThing engages and entertains us - and shows us that a well-aimed broom and towel, in the right hands, can be a match for a fleet of starships or an army of heroes. NorseThing is a popular writer, as he was also the Creative Writing of the Year third-place winner in the Writers' Study Yearly Awards. Taking first place in this MCWC gives NorseThing three Writers' Study competition points, which means that NorseThing now qualifies for a silver Writers' Study Competition Medal , congratulations!

    The Chronicles of Matt and Morn by Kilo11. Like NorseThing's stories, Kilo11's tale has a light style and a humorous tone. Describing the style as 'light' might sound as if the writing is less worthy than heavier or more 'serious' works - however, doing this kind of writing well, as our winners do, requires considerable deftness and writing talent. Like NorseThing, Kilo11 avoids grandeur, introducing a hero who is "Not Matthew Iron-Hand or Matthew the Mighty. Not even Matthew at all. Simply Matt." - although perhaps the true hero of these tales is his companion, his weapon and perhaps his inspiration: Morn. Kilo11 is a writer to watch, as he was Newcomer of the Year in the 2018 Writers' Study Yearly Awards. This win earns Kilo11 two Writers' Study competition points, taking him closer to a gold Writers' Study Competition Medal.

    Thanks to all who submitted, those who voted, and congratulations to our winners!

    See you in the MCWW XX!

  2. #2

    Default Re: MCWC XIX - The Winners

    Congratulations to both! And well done on the silver medal, NorseThing!

    Oh, and happy new year! I'll see you all in 2019!

  3. #3

    Default Re: MCWC XIX - The Winners

    Congratulations indeed, Norsething! I must say, I haven't managed to catch all of your feline adventures yet, but the ones I've read have been fun and amusingly off-tone! Keep it up!
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  4. #4
    Swaeft's Avatar Drama King
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    Default Re: MCWC XIX - The Winners

    Congratulations, guys! I don't really delve into the CW section, stop tempting me! I have enough work as it is!

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  5. #5
    NorseThing's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: MCWC XIX - The Winners

    Thanks for the kind comments. I some how forgot this win since I was perehaps preoccupied with my water soaked PC. At least I can now have more time to create my next entries since I will not be entering in MCWC XX. However, I can throw down the gauntlet to Swaeft.

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