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Thread: Apprentice looking for a Master

  1. #1

    Default Apprentice looking for a Master

    Hello everyone! I am a long time TW player, all the way back to the very first Medieval TW. I am also an unpublished amateur fiction writer. I have always wanted to create my own total conversion mod for TW ever since playing the LOTR total conversion mods on Rome TW and the Rise of Mordor mod for Rome 2 TW. My writing partners and I have been working on a fantasy book series for the last six years, and I have always wanted to make a total conversion mod for Rome 2 TW to bring our book world to life...just for our amusement initially of course. Anyway, while I know how to modify SOME files for Rome TW, I have no clue what I am doing with creating a total conversion mod, and with these newer games I cannot even figure out where the files are that I am used to modding from the old game. Is there anyone in here willing to walk me through how to create a total conversion mod?

  2. #2
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    apartment 6

    Default Re: Apprentice looking for a Master

    doing a complete overhauls will require years (not joking, years) of constant modding, and understanding from 3d modellation to scripting
    And you'll also need a solid team with a conspicuos number of guys inside

    it's not possible yet to build custom maps nor in rome2 nor in any other post shogun 2 games
    the tool has not been released yet (nor completed)
    should be a matter of time, some months or a year, forks usually are wide when it coms on releasing complex modding tools

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