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Thread: How important was Thermopylae?

  1. #21
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thessalonike, The Byzantine Empire

    Default Re: How important was Thermopylae?

    Thermopylae also was important as a symbol - still is.

    Here is a poem by Constantin Cavafy, using that:


    Glory be to those who in their lives
    tend to and protect Thermopylae.
    Never to take leave from their duty;
    just and forward in all of their actions,
    but also with sadness and compassion;
    brave while they are wealthy, and when
    they are poor also brave to some smaller degree,
    again coming to aid as much as they can;
    always speaking the truth,
    but without hatred for those who lie.

    And even more glory to them is due
    when they predict (and many of them do predict)
    that Ephialtes will in the end appear,
    and the Medes will finally pass.

    (my own translation)
    Λέων μεν ὄνυξι κρατεῖ, κέρασι δε βούς, ἄνθρωπος δε νῷι
    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  2. #22

    Default Re: How important was Thermopylae?

    From Greek Cities states perspective:
    1. Tactical Defeat
    2. Strategic Victory (delaying action)
    3. Morale Victory
    4. Spiritual Victory

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