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Thread: The Imperial House of Hader

  1. #1
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default The Imperial House of Hader

    The Imperial House of Hader

    "Chaos claims the unwary or the incomplete. A true man may flinch away its embrace, if he is stalwart, and he girds his soul with the armor of contempt."

    “There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty.”

    Welcome to the Imperial House of Hader.

    Good luck.

    The Descendants of Hader

    Edit: This is NOT a chat thread. Members may only post in this thread once to post a summary of themselves and how they found TWC/The House. Other posts will be deleted. Please take all other posts and discussions to the House Group.

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    Last edited by Akar; April 29, 2020 at 10:18 AM. Reason: Updated family tree

    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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    Daughter, Heir, and Wartime Consigliere of King Athelstan

  2. #2
    Hader's Avatar Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.
    took an arrow to the knee spy of the council

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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    Evidently I am being forced to make some sort of preliminary speech here, and seeing that this is a scheme Flinn has a part in that means it is undoubtedly an attempt to assassinate me and begin his hostile takeover of TWC - or something to that degree.

    But since Akar has put the effort into things I won't let that feel as it's been wasted from my end, so I'll reserve this post here before Flinn grabs the guillotine and fill in later...

  3. #3
    Flinn's Avatar His Dudeness of TWC
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader


    The Dude doens't abide in the Curia... Honestly, there isn't much to say about my activity in the Curia. I always found the bureaucratic part of it incredibly boring (like that I tried to read the Constitution a million of times and never achieved to get to the second section..) and everybody knows that I coped very badly with the idea of the so called "higher standards" .. however, I do recognize the Curia as an institution to have its merits, mostly as an awarding committee and in general as a tool to recognize worthy members within the community; my undying gratitude goes to all of those who have spent countless hours in running the institution, the more because of my personal dislike of the same. I haven't seen what's known as the "Golden Age" of the Curia, but from what I heard and read, I don't think I would have liked it more than what I liked "my" Curia, heck certainly less.
    In any case I was eventually promoted as a Citizen and I put forward myself some worthy members, both for citizenship and for large awards, so I can say that all in all I did my duty here.

    A bit of history about me: like many others here I've been attracted to TWC because of the Third Age mod.. funnily enough I just joined the site when the development on the mod died (not on the submods, though) and King Kong (who's, technically speaking, my great-grandfather) left TWC for good. Once joined I spent the first months on the TATW forum, then I found the PH&A forum and a new world opened up to me.. apart from the Staff (which I joined in the Content around mid '14 IIRC), the PH&A has been my main battlefield here at TWC and the place were I think I gave the best of me. Eventually on November '14 the Glorious Finlander put me forward for my Citizenship; my first client was promoted around mid 2015, the last one early 2017.. there are few I missed along the way and a couple are still up to be presented one day or another, but in any case I'm fond of all my patronages and with one of them I had the chance to build up a friendship which is true and solid.
    In terms of large awards IIRC I put forward 9 dudes so far, all of them were totally deserved and I'm sure I'm going to sponsor more in the future.

    As for my personal achievements in the Curia, I've been awarded with 3 large awards, the Phalera on end of 2015, the Novus on early 2017 and the Asterix's Loincloth on mid 2019. As I'm here I wish to say thanks to all those great dudes that considered me worthy of being proposed for a Large Award and dared to mix their respected names with my dubious reputation!

    My line in the House

    My Wiki Page
    Last edited by Flinn; March 22, 2021 at 10:38 AM.
    Under the patronage of Finlander, patron of Lugotorix & Lifthrasir & joerock22 & Socrates1984 & Kilo11 & Vladyvid & Dick Cheney & phazer & Jake Armitage & webba 84 of the Imperial House of Hader

  4. #4
    King Athelstan's Avatar The Wheel Weaves
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    Proudly under the patronage of General Brewster of the Imperial House of Hader
    Proud patron of 4zumi, Akar, CommodusIV ,Swaeft
    and Peaman

  5. #5
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    I joined TWC in 2010 because my parents had finally bought me Rome Total War and I wanted to talk about it with people and download mods. I was 12. This was the first time I broke the TOS, but it wouldn't be the last. I spent most of my time in the Thema Devia up until 2019 when I branched out and started posting on the other parts of the forum. That was the same year I won my first of presumably numerous "funniest member of the year" medals. In 2019 I was patronized by my dear friend and wartime consigliere Athelstan, who also got me involved in the Curia as a Censor. I've also recently rejoined content staff, where I am on the Wiki Staff and Art Staff.
    Last edited by Akar; April 29, 2020 at 10:23 AM.

    Check out the TWC D&D game!
    Message me on Discord (.akar.) for an invite to the Thema Devia Discord
    Daughter, Heir, and Wartime Consigliere of King Athelstan

  6. #6
    General Brewster's Avatar The Flying Dutchman
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    Reserved for glorious tales of my own greatness.

  7. #7
    Aexodus's Avatar Persuasion>Coercion
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    Staking my claim

    Last edited by Aexodus; March 05, 2020 at 07:24 AM.
    Patronised by Pontifex Maximus
    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The trick is to never be honest. That's what this social phenomenon is engineering: publicly conform, or else.

  8. #8
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Lifthrasir: Tourist
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  9. #9
    Mhaedros's Avatar Brave Heart Tegan
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    I've played a crucial part of not really doing anything for years now, and it's a role I play all too well. Another 10 years from now, and another 3 generations of citizens (or 1.5 at this rate) I'll still be around, doing nothing. It's not easy work, but someone has to do it.

    ^Basically my bio.


    Also patronised by Finlander in 2012? 2013 maybe. Patronised someone a few years later myself, but let's not think too much about that. Grew up with Finlander, Emperor of Hell, Inarus, Radboud and a few non-Haderians *spits*, mostly good people though. They're all gone now of course.
    Last edited by Mhaedros; March 13, 2020 at 01:51 PM.
    Under the patronage of Finlander. Once patron to someone, no longer.
    Content's well good, innit.

  10. #10
    4zumi's Avatar This one sparks joy
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    Claiming my patch of land
    Proudly under the patronage of King Athelstan of the Imperial House of Hader

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    Total Vanilla Beyond mod for Medieval 2 - Kingdoms &
    Developer of
    Total Bananas mod for Medieval 2 - Kingdoms (beta)

    Steam Workshop Mods for Rome 2, Warhammer, Warhammer 2

    Discord: zumi's cookie corner
    Fighting for launch of "Cookie Friday" and "No Pants Saturday"

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    Akar's grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    Was blind, but now I see.

  12. #12
    Finlander's Avatar ★Absolutely Fin-bulous★
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    What can I say? After lurking the Third Age forums for a good while, spamming it the best of my abilities, I eventually got in touch with MasterBigAb. The merry good ol' chap that he is, we became natural friends. We spend long time together, a looong time. To the point of mental breakdown, we did silly stuff together. During this time we got to befriend with other merry fellows, Legio/Chloe to name a few. I never knew exactly why, but my guessing is that the magical effect of binge drinking all the beer in Bavarian region did play a role in MBA offering to patronise me in the first place. I didn't expect my contributions to be quite there yet, but we sent the application for citizenship. I passed. Then again some influential insiders *cough* Legio *cough* held the keys to the backdoor of Curia. That's how I joined.

    As I novice citizen of the forum, I did apply for a number of terms in Curial position and helped to keep the citizen standard on legendary difficulty. Despite the wording used here, I never thought to be roleplaying the forums but genuely thought that serving the CdeC was something I did good. Well as you know, the institution fell and was demolished on my watch, but I did good, wasn't my fault I swear. After the Curial reform, I continued helping the citizenship review process. This I think have been my only contribution in Curia. I have not taken other positions here.

    I've got to known wonderful people on the forums. One of the best contribution that I did for the site has been putting forward a few names for citizenship. I'm very glad to see friends like Mhaedros and Flinn still are active on the forums, continue doing the good deeds they always have.

  13. #13
    Radboud's Avatar Luctor et Emergo
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    After lurking the forum for about a year I joined, started modding and was patronised by Finlander.

    Found it hard to patronise a modder (all got taken and I'm an undesirable on this forum), I know of someone worthy but I'm not sure he is still active here.
    Last edited by Radboud; May 19, 2020 at 07:25 AM. Reason: Update1

  14. #14
    Vladyvid's Avatar Wizard of Turmish
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    Joined TWC in 2011.
    Joined House of Hader in 2020 under the patronage of Flinn.

    End of 2020, left the house to roam free
    Last edited by Vladyvid; April 12, 2021 at 06:46 AM.

  15. #15
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    Joined by merit of being patronized and rejected by three other not of this house though in close collaboration at the time with Hader. Two time loser and one time winner of the citizenship application process, I became the gambler the House needed and deserved. If someone was worth taking a risk on, I did. I take great pride in my progeny -

    Aexodus, Bovril, Macky, Nietzsche : discriminated against for unpopular political opinions even when it was obvious his contributions warranted citizenship.

    For outstanding contirbutions to the RPG community: Xavier Dragnesi, Eol

    For Modding: Nazgul Killer

    For all of the above: Code Knight, Eol

    for later contributors: The Hedge Knight, Hero of the West, Ngugi et al.

    ...and all subsequent and to my knowledge unknown citizens. My line has made significant, lasting, and meaningful contributions to TWC. I'm proud of them all and frankly a bit salty more don't fall beneath my umbrella...even though my line is ancient.
    Last edited by Pontifex Maximus; August 11, 2020 at 07:56 PM.

  16. #16
    Shazbot's Avatar grant woodgrain grippin
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    What a blast from the past, this is my first post in over 7 years.

    Heard the announcement for the RTW remaster and decided to come back to the old TWC and relive some memories.

    Hader patronized me after I had been doing a lot of work in the old screenshots section and ran Picture of the Week for a while. I remember I thought I was unworthy and wrote a whole long post about how I didn't deserve it, but Hader had me anyway.

    I had a lot of great times here, the first time I felt really a part of an online community.

  17. #17
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    I became Consul, so I guess I have been something in my odd years from 2017. Not much though. King Athelstan somehow decided I was a good candidate and the Curia somehow decided to agree, so here I am. One-man sub lineage under the varied patronage of KA.

  18. #18
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: The Imperial House of Hader

    I am the newest member of this house
    Rep me and I'll rep you back.


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