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Thread: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

  1. #21
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    Maingard Oligarchy

    Maingard is another state behind the stars, and part of the Coalition. In the early times, it was a part of the Arthandir Galacticum Empire. After the Divided Age, Maingard declared the independence from Arthandir. It was a big and horrible galactic war between the separatists state and Arthandir. But later, all sides came to a compromise. Meingard's independence was officially confirmed by many states of the Galaxy. From now on, Meingard became a sovereign state with a democratic form of government. At first, democracy flourished in this country. All power went to the President and the Council of Elders. Each of the members of the government was elected by the people. But later, by the beginning of the third millennium, the presidential power began to weaken. The Council of Elders took the initiative and destroyed the last president. Thus, representatives of the oligarchy came to power. They gained almost complete control over Meingard. The system of "closeness" came into vogue, thanks to which only friends of the rulers could get high positions. Nevertheless, Meingard successfully entered the Coalition of the Galaxy and received the patronage of Elfurr. Despite a huge number of uprisings, poverty and unemployment, the oligarchy still remains in power and is only getting richer. Meingard clashed more than once with the St-Fing Empire and the Gerani Sultanate, and the Coalition actively supported the country's oligarchy.

    Today, the Meingard Republic is at war with the Acheron League. She still receives the support of Elfurr and all states of the Coalition. But many people living in Meingard have long dreamed of overthrowing the regime, as they are tired of the gigantic difference between the rich and the poor.

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    Castambol Federation

    Castambol Federation was mighty star union of human race. But this republic didn`t accept the invitation to the Coalition of Galaxy States. So it always was the independent state from other organisations. In the federation, power belonged mainly to representatives of nationalist parties. They advocated the sovereignty of Castumball and independence from other factions in the galaxy. The state has existed for many centuries. It has repeatedly interfered with the countries of the Galaxy Coalition in matters of colonization. In one of the conflicts, Castambol even fought with the troops of the Coalition. This finally destroyed the relations of many states with Castambol. However, the last president, Ludwig Karsten, was inclined towards an alliance with the Coalition and even planned to join it. Local residents did not support the president's initiative, considering it absurd. Opponents of joining the Coalition believed that Karsten wanted to place the federation in the "dirty hands" of Elfurr. As a result, a powerful uprising broke out, which led to the overthrow of the Karsten regime. The incoming new government joined the Acheronian League.

    For now Castambol territores are the part of Achaernon League. Federation now don`t exists. Their lands are just the simple provinces. Many people now thinking, that idea about joining the League, was a grand mistake.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Descendants of the Flame Gods

    About the Draconian (Dragonid) race and Kosatti

    Before becoming an Empire, the Draconians went through many ordeals. This race itself appeared during these times, that is, during the reign of the Sovilars and the Ancients (the ancestors of Elfurr). Nobody knows exactly where they came from. Some sources say that the Draconids appeared from the womb of the Progenitor, a representative of the Shangaar race, who was looking for helpers to control the Fiery spheres of the universe. Others argue that this civilization arose on the planet Kroko, thanks to the union of two x-shangaarians (gods), the Fire-faced Ser'Pentai and Krokos Divine. Since then, the names Krokos and Ser'Pentai are considered the most sacred to the Draconians. The first Draconids were upright, but had wings for flight. They were nicknamed the Fire Faces. Flame magic was available to them in every sense. In the distant days, they lived mainly in fiery or volcanic worlds. There was another branch called Energies. The energies were an inorganic form of spirits and had the ability to create physical bodies for themselves. They traveled from planet to planet without any ships. It was enough just to think about the move, and it happened. Subsequently, for unknown reasons, the Firefaces and Energies recreated the physical form of the Draconids or Children of Fire. Some believe that they themselves took physical forms of their own accord. Others say that the physical Draconids were created as the "younger" form of the Firefaces.

    Subsequently, after millions of years of evolution, the reptilians were divided into several different forms and sub-races. The most famous of them are the Draconians and Kosatti. Draconids are more like bipedal lizards. They have unique technologies and cultural characteristics. They are headed by the Council of Ancestors, the powerful Lords of Fire. The cult of the Supreme Dragon, the creator of this race, is also preserved. The cosatti are the "aquatic form" of these intelligent reptiles. The Cosatti settled on the oceanic worlds, and over time, they turned into amphibians. Some of them cannot even breathe on the surface without special devices. It is also interesting that the Cosatti and the Draconids were divided culturally and ideologically. Dragonids are more inherent in democracy and respect for other civilizations. In addition, the Draconian Empire is part of the Coalition. But the Cosatti, on the contrary, have always been distinguished by their hostility to other species. They do not recognize their relationship with the Draconids. Also, the form of government in their empire resembles a military dictatorship.

    At this stage, the Draconians and Cosatti are on opposite sides of the barricades. The Draconians support the Coalition of the Galaxy and tend to alliance with humans. The Cosatti are high in the Acheronian League.

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    N-Sai Solidarity

    N-Sai are tall and slim black-eyed and grey-skinned alien species, which are from the Galaxy M33. In the early period of universe history their mighty empire was crushed by the Ghoul`Khan Dominion. Thousand years after, they founded a new realm in the Main Milky Way Galaxy. Their home is near the Empty Space sector and galaxy borders. N-Sai are considered to be quite an advanced civilization. They were known about long before our era. Moreover, this civilization is peaceful and does not claim galactic domination. They have a military alliance with the Ho-Nari race. Throughout their lives, the N-Sai stayed away from the development of the rest of the galactic races. But at the end of the 23rd century, they nevertheless decided to join the Coalition. They recognized the supremacy of Elfurr, but deep down they continued to dislike them for their fierce arrogance. N-Sai try to be friendly towards other species. Despite the peaceful policy, the N-Sai survived 10 global conflicts with the bear-like race of the Velogar. As a result of devastating wars, many planets were destroyed, literally burned to the ground. Subsequently, N-Sai reconciled with Velogar Ascendancy.

    They went over to the side of the Acheron League due to the contemplation of the Elfurr war crimes. On one of the planets, 5,000 peaceful n-sais were killed during the Draconian War. The Elfurr never got paid for it or even offered an apology. Therefore, the spiritual leader of the N-Sai, Popotl Tlaxcalan, swore allegiance to the League. At the moment, N-Sai's fleet and army are completely at the disposal of the Acheron League.

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    Farruh Sky Empire

    The Farrukh Empire is the largest state in the universe, comparable in territories only to the state of Elfurr. For thousands of years, this empire was controlled by powerful rulers capable of any metamorphosis. The Farrukh race itself is full of mysteries. These creatures can take any form they like. But their real appearance is something luminous and semi-organic. Farrukh has an entire dwarf galaxy under his control. Their army consists mainly of representatives of foreign races such as humans, aranguto, olfis, kinos, iodhia, giants, and koskari. Their technologies are combined with psionic sciences. Roughly speaking, Farrukh are the strongest sorcerers in the universe. Their adepts are able to change matter and control the Elements. Empire Farrukh allied with Elfurr. Its troops are fighting on the front lines in the name of the Coalition and for the glory of universal order in the universe.

    At the moment, Farrukh is embroiled in the Acheronian War. Empress Yuai Ang and the Heavenly Council of Wangs ("vans") do their best to prevent the expansion of the League. Acheron manages to send spies even to the ranks of Farrukh and undermine the power of the state from within. The most powerful commanders of this empire are wang Yori and wang Qin Bangla Chupalorkgorn, who are the strongest warriors in battle and very experienced chiefs.

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    Aranguto States

    The Aranguto race is more like a bipedal and clever monkeys. The origin of these creatures is unknown. Some scientists said that they could have appeared due to the experiments of the ancient extinct civilization of Sovilar. Others suggest that these are mutant humans, once settled across the galaxy by Gods. They have very many varieties, like monkeys from the animal world. The Arangutos are more disunited. At one time, their kingdoms fought with each other more than once. They managed to achieve the capabilities of space flight. But their fleets and armies were too weak. Therefore, Aranguto preferred to hire instructors from other civilizations to train them. Later, the kingdoms of Aranguto expanded and conquered many dominions in the galaxy. They managed to subdue many of their relatives, who were still too primitive. They also wanted to be part of the Galaxy Coalition. The Coalition willingly embraced them, accepted and warmed them.

    At the moment, the kingdoms of Aranguto are still divided. Some of them swore allegiance to the Acheronian League. The other remained in the ranks of the Coalition. The Aranguto, who swore allegiance to the League, believe that their states deserve more, and it is necessary to stop being dependent on the Coalition. One of the most prominent leaders of Aranguto, king Kanang V, remains loyal to the Coalition of the Galaxy and fights bravely against his compatriots-traitors on all fronts.

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    Kinos Dominion

    Kinos is one of the mysterious civilizations in the galaxy, the origin of which is also unknown. They resemble bipedal wolves and foxes by their appearance. It is known that they have existed for many millennia. Legend has it that the kinos came from another, more powerful race known as the Aureus. For long millennia, they experienced civil strife and internal strife, and this was so until they turned into a single state. Kinos has long been part of the Galaxy Coalition. Their space fleet and army are always on the side of the Coalition. However, they do not trust Elfurr and the Draconids too much.

    The Kinos govern a large state known as the Dominion. They own several thousand star systems in the Milky Way's Main Galaxy. Their civilization is governed by the Tarabost Council and the Supreme Ruler. Today, the Supreme Ruler is the psionic adept Founel the Wise. Kinos are friendly to people and consider them to be their main friends. But at the same time, they have to put up with the strict pro-elfurr order in the Coalition. In the Acheronian War, they side with the Coalition and fight fearlessly against the League's hordes.

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    Nicomedian Commonwealth

    Nicomedians are human-like humanoid race with no ears or nose, a bit yellow colour and the different eyes-colour. In ancient times, the Nikomedians were considered warlike and very unfriendly. Long before our era, they had a huge empire headed by the Supreme Leaders (Wifin-Augustorhs). At one time, this empire almost unleashed a global war in the galaxy. Later, the power of the autocrats fell, and the state turned into a republic. Vithin-exotrorhs, elected monarchs, came to power. Today Nicomedia is headed by the vithin-exotrorh Ankrutana-Rakatanasin with the support of the Council of Niks (nobles). After the defeat of their empire in the Terrifying War, vithin-exotrorhs cancelled the army and reorganised it to Police forces. Nicomedia has no navy or military forces. They have vowed not to kill anyone else in the universe. But in order to protect themselves from threats, a Pact of Protection was concluded between the Within-exotrorhs and other races. According to the pact, Nicomedia is guarded by the Allied Fleet sent by other civilizations.

    In the Acheronian War, Nicomedia takes the position of the Coalition. The Nicomedians are considered the best diplomats and doctors. But due to the lack of an army, they have to be protected from attacks all the time.

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    Sozaidaus Hegemony

    Sozaidaus Hegemony is the state of the miniature Sozi race, known for their small stature, greenish skin, large heads and black large eyes. They are sometimes jokingly called "little green men". They really look like the Mars-aliens from the 80s movies. At the same time, Sozy has a fairly large empire, covering thousands of star systems. Their power is governed by the Council of Priests. Sozie have developed their technology to a sufficient level. Despite their small stature, they are supporters of gigantism in everything. In their cities, skyscrapers reach a minimum of 300-500 meters. Their ships are also of impressive size. The Sozi have an army of enormous walkers, the most powerful combat units capable of dealing with legions of enemies.

    Sozi is currently supporting the Acheronian League. They have always had conflicts with the Elfurr Empire. Therefore, the Sozi Coalition was often perceived as a puppet organization. The Sozi Council of Priests is a member of the League. Also, admirals of this race serves the Great Consistory of Achaeron-Prime.

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    Hekatonheir Dominion

    Hekatonheirs are not monsters from the greek mythologie, as everyone can imagine. In this universe they are human-like creatures with the very pale skins and light-coloured eyes. They are called hekatonheirs (hundred hands) because they know how to do several things at the same time. That's why they were called that. The Hecatoncheires themselves call themselves the Craigstats. Their empire called the Hecatoncheir Dominion (Kraigstat Domnum) has existed for thousands of years. They lived in remote areas of the galaxy and preferred to stay away from the rest of the world. Their technologies were combined. There were few of their own inventions. The separation of the Hecatoncheires struck many civilizations in the galaxy. It was so until the Acheronian League came.The Hecatoncheires have always had a tendency to destroy the unity of civilization. Up to 200 civil wars occurred in their power. The Khazaar race often staged devastating invasions of their lands. The Hecatoncheires fought back with all dignity, but at the same time did not want to enter any galactic alliances. Separation and disunity destroyed them. In 2594, the League of Acheron launched a full-scale invasion of the Hecatoncheir Dominion. It all started after the alleged murder of the Khazaar ambassadors at the customs station near Rakoczi-2. The Acherons immediately attacked the system and took possession of it. Then, with the help of the loyal Hecatoncheires, they overthrew the government of the Sevastocrator Kaloyan IV and led the state to destruction. The split Hecatoncheir republics and kingdoms were unable to contain the huge fleets of the League. The state was destroyed. Of the heirs of the Dominion, only the Hinju system remains, which, led by King Tranos, is still fighting the troops of Acheron.

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    Kussar Empire

    Kussar Empire was the descendant of the mighty Kussar Arinna, intergalactic ancient state of kussar race. Kussars are relatives of hekatonheirs and ghoul`khan races. They have darker skin, bright-coloured eyes and very unusual structure within. These races are human-like, but they are not humans. In ancient times, Kussar owned vast territories in the galaxy. It is known that long before our era, their Arinna was equal to the Elfurr Empire. 6100 BC, there was a conflict between Elfurr and the Kussars, known as the Cleopatra War. The conflict between Tsar Telepinou and Empress Cleopatra III led to the death of billions. The Kussars lost, and their Arinna fell apart. But still, after some time, they managed to restore a semblance of the former state. Under King Utunhegal, Kussar again attempted to rise. This happened already 200 years before our era. But by the beginning of our era, their empire collapsed again. Elfurr was feasted on the bones of the Kussar civilization.Today, Kussar remains as a small interstellar state. Locals have long longed to take revenge on Elfurr for the death of their once great empire. Accordingly, in Kussar there is a strong and great desire to join the Acheronian League. The current king, Mutawalli, sees an alliance with the League as a wise decision.

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    Acheronian League collaborators

    Collaborators are the unofficial name of all communities that have officially joined the Acheronian League for one reason or another. An accurate count of collaborationist organizations has not yet been carried out. Previously known groups and communities are known to side with the League, and some of them have been highly respected within the Coalition. An esoteric Conclave called Children of the Dawn, composed mostly of humans, voluntarily sided with the League. They left their headquarters in the Earth Alliance Solar System and relocated to Acheron Prime. The head of the League, Olmec R-Llandris, eagerly embraced the conclave. Children of the Dawn Grandmaster Zayn Dukhonin received the right to participate in all League Counciliums. In the reign of the conclave, they explained their accession to Acheron. Representatives of the organization reported that they came under the authority of the League due to visions of the Grandmaster, which spoke of a new prophet that was about to appear mortal. In the visions, it was also said that a mysterious prophet would come from outside and form the Brotherhood of the Most Light. Under the Brotherhood of the Most Bright, "Children of the Dawn" began to perceive the Acheronian League. Children of the Dawn are actively working on occult materials. Grandmaster Dukhonin heads the commission for the discovery of the Artifacts of the God Cerberum, which is controlled directly by Olmek himself. Mysterious artifacts of bygone times are actively used by the League in the war against the Coalition of the Galaxy. In addition to the Children of the Dawn, there is another conclave on the side of the League, known as the Ascending Up. This scientific community came under the control of Acheron on a voluntary basis. They considered the League to be the future, and the Pro-elfurr Coalition a past worth forgetting. In addition to the two conclaves, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of collaborationist organizations that exist in almost every state of the Coalition. These factions oppose the Elfurr leaders of the Coalition and view the League representatives as liberators from the "elfurr autocracy." The most dangerous organization of collaborators is considered the "Blessed", fanatical warrior-monks who consider all members of the Coalition to be "a pack of sinners and pagans." They call the government of Acheron the Anointed of the Absolute and believe that the League carries the so-called "divine will" throughout the galaxy. The "Blessed" often resort to sabotage in many worlds. Analysts believe the organization has accomplices in the top leadership and general staff of the Coalition. It is known that it was the "Blessed" who convinced the Gerani Sultan Ahmad to an alliance with the League. This led to the fact that the whole galactic state came under the rule of Acheron. Ahmad, on the other hand, regretted the union three months later, but he did not manage to get out from under this "cap". League fanatics occupied almost all government posts in the Sultanate. The coalition decided to fight collaborationism mercilessly and to the very end. Therefore, the Coalition has intensified all its special services, especially in the last two years. These security agencies are engaged in identifying traitors in all controlled systems.

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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    This looks like a fun setting. It sounds like the Elfurr are widely influential, as other empires are often compared to them or interact with them.

  14. #34
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    Unexplored Zabergan-Prime.

    The planet Zabergan Prime, located in the distant Zabergan system, belongs to the Artandir Republic. Elfurr have long dreamed of gaining access to this system, but the agreement on this has not yet been signed. At the moment, in 2596, the Zabergan planets are completely colonized. They are located in the so-called Borean sector. Of particular interest is the main exoplanet Zabergan Prime, which is also the main capital. The fact is that Artandir owns only one continent there, which is the largest. The second continent, located in the Western Hemisphere, is under the strict protection of the republican special services. By order of President Cedric, the Western Continent is not navigable or explorable. On this continent, there are Anomalous Zones that have not yet been studied by the scientific community. An attempt to explore the continent led to the disappearance of entire expeditions. The northern part of this land is inhabited by Fly-Eyes, a rare species of giants, reaching up to 60 meters in height. In the Anomalous Period, there are always temporary leaps. In addition, not far from the continent on its east coast is the historic complex of the Primordial Monoliths. These giant structures reach a height of 700-800 meters and literally pierce the clouds. According to scientists, the Monoliths are more than 18,000 years old. It is believed that they were built during the Hyperborean period. Some believe that the building structures are not ancient civilizations, but demonic creatures that came into the universe during the invasion of Cerberum. The Monolith Zone is not available for visiting. Scientists do not conduct research on them or study their internal structure. Almost nothing grows around the buildings, except for a strange poisonous weed plant known as Eat the Grass. Animals and aquatic creatures prefer not to swim up to the Primordial Monoliths and keep from them at a distance of 2-3 kilometers.
    In the central part of the Western continent, there is a Mirage City, which constantly appears and disappears. Its study is also banned by Artandir's special services. Only the southern part of the Western continent is more or less inhabited, and even then not completely. There are military and research bases there. In the same sector is the fortress of the special forces of Artandir security. The total population of the mainland is 3000 people, while the other continent is home to at least 4 billion. Also, aviation does not fly over some areas of the Western continent. The authorities prefer to use drones for surveillance and it is not uncommon to lose these devices in Anomalous charts. Outlandish oceanic creatures such as the bat shark, whale melvilleon (length 58 m long), sperm whale minstrel, sea giraffe, energy fish, electric plesiosaur and dorudonum magnus (length size 120 m) live within the continent's water area. On the coasts, there are runner beluga whales (evolved terrestrial cetaceans) and sand centipede crayfish. In the western part of the continent are the ruins of the ancient city of Zaberganum. Huge ruined skyscrapers that existed thousands of years ago have survived to this day. In the process of examining the ruins, an ancient subway network was found. Only the military and intelligence agents have access to the city ruins. It is noteworthy that quite recently, in the process of exploring the ancient city, another unique form of life was discovered, known as the termite-stone flipper. These giant insects literally feed on masonry and are 8 meters tall. They usually live at night. During the day, they fall into a long sleep in the undergrounds of the city or within the former metro. Soldiers exploring the ruins very often stumble upon sleeping rockfiners.
    Zabergan Prime is still of interest to many civilizations. But the Artandir Republic in every possible way rejects any requests for research on the Western continent of the planet. Moreover, recently Artandir's special services have been fixing Acheronian scout drones on the forbidden continent, apparently appearing with specific goals.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Extincted race Ii-Uu, ancient galactic rulers.

    The universe is grand and full of uknown. For example, the legacy of extinct civilizations. Only Sovi-Lars are known, perhaps, to every scientific community in the whole galaxy. Also, traces of the Mirovians were recently discovered, another ancient race that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years before our era. But even more interesting is the mysterious extinct civilization Ii-Uu, which previously dominated the star sectors of Zibiel. Judging by the remains of ancient temples and the frescoes on them, Ii-UU owned at least half of the known galaxy. Perhaps they had territories in other galaxies, like M33 or Andromeda. Their temples are found not only in the Zibiel sectors, but also in very distant star systems. The Ii-Uu were similar to the prehistoric animals of the chalicotherium. Despite their technological development, they appear naked in the frescoes. Ii-Uu did not have consonants in their language. Their sounds were also vowels. They called their home planet in the Zibiel sector Ii-Au. The state they built among the stars was named A`Aa. Ii-Uu wrote that they spread their influence in hundreds of thousands of star systems.
    Apparently, they interacted with the Sovilar and with another race, more similar to the descriptions of Elfurr. Their chronicles also include an all-out galactic war with the mysterious fire-breathing people of Aa-Ee (possibly the Draconians?). It is not known exactly how the Ii-Uu civilization ceased to exist. The inscriptions on one of their cylindrical temples on the planet Travescus say about a mysterious deity who came to them from another world. According to Ii-Uu themselves, this deity quarreled them with each other, and then led an army of "inverted pyramids" to their doorstep. The last chronicle reported that the name of the deity cannot be mentioned, since it can hear and recognize the one who calls it. The civilization of Ii-Uu still remains a mystery to all scientists in the universe. The only surviving techno artifact is the Temporum, the energy rod of one of their kings. A wand that briefly stops time when certain symbols are activated. At the moment "Temporum" is in the territory of Elfurr, possibly in the palace of their supreme ruler. Nothing more has survived from this civilization. Only abandoned temples, frescoes and monuments.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    It's good to see the lore of your universe continuing to expand!

  17. #37
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    Thank you mr Alwyn!

    Ga`TT Collective

    Race Ga-TT is a cephalopod molluscs, more like the ancient ammonites. They have no sex, they are hermaphrodites and reproduce by internal fertilization. They move on their huge tentacles. They can grow up to 6-7 meters in height. The main part of the body is covered with a powerful shell. Such a bizarre shape did not prevent Ga-TT from creating a powerful civilization on the home planet of Chlalaka`tachklankla and mastering space travel. In ancient times, the Ga-TT preferred to stay away from other races. But later, they nevertheless entered into an alliance with the civilization of the octopus Illis, who owned 30 star systems.
    The Ga-TT was never included to any coalitions of galaxy. Moreover, long before the creation of the Coalition of the Galaxy, the Ga-TT Collective launched a massive invasion of Artandir Republic. This invasion almost destroyed all life on the territory of this state. But the Artandirians managed to hold back the offensive and push Ga-TT back. In 2593, during the Acheron Council, the supreme ruler of Ga-TT Tlalkchlkla`lulalkchlaalaktl made an official alliance with the Unn-Chor race and its leader Olmek R`landrris. At the end of the same year, the Ga-TT race joined the Acheronian League. The "Bellemnite" fleet was joined to the League's Grand Squadron. Now they are enemies of the Coalition.

    Illis Compound State

    The Illis race were native to the planet Tlunaklatli. They were octopus-like humanoids who lived mainly in water bodies. They preferred to stay away from the rest of the universe. Their only allies were Ga-TT, a race of intelligent ammonites from the planet Chlalaka. In ancient times, Illis was nearly slaughtered by the Narwalingen (humanoid whales) race. But miraculously managed to survive the invasion. Illis is distrustful of all outsiders. They do not have close ties with other races, with the exception of Ga-TT. For a long time, they preferred not to contact the galactic community at all. The Illis preferred to stay in their ancestral territories and not go beyond their borders. Their main state have name is Compound, and have republican style of government.

    They only made contact after the war with the Elfurr Empire. Elfurr needed some minerals that were only mined underwater. After the confrontation with Elfurr, the Compound Illis Council (in their language, its "Tlalk`lank`kla") decided that it was impossible to continue the fight. Illis were forced to give all the minerals to the invaders and become their vassals. However, already in 2593 after the proclamation of the Acheron League, this underwater race declared war on Elfurr. According to the prophecies of Illis, by the end of the 26th century, a certain Primordial God, He Who Can Rule The Water, Dry-Land and Stars, should appear in the universe, who, as wizards say, can destroy all Elfurr in the whole universe. Therefore, the Illis armored fleet is currently actively helping the League in the fight against their main enemy.


    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

  18. #38
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    It sounds like 2593 was a year of turning points. The Ga'TT and Illis sound like a powerful combination.

  19. #39

    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    It doesn't need to be perfect nor polished, it is your work, your mind and in any case, I think it has polished between the first to second page here alone.

    I think writing it out like this is healthy and keeps the lights on for creativity. Do please continue. I noticed your blogs as well; they were a brave step forwards, putting them in a spotlight that few people would dare. I commend it.

    I wonder if a reference exists or has been attempted that pulls your work together and allows people to see it in a 'tree' format. That is, they look at your content and could follow topics based on politics, geography (the planets), and so on.

  20. #40
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Twilight Esker, thanks for support! Really!


    Neferirikar Race

    The Neferirikar race is also called "gnomes" or "kobolds" in another way. All because of their small stature and beard. Although in reality they hate being called gnomes and are even ready to fight for it. That being said, Neferirikar really does resemble those same dwarves from many fantasy worlds. Since ancient times, they have been allies of the Elfurr Empire and its main friends. At the time of the Acheron War (nowadays), the Neferirikarian King Sirion Hammerbear is actively fighting for Elfurr. His people are direct allies of the Elfurr Empire. This means that if anyone attacks Elfurr, the Neferirikar will immediately intervene.
    This race has amazing technology. They are masters of building robots and complex machines. In addition, it is they who entangle many Elfurr worlds with infrastructure. They are masters almost in all technologies. But they did not always have friendship with their sharp-eared friends. Once upon a time in distant antiquity, the Neferirikar fought with Elfurr. Particularly memorable is the confrontation between Elfurr and Neferirikar, known as the War of the Short Legs. It happened 22,500 years before our era. In that time the elfurrian king Amhar the Serpent quarreled with the neferirikarian king Shardan Bluebeard over questions about excessive hairiness. Amhar thought that the neferirikarian were too hairy, did not shave, and looked like barbarians, and he often said about it. Shardan was insulted and soon declared war on Amhar because of offendings and a grave resentment. The "dwarf" army managed to prove their superiority, and very soon Neferirikar warriors almost took the capital of Elfurr. It was a greatest battle with name of Beards Massacre.
    Amhar died in battle. His head was down by the axe of Shardan. As it turned out, elfurr ruler planned to exterminate all the neferirikarian altogether and was only waiting for an excuse to declare war. But Bluebeard uncovered this conspiracy in time. After the war, Queen of Elfurr Totkhemris IV Azariel reconciled with Neferirikar. From now on, both peoples began to live in peace and harmony, and soon they entered into an Eternal Union.
    Eternal Union is still exists. And there is also the biggest statue of both rulers - Totkhemris IV and Shardan the Bluebeard. This statue was built in the planet Nirotiel.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

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