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Thread: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

  1. #1

    Default Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Obviously porting this mod would be a gargantuan undertaking, so is there any chance that the mod in any form will be compatible with the remaster, or is all EB modding going to be devoted to EB2 at this point?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    I'm guessing Medieval 2 remaster is coming because they added merchants to the Rome remaster so they must have developed both remasters side by side. I think it would be better to wait for Medieval 2 remaster and port EB2.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Moonshine View Post
    I'm guessing Medieval 2 remaster is coming because they added merchants to the Rome remaster so they must have developed both remasters side by side. I think it would be better to wait for Medieval 2 remaster and port EB2.
    Honestly I'm not sure about that. The Medieval 2 engine has some limitations, for example there is no Testudo formation, pikes are bugged (so EB2 Phalangites have no secondary weapons at all), there is no option to view the cities outside of battles, and there is no population mechanic. Given this, it might be easier to port the stuff from EB2 into Rome Remastered.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Came here to open this thread, so glad we are all thinking the same. +1 for RS and EB and RTH

  5. #5
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    The game was just announced so I doubt there are any plans for a port
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Moonshine View Post
    I'm guessing Medieval 2 remaster is coming because they added merchants to the Rome remaster so they must have developed both remasters side by side. I think it would be better to wait for Medieval 2 remaster and port EB2.
    There is no Med 2 remaster. This Rome Remaster was spun out from the Rome mobile port. There's no Med 2 mobile port so its extremely unlikely there's a remaster imminent.

    Most likely result is if this sells well CA might give Feral permission for a Med 2 remaster IF Feral want to work on it. But don't expect them to just drop Med 2 remastered anytime soon.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    I wonder if the remaster will allow for more factions, units, provinces and other hardcoded stuff.

  8. #8
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    AFAIK they are working on a Medieval 2 port. So there is hope.
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    There are no plans for a Medieval 2 remaster, the FAQ clearly states that it is Rome that will be remastered.

    If I compare it with TR Anniversary or C&C Remaster, there was also a cry for a remaster of the other versions. I guess, here they remastered the pearl of the games, everything beyond that is complete speculation and sets a hype, which could be completely unjustified in the end. The only thing that this hype could bring is that Rome 2 COULD get new content, because here the modders are making enormous breakthroughs (more buildings per city, etc.).

    Wait and see how the ground game turns out, which I have to say looks very good so far, including the historic crenellation spacing on Roman walls ...

    Everything else we will see if mods can be adopted. The prerequisite for this would be, in my opinion, an almost identical file structure.

  10. #10
    Outcast's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    I'm sure they will at one point port EU, but I'm also hoping they have removed hardcoded limitations from rome 1 so we can actually add more buildings/units this time

  11. #11

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Would love to see it come to Rome Remastered. The pikes in Med2 give me a headache, and imagine the graphics quality increase+++

  12. #12

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Funnily enough i just heard about RTW remastered today and it made me want to play EB again. I really hope the file structure is very similar and a lot of this can be ported over because it would be ace, EB2's campaign is really awesome but i just don't like Medieval 2's battle engine especially concerning pike and javelin infantry.
    Last edited by Martin N; April 19, 2021 at 02:51 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Please, be real.

  14. #14
    Grimmy's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Where I'm at.

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    Read the comments in this thread.

    Roma Surrectum and RTR OG modders took a look under the hood of remastered and go into some decent detail. They've joined forces, already have a teaser mod up and expect to have a full port on the workshop, combining the best of both mods within a week or so.
    Last edited by Grimmy; May 04, 2021 at 08:56 PM. Reason: forgot the link to the thread :/

  15. #15

    Default Re: Is there any plan regarding the remaster of RTW?

    This, while sadly unlikely, would be a dream come true!
    I would be particularly keen to see the new diplomacy and unit ethnicities feature in EB


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