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Thread: President Biden's first term in office

  1. #141
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    yeah me stupid, inflation not a thing.
    It is a thing. But its very much not a concern right now. Spending now to fill very real demand gaps and deal with the pandemic is not going to send us into soaring hyper inflation. Also of course since fiscal stimulus is what the FED has been asking for because their own tolls are not as well targeted to help people and say local governments in the economy thay can complimentary pull back on their levers if they detect a shift in inflation.
    IN PATROCINIVM SVB Dromikaites

    'One day when I fly with my hands - up down the sky, like a bird'

    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

  2. #142
    dogukan's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    yeah me stupid, inflation not a thing.
    Inflation is FED's job.
    Inflation had been extremely low in all developed economies for a long time.
    Eurozone had been in negative real interests for some time even.

    With the return of recovery and US stimulus, there is expectations of a temporary inflation, but given the amount of dying sectors and unemployed (especially in the service sectors) a sudden return will inevitably increaes inflation. There is not reason to think that this will be a permanent rise.

    Your claim that covid economy plans are an evil democrat plot is a ridiculous excuse. Trump have had ample resources and time to prepare for it. And yet he chose to not take precautionary action which wrecked havoc throughout the US. Not even developing countries suffered the ridiculous massacare USA went through, which is frankly a humiliating thing.
    But yes, go ahead, because apparently Biden took off his mask in an instace, this whole thing was a democrat game to unseat Trump. But afaik it was up to the governors to handle the local policies which belonged to the parties no? I am not that familiar with US politics, but if Californians hated the economic policies, they would have punished the democrat party at the elections? And yet it was the red states that were more lax that went with Biden. Is this not correct?
    "Therefore I am not in favour of raising any dogmatic banner. On the contrary, we must try to help the dogmatists to clarify their propositions for themselves. Thus, communism, in particular, is a dogmatic abstraction; in which connection, however, I am not thinking of some imaginary and possible communism, but actually existing communism as taught by Cabet, Dézamy, Weitling, etc. This communism is itself only a special expression of the humanistic principle, an expression which is still infected by its antithesis – the private system. Hence the abolition of private property and communism are by no means identical, and it is not accidental but inevitable that communism has seen other socialist doctrines – such as those of Fourier, Proudhon, etc. – arising to confront it because it is itself only a special, one-sided realisation of the socialist principle."
    Marx to A.Ruge

  3. #143
    B. W.'s Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    For all those left-wing IT workers who voted for Biden, here's what's coming your way:

  4. #144

    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Boeing being two feet in the IT industry is like Lockheed Martin doing IT.

    There's a reason LM sold to Leidos five years ago.
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  5. #145
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Biden is considering to appoint two Republican ambassadors! That's very, very good news if it goes through.
    And when I say "very good news" I don't just mean just for a large and rich country that occupies part of North America, but for the whole West. A sincere and honest effort at bipartisanship outside USA, where we, non-Americans deal with that rich country that occupies part of North America gives larger gravitas... we're not making deals with a Democrat administration for 4 to 8 years we're making deals with a country with a plan, and succession. Sure, a new admin after 4-8 years would certainly change things, but at least in my opinion, having people from the other party helps give increased legitimacy to diplomacy, right after an era that the White House has been erratic.

    PS. I still think Biden is too old. But I don't mind pointing at good things he does.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  6. #146
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    To where? Unless the position is that whenever those countries are to lower aid to zero, Biden is just appointing rino cronies.

    Biden is a ing idiot. Not that it matters. He's a stand in for the democrat machine. I wonder when the time will come they determine Joe is too alzheimerzy to continue and Kamala is coronated.

  7. #147
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by B. W. View Post
    For all those left-wing IT workers who voted for Biden, here's what's coming your way:
    A process well a truly established across multiple presidents that Trump did little to nothing to alter. Real significant tax alterations and likely federally mandated costs would be required to really alter the programs. Just getting rid of the visa will not help than they will go direct with offshoring.
    IN PATROCINIVM SVB Dromikaites

    'One day when I fly with my hands - up down the sky, like a bird'

    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

  8. #148

    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by conon394 View Post
    A process well a truly established across multiple presidents that Trump did little to nothing to alter. Real significant tax alterations and likely federally mandated costs would be required to really alter the programs. Just getting rid of the visa will not help than they will go direct with offshoring.
    Trump supporters don't want to hear any of that. They want to believe the country is falling apart under Biden. They want everyone to suffer for "cheating" Trump out of his divine right to rule. That things are pretty good overall, with a recovering economy and falling Covid rates, makes them very unhappy. So they will uncritically latch onto anything or anyone that tells them "No, actually things are terrible and getting worse everyday!"

  9. #149

    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by B. W. View Post
    For all those left-wing IT workers who voted for Biden, here's what's coming your way:
    So, what particular action Biden took, or could have taken but didn't, that caused this?

    Some gems from the article though:
    Boeing is outsourcing its IT needs to an other USA company, headquartered in Texas, which happens to bring in IT workers from from overseas through a visa program that targets people with specialty skills. This is the exact program that makes companies from USA competitive in the global market. Meanwhile, the article also points out that Boeing, while planning to cut 11 thousand jobs this year, hence under Biden, cut off 20 thousand jobs last year, hence under Trump... Clearly, Breitbary's quality of journalism and how it targets its audience shines bright as ever.
    The Armenian Issue

  10. #150
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    I love how, now, after the elections, people come out of the woods to rightfully hold anti-Trump / Democrats people accountable for things that they should have addressed before the election.
    Lincoln Project boss? A piece of poop as it turns out.
    Heroic Cuomo? Horrid CoVID-19 mismanagement and, unlike Trump, governors had more tools in their arsenal. But nooooo, CNN hailed Cuomo the hero as the most popular politician in May 2020. As I was saying over 9 months ago, Cuomo did a horrid job as Covid-fighting governor. De Blasio too.

    But of course, when the eeeeevil orange one was on power, we couldn't deal with things like that. Nope, dissenters should have stayed silent till after Biden was sworn in because nothing was as important as going after Trump.
    Last edited by alhoon; February 20, 2021 at 07:57 AM.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  11. #151
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    But of course, when the eeeeevil orange one was on power, we couldn't deal with things like that. Nope, dissenters should have stayed silent till after Biden was sworn in because nothing was as important as going after Trump.
    IN some ways yes actually if you want to get in office. You saw the republicans fell into lock step with their guy and more or less manged unity of a sort. Got them what they wanted a huge load of conservative judges and big tax cut... I mean they sent out the pretty face Jeff flake to say oh gosh we need unity and Trump talks mean but his voting record is lock step to whatever Trump and Mitch wanted.
    IN PATROCINIVM SVB Dromikaites

    'One day when I fly with my hands - up down the sky, like a bird'

    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

  12. #152
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    So, any news and stats from Biden's first month in office? Like how many executive orders compared to previous presidents, appointments etc?

    I will start by sharing something:

    Biden is more popular than Trump ever was, less popular than Obama was in his first month, slightly more popular than Bush2 was in his first month, and about as popular as Clinton and Reagan in their first month.
    All in all, no record breaking here.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  13. #153
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    In some ways the comparison to past presidents really shows just polarized US politics are now particularity with the unifying force of the cold war. To bad for LBJ I really think he could have done his great society stuff (as far as I can tell might have been the last chance for the US to a solid safety net like Europe and also seriously attack the system problems with local funding of schools creats), with the escalation in Nam. But he was of haunted by the who lost China BS the right was shilling and the domino theory kool aid both sides defense hawks were on about.
    IN PATROCINIVM SVB Dromikaites

    'One day when I fly with my hands - up down the sky, like a bird'

    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

  14. #154
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Hmmm... according to an article I read, one month into Biden's presidency and the vaccine roll out increased by 55%. It is undeniable that some of this growth has little to do with Biden but it also undeniable that some of this growth does have to do with Biden's policies, even if those policies were just "Covid-19 will not suddenly go away in April, we need to push with the vaccines."
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  15. #155
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Gas prices up 45 cents in 45 days as the Biden administration decides we shouldn't be self sustaining energy producers any more. At least reliance on foreign oil will give him an excuse to war monger again. Hooray

  16. #156
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Gas prices up 45 cents in 45 days as the Biden administration decides we shouldn't be self sustaining energy producers any more.
    You can't be serious... any source for that? Or it is per gallon as you weird over-the-pond people do things?
    What's the percentage of the increase?
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
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  17. #157
    B. W.'s Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Where's my $2,000.00 dollar check?

    Shouldn't that take priority over amnesty for illegals or shutting down a pipeline?

  18. #158
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    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    You can't be serious... any source for that? Or it is per gallon as you weird over-the-pond people do things?
    What's the percentage of the increase?
    My source is driving by the gas station this morning. The cause is probably Biden shutting down the pipeline (cuck Justin Trudeau on suicide watch) and the deep freeze in the south. Either was, I get to blame everything on Sleepy Joe now so I will. I love how life becomes measurably worse when democrats are in power, yet somehow people still vote for them. At least Sleepy Joe emerged from his basement long enough last week to assure me that 50k in student loan forgiveness is absolutely off the table.

    You really do get what you ing deserve with these people.

  19. #159

    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Gas prices up 45 cents in 45 days as the Biden administration decides we shouldn't be self sustaining energy producers any more. At least reliance on foreign oil will give him an excuse to war monger again. Hooray
    Only 40 cents at the gas station I use. (though 20 cents in the past week).
    Oh, and Antifa left a message for Biden and Harris, during recent rioti... I mean peaceful protests in Portland, which included breaking the windows of an urgent care center):


  20. #160

    Default Re: President Biden's 100 first days in office

    Uh oh, the fascist nazi Biden is re-opening concentration camps for young brown bodies:
    "Dozens of migrant teens boarded vans Monday for the trip down a dusty road to a former man camp for oil field workers here, the first migrant child facility opened under the Biden administration.
    The emergency facility — a vestige of the Trump administration that was open for only a month in summer 2019 — is being reactivated to hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17."

    "But immigration lawyers and advocates question why the Biden administration would choose to reopen a Trump-era facility that was the source of protests and controversy. From the “tent city” in Tornillo, Tex., to a sprawling for-profit facility in Homestead, Fla., emergency shelters have been criticized by advocates for immigrants, lawyers and human rights activists over their conditions, cost and lack of transparency in their operations."

    "“It’s unnecessary, it’s costly, and it goes absolutely against everything [President] Biden promised he was going to do,” said Linda Brandmiller, a San Antonio-based immigration lawyer who represents unaccompanied minors. “It’s a step backward, is what it is. It’s a huge step backward.”"

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