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Thread: [Submod] Strategikos

  1. #101

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Oh, sorry. I thought by "next patch" you meant that you will release the update because you posted some screenshots.

    BTW Can I use this submod with different battle and campaign AI if I would overwrite only config_ai_battle.xml and descr_campaign_ai_db.xml? Or is it rather not recommended?

  2. #102

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    You can, i only use scripts and they don't affect the AI directly. Some of them just block the morale or on the contrary provoke the rout (or death) of units, what is done via commands. So you can edit this files like you want (and all my scripts can be disabled IG at any moment through a menu). In the next version, there is also a trait simulating combat casualties and affecting morale as well as some battle scripts (like surrender), but it can also be disabled.

  3. #103

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    So is there a guide on how to use this submod? I brought the options up but none of the keybinds seem to work. I've hit every button possible and nothing changes on the options menu except going forward or back a page.

  4. #104

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Enter: Next page or enable/disable script
    Backspace: Previous page
    Equal (not on the numpad): Previous menu (just used for some army compositions)
    1-9 (not on the numpad) for selecting the corresponding option

    If you have mixed this submod with another one also affecting shortcuts it could be the source of the problem. Otherwise you can always delete keys.dat in ...ebii/preferences, but i don't see why it would be necessary.

  5. #105

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Erken View Post
    Enter: Next page or enable/disable script
    Backspace: Previous page
    Equal (not on the numpad): Previous menu (just used for some army compositions)
    1-9 (not on the numpad) for selecting the corresponding option

    If you have mixed this submod with another one also affecting shortcuts it could be the source of the problem. Otherwise you can always delete keys.dat in ...ebii/preferences, but i don't see why it would be necessary.
    The 1-9 specifically don't work, I've only been using this with the portrait and blood submod, and I'm sentient enough to read the instructions tucked between features on the OP. It's just that the keybinds don't work. I'll delete the keys.dat and see if that does anything.

    Edit: it worked! Thanks!
    Last edited by Broreale; March 24, 2021 at 08:51 AM.

  6. #106

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    New version, for EBII 2.35A R2: Download

    Note: This version takes advantage of the advances of the M2TWEOP created by Youneuoy (thanks to him!). Minor settlements are thus replaced with models of different cultures by means of the tool. The new label system, allowing to re-use labels or give them in particular conditions, is also used in some scripts to kill characters ("Conspiracies", "Vae Victis"), remove ancillaries ("Poliorketika"), teleport characters ("Ferries"), or capture settlements ("Stratagemata").

    Are also available the basic features of the tool: possibility to designate yourself the heir through the family tree (with penalties), tactical view (CTRL+Z (on/off)) (largely better than my previous archaic system), and larger battlefields (1728x1728 instead of 1024x1024)

    For more information or if you want to support the project or make a donation, you can join the discord server or the dedicated forum.

    1 - Copy and paste the ebii folder from Strategikos in .../mods
    2 - Create a shortcut for the M2TWEOP.exe in ...ebii/data, and use it to launch the tool
    3 - If you want to modify the anti-aliasing, do it through the launcher of the tool (upper left corner). By doing this with the menu in game you would have a CTD.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    4 - If you don't plan to modify the AA next, or the other settings, you can select "the don't show menu at start" option
    5 - Launch the mod by pressing... "start mod"
    6 - No, don't play with the options of the launcher, even if you have been sufficiently curious to click on "display settings"...

    Note 1: if your antivirus doesn't like the tool, you will have to create an exclusion for the folder of the mod, or disable your AV
    Note 2: not compatible with reshade, linux

    (As previously all the scripts can be disabled in the options menu (help button))

    - Added: Stratagemata - Settlements besieged can be captured by trickery or treason. Tested each turn of siege (as soon as the first); three available settings: 1%, 3% (default) and 5%. If the player is the beneficiary, a message will detail the circumstances of the capture at the first selection of the settlement (14 variants). A generic message of the advisor will accompany a capture by the AI. (Thanks to Lusitanio for his suggestions)
    Note 1: the script is disabled when the player owns only one settlement.
    Note 2: if the siege was scripted, the ai could choose to not enter the city once captured
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    - Added: Conspiracies - (Player only) Conspiracies may emerge and lead to the death of the faction leader.The chance of success of the plot is limited by the level of authority of the character. Three settings available: 0.5, 0.75 or 1% each turn.
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    - Added: Ferries - Agents can cross straits without (war) ships. Once positioned on the regional port, they will be teleported at the beginning of the next turn near the opposite port. Whenever possible, historic routes are used, and the choice of the port should be instinctive. Nevertheless, islands can be more or less convenient to join or quit since each port is linked to only one destination:

    Korsim - Sardin: place the character on the left of the port
    Sardin - Korsim: place the character on the shore in front of the Korsimian port

    Baelares: the character will always be teleported on the tile north of the settlement. To go back to the continent, move him on one of the two other free tiles (so yes, no free tile no way back...).

    The port of Lakonike is linked with Krete, but to go back to Lakonike, you will need to place the character on the upper tile of the western tip of the island.
    Rhodos - Krete: place the character on the southern tip
    Krete - Rhodos: place the character on the upper tile of the eastern tip
    The port of Krete leads to Libye

    Note: if the agent is in an army, the script won't work

    - Added: Breaking Point - Beyond a certain percentage of losses, the army of the besieger will interrupt his assault (units will flee one after the other). This threshold is determined by the command points of the general, and the bonuses and maluses generated by "Tactical Advantage" and the traits (maximum 60% - minimum 40%).

    Note: the advisor will pop up 6% before the trigger threshold, warning of the situation

    - Added: Tactical advantage - Different bonuses and maluses affecting the scripts "Strategos" and "Surrender" depending on the tactical situation during siege battles (Gates opened by a spy: Control -5 for the defender, +2 for the attacker // Walls breached (script or battle): Control -5 for the defender, +2 for the attacker // Siege engine destroyed: Control -3 for the attacker (cumulative) // Fight on the central plaza (cancelled when the plaza is lost): Control +3 for the attacker, -3 for the defender)
    Note: Control is a custom dynamic attribute affecting the scripts, and based on the command points

    - Added: Strategic advantage - Different bonuses and maluses affecting the scripts "Surrender" and "Strategos" depending on the strategic situation (Frontier battle: Control -3 for the attacker // River crossing battle: Control +3 for the defender // Successful ambush: Control -5 for the targeted army // Attacker in a field battle: Control +2 for the attacker, -2 for the defender).

    - Added: Combat Casualties - A trait simulating the wounded after the battle and affecting the scripts "Strategos", "Surrender" and "Breaking point"(cumulative and degressive).
    Note: the trait decreases or is removed with CharacterTurnStart

    Small number of wounded: Only a few soldiers bear the marks of the last battle. Slightly slow down the walking speed will allow the small number of wounded to go the distance. (Effects: -1 Control, -5% movement, -1 Command when Attacking, -1 Command when assaulting walls, Recovery: 1 turn)

    Moderate number of wounded: The recent fights have left marks on this army. The wounds received not only force the troop to slow down the walk but will also affect his offensive effectiveness in case of new confrontation. (Effects: -3 Control, -10% Movement, - 1 Physical and mental toughness, -1 Command when Attacking, -1 Command when Defending, -1 Command when assaulting walls, -1 Command when defending walls, Recovery: 1 turn)

    Large number of wounded: This army has lately endured a tough battle. Bodies and spirits are severely affected, what will be cruelly felt if a new enemy must be faced. Even holding a defensive position will be a sore trial for a troop in such a bad way. (Effects: -5 Control, -15% Movement, -2 Physical and mental toughness, -2 Command when Attacking, -2 Command when Defending, -2 Command when assaulting walls, -2 Command when defending walls, Recovery: 2 turns)

    Very large number of wounded: Devastated by wounds, this army painfully advances, long stretched column. Soldiers are aware that in case of new major confrontation, the least manoeuvre will be suffering, leading them probably no further than the final disaster. (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls, Recovery: 2 turns)

    - Added: Renamed diplomatic options (Thanks to Lusitanio for his suggestions) and financial overview.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Devoid of any Scruple
    Inclined to Betrayal
    Sees only its Interests
    Uncertain Loyalty
    Respects its commitments
    Valuable Support
    Loyal Ally
    Extreme Righteousness

    Mutual Hate
    Frank Hostility
    Exchange of Vexations
    Tense Situation
    Reciprocal Disdain
    Mutual Mistrust
    Serene Exchanges
    Shared Goodwill
    Reciprocal Respect
    Mutual Confidence
    Absolute Confidence

    Insignificant Power
    Ignored Power
    Despised Power
    Minor Power
    Assertive Power
    Recognised Power
    Established Power
    Major Power
    Intrusive Power
    Overbearing Power
    Hegemonic Power

    Empty Chests
    Galloping Inflation
    Creeping Inflation
    Period of Stagnation
    Scarce Resources
    Stable Situation
    Reasonable Growth
    Strong Growth
    Prosperity Period
    Considerable Funds
    Great Opulence

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    - Added: Toggle Regions - Press F9 and the regions will appear as colored areas (just a gadget to better see the frontlines).

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    - Added: Thanks to the M2TWEOP, generic minor settlements models are replaced with more appropriate models for each region (only one model is used for each culture for reasons of size and visibility) .
    Note 1: for the Latium and Campania, western greek models are used, smallest roman models being still too big and unsightly
    Note 2: this resources no more generate money
    Note 3: if you want to disable this feature, remove stratModelsChangeList.yoneuoycfg in ...mods/ebii/youneuoy_Data (you can also edit this file, if you want to replace a model)

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    - Added: Vae Victis - (Player only) Carthaginian generals, after a shameful defeat, can sometimes be condemned to death or anticipate the sentence by killing themselves. The higher their command level, the higher their chance of being only disgraced. (Thanks to Lusitanio, Trarco and Arjos for their suggestions)

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    - Tweaked: Poliorketika - Wooden walls can now also be breached by the script (but not the palisades, to not depreciate the role of the battering ram). New pictures and messages (beotian flamethrower, fire). The chance of operating a breach is now determined by the confrontation of the traits of the besieger and defender (BadSiegeAttacker, GoodSiegeAttacker, GoodSiegeDefender).
    Note 1: The traits of the defenders of nomadic or barbarian culture are not taken into account.
    Note 2: The character with the highest level of GoodSiegedefender in the settlement is used, not necessarily the governor.
    Note 3: As previously, no general no chance to breach the wall.

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    - Tweaked: The ethnonyms of rebel settlements can now be disabled.

    - Tweaked: Army compositions now have their own button (locate settlement/character).
    Note: sadly, the same icon is used for some other buttons (locate a building once completed for example), so close one eye when playing...

    - Tweaked: Epidemics - 4 variations: dysentery, cholera, typhus, swamp fever (only in summer for the last one, in any season for the others). Epidemics also affect the scripts "surrender" and "breaking point".

    Epidemic of Dysentery: "The poor hygiene conditions within this army have led to the onset of dysentery. Feverish and suffering from severe stomach cramps, a significant number of soldiers are unable to fight and will need some rest before being afresh operational". (Effects: -5 Control, -15% Movement, -2 Physical and mental toughness, -2 Command when Attacking, -2 Command when Defending, -2 Command when assaulting walls, -2 Command when defending walls)

    Epidemic of Cholera: "The contamination of food by human faeces has caused an epidemic of cholera among this army. Dehydrated by their incessant diarrhoea and emesis, and prey to severe muscle cramps, some soldiers have thus finally succumbed to illness after only a few hours. Survivors, for their part, will need some time to regain their place among troops." (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls)

    Epidemic of Typhus: "Infected with lice, this army is currently facing a typhus epidemic. Soldiers are suffering from strong fever and headaches, while skin rashes are appearing here and there on their bodies. Coughing and vomiting amidst their chills, they will not have a long time to wait to know whether they will survive or not." (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls)

    Epidemic of Swamp Fever: "With the arrival of strong heats, wetlands have dried up around this settlement, thus leading to the formation of stagnant waters infested with insects, which have finally brought swamp fever among this army. Affected soldiers are exhausted and suffer from fever and headaches so that they will be of no assistance on the battlefield for a while." (Effects: -7 Control, -20% Movement, -3 Physical and mental toughness, -3 Command when Attacking, -3 Command when Defending, -3 Command when assaulting walls, -3 Command when defending walls)

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    - Tweaked: Operational situation (formerly "state of war") - Reworked in maluses affecting the local settlements depending on the operational situation (Invasion: po -10% // , Settlement besieged: po -15% //Faction leader under siege po -20% // Historical capital besieged: po -30% // Settlement lost: po -20% - degressive).
    Note: still wip

    - Tweaked: Surrender - The percentage of losses necessary for the surrender is now determined by the command points of the general and the control points given/removed by some traits (epidemics, combat casualties) and scripts (Tactical and Strategic Advantage). The script now supports till 6 armies per side, and is now tested every 20 sec. It's also now possible to enable the script only for defenders in siege battles (if you have disabled "expeditionary forces").

    Note 1: when there are several armies in a side, each of them need to reach the same threshold of losses to trigger the surrender.
    Note 2: the advisor will pop up 6% before the trigger threshold, warning of the imminent surrender

    - Tweaked: Strategos - Once the general killed, the army won't flee before a certain threshold of loss, determined on the same way than for the surrender script.
    Note: when the battle speed is too high (at least this is the case with x6), the script won't fire when the general dies, only once the bodyguard destroyed.

    - Tweaked: Question marks are no more visible for enemy settlement and character details.

    How to customize the effects of the changement of heir: change the values of the "effects.youneuoypar" file in ...ebii/youneuoy_Data/fixed_params. If you want to remove an effect, simply use "0" as value. Save compatible.
    If you want to change the background and the picture of the message they are in ...eb2/youneuoy_Data/textures. The font color is determined in ...eb2/youneuoy_Data/ui/colors.youneuoyui
    Note: "loyality" affects every characters, heir inclueded

    If you want to save your custom settings for your next campaigns, search "Presettings" in the campaign_script, and change the values like you want (of course it's not save compatible)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
        ;    Optional scripts:
        declare_counter opt_exf        ;    expeditionary forces
        declare_counter opt_com        ;    strategos
        declare_counter opt_srd        ;    surrender    (=1: all battles // =2: siege battles only)
        declare_counter opt_plk        ;    poliorketika
        declare_counter opt_tad        ;    tactical advantage
        declare_counter opt_dpl        ;    deployment
        declare_counter opt_stg        ;    stratagemata    (1 = 1% // 2 = 3% // 3 = 5%)
        declare_counter opt_cam        ;    camera restrictions
        declare_counter opt_cin        ;    cinematic mode
        declare_counter opt_sad        ;    strategic advantage
        declare_counter opt_def        ;    total defence    
        declare_counter opt_bkp        ;    breaking point
        declare_counter opt_etn        ;    ethnonyms
        ; e_opt_cca                        ;    combat casualties
        ; e_opt_epi                        ;    epidemics
        ; e_opt_ops                        ;    operational situation
        ; e_opt_csp                        ;    conspiracies    (1 = 1%, 2 = 0.75%, 3 = 0.5%)
        ; e_opt_vav                        ;    vae victis
        ;    Presettings (0 = disabled / 1(or +) = enabled)
        set_counter opt_exf 1
        set_counter opt_com 1
        set_counter opt_srd 1
        set_counter opt_plk 1
        set_counter opt_tad 1
        set_counter opt_dpl 1
        set_counter opt_stg 2
        set_counter opt_cam 1
        set_counter opt_cin 1
        set_counter opt_sad 1
        set_counter opt_def 1
        set_counter opt_bkp 1
        set_counter opt_etn 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_cca 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_epi 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_ops 1
        set_event_counter e_opt_csp 2
        set_event_counter e_opt_vav 1

    If you want to recycle something for your own submod, take what you want, no need of permission.
    Last edited by Erken; April 25, 2021 at 09:10 AM.

  7. #107

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    awesome! splendid work there, sincerely hope some of it will make its way into main EB. love that launcher image! well done!

  8. #108

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    If I wanted to just use the M2TWEOP Choose Heir mechanic for a submod I'm working on, what files from this mod would I need to use?

  9. #109

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    M2TWEOP is flagged as a trojan.

  10. #110

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Broreale View Post
    M2TWEOP is flagged as a trojan.
    Will be partially fixed in the next patch for m2tweop (not for all antiviruses).
    The project itself does not contain viruses and is also completely open source code -
    People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be, until they have learned to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises
    medieval 2 total war engine overhaul project

  11. #111

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Aodh Mór Ó Néill View Post
    If I wanted to just use the M2TWEOP Choose Heir mechanic for a submod I'm working on, what files from this mod would I need to use?
    the version of m2tweop used in this submod will soon be replaced by a new one, the techniques used here will become obsolete and will be replaced by better options. You can see an example of new functions on the eop site here - will be more information later, not all the information on the site yet)), with this you can make any of your own menus for anything.
    People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be, until they have learned to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises
    medieval 2 total war engine overhaul project

  12. #112

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Aodh Mór Ó Néill View Post
    If I wanted to just use the M2TWEOP Choose Heir mechanic for a submod I'm working on, what files from this mod would I need to use?
    You just need the tool alone for this. Download the last version, or wait the next one if you want to do something more complicated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Broreale
    M2TWEOP is flagged as a trojan.
    As Youneuoy said, the tool is safe.

    Just be sure to correctly enter your credit card number when required.

  13. #113

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Erken View Post
    You just need the tool alone for this. Download the last version, or wait the next one if you want to do something more complicated.
    Ah ok. Is the incompatibility with Reshade to do with the tool, or some other aspect of the mod?

  14. #114

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Aodh Mór Ó Néill View Post
    Ah ok. Is the incompatibility with Reshade to do with the tool, or some other aspect of the mod?
    With the tool. I guess it's the same thing with similar programs, but i have not tested myself.

  15. #115

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    I remember using this before and it was pretty complicated, although i didn't give it that much time to learn either to be fair. Im getting ready to start a long campaign now patches are out and it again looks interesting so appreciate the work updating it. I do have a question though, are many of these changes restricted to the player or does some of it effect the AI as well? Im mainly asking because it might be worth increasing the difficulty if its the latter, although i cant imagine the AI even being able to understand and work within the changes you have made.

    Edit: Hey so i get an unspecified error when using your M2TWEOP launcher. The base EB2 game itself still works through its own shortcut so it seems i installed your submod wrong.

    Dragged the ebii folder from the zip in to mods as instructed, M2TWEOP installed itself in to \mods\ebii and your instruction was to take a shortcut of this and move it in to \mods\ebii\data correct? I then opened this shortcut and clicked start mod and that was the result basically.

    Edit2: Anyone who has a similar problem, running it as administrator fixed it. I have EB2 installed on a seperate SSD on an account with admin privileges so i didn't think i would have to do it.
    Last edited by Martin N; April 25, 2021 at 11:04 AM.

    "I may not like what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

    - Voltaire(1694–1778)

  16. #116

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    This is a boring submod for boring players, so it's maybe a little complicated xD

    Some things affect the ai, not the others. The idea was to offer a great variation of tactical and strategical situations, in a dynamic environment, and volontarily allows to take advantage of some weaknesses of the ai armies (through combat casualties for example), while being exposed to the same threats. Also, the ai doesn't need to be able to analyze the situation to take advantage of some scripts. Some things will be sometimes be easier than normal, and sometimes more complicated, that's a design choice (but you can disable what you want).

    You can put the shortcut where you want, just no more use the vanilla one. If all is ok, you will see M2TWEOP 1.19 in gothic letters in the menu and splash screen.

  17. #117

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    For the record, I don't have M2TWEOP 1.19 on any of the splash screens and everything's working fine for me.

  18. #118

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Aodh Mór Ó Néill View Post
    For the record, I don't have M2TWEOP 1.19 on any of the splash screens and everything's working fine for me.
    You probably mean the loading screens? What i call splash screen with my terrible english is the one with the eb2 logo when you launch the game (which is named splash.tga in the menu folder).

  19. #119

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    run a quick test with Bactria. everything works fine, it seems. the only potential issue is that i'm not sure raiding works. i usually receive a notification when siegeing rebel cities for couple of turns. this did not happen. i have not had a chance to test if field raids will work.

    is it possible to arrange regions that get displayed as colored areas (by pressing F9) to be in the colour of the owning faction?

    really like the more appropriate minor settlements models in the regions (hope this will make its way into vanilla mod).

    overall, great work, looking forward to going for a full-on campaign with this when i have a bit of time. thank you

  20. #120

    Default Re: [Submod] Stratēgikόs

    Quote Originally Posted by Erken View Post

    This is a boring submod for boring players, so it's maybe a little complicated xD
    I beg to differ, it sounds really exciting and enriching the gameplay through some randomness and dynamism!! And also, FINALLY being able to choose your heir in M2TW like in RTW... Pretty much irresistible submod, I'm afraid

    On the other hand, I wonder about compatibility with Enhanced Campaign Movement submod (interesting report of AI being less interrupted in their plans, allowing a CAI substantial enhancement), as Strategikos affects the armies' % of movement. Would these dynamic and temporal movement changes affect the base value that it's included, either by EBII vanilla or the above submod, and thus being both compatible submods?

    Thank you very much for your splendid work! Also to youneuoy for allowing to go even further the limits! Really looking forward to finding the time to start playing EBII again with this submod included as essential.
    Last edited by jdofo; April 26, 2021 at 11:35 AM.

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