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Thread: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

  1. #141
    Withwnar's Avatar Script To The Waist
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Mank hasn't been on the forums since mid February. Until he returns this project will not be advancing.

  2. #142
    Mank's Avatar Dormouse of Hader
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    My first post in months and I ninja'd was a good day.

    (see the last post on page 7 for an update everyone)
    Last edited by Mank; April 30, 2014 at 09:14 PM.

  3. #143
    Withwnar's Avatar Script To The Waist
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Speak of the devil! Welcome back Mank. I am quite used to being ninja'd by small furry animals.... so, meh.

  4. #144

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Good to hear its still being worked on, shame about delay we don't mind waiting

  5. #145
    Ngugi's Avatar TATW & Albion Local Mod
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Nice to see you M'

    Quote Originally Posted by Withwnar View Post
    I am quite used to being ninja'd by small furry animals.... so, meh.

    Kingdom of Lindon preview video out

    DCI: Last Alliance
    - WIP Second Age mod | DCI: Tôl Acharn - mighty Dúnedain Counter Invasions |
    Additional Mercenary Minimod - more mercs; for TATW and DCI | Family Tree minimods - lore improvements | Remade Event Pictures - enhance cultures trough images |
    Favorite TATW compilation: Withwnars Submod Collection
    Patron of Mank, Kiliç Alì, FireFreak111, MIKEGOLF & Arachir Galudirithon, Earl of Memory

  6. #146

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Hi guys, hope you're enjoying your summer and looking forward for the release

  7. #147

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Hope it's not dead, have a hard time finding good replacement for unfortunately bugged Baron Samedi's compilation. As I'm not familiar with DAC, I want to ask: is the map you use the same as that in MOS?

    Also, is there a chance a Dunland, Harad and Rhun will have separate cultures like in AOR? (I think it was in AOR.) I always thought it odd that all bad guys are lumped together in one "Followers of Melkor" sack. Good guys are not all labeled as "Followers of Iluvatar / Valar" )

    Will OSCAR have any features from Baron Samedi's mod like looting, visible allied settlements, Arnor from the beginning or changing sides?

  8. #148
    Withwnar's Avatar Script To The Waist
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Welcome to the forums. Mank hasn't been around for quite some time now so this has not progressed any further. Hopefully he will return and this project will continue.

    Map: it is the DAC map for TATW 3.2. I'm not sure if that is what MOS is using or whether they have modified it themselves.

    Melkor: the reason for this is so that they my all join invasions. "Melkor" is catholic and only catholic factions may join crusades ("invasions").

    We have a big list of potential submods to include but it has been a long time since I've looked at it.

  9. #149
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    MOS uses an older and in smaller dimensions version of the map.
    I think the ability to start as Arnor should also come with DCI: Tol Acharn but we don't have a permission from Baron to use his content, moreover he hasn't been around for a while.

  10. #150

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Hey, thanks for quick replies.
    Good to hear that Arnor will be available from the beginning.
    "Melkor" is catholic and only catholic factions may join crusades ("invasions")
    I see. Tolkien would probably not like it though. Ha ha... Melkor a catholic

    Why I have problem with that is because I like concepts of betraying Sauron as one of the "canonically bad" human factions. I did something like that in Frogs with AOR while playing as Dunland. Broke my alliance with Isengard, aided Eriador against orcs and after aquiring ring I was offered to go to Imladris. Don't know if it would have worked if they had shared a culture with Sauron.
    I love thinking about "what if" scenarios and was looking forward to the BS's mod's feature allowing changing sides and cultures of human factions but as I can't get above 101 turns I would probably not play it anymore.
    Heh, I'd probably kill* for a mod with option like that:
    "Hello, would you like to turn to the dark side and command Uruks of Isengard as the Saruman of Many Colors or
    stay loyal to the Valar and lead forces of the White Council as the good ol' Saruman the White."

    * some orcs ofc

  11. #151

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    where do we go for questions regarding Gondor former glory submod? Its thread was closed long ago and this one is only extension I see..

  12. #152
    Ngugi's Avatar TATW & Albion Local Mod
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    It's not closed:!

    But don't expect any respons from Mank, he's not been active for a long time

    Kingdom of Lindon preview video out

    DCI: Last Alliance
    - WIP Second Age mod | DCI: Tôl Acharn - mighty Dúnedain Counter Invasions |
    Additional Mercenary Minimod - more mercs; for TATW and DCI | Family Tree minimods - lore improvements | Remade Event Pictures - enhance cultures trough images |
    Favorite TATW compilation: Withwnars Submod Collection
    Patron of Mank, Kiliç Alì, FireFreak111, MIKEGOLF & Arachir Galudirithon, Earl of Memory

  13. #153

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Quote Originally Posted by rthurbe1 View Post
    where do we go for questions regarding Gondor former glory submod? Its thread was closed long ago and this one is only extension I see..
    There is a working version of Gondor's Former Glory! in the Reunited Kingdom submod.

  14. #154
    Mank's Avatar Dormouse of Hader
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    I'm glad that my mods are still alive in some incarnation!

    Hi everyone, I know I've been away for a long while now. As most of you have correctly suspected, I've given up the ghost on modding at this point. This is primarily because my professional career has taken off, and I just couldn't bear going home and dealing with even MORE log files and errors in my free time.

    I still swing by the forum every blue moon, so feel free to send a PM or post a question in one of my mod threads if you need anything and I'll get back to you eventually. Hope everyone is doing well, and I'm glad to see that the TATW modding is still going strong!


  15. #155

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    It is a welcome addition, thanks for creating it! Glad things are going well for you.

  16. #156

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    So all the work on GFG update is gone? why not release what you have done? I mean what a waste of time if you are not going to atleast release what you have. It looked like such great work. Atleast GFG 1.2 could be released wouldn't you think? Congrats on the career btw that is always good. But that is a great submod and it is a shame that all the new work is wasted.. is anyone else taking it and using it from the OSCAR team?

  17. #157

    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Is this mod dead?

  18. #158
    Veteraan's Avatar TATW Local Moderator
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    Default Re: Introducing the New "OSCAR" Sub-mod Compilation Project

    Hasn't been posted in for more than five years until you did. I would say that's pretty dead.

    But in this case we know for sure as the creator of the mod has stated he stopped modding on this very page.

    Citizenised by Shankbot - Patron of b0Gia - House de Bodemloze

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