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Thread: My grandfather A.G.Rodnikov and my dedications to him.

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default My grandfather A.G.Rodnikov and my dedications to him.

    My grandfather A.G.Rodnikov and my dedications to him.

    Hello all. My name is Krokhmal Alexander, as you know i am not only modder, but also the russian writer.
    I need to tell you a bit about my family and my grandfather, proffessor A.G.Rodnikov, and speak about his memory. As i said before, i dedicated my first book "Legends of the Moon landscape" (2016) only to him.

    You even can`t imagine, who was this man. My grandfather, prof. A.G.Rodnikov was the creator of special system against world cataclysmes. He saved 1000 lives when he was alive. He saved many geologists groups from death. He tried to save our motherland. It was a greatest man, really.

    Look at his page in Wikipedia -
    This page was created in 2015, when he died.

    But unfortunately, without me his name would be forgotten. I saved his name, Thanks God.
    In 2015 when my grandfather died of cancer, i decided to create a story of my family (and story of his life) and published full book "Legends of the Moon Landscape". By this actions, i am just giving praise for my family. And i want all world to know about these heroes of Russia and heroes of this planet. Because if i didnt do it, my family would be pariahs for all my country and for all society.

    This is the example of my work about the grandfather

    Translation is here:
    x ...... Thoughts .... thoughts .....
    Recently I understand a lot ...
    The main goal of my life is the memory of my dear grandfather A.G. Rodnikov. And only this goal is driving me now. As you can see, I often publish information about him, write articles and talk about his life, show what kind of person he was. Recently, some strange insight has descended on me, and I suddenly begin to understand that I am simply obliged to tell about his exploits, to give the necessary knowledge about him for this world. It so happened that my grandfather died in 2015, but for some reason the whole country starts to forget about him. But man gave his life for all of us ... in fact. He had such a fate that not everyone is given.

    Therefore, lately I have so many works dedicated to the memory of my grandfather. Because he did so much for Russia and for the world that his head is spinning. Many of his exploits reached me only after his death. Unfortunately, when he was alive, he did not like to talk in detail about his life and preferred to discuss something else. And every time I learn everything new and new about his interesting and amazing fate. That is why I glorify his deeds .... I convey to this world everything about his life, his fate and his invaluable contribution to the development of our civilization.

    I do not consider my grandfather to be the Chosen God .. No .... But I respect him and consider him the most worthy of people. A man who knew how to give everything for another .... And did not think a bit about himself.
    Do not forget that I became what I am precisely because of Him. He was and remains my Mentor in everything. And it was thanks to him that I began my creative path.

    Long live Alexander Georgievich Rodnikov!

    and again


    I noticed such a thing ... It often happens when a person does something great in life, and the world either rejects him or simply forgets, as if he was not needed ... As if he were so simple, existed and existed , and did nothing useful to the world. This happens quite often in life, and more than once I have already observed it.
    There was one good man who did good, helped other people all his life - and died in obscurity. In this case, my speech will focus on several of my good friends who had the honor of passing away. I had a neighbor once .... Their name was Tamara Leonidovna. I gave my whole life to others. She did a lot of good at home, helped cats, loved children and always did good. How did she die? She died completely unknown. The children then chopped off her apartment and did not even remember her. But I remember how I went to her apartment to drink tea and listened to many interesting things about her life. About what she did in this world, about what contribution she made. Insanely intelligent person with a pure heart and kindness. But she died ... And where is she now? The world doesn't even remember about her. She is forgotten. She died in her obscurity. Although she deserved at least a gold pedestal!

    With my grandfather, Professor A.G. Rodnikov, the same story happened. And he is a big man, a real hero of Russia and a hero of the planet. Many have asked, why do I extol him so much? And I will answer ... He did so much for the country that not everyone can. Once I have already described one of his exploits and will describe it again in a quote.
    There was a case that he even sacrificed himself and more than once could part with his life, but he pulled another person out of trouble. Once one of our village friends, Uncle Volodya, accidentally got drunk, and he had to drive a gas cylinder home. So he came for this gas in the ass drunk. My grandfather and I then rested in the house (on the estate, as he called it). My grandfather tried to dissuade him from taking him away, but Volodya was stubborn. And so he, drunk with a cigarette in his mouth, grabbed this balloon and carried it. And then bam on the street ... and dropped it. The balloon hissed, and Volodya with a cigarette in his mouth. Grandfather saw it all. He quickly rushed to Volodya and threw the cigarette out of his teeth. Then he quickly plugged the gas bomb and threw it back several meters. Then he knocked Volodya to the ground just as quickly ... But the explosion did not happen. God had mercy.
    This incident was remembered for a long time. The man was ready to sacrifice his life in order to save another. There are, alas, few of them now ...
    Here at least for this my grandfather, venerable A.G. Rodnikov, and Russia should be proud!
    And he had a great many such cases. Once I helped a person at work, once I helped out a relative, once I gave money to someone disinterestedly. And what can we say about his global activities in the field of science. Many of his projects have been borrowed and used as if it was not his handiwork, but universal. And his name and surname were forgotten for some reason.
    My grandfather died of cancer in an ordinary sovkovo hospice. They didn’t pay for the operation, didn’t give financial support, didn’t increase the salary, they just threw it out as if in the trash ... The state cannot be abused in our country, and it is not to blame. The world is to blame ... This planet is to blame. A society of people who simply abandoned him for good. It would seem that man saved the Earth all his life. But why didn't she pull him out? And so it turned out that the grandfather died ... And he remained forgotten. As soon as the article was written off on Wikipedia, and then thanks.
    But why? Doesn't he deserve more? He saved so many people from earthquakes and disasters!
    There were few people at my grandfather's funeral. Neither his bosses, nor old acquaintances, nor even some of his project associates came. Only one thanks to L.P. Zabarinskaya and Natalya Alexandrovna. Where were the others? Have you not honored his great memory?
    So he would have remained forgotten in obscurity, if not for me ...
    Answering the question of all people in this world .... I am not trying to extol him as God. I just salute him!
    For he deserves it!
    russian original -

    and to be fair, friends, i have a big problem. About this thing i also wanted to speak with you all.
    about haters...... All have haters, every person in this world. But in my situation is too much. I have people, who hated me everywhere. Since my childhood. Its because of my oldest mods for different games. Mods were bad, but it doesn`t means, that i am stopped in my improvements, and it doesn`t means that they have rights to offend my family. TThey are just people with darvinist minds, who thinks that all people, who are not like them, are pariahs and "untermenshs". Even now i see in the internet terrible things about my grandfather and about my genus. They are writing that my beloved grandfather is a worm and all my family is "second-rate life form" .
    I wanna this thing to be finished completely, friends. i am tired of this problem , which happens a lot. I am tired of their insulting of my family and my grandfather. So i think, with you all, we can destroy this problem and make exit from this situation.

    Thanks all friends.

    Regards A.K.Krokhmal

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

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    Default Re: My grandfather A.G.Rodnikov and my dedications to him.

    It's a simple equation. The more famous you are, the more hate you will get. Yet a singular entity can be forgotten in merely one or two generations. I condemn it, and I think it's great that you want to keep the legacy of your gramp alive.
    He did his best in this world, despite all that happened around him, as did his ancestors before him. Now it's your turn. You are not your gramp, but you are a part of him. Let's see where this'll go.

  3. #3
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: My grandfather A.G.Rodnikov and my dedications to him.

    Yeah, its truth. Absolutely, sir! All famous people have too much haters, even haters community, which are against them. Its also bad, that offending and insulting of my grandfather from haters groups is a topical problem even nowadays. People don`t want to live in future. They always seeing others fails in past, and can`t forget this past. But without seeing future and nowadays, there will not be any future. I am speaking now about my own fails, which i made in my past. But all my fails are now in the old-old times. And its not need to continue say about it. And of course, its not a reason to offend my grandfather, my family, make terrible insultings and trolling campaigns.

    He did his best in this world, despite all that happened around him, as did his ancestors before him. Now it's your turn. You are not your gramp, but you are a part of him. Let's see where this'll go
    Thank you for support, good sir!

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

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