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Thread: Indication For Future Content?

  1. #101
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Generally, I'm grateful for patches. CA isn't obligated to keep patching a game that's been out for five years. But today, this patch broke DeI for many users, including myself. It's ironic that CA interviewed DeI to promote their new launcher, and as of right now, if you got the Steam version, DeI won't show up in your launcher.

    I'll have to re-download the mod via TWC, as that version is still working. So in my current irritable mood, I'm more grateful for TWC than I am for CA's patches.
    Last edited by Skotos of Sinope; December 10, 2018 at 08:46 PM.

  2. #102
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    So we got new blogpost with a nice Interview with DeI team.

    And because ♔Greek Strategos♔ is promoting DeI even when asleep, it is all nicely fitting together like puzzle. The very last paragraph is not part of Interview but closing word from CA right? Do i get cookies? I was right!
    What's DEI ?
    You got your cookies with your Citizen's chiton buddy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skotos of Sinope View Post
    Generally, I'm grateful for patches. CA isn't obligated to keep patching a game that's been out for five years. But today, this patch broke DeI for many users, including myself. It's ironic that CA interviewed DeI to promote their new launcher, and as of right now, if you got the Steam version, DeI won't show up in your launcher.

    I'll have to re-download the mod via TWC, as that version is still working. So in my current irritable mood, I'm more grateful for TWC than I am for CA's patches.
    That's why we generally suggest TWC for downloading the most stable versions etc. Most big overhaul teams despise STEAM which was-is a very bad platform for modders.
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; December 11, 2018 at 09:55 AM.

  3. #103
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by Skotos of Sinope View Post
    Generally, I'm grateful for patches. CA isn't obligated to keep patching a game that's been out for five years. But today, this patch broke DeI for many users, including myself. It's ironic that CA interviewed DeI to promote their new launcher, and as of right now, if you got the Steam version, DeI won't show up in your launcher.

    I'll have to re-download the mod via TWC, as that version is still working. So in my current irritable mood, I'm more grateful for TWC than I am for CA's patches.
    CA are working on a fix for the issues according to this forum post:

    Hope that helps.

    All the Best, Welsh Dragon.

  4. #104
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh Dragon View Post
    CA are working on a fix for the issues according to this forum post:

    Hope that helps.

    All the Best, Welsh Dragon.
    That does help. Good news indeed.

  5. #105
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    I suspect development is over then? Whatever, CA patched this game and made as promised in 2013.

  6. #106

    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    1. Well, i think everything is possible. Yes, CA is focused on Three Kingdoms at the moment. But things have changed in gaming industry nowadays. Why shouldn't there be additional Rome 2 content after some months of Three Kingdoms launch? Not everybody is a Three Kingdoms or Warhammer fan. There is a market for new Rome 2 content, thats why we have seen new content in 2017/2018.

    2. What do you think could be a scenario for Rome 2? Usually CA tends to do scenarios where you have many factions involved. So here are my suggestions:

    - Alexander the Great scenario
    - Diadochi wars scenario
    - Germanic wars/Limes frontier scenario

    Best regards,
    Medieval Knight

  7. #107
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Alexander would be a good move. They'd have to re-design because RTW 1 map is too limited. If they offered the whole map of RII with Alexander in it - then it'd be great. 3rd Century DLC had the whole map so why not? Plus we can get an Indian faction as well!

  8. #108
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Keep in mind there will be next SAGA game. The description of SAGA game was, it is trying to capture chaotic moments of history...Death of Alexander? ->Diadochi wars ....Alexander conquest > also pretty turbulent years and short period of time in comparison with ToB scope (878 - pre William invasion 1066).

    Anyway with WH2, CA slowed down release pace of DLC/FLC content so after launch of 3K there should be some space for additional content..WH2 DLCs, new SAGA,....
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  9. #109

    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    I still suspect Alexander/diadochi would happen as Rome II content. On SAGA game my bet is on Pike and shot age:

    - 30 years war
    - Italian wars

  10. #110
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Well RTW Barbarian Invasion was literally re-made into a 3d graphics game - they just took the features of the old game and gave it the 3d effect while just adding a whole bunch of new features, so Medieval Knight - you're not far off. I think they will do an Alexander campaign at some point - they literally will re-make it even if they won't admit it. I mean the Bronze Age is really the only period that hasn't been touched upon - this would make for a perfect Saga title as it would involve new settlement designs, not the RII ones. I think there will be Bronze Age total war - literally would make for a good one - that depends on your time period.

    Problem is that the Saga titles are just more endless speculation for us fans. I don't know what is the NEXT PERIOD. TOB didn't work because the time-frame and the period was the wrong choice - hear me out. Sure, while I like Vikings and stuff - that is kind of replicated in Age of Charlemagne? For the Saga titles they went too small - they should have started a Bronze Age Campaign in Egypt for example where you fight off different threats and stuff. Thrones of Britannia as a time period should have come way later into the saga titles.

    Saga Titles could have had:

    Roman-Parthian Wars
    Seven Year Wars
    Russia vs Sweden
    Ming Dynasty's 14 fleets - sailing around the world and to the new world?? *hint*
    Chola Empire *One of the most under-rated empires of all time.*
    Persian Empire at the beginning.

    I mean if they went for something big and exotic - would have worked - but then again this is just mindless opinion. Feel free to disagree with it.

    With regards to RII, it seems the idea for TED has not come to fruition yet. There is still some time left if they ever decide to do it. I predict it and nothing has come yet. Will be a shame.

    Daruwind, I think CA is giving themselves a break from the constant release DLC schedule for WH2. I predict the Lizard and the Rat will be the first dlc. The second will be the FLC of Araby, and the last DLC could be DOW and Tilea. But that's all it is a prediction. They said no DLC until 3K. I think that's good so they don't have to over-burden themselves and can spend some quality time developing the factions.

    It remains to be seen. They have not confirmed any historical DLC yet.

  11. #111
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by San Felipe View Post
    I mean the Bronze Age is really the only period that hasn't been touched upon - this would make for a perfect Saga title as it would involve new settlement designs, not the RII ones. I think there will be Bronze Age total war - literally would make for a good one - that depends on your time period.

    I've said before that if they're looking for a period to unite the fantasy and fantasy-lite crowd brought in by WH and 3K with the existing TW fanbase of classical world historical gamers, bronze age is where to go. They could historicize semi-mythical characters, include the single-combat feature from 3K, and generally have their cake and eat it too. (And maybe they could finally implement chariot dismounting, which was half-coded into R2 and then taken out before release.) I don't see it as a saga game though, mostly because CA dropped hints that the next saga title will be a very unexpected choice.

  12. #112
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by Skotos of Sinope View Post

    I've said before that if they're looking for a period to unite the fantasy and fantasy-lite crowd brought in by WH and 3K with the existing TW fanbase of classical world historical gamers, bronze age is where to go. They could historicize semi-mythical characters, include the single-combat feature from 3K, and generally have their cake and eat it too. (And maybe they could finally implement chariot dismounting, which was half-coded into R2 and then taken out before release.) I don't see it as a saga game though, mostly because CA dropped hints that the next saga title will be a very unexpected choice.
    The Bronze Age could work as a Saga title because they have the R2 map - make it focused on there...but no I think I see your reasoning now. The Bronze Age total war would be a massive step up - some would say its Rome 2 all over again - but that wouldn't be the case. Bronze Age would have new mechanics simply due to technology. Religion would play a massive role in this game. The stealing of idols from temples was common in this period, plus, the Sea Peoples, Egyptian settlements would need new assets because they do look worse in R2. They weren't all grey and that weird colour. It would most likely resemble real Egyptian buildings in Origins.

    They would need to re-design the whole cities - because of Mesopotamian architecture being VASTLY different from EGYPTIAN architecture. The Eastern building designs were some of the worst I've seen in R2. They only had one palace and that was just some small something on a pyramid. Everything would have to change. Thankfully while the Age of Bronze mod is chugging along, Roma Invicta has some Bronze Age stuff - but that's like near the end or something. Well we shall see.

    But Bronze Age? They're literally missing a minefield here.

    Plus Ancient Egypt ruling the world would be mega cool.

    Yes the chariots in R2 were the worst compared to RTW's chariots.

    Hmmm.....more endless speculation for the next saga title - very unexpected choice.....what could it be? What is this 'unexpected time period'? That's the fans by the way - no news on 3k apart from posters, Warhammer fans grumbling about prioritizing 3k

    And here's me just being

  13. #113
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by San Felipe View Post
    TOB didn't work because the time-frame and the period was the wrong choice - hear me out. Sure, while I like Vikings and stuff - that is kind of replicated in Age of Charlemagne? For the Saga titles they went too small - they should have started a Bronze Age Campaign in Egypt for example where you fight off different threats and stuff. Thrones of Britannia as a time period should have come way later into the saga titles.
    What went wrong is that ToB sounded like DLC while trying to be full game. We already have examples of working TWs - Napoleon and Attila. So what went wrong here is that CA were missing big character to put all over the place. Nothing against pre 1066 England but casual player probably hear about William the Conqueror. Not about Wessex and Vikings leaders. What if the engame were similar to Attila? Mighty William coming for you with Chaos style invasion....

    So that is one reason why Alexander just sounds good for potential Saga game. That is AAA+ well known characters. It is dream for any marketing. So with experience from ToB i hope CA will brainstorm some little tweaks to Saga conception and hopefully next one will be great, selling well.

    Daruwind, I think CA is giving themselves a break from the constant release DLC schedule for WH2. I predict the Lizard and the Rat will be the first dlc. The second will be the FLC of Araby, and the last DLC could be DOW and Tilea. But that's all it is a prediction. They said no DLC until 3K. I think that's good so they don't have to over-burden themselves and can spend some quality time developing the factions.
    I think so. During Wh1 and after it, they tried to publish too much in too short window. That can be another reason for ToB flopping. And because the time period between Wh2/3 is longer, they could planned things better. Plus developing things for WH2 is probably way more complex on ballancing and bug testing. Double content, double races, units...

    Quote Originally Posted by San Felipe View Post
    The Bronze Age could work as a Saga title because they have the R2 map - make it focused on there...but no I think I see your reasoning now. The Bronze Age total war would be a massive step up - some would say its Rome 2 all over again - but that wouldn't be the case. Bronze Age would have new mechanics simply due to technology. Religion would play a massive role in this game. The stealing of idols from temples was common in this period, plus, the Sea Peoples, Egyptian settlements would need new assets because they do look worse in R2. They weren't all grey and that weird colour. It would most likely resemble real Egyptian buildings in Origins.

    They would need to re-design the whole cities - because of Mesopotamian architecture being VASTLY different from EGYPTIAN architecture. The Eastern building designs were some of the worst I've seen in R2. They only had one palace and that was just some small something on a pyramid. Everything would have to change. Thankfully while the Age of Bronze mod is chugging along, Roma Invicta has some Bronze Age stuff - but that's like near the end or something. Well we shall see.

    But Bronze Age? They're literally missing a minefield here.

    Plus Ancient Egypt ruling the world would be mega cool.
    Completely agree, Sea People/Bronze age would be great theme for me. Question is, if CA can make it popular like AoE.

    Hmmm.....more endless speculation for the next saga title - very unexpected choice.....what could it be? What is this 'unexpected time period'? That's the fans by the way - no news on 3k apart from posters, Warhammer fans grumbling about prioritizing 3k
    And here's me just being
    We are in dead spot. Too soon for 3K info hype train. My quess is, after 3K release ,there will be a few months of no content just to boost sales of core game. In this 1-3 months after 3K, that is nice spot to release Wh content.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  14. #114

    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Ok so most suggestions are towards possibly SAGA scenarios. But what could be then new content for Rome II? For sure more modding abilities like TED to keep Rome II up to date with new mod content made by community. And what else? What scenarios could fit more into a new Rome II DLC than a SAGA game?

  15. #115
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    I will put here my reasoning. We all want Rome 2 content but let´s look at history:

    Rome 2 -> we want more, they produces a lot new content
    Attila -> discontinued by CA
    Wh1/Wh2/Wh3 -> still in produce
    ToB -> no more content/DLC so discontinued by CA
    3K -> next game

    Wh(s) allows 64bit game. So basing Saga game on that might get us like Warcraft, Tolkien. The engine is tailored for spells, heroes, items so all these fantasy setting are prime candidates. However both those candidates are good material for another big game. Not just small Saga game...

    3K allows also 64 bit games. What´s more, it is the newest title. Easy candidate here is Genghis Khan. History game ala classic 3K mode.

    Rome 2 offers 32bit and lot players. But that would require the game to be directly (standalone but also integrated) expansion of Rome 2 like FotS, not standalone like ToB. Such saga game, paired with Alexander´s name. That´s the deal.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  16. #116
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    What went wrong is that ToB sounded like DLC while trying to be full game. We already have examples of working TWs - Napoleon and Attila. So what went wrong here is that CA were missing big character to put all over the place. Nothing against pre 1066 England but casual player probably hear about William the Conqueror. Not about Wessex and Vikings leaders. What if the engame were similar to Attila? Mighty William coming for you with Chaos style invasion....
    So that is one reason why Alexander just sounds good for potential Saga game. That is AAA+ well known characters. It is dream for any marketing. So with experience from ToB i hope CA will brainstorm some little tweaks to Saga conception and hopefully next one will be great, selling well.

    I think so. During Wh1 and after it, they tried to publish too much in too short window. That can be another reason for ToB flopping. And because the time period between Wh2/3 is longer, they could planned things better. Plus developing things for WH2 is probably way more complex on ballancing and bug testing. Double content, double races, units...

    Completely agree, Sea People/Bronze age would be great theme for me. Question is, if CA can make it popular like AoE.

    We are in dead spot. Too soon for 3K info hype train. My quess is, after 3K release ,there will be a few months of no content just to boost sales of core game. In this 1-3 months after 3K, that is nice spot to release Wh content.
    Well I disagree with CA giving the Warhammer treatment to 3K by giving the Generals more RPG mechanics. Have you noted they've taken extra care to include generals with their own characteristics.

    Not even RII got this same type of character development, and the addition of any famous generals wasn't even noted properly. They should transfer Warhammer features into RII as well.

    Alexander would be good.

    The whole Warhammer trilogy plan is just a rushed up mess. To quote Jack Sparrow, they're making it up as they go along.
    What they should have done is do Warhammer 1 - finish all DLC which I assume they have done. But with Warhammer 2 the forums are demanding we need DLC, we need DLC. I can only agree with you because I don't know what is in their plans right now because I am waiting for Araby already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Medieval Knight View Post
    Ok so most suggestions are towards possibly SAGA scenarios. But what could be then new content for Rome II? For sure more modding abilities like TED to keep Rome II up to date with new mod content made by community. And what else? What scenarios could fit more into a new Rome II DLC than a SAGA game?
    I sincerly hope they release TED, seeing that CA has such a good relationship with the DEI.

    Bronze Age. That's really the only period they haven't covered at all.

    You have the Roman-Germanic Wars.

    You have the Rise of Persia.

    The Rise of the Egyptian Empire.

    Egypt vs the Hitties.


    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    I will put here my reasoning. We all want Rome 2 content but let´s look at history:

    Rome 2 -> we want more, they produces a lot new content
    Attila -> discontinued by CA
    Wh1/Wh2/Wh3 -> still in produce
    ToB -> no more content/DLC so discontinued by CA
    3K -> next game

    Wh(s) allows 64bit game. So basing Saga game on that might get us like Warcraft, Tolkien. The engine is tailored for spells, heroes, items so all these fantasy setting are prime candidates. However both those candidates are good material for another big game. Not just small Saga game...

    3K allows also 64 bit games. What´s more, it is the newest title. Easy candidate here is Genghis Khan. History game ala classic 3K mode.

    Rome 2 offers 32bit and lot players. But that would require the game to be directly (standalone but also integrated) expansion of Rome 2 like FotS, not standalone like ToB. Such saga game, paired with Alexander´s name. That´s the deal.
    It just depends on whether RII will get any more content at this point. Though the updates were needed.

    Why so much speculation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. #117
    General Maximus's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    I am just hoping they finally fix the major family tree issue they left out - two existing characters from the same party cannot marry. CA finds a way to up every time it seems even when they have best intentions, implementing unfinished and incomplete features in this game.

    It drives me nuts. WHY does the game have to generate a random character spouse each and every single time? Why cannot I marry my ruler's daughter to a general in my party? Why cannot I marry distant cousins and relatives like historical dynasties? Every time I want to marry someone to someone, a new useless character pops up, and now I have to babysit one more useless creature who does nothing but pop out useless retinue items and mess with gravitas and politics before dying at an early age. Halfway into the game, my screen is flooded with an insane number of useless characters everywhere.

    This basic and simple feature exists in Attila. And Shogun 2 and Medieval 2 for that matter - you can marry two existing single characters. So what happened here? Which new slacker intern was behind this mess this time?

    Also, it is frustrating to babysit other party's characters. They should take actions by themselves every turn, promoting themselves, holding feasts and assassinating people and everything else. It feels weird and very tedious to play 4-5 parties full of characters at once, and makes it easy to forget people behind. This is not fun, this is a grind.

    There are basically four things this game still needs before CA abandons it and runs off:

    - The critical dynastic marriage fix to the aforementioned problem. It is insanely game-breaking and tedious. Seriously I'd have preferred pre-Ancestral patch "parties" to this, at least it wasn't tedious.

    - As mentioned above, characters from other parties should be made autonomous. It is not my job to babysit 25 characters in 5 parties alongside 20 of my own characters. This is not a doll house where I control all rival sides.

    - A proper provincial governor system like Attila, so characters can finally have peaceful political careers instead of always having to become generals to level up. How could they not back-port such an important feature from their own game?

    - Where are the elections in republics? Why do they work like monarchies? Why is my faction leader always the head of state and why are they called "Dictator"? Why can't Senate affect diplomacy and stop me from declaring war or making a deal?

    - The entire concept of "secure promotion button" is boring. There are better ways to advance a character politically that should replace the system.

    - They displayed their slacker attitude when instead of adding a proper Shogun 2 style encyclopaedia, they just disabled the button and didn't bother properly replacing it. A lot of functionality that (albeit pathetically slow) encylopaedia had was permanently lost, replaced by pop-up windows that don't contain even half the info.

    - MORE FACES AND PORTRAITS ARE NEEDED. Seriously - that was some EA level laziness right there. Every single Greek and Roman woman looks absolutely same. And they don't even age or anything (thanks Warscape I guess).

    I really, really love and appreciate what the developers did with the game and I hope they continue...but if CA keeps abandoning and fleeing from their games after messing them up with bad and lazy designs like this, I won't buy any of their games in the future. But why would they care, they are slackers who've got our money already.
    Last edited by General Maximus; January 11, 2019 at 11:11 AM.
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  18. #118
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    I am just hoping they finally fix the major family tree issue they left out - two existing characters from the same party cannot marry. CA finds a way to up every time it seems even when they have best intentions, implementing unfinished and incomplete features in this game.

    It drives me nuts. WHY does the game have to generate a random character spouse each and every single time? Why cannot I marry my ruler's daughter to a general in my party? Why cannot I marry distant cousins and relatives like historical dynasties? Every time I want to marry someone to someone, a new useless character pops up, and now I have to babysit one more useless creature who does nothing but pop out useless retinue items and mess with gravitas and politics before dying at an early age. Halfway into the game, my screen is flooded with an insane number of useless characters everywhere.

    This basic and simple feature exists in Attila. And Shogun 2 and Medieval 2 for that matter - you can marry two existing single characters. So what happened here? Which new slacker intern was behind this mess this time?

    As I understand it, the simple answer is it breaks the game. It creates a situation where fathers start marrying their daughters, mothers marry their sons, the family tree quickly becomes like a ball of yarn and the whole system breaks down.

    It's worth bearing in mind Rome 2 was never designed to have a family tree in the first place, unlike those other games. They basically walked through a minefield of potential bugs and conflicts just to add it, while working with limited time, money and resources.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have the option to marry within a party like you suggest than not. I just also understand why they haven't been able to do that in this case, and would rather not have it than have the family tree blowing up regularly.

    I also disagree that those characters spawned by Seek Spouse are useless. I've found them to be very useful, both as part of the political game and as new generals (as I often play the factions without Family Duty.)

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    Also, it is frustrating to babysit other party's characters. They should take actions by themselves every turn, promoting themselves, holding feasts and assassinating people and everything else. It feels weird and very tedious to play 4-5 parties full of characters at once, and makes it easy to forget people behind. This is not fun, this is a grind.
    Again I disagree, sorry. You are playing a faction and they are part of your faction, therefore you're in charge of what they do. You're also generally the faction leader, so it would be kind of strange if members of other families were handing out promotions in your military/political command structure without your say so.

    As I recall there was actually a certain amount of automation of other parties in the early days of Rome 2, and it was really rather a nuisance. Random assassinations ruining your day. Members of my party never getting married because the other parties never put forward their daughters for marriage. I vaguely recall also finding it really annoying that I had a great general from another party but who wasn't getting promotions no matter how much I used him. (But that last one might be another game.) Anyway, not something I really want to return to.

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    There are basically four things this game still needs before CA abandons it and runs off:

    - The critical dynastic marriage fix to the aforementioned problem. It is insanely game-breaking and tedious. Seriously I'd have preferred pre-Ancestral patch "parties" to this, at least it wasn't tedious.

    I disagree, but fair enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    - As mentioned above, characters from other parties should be made autonomous. It is not my job to babysit 25 characters in 5 parties alongside 20 of my own characters. This is not a doll house where I control all rival sides.
    As covered above, I really do not want to see this. Also, until such time as a party secedes, they are part of your faction an so it is kinda your job to see to the needs and desires of your subjects, even those of a different party. And while you may have limited control of the other parties, you definitely don't of your main rivals, the other factions.

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    - A proper provincial governor system like Attila, so characters can finally have peaceful political careers instead of always having to become generals to level up. How could they not back-port such an important feature from their own game?
    I'm not really familiar with Attila mechanics, but that does sound interesting. As for why it wasn't backported, I'd suggest limited time, money and resources, combined with different people having different priorities. Their approach seems to have been to try and spread the love around, adding as many improvements as they could across a whole range of areas, instead of putting all of their limited resources into one.

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    - Where are the elections in republics? Why do they work like monarchies? Why is my faction leader always the head of state and why are they called "Dictator"? Why can't Senate affect diplomacy and stop me from declaring war or making a deal?
    You can end up with the faction leader not being of your party, so that part is in there (just doesn't happen often.) As for the rest, again I imagine it's time, money, resources, perhaps combined with trying to make systems that work across a wide range of factions, as opposed to say the Warhammer games which focus a lot more the individual races (but there are a lot less of them.)

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    - The entire concept of "secure promotion button" is boring. There are better ways to advance a character politically that should replace the system.
    Seems like a reasonable system to me. When a character has achieved certain milestones (age, XP etc,) I give them a promotion. (Also I'm guessing you edited some of these in, as I think we're at five now.)

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    - They displayed their slacker attitude when instead of adding a proper Shogun 2 style encyclopaedia, they just disabled the button and didn't bother properly replacing it. A lot of functionality that (albeit pathetically slow) encylopaedia had was permanently lost, replaced by pop-up windows that don't contain even half the info.
    I would have also liked to keep the Encyclopaedia while also having the much requested building/unit browsers. But it wasn't to be. You can find an archived version of the Rome 2 Encyclopaedia here:

    Also if you're aim is to get them to change things, may I suggest being rude to them isn't likely to achieve your aims.

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    - MORE FACES AND PORTRAITS ARE NEEDED. Seriously - that was some EA level laziness right there. Every single Greek and Roman woman looks absolutely same. And they don't even age or anything (thanks Warscape I guess).
    Again, finite time, money and resources is likely the culprit, rather than laziness. They can only work with what they have, just like the rest of us, after all. That said, while it would be pretty low down on my priority list it is something I'd like to see if given the chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by General Maximus View Post
    I really, really love and appreciate what the developers did with the game and I hope they continue...but if CA keeps abandoning and fleeing from their games after messing them up with bad and lazy designs like this, I won't buy any of their games in the future. But why would they care, they are slackers who've got our money already.
    I don't feel Rome 2 has been abandoned. While there's always more things they could add, to me they've left it in a pretty decent state. Of course I wouldn't say no to them coming back to it either, especially if it meant more playable Brittanic and Germanic TribeS in Grand Campaign (as that S irritates me in the Culture Screen.) And if they do, maybe they'll implement some of the ideas here.

    Anyway, just my thoughts.

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Indication For Future Content?

    I think our Bulgarian friends probably have more Rome 2 work coming.

    An improved Alexander campaign would be welcomed.

    I've no interest in Warhammer or 3K, not that I could run them anyway. Having said that I've only just got to Rome 2 a couple of weeks ago so I'm not short of choice for campaigns.

    5 years later it's still surviving it's "bad rep" so maybe just one more DLC is possible.

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