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Thread: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

  1. #181
    Gyrosmeister's Avatar Monsieur Grec
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    "wielding his sword of Mass Destruction". Was it found however when Saddam was probably captured? And why didn't some weird ass DM allow us to retroport chemical weapons?

  2. #182
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Another fantastic session, even more arson than usual.

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    Daughter, Heir, and Wartime Consigliere of King Athelstan

  3. #183

    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Akar View Post
    Another fantastic session, even more arson than usual.
    I liked that the arson had a tactical impact in session. Like, I would say that all of the arson so far has been for some tactical reason (cause I definitely am not a firebug who just wants to see the world burn... honestly, I'm not!). However, the last session had a nice usage of fire as a form of defilade, and I found that to be verra cool!
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  4. #184
    Gyrosmeister's Avatar Monsieur Grec
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
    I liked that the arson had a tactical impact in session. Like, I would say that all of the arson so far has been for some tactical reason (cause I definitely am not a firebug who just wants to see the world burn... honestly, I'm not!). However, the last session had a nice usage of fire as a form of defilade, and I found that to be verra cool!
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  5. #185
    Gyrosmeister's Avatar Monsieur Grec
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  6. #186
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    He saved an orc too!

    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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  7. #187
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    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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  8. #188
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  9. #189
    Gyrosmeister's Avatar Monsieur Grec
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Well, that was an awkward family reunion. Damn you Finderwel, roll better stats for WIS next time

  10. #190
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    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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  11. #191
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  12. #192
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    CHAPTER 11: Bankruptcy…
    Or “The Flight from Waterdeep”
    Open with Varis’ in the Streets of Waterdeep

    Varis Aloro, Chaotic Good Paladin, Half-Elf, 28 years of age: escaped slave and former Calimport Gladiator. Paladin with an oath of Vengeance on slavers and a desire to do good by the less fortunate, but whose pursuit of these goals are often harmed by bouts of depression and drunkenness over his past. Recent arrival to Waterdeep in search of his lost love, who he lost contact with when sold from Luskan to Calimport 12 years ago.
    Alias: “Drunken Dip ” “12 Years a Slave”

    Harminil of House Finderwel, True Neutral Battle Master, High Elf, 120 years of age: Noble and former soldier with residence in Waterdeep. Painter and wild card with deep-rooted sense of High Elven Supremacy and an insatiable desire for high elven women. Seeks to hone his skills in combat so that one day he may reclaim the Jeweled Crown of his ancestors that was stolen by a demonic entity long ago and restore his house’s as well as his personal sense of superiority. Prior experience serving with the mercenary Varragh il Sunayn during his military service.
    Alias: “Harm and ‘Ammer”, “The Hater”

    Varragh il Sunayn, Chaotic Neutral Mastermind, Fey Elf, 186 years of age: Descendant of a house of hunters turned traffickers who straddled the border between Toril and the Feywild. Rogue, Hunter and survivor with an imperative to retake and restore her family’s power, even if guilted by the means that acquired that power. Will keep the party on track and has a no-nonsense attitude when dealing with the commoners, or even potential enemies, who get in her way. Prior experience serving with the soldier Harminil through her time as a mercenary:
    Alias: “The woman who literally snapped a dude’s neck like Black Widow” “I fear no man, but that thing…. It scares me”


    Aseir and Andala: Don’t even DO know which end of the spear to use at this point. Literally ing unkillable unlike all their other Calimshite buddies. Prob happy as they got included in the first barracks raid, AND happy as they survived the second.

    Bandagh: GOOD GREEN BOI AND BRAVE. Somehow able to haul his fat ass down a cliff without getting 127 Hours’d. Now a literal fashion KING.
    Duncan: Still washing dishes and taking orders. Literally his entire purpose of existing.

    Pierre Kukassy, “Bucket Man” Endshift Tavern Bartender: Fat older man who loves a good alcoholic customer. Bros with Varis, negative opinion towards Harminil. Eyes and ears in the city for the party. Still sells the bucket. Got his cut plus damages. At this point most definitely a legal accomplice to every one of the party’s vast crimes.

    The Lizard Raiders: Quite a bit easier to kill than Amrik’s Raiders. Never learned the lesson that it’s better to not try to rob literally the only people near by way stronger than you.
    Ghost Girl: Don’t know, don’t care, not getting sucked into whatever dumb this is

    Davos and the Trash Men: A squadron of starving Frank Reynolds-types with a penchant for suicidal robbery attempts

    Mysterious Woman: Gets her conversation ruined and gets pissed about it. One-eyed and looks mean as hell.

    Tyavos and Vahayon: Harminil’s younger twin brothers. Scarred as and only 1/10th as stupid/lacking in basic social graces as Harmy.

    Varis’ Daring (and Inebriated) Escape

    We open with Varis still being the last remaining member of the party to still be in the city walls, having fled north towards the field ward in his disguise as petty criminal and walking ethnic slur Trojan Montoya, while Varragh, Harminil and the flamboyant orc Bandagh somehow successfully rappel down the eastern cliff face.
    Varis finds the city in the previous hours has become a vastly different one, with some Griffon-riding s putting the whole place on lockdown and searching any travelers to the field ward. Knowing he is carrying 5 gold bars from their bank massacre two weeks (!!!) prior, Varis cannot allow himself to be searched before fencing the items to Kukassy as Endshift. He also sees a variety of wanted posters in the North Ward accurately depicting the party, the jihadis, the escaped slaves and most importantly the Mr. Peanut-esque Baras Goldwater, dashing in his monocle as always.

    Exhibiting a bit of guile while approaching the checkpoint that would make the devious Varragh proud (as he of course is only ever capable of doing while she is absent) Varis stealthily uses a Command to “Scream” in the ear of the scariest mother er he can find, who to his own surprise proceeds to make a massive scene and start slapping some gnomes around in fear. Next, utilizing his perfect as well as at this point possibly dissociative acting skills, Varis replicates the speech a member of the guard whose voice he had previously heard and cries that one of the “Amrik’s Raiders” has been spotted. Luckily, he makes it through the checkpoint unsearched as a result of the chaos.

    Heading to Kukassy’s back door as usually , Varis discovers the jolly fat bastard has employed the Jihadi boys Andala and Aseir out of loyalty to their particularly drunk commander. The boys are pleasantly surprised to see Varis still lives after the events of several hours prior. Giving a surprisingly heartfelt speech, Varis gives them 400 gold of the 1000 he receives from Kukassy for all the slaves that were freed and asks them to not follow his path of vengeance but one of protection of their new clan. He gives them a secret note with instructions for Lia, who once again Varis is too much of a to speak to himself despite being supposedly his literal entire character motivation as well as the person he sold his actual soul for, and also his scimitar to serve as a weapon of protection as it once served him. Additionally, he gives Kukassy a hug and his thanks, and takes one last bucket for the road. Varis isn’t leaving this city sober, dead or alive.

    Aided by a map Kukassy gave him as well as the bluffing skills of a seriously hammered lunatic, Varis fumbles his way down to the sewers and heads towards the docks where he struggles mightily to scale a single wall before deciding to make his way to where all the poor fishermen are and steal the smallest, vessel he can find. Not wanting to have it weigh too heavily on his conscience, he decides to leave 50 gold there (as if it will somehow reach the owner he robbed) which actually is the only reason he escapes, given that it creates a fight amongst those who would have thought to pursue him, and ferries his stupid, drunk, yet somehow charismatic ass down to the outskirts of the city before heading to the road to Daggerford. Despite all odds, he not only successfully escapes but is completely unaware everyone he thinks he saved has a very high chance of being completely ed despite his “I Will Return!” General MacArthur moment.

    The Mountain Climbers Continue Onward

    Deciding they wont go to the city of “Northwinter” and will follow the plan they told Varis towards Daggerford, probably to Varragh’s annoyance as at this point she’d rather abandon his hypocritically righteous ass, the remaining three begin heading east. Somehow despite somehow repeatedly being totally forgotten at this point, Bandagh is in fact still part of the party as they begin their trek. He and Varragh spend much of this time once again deciding to haggle over the terms of his agreement to work with the party, with the crafty orc somehow consistently negotiating a better deal for himself on each counter and it not being noticed like he’s Bugs Bunny or some . Harminil, on the other hand, literally could not give less of a about the Greenskin being part of the party or not and just is really excited to see his brothers Tyavos and Vahayon when they arrive in Daggerford.
    Rather than taking the yellow brick road south, assuming one would have to be a complete moron to do so while being wanted criminals within Water-DAVE-ian territory, the three cut through the farmlands to the east. Harminil is thrilled by this development, stating it reminds him of how the Hobbits escaped the Nazgul in “Lord of the Rings” only for Bandagh and Varragh to ask him “what the is a lord of the rings?” Harminil ignores this reasonable request about such a fourth wall break and instead begins thinking of how he can instantly reveal every crime he’s committed in extreme detail to his brothers.

    Somehow, the group sneaks by the watchful gaze of sussed out farmers carrying magical shotguns to blow away any trespassing poachers, moving as fast as possible to leave Waterdeep’s 50 mile radius of control. Harminil spends the entire day’s march singing elvish folk songs just to drive Bandagh completely insane.

    Varis vs. a Horde of Goblins= Goblins Probably Win

    Varis somehow manages his way through the “Rat Hills”, full of some Trash Men, completely unaccosted. Despite their best efforts, the population of poor Danny Devitos is unable to build up the will to attack and rob the paranoid paladin. Looking for somewhere to rest and also wash the sewer water off, Varis finds an abandoned motte-and-bailey further down the road at the mouth of a small river.

    Despite being obviously aware of the fact that this fortress is not wholly abandoned, and then aware of the fact its full of goblins after sneaking closer to it, the CHAD GENIUS Varis decides to try sneaking up the bridge to the most fortified area of this battered settlement. There he discovers the power of PRECISION GERMAN DWARVEN ENGINEERING as he gets pelted to by goblin-operated siege weapons and arrows. He instantly dives into the water after a pathetic attempt to light and throw a torch at the horde of filthy, laughing goblins. Pulling a reverse Boromir, he jumps into the river and attempts to swim away while getting pelted to death by another onslaught of arrows. At this point, Varis knew he ed up. Taking a potentially lethal blow, the irrational drunk is knocked unconscious and floats down the length of the river back towards the bridge. He ed around and found out.

    The Parties Converge

    Approaching the bridge themselves, the group of three have a conversation about Bandagh’s swimming abilities. Confirming Harminil’s deeprooted love of stereotypes, Bandagh confirms that “orcs can’t swim, on account of their tusks”. Apparently, in a bit of verrrrry suspect Bandagh worldbuilding lore, Goblins even used to capture Bandagh’s people and use them as anchors. Harminil likely thinks this is a top 3 use of orcs overall.

    Also attracting the attention of the smelly rat men, likely due to Varragh’s proclivity for jewelry and accessories, the group of three passes garbage territory with weapons drawn. They also find the bridge checkpoint surprisingly lax as nobody seems to give a that three individuals travelling together remarkably resemble their nation’s equivalent of three members of al-Qaeda immediately post-bombing. Varragh chooses to stay on the road after this journey, loudly ruminating on how stupid it would be to travel off the road at this point following leaving Waterdhavian territory, especially given the chance of running into some sort of goblin ambush.
    The group of three travels to the smaller river’s stream just in time to see a dying Varis slide down the rapids, his vulnerable brain only being saved from severe, permanent damage by the fact that he didn’t have much of one to begin with. Harminil commands his lesser, Bandagh to go into the river and save the 3/4th elf before Varragh quickly reminds him Bandagh literally just told them that he can’t swim. Bandagh mainly just wonders, in the immediate aftermath of their unassisted cliff descent and this new command, if Harminil has made it an explicit part of his gameplan to get Bandagh killed in as absurd a way as possible.

    The group manages to save Varis, with Harminil reluctantly giving up a few drops of his secret magical elvish healing Evermeetian Wine (which sure as hell would have come in handy when Harminil got knocked the out back at the bank heist) to stabilize his fallen, foolish comrade. However, while doing so, Harminil also insists on no one telling the drunk when he awakens that there is wine within the party, with the just fear that Varis would obviously waste the sacred liquor at some point.

    Encounters on the Road to Daggerford

    That evening, having situated themselves a bit off the road to avoid the watch and whatever it was that absolutely battered the paladin, the group decides to rest and recover. With the true elves of the party taking turns on watch, they eventually detect the intruders who had been stalking the party that night, lizard s.
    The angry non-English speaking lizard raiders try stupidly threatening literally by far the most armed and bloodthirsty group they possibly could have encountered, and quickly pay the price. Varragh is definitely not willing to give up supplies while being threatened, and neither is Harminil willing to be blackmailed and threatened by a lesser lifeform. Even Varis, usually the guy to try to defuse things, is still pissed off from being Boromir’d and now woken from his 8-hour rest that magically returns him to full health and decides to join in on slaughtering some geckos. Harminil is simply happy with this development because he can add another species added to his Racial Insults Checklist for the campaign, which unfortunately the Lizards cannot even comprehend.

    These spear-throwing scaly bois end up being no match for the party, with the last having his tail cut off by Varragh as he flees to serve as a permanent (assuming it doesn’t grow back?) reminder to not bite off more than he can chew. Varis loots one of their massive turtle shell shields, appraising it as roughly equivalent to his current while also looking inherently more badass.

    Next, the party comes upon an abandoned farmhouse that gives them some sort of magical, foreboding feeling of dread. The group then sees a ghostly apparition of a little girl who is seemingly pushed into the well after saying the most cliché spooky ghost lines imaginable. Deciding this is an “Ok understandable, have a nice day” situation, they immediately walk past the scary farm, and decide this place should likely be left in the past for some other, lesser campaign for far less important adventurers to take care of. Bandagh especially decides “ that I’m out” and the party uses the “bad neighborhood, eyes straight ahead brisk walk” out of that situation.
    Lastly, the party meets with an ambush from some garbage men who have been following since the rat hills from a few days prior. With Varragh on watch, these starving bois, led by a “Davos” decide to accost a group of relatively powerful, violent, wanted adventures who just slaughtered more well-armed lizards the day prior. Varragh sees this situation unfold and tries to surprisingly avoid violence for once in her life. Deciding it might be a good opportunity to employ these starving men as enforcers on the cheap rather than her usual MO of lighting everyone on fire, she tries to reason with them before Harminil and Varis awake and in their usual lack of ability to think before they act, immediately get aggressive with the trash men.

    One of the trash men, perhaps due to fear or perhaps as a result of being a smelly idiot, accidentally launches his crossbow bolt at the party, causing Harminil to go on the offensive against the inferior humans and begin carving them up with his pure, superior elven-forged blade. With only one surviving and fleeing for his life, Varragh chases him through the forest as he desperately cries and begs her to let him live. The other two are basically like “c’mon Varragh let it go” but despite repeatedly failing to tackle him due to her slender frame, she finally utilizes her huntress skills and catches the young lad so she can carve him up like a Thanksgiving Turkey. She leaves no witnesses, no one to ever threaten her again. When she returns from her sprint, she is angry and says to the boys it’s their fault for escalating, even though she chose to finish it for good. Overall, the party is seeming to not be an exactly heroic bunch this far into the campaign.

    Arrival at Daggerford

    The party after a few more days of travel reaches Daggerford, a far smaller settlement roughly 1/100th the size of the massive metropolis of Waterdeep. Harminil, despite all other factors to consider is pretty much dead set on finding his brothers. Varragh is meanwhile very uncomfortable with the idea of finding Harminil’s brothers, assuming that with how much he loves and respects them, they must be equally ridiculous.

    The group finds the Lady Luck Tavern to get a drink and get information, with Harmy immediately finding his brothers in hushed conversation with a mysterious woman. Harminil is thrilled to find them and immediately tries multiple times to interrupt this obviously important, secret conversation while they’re basically telling him to temporarily off. Bandagh and Varis do their usual habit of instantly drinking upon arrival while Varragh again is like “wait a second it’s been like 4 days and we NEVER agreed on terms Bandagh, so the perfect time to try is while your orcish ass is wasted.”

    Harminil ruins this secret meeting, causing the one-eyed woman to leave due to his interruptions. Harminil proceeds to get out by his brothers who ask him to stay out of their important affairs. Harminil of course instantly decides to start relaying the extent of the trouble he ran into in Waterdeep right in public in a Waterdhavian-allied city. Harminil finally notices Tyavos has a new, grievous facial scar as well as missing a few fingers as Tyavos loses his on him for ruining things. Vahayon, also looking a bit crippled with a serious limp, is a little more understanding but also demands Harminil un- up the situation and for now find somewhere to stay where he won’t attract attention or be seen with them.
    Varis chooses to stay at Lady Luck with Harminil for the night while Varragh and her orcish simp Bandagh, who is not Harmini’'s biggest fan, choose to go to a nicer establishment and sleep in luxury at River Shining Tavern. The Waterdeep Mystery has at least for now come to an abrupt end, and we have now entered the Daggerford Adventures of House Finderwel, and their battle to un- their fortunes with the power of a drunk half-breed, a lunatic eladrin pyromaniac huntress and a greenskin with fabulous fashion sense. Together, this ragtag group will establish a presence in Daggerford and help Harminil, Tyavos and Vahayon hopefully beat the out of this thieving demon who stole their .

    Points to Consider for next time:

    DID the party succeed in their quest to end the slave ring? Probably not.

    Will the party ever learn WHAT THE happened to Evander? Probably not.

    When will Harminil and Varragh’s debts be called upon by the Thin Man, the Spindly Pole, Mister Twardowski?

    Will there be any repercussions to the with the goblin fort, the lizard men, or the gang of garbage men?

    How will Varragh see profit in this new endeavor and turning Bandagh, the last ally on the road with them, into her legendary simp bodyguard?

    How will the party thrive or descend into further depravity and violence in this new locale?

    Will their exploits in Waterdeep ever come back to haunt the party in Daggerford?

    What happened to the Finderwel brothers, and what will they do to un- their situation?

    Will House Finderwel reclaim its holy, pure, and forged by elven hands crown from that Demon?


    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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    Daughter, Heir, and Wartime Consigliere of King Athelstan

  13. #193
    Gyrosmeister's Avatar Monsieur Grec
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Corellon Allfather! To the everlasting
    Darkness doom us if our deed faileth…
    On the holy island hear in witness
    and our vow remember
    Angharradh and Vandria!
    Be he Elf, Man or Dwarf
    Friend or Foe
    Fiend or Angel
    Whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh,
    Finding keepeth or afar casteth
    Our Mirilli Rie. This swear we all…
    Death we will deal him ere Day’s ending, Woe unto world’s end!

  14. #194
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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    Daughter, Heir, and Wartime Consigliere of King Athelstan

  15. #195
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Video of last session and a recap of the one before.

    BOOK 2
    CHAPTER 1: A New Beginning

    Open with the Party Waking in the Lady Luck and River Shining Taverns, Respectively

    Varis Aloro, Chaotic Good Paladin, Half-Elf, 28 years of age: escaped slave and former Calimport Gladiator. Paladin with an oath of Vengeance on slavers and a desire to do good by the less fortunate, but whose pursuit of these goals are often harmed by bouts of depression and drunkenness over his past. Recent arrival to Waterdeep in search of his lost love, who he lost contact with when sold from Luskan to Calimport 12 years ago. Now sworn into servitude to Harminil, Varragh and a devil for their role in fulfilling his quest to save his lady following their flight to Daggerford.

    Alias: “Drunken Dip ” “12 Years a Slave”

    Harminil of House Finderwel, True Neutral Battle Master, High Elf, 120 years of age: Noble and former soldier with residence in Waterdeep. Painter and wild card with deep-rooted sense of High Elven Supremacy and an insatiable desire for high elven women. Seeks to hone his skills in combat so that one day he may reclaim the Jeweled Crown of his ancestors that was stolen by a demonic entity long ago and restore his house’s as well as his personal sense of superiority. Prior experience serving with the mercenary Varragh il Sunayn during his military service. Was glad to travel to Daggerford following the party’s Waterdhavian exploits in hopes of finding his brothers.

    Alias: “Harm and ‘Ammer”, “The Hater”, “Speak up”

    Varragh il Sunayn, Chaotic Neutral Mastermind, Fey Elf, 186 years of age: Descendant of a house of hunters turned traffickers who straddled the border between Toril and the Feywild. Rogue, Hunter and survivor with an imperative to retake and restore her family’s power, even if guilted by the means that acquired that power. Will keep the party on track and has a no-nonsense attitude when dealing with the commoners, or even potential enemies, who get in her way. Prior experience serving with the soldier Harminil through her time as a mercenary. Was mostly ambivalent towards the flight to Daggerford, primarily concerned with surviving and making gold doing so.

    Alias: “The woman who literally snapped a dude’s neck like Black Widow” “I fear no man, but that thing…. It scares me” “Feanor’s lost granddaughter”


    Bandagh: GOOD GREEN BOI AND BRAVE. Somehow able to haul his fat ass down a cliff without getting 127 Hours’d. Now a literal fashion KING. Strong with an axe and able to take a hit (sometimes from Harminil, much to his annoyance) and basically the party’s fourth member in Daggerford at the moment.

    Tyavos and Vahayon: Harminil’s younger twin brothers. Scarred as and only 1/10th as stupid/lacking in basic social graces as Harmy.
    Belinda Delimbiyr: The River Shining bartender. A kindly middle-aged lady with the most stereotypical "kindly middle-aged lady" voice imaginable. Took pity on Stanislav the Great’s poor attempt to be her bar’s bard.

    Mahadi: The Lady Luck bartender. Has a cute dog and loves having Stanislav attract attention and revelers to his establishment.
    Old dock men: Don’t know jack except how to unload crates and ride the wave of life.

    Captain Salazar: Fat Constabulary captain with a glorious mustache. Ostenibly wants those goblins kicked the out of Nightstone…… if they actually EXIST. Thinks Varragh is making everything up entirely. The epitome of AGAB.

    Kelson Darktreader: Daggerford Master of the Hunt. White-haired, dour elf who again proves to Harminil that any human (in this case Salazar) will be surpassed by their elvish counterpart if you need anything done. Actually gives a about the Nightstone goblin infestation.
    Gnome Salesman: Can’t remember his name, just remember his glorious high-pitched voice and love of fashion

    Tempus Priest: Prays with Harminil by getting his ass absolutely kicked by superior Elvish tactics. Gives “information” on the Cult of Bane.

    Black Goat: BAHHHHH

    Derik Chovin: STAWP RESISTING

    Asil: googoo gaga

    Grannies: Big mad, big hungry, big dead

    Yes I gave up on descriptions halfway through the reeeecap

    Daggerford Exploits
    We open with Harminil and Varragh meeting between their fancy and taverns following their trances as the alcoholic Varis is too concerned with a guest acting spot at “Real Life Employment” to be ready for their adventure on time. Harminil spends much of this meeting on the last day of Kythorn complaining about missing his extremist elven meeting that is about to happen today as well as the fact that Varragh is galavanting so much with a lesser species in Bandagh. A disembodied voice in the sky begins to explain to Varragh the proper ways of counting days of the month while she breaks the fourth wall and explains she enjoys such lectures because some random unknown individual does forget the proper naming conventions of Faerun (and she is very correct in that evaluation).

    Varragh and Bandagh go off on their own adventure as the GREEN BOI really doesn’t care given the fact he is already loaded with money from absolutely fleecing Varragh on the employment contract. Speaking to the innkeeper Belinda Delimbiyr, the odd couple discovers some possible job opportunities to both earn gold and experience in the hunt. First, they go to the port, a hub on the path to Waterdeep and encounter a random sailor trying to get them to unload crates. Varragh steals Harmy’s catchphrase as she has a habit of doing and requests the man SPEAK UP, triggering the karmic wrath of House Finderwel. Speaking to a union organizer, she learns the name of the motte-and-bailey where Varis got Scarface’d was Nightstone, a small settlement a few dozen miles away. She learns to report to the guard in hopes of acquiring gold for hunting them down.

    Eventually, Captain Salazar, who thinks she is just as likely to be making up entirely, agrees to pay for the hunt if she is to provide proof these goblins are in possession of siege equipment. Eventually, Varragh realizes he is just trying to line his pockets and really doesn’t even care even if she was telling the truth. She tells him to kick rocks and goes off to find someone who does care and will pay for her services properly.

    Meanwhile, Harminil goes to meet his brothers and waits outside for an hour before realizing they’re literally already inside the establishment eating. He offers to speak in private, to which Tyavos and Vahayon jokingly reply with bewilderment given he had no interest in talking privately when he ruined their secret meeting the day prior. Harminil learns that the woman who he interrupted was a member of the Church of Bane who was going to give the brothers information on how to meet famed Demonologist Nicholas Remay in their pursuit of that demon guy they’re obsessed with finding.

    Now, given the one-eyed woman left them in anger, they have no leads to find Remay, and Harminil offers to take the lead on finding the Demonologist instead. The twins clearly love their oafish racist older brother but also are guarded given his habit of completely destroying everything from pure lack of thinking. The brothers also explain they are so brutally maimed following demon hunting exploits in their quest to restore their family to its past glory and find the “ demon”. Together, they prove that every member of House Finderwel is a badass, having killed Killed a Dretch near Candledeep, a Vrock in Tethyr and Barlgura near Neverwinter. However, unfortunately for what they gained in rational thinking skills and basic logic compared to Harminil they clearly at least somewhat lost in martial prowess.

    Harminil proceeds to basically spill the entire beans to his brothers and Vahayon drops some classic Finderwel anti-human racism to prove Harminil is simply a product of a hateful household environment on top of the fact humans are pretty ing stupid. The twins are also happy that Harminil saved so many family heirlooms on his way out of Waterdeep as well as his epic painting works of elvish superiority. Basically, Harminil writes his own spin on the entire Waterdeep saga recap series leaving us really only lacking a Varragh-perspective recount of how all that ridiculous went down. Harminil manages to properly push all the blame off himself yet surprisingly finds his brothers more impressed by his willingness to do literally anything and kill anyone for what he wants, especially old Sgt. “”Keanu Reeves” Devola for insulting elvenkind. These Finderwel ers really prove they are consistently a violent but loveable bunch.

    The two halves of the party exploring, with Varis still sleeping but somehow having a good dream for once as the universe informs him he may have a chance to kill those filthy laughing goblins, end up meeting back together in the streets. Varragh tries to petition to the Duchess directly given the Constabulary was useless, but instead is given an offer to meet with the Master of the Hunt, Kelson Darktreader.

    Meeting with Darktreader, Varragh is happy to find he is actually both capable and not corrupt unlike fat boy, donut eating AGAB (were all those Waterdeep murders justified???) Salazar. He agrees to have a scout follow their exploits to prove they kill the goblins, and also offers to let Varragh become a citizen for handling the matter as she wished. Varragh the mastermind is most concerned with having some sort of buffer if Waterdeep ever discovered their identity and tried to force some sort of extradition of the terrorist group known as Amrik’s Raiders. Essentially, she is trying to turn Daggerford into Pakistan.

    It is at this moment that Varis resurrects from his slumber where he was simultaneously dreaming of killing elves while also having nightmares of working something called “retail” on some other, dreadful plane of existence. Varragh gives a brief recap of what happened and describes how Harminil is useless because he can’t conjure something useful like a horse out of his ass. Varis is super hyped his dreams of killing goblins may come true. Varis, immediately after being happy to slaughter goblins tries to then lecture Varragh that murder is bad even if it freed Bandagh.

    Varis for some godforsaken reason chooses to start his late day and buy some clothes for yet another alter ego disguise. He wears a blue cap and red-brown cloak and styles himself as “Stanislav the Great”, putting together a perfect disguise. A Rashemi traveling bard who clearly thinks far better of himself than his talents would indicate. Playing his viol he forgot he’s in possession of for the last month, Varis first travels to River Shining and his services are rejected immediately by Belinda. Feeling jilted he then proceeds to Lady Luck and plays outside to the market, advertising the tavern with a rendition of “Going down to Lady Luck, Gonna Have Myself a Time” and making far better profits and the thanks of poor old Mahadi.
    Meanwhile, Harminil spends the rest of his day pursuing leads on the demonologist, traveling to the Temple of Tempus, where the racist elf is very confused by these strange forms of religious practices. He finds out that the worshippers there pray by beating the out of eachother, which he finds both savage and barbaric, indicative of human inferiority, but also pretty fun. The priest, whose name Harminil never gets given he isn’t much of a “names guy”, engages in combat as part of their agreement to give Harminil information but then really provides little if anything on the Cult of Bane.

    Varragh meanwhile spends the evening looking out for housing only to find that somehow literally the run down shack in the city is worth over 2x what she pulled out of a bank vault in fantasy New York City two weeks ago. She questions this fragile and absurd economy, only for the god-like voice from earlier to reply “I’ll look into it” to sate her concerns. Hell, Varragh was planning on robbing a bank again (this time maybe with a face cover…maybe) in order to afford it.
    The Second Day in Daggerford

    Somehow, we are only a month into the campaign despite the insane number of events and chaos the party has been involved in, as we enter the first (of the first ten day, you Kilo) of Flamerule on the Calendar of Faerun. Having all slept at River Shining, in the nicer, more expensive part of town, the party wakes with first some equipment swaps. Varis retrieves the Sword in the , currently unused, from Harminil, hoping to add an explosive burst to his smite potential against future enemies. Bandagh, the affable orc, also continues to be a literal pack mule with more weapons of fallen foes on his belt than General ing Grievous. Yet somehow, one Devola sword is just a bridge too far for him to hold. Varis also gives the whole party a cut of his bard earnings while Harmy commands him as an inferior 3/4th elf to heal his broken brothers’ injuries. Varis also switches to wielding the turtle shield he took from those poor starving lizardmen they slaughtered on the road to Daggerford.

    As the group walks out into town, Varis notices he somehow dropped the captain of the watch’s badge from Waterdeep, something he never even remembered he had in his possession. Did they leave a trail for their Waterdeep pursuers? WHO KNOWS DUNDUNDUN!!!!

    However, more pressing, weirder matters take over their attention as a black goat approaches Varragh and invades the campaign with a message very off-theme from the ridiculous slapstick the party has gotten into up to this point, saying (in common tongue despite being a ing goat) the message:


    Finding this turn of events suspect as hell but also not wanting to cause problems and get kicked out of a second city for investigating, the party goes to the useless constables (AGAB) to cover their asses in case anything goes wrong. Relaying an abbreviated version of the message but not explaining where it came from (because even in a magical world every time they try to explain events that occurred to them the party is seen as absolutely ing insane by people in places of authority) the party finds officer Derik Chovin, mid-donut devouring, very unconcerned with their problem. Even when Varis tries the “I’m new in town” gambit he finds officer Chovin’s reaction just kind of “meh who cares”.

    Together, the party finds the red house and finds two corpses, clearly having taken some crystal substances. An illusion of the theme of a meth-focused entertainment series from another plane of existence randomly blasts in Varis’ ears as he makes this discovery. Deeper inside, he finds a baby whose crib is carved with the name Asil, who he immediately cradles inside his turtle shield and re-names Shelly.

    Still sussed out, the group decides to return the baby to its grandmother while Varragh stops at the constabulary with the drugs, getting them finally to do something and take something seriously besides beating innocent orcs in the street. Together, the party takes the yellow brick road to Granny’s house before slowly realizing this path is more like an ominous yellow brick death trail into the lizard marshes where any normal old lady would be absolutely merc’d.

    The party eventually reaches an immaculate home in the woods, meeting the old innocent elvish lady who was ostensibly Asil/Shelly’s grandmother. Things get increasingly more suspect as the group tries to interrogate Granny Mabel about how she can survive and thrive in such a terrifying place, before eventually agreeing to give the baby up for Mabel to put her in the back room. Harminil is uneased by this and using his elf-like grace sneaks around to peer through the back window as he has a habit of doing (see: Amrik’s warehouse) only to see ol’ Granny’s jaw dislocate as this hag is about to eat previous Shelly.

    This instigates the old hag’s wrath, creating a crazy melee wherein she drives Harminil momentarily insane with visions of the demon he seeks yet the party surrounds her and cuts her ugly ass up with ease. The death of this fiend unfortunately summons her coven sisters, Fran with skin greener than Bandagh (who again has been swinging his axe with valor during all this even if not particularly invested in the baby quest) and Peggy who is covered in leeches that heal her with every strike she connects upon her enemies.
    Despite a hard-fought and bloody battle against the Kardashian sisters, the party prevails, with Varragh delivering the final blow to Peggy with a stomp upon her leeches. Unfortunately, Fran flees, [probably via teleport into a trap door hidden under the home) and the party does not know how to proceed. Varis and Varragh loots chests for various items:

    Green potion


    Small Glass Orb (possible compass)

    A bag of squishy beads

    Pole of Collapsing



    Bloodied and not willing to risk the baby to pursue the remaining hag, the group has Varragh gather the heads for potential reward from Darktreader and heads back as Varis fully heals them to the greatest extent that he can. Upon return, Varragh negotiates the reward she would have received from killing the goblins and gets the right to buy a home in the city, while Varis is forced to pay Belinda a ridiculous babysitter fee for little Shelly. Harminil returns to his brothers who are annoyed yet somewhat understanding he got sidetracked in his given tasks to deal with hags, even if it was to save a pureblooded baby. Now, the question is where the party heads from here.

    Points to Consider for next time:

    Will the party ever pursue those goblins now that they received an equivalent to the promised rewards?

    When will Harminil and Varragh’s debts be called upon by the Thin Man, the Spindly Pole, Mister Twardowski?

    Will there be any repercussions to the with the goblin fort, the lizard men, or the gang of garbage men?

    How will Varragh see profit in this new endeavor and turning Bandagh, the last ally on the road with them, into her legendary simp bodyguard?

    How will the party thrive or descend into further depravity and violence in this new locale? Has Varragh’s acquisition of property rights and good standing with a man in power given some cushion from potential Waterdhavian incursions?

    Will their exploits in Waterdeep ever come back to haunt the party in Daggerford?

    What happened to the Finderwel brothers, and what will they do to un- their situation? Will Harminil stay on track in saving his family?

    Will House Finderwel reclaim its holy, pure, and forged by elven hands crown from that Demon?

    Last edited by Akar; June 05, 2022 at 10:04 PM.

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    Daughter, Heir, and Wartime Consigliere of King Athelstan

  16. #196
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Recap of the last session:

    BOOK 2
    CHAPTER 2: Three Elves and a Baby
    Open with the Party Arriving in Daggerford, Post Hag Slaying
    3pm, 2nd of Flamerule ( you Akar with that “First Ten Day” bull )


    Varis Aloro, Chaotic Good Paladin, Half-Elf, 28 years of age: escaped slave and former Calimport Gladiator. Paladin with an oath of Vengeance on slavers and a desire to do good by the less fortunate, but whose pursuit of these goals are often harmed by bouts of depression and drunkenness over his past. Recent arrival to Waterdeep in search of his lost love, who he lost contact with when sold from Luskan to Calimport 12 years ago. Now sworn into servitude to Harminil, Varragh and a devil for their role in fulfilling his quest to save his lady following their flight to Daggerford.

    Alias: “Drunken Dip ” “12 Years a Slave”

    Harminil of House Finderwel, True Neutral Battle Master, High Elf, 120 years of age: Noble and former soldier with residence in Waterdeep. Painter and wild card with deep-rooted sense of High Elven Supremacy and an insatiable desire for high elven women. Seeks to hone his skills in combat so that one day he may reclaim the Jeweled Crown of his ancestors that was stolen by a demonic entity long ago and restore his house’s as well as his personal sense of superiority. Prior experience serving with the mercenary Varragh il Sunayn during his military service. Was glad to travel to Daggerford following the party’s Waterdhavian exploits in hopes of finding his brothers.

    Alias: “Harm and ‘Ammer”, “The Hater”, “Speak up”

    Varragh il Sunayn, Chaotic Neutral Mastermind, Fey Elf, 186 years of age: Descendant of a house of hunters turned traffickers who straddled the border between Toril and the Feywild. Rogue, Hunter and survivor with an imperative to retake and restore her family’s power, even if guilted by the means that acquired that power. Will keep the party on track and has a no-nonsense attitude when dealing with the commoners, or even potential enemies, who get in her way. Prior experience serving with the soldier Harminil through her time as a mercenary. Was mostly ambivalent towards the flight to Daggerford, primarily concerned with surviving and making gold doing so.

    Alias: “The woman who literally snapped a dude’s neck like Black Widow” “I fear no man, but that thing…. It scares me” “Feanor’s lost granddaughter”


    Bandagh: GOOD GREEN BOI AND BRAVE. Somehow able to haul his fat ass down a cliff without getting 127 Hours’d. Now a literal fashion KING. Strong with an axe and able to take a hit (sometimes from Harminil, much to his annoyance) and basically the party’s fourth member in Daggerford now.

    Tyavos and Vahayon: Harminil’s younger twin brothers. Scarred as and only 1/10th as stupid/lacking in basic social graces as Harmy.

    Belinda Delimbiyr: The River Shining bartender. A kindly middle-aged lady with the most stereotypical "kindly middle-aged lady" voice imaginable. Took pity on Stanislav the Great’s poor attempt to be her bar’s bard.

    Mahadi: The Lady Luck bartender. Has a cute dog and loves having Stanislav attract attention and revelers to his establishment. Helps direct the party to Nicholas Remay’s manor.

    Kelson Darktreader: Daggerford Master of the Hunt. White-haired, dour elf who again proves to Harminil that any human (in this case Salazar) will be surpassed by their elvish counterpart if you need anything done. Actually gives a about the Nightstone goblin infestation.

    Asil (SHELLLLLLLLLLY): googoo gaga

    Ballick the Dwarf: I'm Ballick, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 210 years – you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door."

    The Elvish Hag Hunters

    We open with the party returning to Daggerford post-hag slaughter, with Varis cradling the little, pureblooded (to Harminil’s delight) elvish baby in his turtle shell shield. Varis, the drunken buffoon insists on now referring to the baby as Shelly, much to Harminil’s annoyance (because it is not a proper name befitting an elf) and Varragh’s total and utter confusion:

    Varis instantly decides the next move should be to pursue and if necessary kill this evil secret Cult of Bane for information on Remay, a lead Harminil previously acquired from that “herrr derrr I like to fight for my religion” dumb ass. Varragh, ever the fan of the First Amendment, hates this plan and insists on the fact that there is no proof these secretive worshippers of the “God of Tyrannical Oppression” are up to no good. Even Harminil is insistent on flexing his lore and religious knowledge from his years of study in Evermeet to explain why the “GOD OF TYRANNICAL OPPRESSION” is probably being worshipped by a bunch of bad guys.

    Varragh however does after several minutes of bickering successfully pull the “Harminil thinks you’re evil as a half-blood, so his judgement is terrible” card to reverse-psychology Varis into giving up on the BANE wave because if Harminil is on his side, maybe it IS the wrong thing. Somehow, Varragh is on the side of not killing someone for the first time all campaign, despite the fact she’s also slowly outing herself as the one who is into literally hunting people for sport. Harminil spends much of this conversation futilely explaining the intricate relationships between Forgotten Realms deities to convince Varis to kill the cultists.

    Eventually, the group realizes that they should try to look around for Nicholas Remay without outing themselves as individuals who are looking for a possibly dangerous demonologist. Varis has a somehow good idea in the eyes of the others and takes out his South Park-inspired bard character again, Stanislav the Okay, to inquire about Remay with the bartender who he has previously established a rapport with while in-character. In exchange for information on Remay (whose mansion is apparently a few hours away from Daggerford), Stanislav offers to play and advertise the bar for a week for free.

    When Varis returns following more slapstick, way too generous with money in-character dumbassery, Varragh is thrilled to find they can pursue the Remay lead without encountering the Bane cult at all. See, people trafficker Varragh prefers to always be the hunter rather than ever put herself in a situation where she could possibly end up being the hunted. Much to her annoyance, that’s been pretty much the entire last month, with the only silver linings being the loot, the potential for Harminil’s restored house to be in her life debt, Varis literally already being in a life debt, and of course best of all, Bandagh the best Green Boi. Harminil is just thrilled he can gather his brothers and tell them he actually completed the goal they set for him in their quest.

    Leadup to The Remay Manor

    Despite the fact that his brothers (who somehow for all their elvish superiority were completely incapable of finding a guy living in walking distance of the city) told him they were keeping a low profile and would not return for nearly a day, Harminil insists on waiting for them alone back at the tavern, getting stuck on baby sitting duties in the process. Bandagh, Varragh and Varis in the meantime try to sneaky deaky slither up to Nicholas’ home, thinking there may be some dangers afoot at the home of a famed, reclusive demonologist. Varragh, ever the conniving eladrin, approaches completely unseen, followed by Bandagh doing the same despite his massive orcish frame. Varis, in true paladin fashion, is incapable of sneaking successfully and steps on a potato chip, airhorn or crowing rooster with each step towards the objective.

    Harminil tries to pawn this baby off onto old Belinda, who is insistent on overcharging for any more unplanned childcare. Harminil is actually unaware that Varragh somehow agreed to give practically all their gold bars to Bandagh in exchange for keeping his sexy orc ass around post-Waterdeep, and then finds out he has waaaaaaaaaaay less money to pay Belinda than he thought beforehand. While this unfortunate situation for Harminil was unforeseen by Varis, it was without a doubt anticipated by Varragh who most likely intentionally left Harminil with the baby so that his dumb ass would get caught having to pay.

    Low on cash and with little to do, Harminil decides to finally pawn off a watch he got in Waterdeep for some spending money. He encounters BALL LICK “Rick Harrison” the Pawn Shop Dwarf. BALL LICK drives a hard bargain and Harminil has little interest with haggling with a member of a lesser species, especially one with such a silly name and temperament. Satisfied with the transaction, he heads back to await the twins’ arrival.

    Varis and Varragh meanwhile have a heart-to-heart where the schizophrenic paladin tries to reason with the vicious huntress. Varis explains how he didn’t anticipate the insanity that occurred in Waterdeep and wishes to find common ground with her especially given that he is still sworn to follow her. Varis wishes to learn more of her quest and push Varragh in a more chivalrous direction, even if he must sacrifice some of his own morals to do so. Bandagh also acknowledges his happiness with the situation given these compromises resulted in him escaping a prison with an absolute ton of bling. Despite their differences and maybe just maybe partially influenced by her soft spot for Bandagh, Varragh does find some common ground with Varis and the two drink to working better together going forward. The duo also spends much time planning for the violence that is TOTALLY gonna happen in the Remay household.

    That night, Varragh has a terrifying trance dream (something she didn’t know could happen) involving New Sharandar, her mother, the black goat, her family, some dude names Laughing Lares, and Akar doing a terrible impression of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. It’s all rather unclear exactly what is going on but clearly Varragh defied some sort of message or order she had been given, and the Thin Man is haunting her dreams through some devil ery. Varragh awakens super uneasy and somewhat disgusted with whatever the that was.

    Meanwhile, after a much nicer rest and trance, and happily knowing he doesn’t have to deal with that baby for at least one more day, Harminil goes off to meet his brothers. Finding Tyavos and Vahayon, Harminil has finally learned the value of SPEAKING UP privately with others, especially in cities where you know weird cultish ery is afoot. Harminil informs his brothers of the mansion and they head off together to meet with the rest of the crew.

    The Haunted Mansion

    The party now meets up at Remay’s mansion and decides to drop the sneaky deaky act entirely, being met by groundskeepers and butlers on their way to Remay’s dining room. Apparently, today is Remay’s 32nd birthday and the party make their way to the festivities. Varragh immediately sees the cracks in this weird as , random scene while Varis, Bandagh and to a lesser extent Harminil fully engross themselves in partying with absolute strangers and ignoring the task at hand. They meet such esteemed figures as Naxene the Merchant, Tendrick the Poet and Bard, random gnomish upper-class arms dealers, etc.

    However, the festivities are interrupted by the arrival of the host, Nicholas Remay, a practically catatonic individual who is clearly not all there. Then, the party gets interrupted by a messenger informing Remay of his brother Damien’s demise to bandits, while the host has practically no reaction to hearing the party pledge to track down the killers. Then, a disembodies voice calls Remay to the other room and begins berating him over his brother’s long-ago death. Clearly, some ghostly magical, temporally displaced bull is occurring at this point and the party is waking up to the fact none of this makes any sense. Hell, all the background characters literally have background NPC dialogue.
    Using the power of persuasion, Varis (who himself is certain this is some demonic prison) convinces Nicholas to remember the truth, revealing the true state of the dilapidated manor and Nick to be a ridiculously old, withered man. Bandagh is primarily most disturbed from this revelation to realize all the food and beer he was about to shove down his gullet isn’t real. Nicholas still seems mostly detached and despite Varis’ insistence might just be old as and losing control of his powers due to senility like when Professor X was tweaking out in Logan rather than a pawn in some demon’s game.

    After Vahayon attacks the old, confused man in search of “the book”, the Brothers Finderwel disappear off into one of the empty rooms to explain to Harminil the truth: They are so desperate and absolutely nuts that they are planning on summoning that greater demon who stole their so they can bind and kill him. This explains their injuries, suffered fighting other demons in their quest to climb the demon hunt ladder, and their interest in Remay, who they believe is the key to summoning the one douche Demon in particular (and whoever summoned it in Evermeet) that killed their family. These plans are overheard, and a bit of an argument occurs, with Varragh eventually convincing the twins that summoning this demon right now with no preparation is absolutely the kind of moronic behavior that she would expect of their brother.

    The party, deciding to LARP Scooby Doo, then spends some time investigating the library for clues as it flickers back and forth between reality and the memory dimension where the mansion isn’t a crack den. Eventually, Varis finds a book written in draconic, “THE DEMONOMICON OF IGWILV”, which for some reason he thinks may pertain to their current situation. Apparently, it is one of the most sought after books in the entire multiverse, but surely not nearly as valuable as the signed cookbook of Antoine “ITS ING RAW” Delevay that the group also found.

    After some more hijinks, including Harminil trying incredibly hard and failing to get Bandagh to investigate a disgusting moldy room and get covered in literal feces as a joke and Varis convincing Nicholas that he is “Uncle Nicky’s” nephew, the party is mostly satisfied with their clearly incomplete investigation. A disembodied god-like voice in the sky cries at the party’s lack of interest in exploring more of Uncle Nicky’s mansion given all the hard work they put into designing this unique encounter. Feeling bad for the demented old man and convinced that taking him to Daggerford is better than letting him wither alone in a prison of his worst memories, Varis convinces Uncle Nicky to come with them. The party is now collecting combat-useless pants poopers at a staggering rate, and now have another diaper for Belinda to begrudgingly wipe. The only question now is what they do with this Demonomicon, and what to do next in Daggerford as they prepare to (not so happily in in Varragh’s case) summon and kill a greater demon.
    Points to Consider for next time:

    Will the party ever pursue those goblins now that they received an equivalent to the promised rewards?

    When will Harminil and Varragh’s debts be called upon by the Thin Man, the Spindly Pole, Mister Twardowski?

    Will there be any repercussions to the with the goblin fort, the lizard men, or the gang of garbage men?

    How will Varragh see profit in this new endeavor and turning Bandagh, the last ally on the road with them, into her legendary simp bodyguard?

    How will the party thrive or descend into further depravity and violence in this new locale? Has Varragh’s acquisition of property rights and good standing with a man in power given some cushion from potential Waterdhavian incursions?

    Will their exploits in Waterdeep ever come back to haunt the party in Daggerford?

    What happened to the Finderwel brothers, and what will they do to un- their situation? Will they succeed in summoning and killing the demon?

    Will House Finderwel reclaim its holy, pure, and forged by elven hands crown from that Demon?



    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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  17. #197
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    Video of the last session, recap still pending:

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    Default Re: TWC Dungeons and Dragons

    Perhaps a SURPRISE GUEST will make an appearance, Bearback, blonde, and sexy.

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    You are welcome to make a guest appearance if you'd like, reach out to me here or on Discord if you want to co-ordinate something.

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  20. #200
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    Footage of last session. You'll never guess who almost dies at the end!

    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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