I ve been playing Attila for a time and I ve noticed something weird during battles. I was playing a battle the othe day in which I ordered 2 units of my super heavy, tier 3, fully upgraded, golden chevron shock cavalry which stats I ve buffed to match the best melee ones, to attack a light, tier 1, javelin cavalry unit. So, the fight goes as expected, I ve lost 1-2 guys and the enemy is down to half strength. Then the ai sends in a tier one, sword infantry unit. Confident that it wouldn't be a problem, I draw my attention somewhere else. When I get back to check how it is going I see that one of my units has lost half its men, the other has suffered minor casualties while the ai cavalry has lost something 10 more men and the infantry unit is almost intact. How could this be possible? I mean I could accepted it if it was a flank attack or if it was a spear infantry but a weak, not specialized anti-cavalry/anti-armor infantry decimating the best cavalry in the game with almost no casualties? There is no logic. And that wasn't the only case. I ve experienced heavy or no casualties to battles that I shouldn't have, too many times. There is definetly something wrong.

Is there some mechanic that prevents a unit from fighting multiple units or something? I can't explain it otherwise.