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Thread: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

  1. #61

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by paleologos View Post
    More funds can't be a bad thing.
    I was also inquiring about the reverence with which the building will be viewed now that it is a mosque again.
    Do you reckon there will be greater reverence for the monument?
    If there is greater reverence for the monument, do you reckon it will induce greater diligence and conscientiousness regarding the efforts to keep it in the best condition possible?
    Hard to tell. It was already in great reverence. We'll see in the following months for sure.
    Last edited by Aexodus; July 18, 2020 at 08:21 PM. Reason: off topic
    The Armenian Issue

  2. #62
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    The declaration of the status change of Agia Sofia has an interesting point.
    Erdogan said that is Turkey's right as QONQUERORS of the city to make the monument what they want. From this we understand that Turks still feel alliens to the lands they live in and have the constant fear of become a horde again. So they need actions to remind to the rest of the world that they are still strong TO HOLD lands they do not belong to them. It would be natural that after so many centuries Turks would see themselves as part of the lands they live in and with them part of the heritage they carry through out history.
    Another point is the FEAR of the Turks to change the name of the monument. So despite being a Mosque the name alone will remind to them that its not someting they created and be proud of.
    I want to remind that Prophet Mohamad (Bless on His Name) has FORBITEN Muslims to convert OR destroy Churches , Monasteries and monk cells. In fact he ORDERED Muslims to protect Christians , their Churches and Monasteries!
    The ONLY Muslim countries that did not obey is Turkey and Albania!
    Erdogan's desision opens a new war front -not between Christians and Muslims- but between Muslims . Sia and Suni Islam will clash "defending" Prophet's Orders or "defending" the heretic islam of Erdogan.
    Here is a Muslim's point of view about this matter:

    Erdogan tried so hard to show him self as the new Chaliph of entire Islam but what he achieved is another war between Sia and Suni!
    Our Turkish friends simply avoid to give their opinion to my post. I guess that Turks are better believers to Islam than The Prophet Him Self.
    No one can say -in any religion- that "I ma a believer " and makes quite the opposite from God's of His Prophet's will.
    Correct me if I am wrong. Unless the wikipedia is not active to Turkey to read Prophet Mohamad's Achtiname or the copy of that Achtiname that is in a Turkish Museum today IS HIDEN FROM THE PUBLIC.
    AM I wrong or not?
    Last edited by Aexodus; July 18, 2020 at 08:23 PM.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
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  3. #63

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque


    Can someone wake me up and let me know when God becomes real? As opposed to a fictional character invented to prevent simpletons from going mad.
    Last edited by Aexodus; July 17, 2020 at 12:52 PM. Reason: insulting others

  4. #64
    Vladyvid's Avatar Wizard of Turmish
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    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    What difference does it make if its a mosque or a museum? I mean its in Turkey, so they can turn it to whatever they like. Its gonna change nothing from the history.

    It was still originally contructed as an orthodox cathedral, so whatever you turn it into, cant change its original purpose. You can call a cat a horse if you want, its not gonna make it a horse.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    They opted for using curtains to cover the paintings on the dome:

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  6. #66
    Gaius Baltar's Avatar Old gods die hard
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    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    I wonder if they would allow Christian services there as well? Thats seems like a good compromise.

    Pillaging and Plundering since 2006

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  7. #67

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Zandt View Post
    I wonder if they would allow Christian services there as well? Thats seems like a good compromise.
    A good reason for the beginning of a little religious War:

    Muslim Prayer : "That Christian took my favourite praying Place"
    Christian Prayer: "I was here first Dude fck-off"
    Muslim Prayer :"Allahu Akbar"
    Christian Prayer: "Deus lo vult"

    The latest Battle of Religions from Istanbul (get your daily dose here)

  8. #68

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Zandt View Post
    I wonder if they would allow Christian services there as well? Thats seems like a good compromise.
    That would be a favor, not compromise, unless they choose to allow Muslim prayer at Great Mosque of Córdoba in return.
    The Armenian Issue

  9. #69
    B. W.'s Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Swedish media on the monument turned into a mosque:
    " why it it's like a rock concert, don't ya know."

  10. #70

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by PointOfViewGun View Post
    That would be a favor, not compromise, unless they choose to allow Muslim prayer at Great Mosque of Córdoba in return.
    Will start with El Cid and end with the Siege of Setenil - Reconquista accomplished.

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  11. #71

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladyvid View Post
    What difference does it make if its a mosque or a museum? I mean its in Turkey, so they can turn it to whatever they like. Its gonna change nothing from the history.

    It was still originally contructed as an orthodox cathedral, so whatever you turn it into, cant change its original purpose. You can call a cat a horse if you want, its not gonna make it a horse.
    Pretty much this.

    I don't really care to be honest. It's Turkey's property, they can do whatever they want with it. Unless they burn it down or start destroying parts of it, I don't see a problem. I'd be a bit miffed if they closed it to visitors, but again, that's their right if they choose to do so. The only real concern we could raise is, like I said before, if Turkey starts destroying parts of it, which would amount to destruction of world history.

  12. #72

  13. #73

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    Our Turkish friends simply avoid to give their opinion to my post. I guess that Turks are better believers to Islam than The Prophet Him Self.
    No one can say -in any religion- that "I ma a believer " and makes quite the opposite from God's of His Prophet's will.
    Correct me if I am wrong. Unless the wikipedia is not active to Turkey to read Prophet Mohamad's Achtiname or the copy of that Achtiname that is in a Turkish Museum today IS HIDEN FROM THE PUBLIC.
    AM I wrong or not?
    It is not in the Quran thst I know of that specifically states thst Muslims are not convert Churches into Mosque. Christians and Jews are to be tolerated as lomg as.they submit to Muslms snd pay It leaves room that a chirch could be tskr as a form of tax paymrnt I suppose.

    The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.was built.on the site of Christisn Church so the video is a little wrong wben it says onlh 3 countries convertdd or destroyed churches.

  14. #74

    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Hard right religious strongman populist who has shredded the constitution and done a bang up job getting control of all internal media to rule forever. This was inevitable. Rare in this millennia but par for the course historically on the religious site swicheroo. He’s no Putin but the man has shown Turkey’s experiment with democracy is a thing of the past.

  15. #75
    Portuguese Rebel's Avatar Civitate
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    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Erdogan doesn't give a crap about what the world thinks of it. It's all about internal politics.

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  16. #76
    baselhun's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    This is exactly the kind of rhetoric that Erdogan intends to stir, and will use. It's dictatorship 101. Every dictatorship frequently harass and tries to pick a fight with neighboring countries over any possible excuse. China is doing it, Russia is doing it, North Korea tries that even though it's virtually impotent in that, Iran does it...
    Because if they succeed in gaining anything, no matter how inconsequential, they can parade it as success to strengthen their image, and if there is resistance, they'll overblow it to stir a feeling that there is a foreign hostility toward their nation and people, which they use to rally people and quiet the dissenters, who can be arrested on excuse of being "unpatriotic troublemakers" and "collaborators with foreign enemy". That's how they keep the population in line and unable to voice their own opinions. That's whole purpose of this move, and you're playing right into Erdogan's hands. Because in truth, the hostility isn't toward Turkish people, but toward Erdogan, his nascent dictatorship and its aggression.
    The economy of Turkey is going bad, he needs to find a scapegoat to blame, so he tries to antagonize west. Not that he personally cares religion too much, it's all tool to him. If people in foreign countries don't 'fight' him back, there supporters of Erdoğan will be disillusioned, realize he ruined the economy and pressed the panic button to save himself. But of course western populists can get votes just by antagonizing Erdoğan. So it's win-win for populists.

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