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Thread: I Making Changes

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    Default I Making Changes

    I'm making some changes to the mod, they're more aesthetic than anything else

    1_change the vanilla settlements for others that "adapt" to each culture, so I had to make a change in Luccini's faction (change the vainille culture from greek to roman), leaving the factions that share settlements:
    A_Roman; Altdorf- Midennheim- Bretonnia- Kislev- Luccini.(Done)
    B_Greek; Vampire Counts- Dwarfs- Chaos Dwarfs.(Done)
    C_Eastern; Hight Elves- Dark Elves-Wood Elves.(Done)
    D_Cartaghinian; Tomb Kings- Araby.(Done)
    E_Barbarian; Chaos- Greenskins- Skavens- Beastmens- Dragon Islanders- Ogres.
    F_Egyptian; Lizardmens.

    I can`t find any settlement that fits the last two,
    although I think to leave the lizardmens as they are with the vanilla settlements. Any settlement that would advise me of some mod for the barbarians?

    2_Fix the recruitment problem with some units:
    A_Empire of Altdorf: Reiksguard, Reiksguard Foot.(Done)
    B_Empire of Middenheim: Teutogen Guard.(Done)
    C_Vampire Counts: Wraiths.(Done)

    3_Change the images of the buildings for some cultures as a minimum (priority for the Greeks and Romans).

    4_Possibly, I will eliminate one unit of the empire to add a knight infantry unit for bretonnia.

    5_Change vanilla images of faction captains.(Done, except for skaven and wood elves).

    6_I will try to make the Dragon Islanders expands somewhat and i will increase the population of 1 city of each faction si that IA does not have so many problems with recruiting (Vampire Counts in drakenof priority).(+-)

    7_I will fix problems with the maintenance of some units.

    8_I will add music for each culture group that suits the factions within that same group, i do not need to mention the facction of each groups again (those of "1"):

    9_And finally, and I think I will not, change the hitpoints of the units in a balanced way.

    Sorry for writing errors, I'm Argentine .
    I need
    Ideas for the first point.
    Last edited by Aragornnn; July 07, 2019 at 12:43 PM.

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