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Thread: [Submod] Strategikos

  1. #81

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    I can answer some of them:

    Siege - In sieges the defenders can still retreat and in many cases there is a bug in which they just stop nearby the wall doing nothing until they are killed by the enemy. They only fight to death when in the center of the city because of the bonus.

    Navigation restrictions - You can only navigate around the coasts, it is actually historical and prevents both the player and the AI.

    Breaching walls - You will get a notification of the wall breached when you click your army and if you go to battle, you will see a breach in the city wall from where you can send your troops to attack.

  2. #82

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    "b - Siege (optional): The defenders will not beat a retreat at any time. This does not include the reinforcements (Player and AI)."
    >>Isn't that the case already. Defenders in a siege cannot retreat as they fight to the death.
    The script just prevents the units of the defender from routing till the central plaza. In a real siege, once the walls were captured (and if there was no citadel within of course), the battle was lost since they were the key element of the defence. So rather die on the wall than abandon it for a worst position (but the AI defend the plaza of course).

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    "VI - Navigation restrictions: Coastal routes for mediterranean and germanic ships, and Open sea routes for celtic and arabic ships"
    >> What does this change strategically?
    Why do celtic and arab ships have open sea routes?
    War ships of trireme type are limited to the coastal navigation since they are cramped and uncomfortable. You cannot sleep aboard, so crossings are necessary short. And besides their flanging is too low for the navigation on the oceans. So "strategically", you will have to make detours instead of going straight ahead...

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    "VII - Poliorcetics (optional):Non-barbarian and non-nomadic factions have the ability to breach the stone walls on the strategic map, as they would do it in a real siege with battering rams, demolition ravens, mines and others.

    • The script is fully automatic and random, requiring no action from the player.
    • There will be no breach during the first turn of the siege (dedicated to the installation of the camp, the filling of the ditches, the assembly of siege engines, etc...).
    • Three different settings are available in the options for the percentage chance of breaching the wall (tested each turn): 33% (default), 25% and 20%.
    • The rebels cannot breach the walls.
    • A message notifying the breach will pop up at the first selection of the besieger concerned (4 variants: battering ram, mine, digging tortoise, demolition raven). As defender a message of the advisor at the start of the battle will have a similar role."

    >> I don't understand this. If walls are breached on the strategic map, what will happen? Will the attacker simply take the settlement without a fight?
    The wall is breached, but before the battle, so when you are on the strat map...

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    "VIII - State of War
    • A local general ending his turn in enemy lands (and then an expeditionary corps) will generate the state of war, even if the conflict is not still declared"

    >> How ending a turn in ENEMY territory generate a state of war? If it's an enemy territory, it means that war already is on.
    I have improperly written "in enemy lands" because i use the condition "InEnemyLands", but i wanted to say that the general is in a region that does not belong to its faction (nor allied).

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    "IX - Surrender: (optional) If an army has lost more than a certain percentage of its strength (adjustable in the options: 85%, 75% (Default) or 65%), and the other side has still more than 50% of its men, then its soldiers will lay down their arms (more exactly there will be a satellite view of the battlefield (while the script is eliminating the army), a message of the advisor, and the battle will finish).Note: The script is tested every three minutes, so there will be a little margin of time. Works only in 1 vs 1 battle."
    >> So what happens to the troops who surrender? Are they exterminated, enslaved or allowed to return to the nearest safe point?
    Technically, the army is entirely killed. From a RP perspective they have "laid down their arms"^^. I have not been able to reproduce the problem, but the setting 65% could not work. This script is also rather limited currently since it works only in 1vs 1 and tested only every 3mn, but i am slowly working to enhance it.

  3. #83

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Thanks for the explanations.
    I did not understand, that by "retreat" or "flee" you meant to "rout". Now it makes more sense.

    Regarding the sea routes, I find it a grand idea.
    But I still wonder why are celtic and arab ships still able to navigate the open seas?

    Finally, why give non-barbarian and non-steppe nomad the breaching of the wall advantage?

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  4. #84

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Celtic and arabic ships are spacious enough to sleep aboard as far as i can judge. And if you read the description of the units, even the very light pontomora is regarded as able to travel on the ocean:

    "Similar vessels to those which operated in the Iron Age Atlantic were used by the Picts in the Early Medieval Period, and evidence suggests that these vessels were capable of navigating between Scotland and Iceland."
    For the poliorcetics, well barbarian and nomad factions should not even have towers in sieges, so mines, demolition raven and other stuff like this...^^
    I imagine that the celts were able to breach stone walls at a time, and it would explain the structure of the murus gallicus. But regarding the timeframe of the mod they have a counter-measure against engines and mines with this type of wall, and then no reason to maintain such a know-how (in a celtic context i mean).

  5. #85

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    After I have pasted, the game don't start. Everyboya known why? What I have wrong? ( file 2.35v2 )

  6. #86
    Domaje's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Assuming you pasted it correctly, try delete the map.rwm file in the data\world\maps\base. Then launch the game and start a new campaign.

  7. #87

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Domaje View Post
    Assuming you pasted it correctly, try delete the map.rwm file in the data\world\maps\base. Then launch the game and start a new campaign.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cattura.PNG 
Views:	7 
Size:	19.8 KB 
ID:	357998

    I paste the file this ebii in C:\SEGA|Medieval 2 Total war\mods\ebii, but I have done as write on instruction...

  8. #88

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    10:16:42.313 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    10:16:42.313 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Feb 25 2008 version development ===
    10:16:42.359 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    10:16:42.375 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    10:16:42.406 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    10:16:42.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    10:16:42.469 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    10:16:42.484 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    10:17:08.372 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods/ebii/data/export_descr_unit.txt, at line 401, column 25
    Unrecognised mount type 'volcae horse'.
    10:17:08.372 [data.invalid] [error] DATABASE_TABLE error found : error reading record from file mods/ebii/data/export_descr_unit.txt.

  9. #89
    Domaje's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Did you do your own modifications or installed other submods on your EBII 2.35 installation before this one ?
    And do you have a backup of the original EDU ? If you do replace it in your data folder, delete the map.rwm and launch a new campaign. Tell me if it works.
    Last edited by Domaje; April 22, 2019 at 04:22 AM.

  10. #90

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Mattus View Post
    10:16:42.313 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    10:16:42.313 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Feb 25 2008 version development ===
    10:16:42.359 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    10:16:42.375 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    10:16:42.406 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    10:16:42.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    10:16:42.469 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    10:16:42.484 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    10:17:08.372 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods/ebii/data/export_descr_unit.txt, at line 401, column 25
    Unrecognised mount type 'volcae horse'.
    10:17:08.372 [data.invalid] [error] DATABASE_TABLE error found : error reading record from file mods/ebii/data/export_descr_unit.txt.
    I see nothing here that could be related to the submod, so it should be a conflict with another modification (or its remnants). Also have you installed one of the optional folders?

    I paste the file this ebii in C:\SEGA|Medieval 2 Total war\mods\ebii, but I have done as write on instruction...
    The instructions on the first page say "...\medieval II total war\mods", but nevermind, even pasted at the wrong place it should not provoke a ctd.

  11. #91

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Thank everybody, it work now!

  12. #92
    Fahnat's Avatar Ordinarius

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    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Does this mod still work on EBII?
    Whend i download it there's only a ebii folder and some revert to original files
    On the explenations here it sounds like there was optional files to put in the mod, but there isn't any in the current download of this submod.
    I can see this submod menu if i go to the ? icon, but don't know if they are implemented. Is there any hotkeys to make them acessible, or are they automatically added?

  13. #93
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Could not say for sure
    So hold for someone who knows, sorry, it is just I am spontaneous

  14. #94

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahnat View Post
    Does this mod still work on EBII?
    Whend i download it there's only a ebii folder and some revert to original files
    On the explenations here it sounds like there was optional files to put in the mod, but there isn't any in the current download of this submod.
    I can see this submod menu if i go to the ? icon, but don't know if they are implemented. Is there any hotkeys to make them acessible, or are they automatically added?
    All the scripts can be disabled IG through this menu. You just need to press the key with the corresponding number (not with the numpad) and a message will say if the script is currently enabled or not. Next, depending of the situation, you have to press Enter to disable/enable the script or a number when there are different settings available. To go on the second page of the option menu, you need to press Enter, and Backspace to go back to the previous page.

    This is an old version though. After the next patch, i will release a new one with enhancements of most of the current scripts + different new things, and it will take advantage of the new possiblities offered by the M2TWEOP.

  15. #95

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Sounds really promising! Looking forward to testing it.

    Concerning different new things, would it include the "Choose your heir" from M2TWOP?

    Thanks! Cheers

  16. #96

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Yes, of course. I have just changed the scroll and text to fit better with the mod:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  17. #97

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Fantastic!!! Finally this feature is back to M2TW engine after soooo many years...

    You also managed to include a reasonable loyalty effect for this action in comparison to M2TWOP preview, so all fits really well. Congrats, even more promising!

  18. #98

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    In fact the loyalty bonus for the chosen character is even lower, since he's also affected by the -1 towards all characters (it's a little weird, but youneuoy said this would be modified later), so the real effect is 2.

    It's also very easy to edit, so if you will have the possiblity to create your own setting (i'll add instructions for this).

  19. #99

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Can I ask how work is going on the new patch?

  20. #100

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    You can...but i have no info about the new patch xD

    If your question was rather about the new version of this submod, it's ready, i am just waiting for this same patch

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