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Thread: Need help with making a localization mod

  1. #1
    vietanh797's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Need help with making a localization mod

    I have a group of Rome 2 lovers(like 10-20 guys) in my country who quite good at English and can be translator especially during this time of Covid-19 we all are staying at home.
    We made a localization mod(the whole game fully translated into Vietnamese) for Attila before but this time we lost 2 guys who manage pack file and edit excel(for translate) compare to back then, they work as IT and have bunches of work to do at home unlike most of us who have nothing to do at home.
    Which lead to us who love Rome 2 but do not able to do anything without them. We are clueless about how to make a localization mod, we can work as translator or mod Rome 1 and Med 2 but we all unfamiliar with Rome 2 engine, modding tools or assembly kit and urgently need help about this.
    Can someone who know what need to be done help us out or at least point me to a guide of modding for localization? I tried to read some guide but most i found not for localization. Only a few mention the assembly kit can edit desc of units or buildings but that's not all we planned to do.
    Thank you for reading, please help us out if you can.
    Last edited by vietanh797; April 04, 2020 at 09:32 AM.
    Empire II and Medieval III pls

  2. #2
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Apr 2011
    apartment 6

    Default Re: Need help with making a localization mod

    1) download RPFM (it's much better for loc editings):!
    2) put it wherever you want, open it, do the things it asks (it's a standalone, doesn't require installation).
    3) go to your game data folder, something like: (..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\data). You'll find a local_en.pack (if your language isn't english it may have a different name)
    4) copy that file somewhere else and open it with RPFM
    5) here we are: on the left you have references that will link various things to the actual in-text game. You can edit them in the right panel (you can copy/paste those text into excel and then re-copy/re.paste what you've edited)

    that's really simple, spend some time and you'll fully get the procedure.

  3. #3
    vietanh797's Avatar Domesticus
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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: Need help with making a localization mod

    Thanks a lot I am taking a look at it. Hopefully it won't be hard to make it into a pack file later on
    Empire II and Medieval III pls

  4. #4
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    apartment 6

    Default Re: Need help with making a localization mod

    saving files with RPFM will produce a playable pack file.

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