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Thread: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

  1. #81
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Why Nargon presidents have name "Alamgir"?

    People sometimes talking about the strange name of Nargon (NDR) presidents. Times of empire are already finished, and now its the part of history. But last two presidents of Nargon from the Shein dynasty always liked the word of Alamgir. What Alamgir means? The truth is in the far past of Nargon Democratic republic. Alamgir was the ruler`s name of the Gambra Concord state (Nargon and Gambra Great Concord). It means "The Ruler of All World". This state existed in the old times of Nargon, in the period of 500-100 BC. Concord tried to rule the whole galaxy. In the 90 BC alamgir of Nargon with name Perozd Pahlavansi created a big military group and declared war to Arthandir. But it was very short war. Arthandir empire destroyed the whole fleet of alamgir Pahlavansi. Concord was stated of absolute dictature and nationalism rules. It had a "High race" doctrine and strong military ideology. Rulers tried to make a "knowledge program" about high human race and also tried to create a propaganda against other races. This doctrine was like way to fall for the Gambra Concord. Alamgir Pahlavansi was killed by religious fanatics, and his regime ceased its power forever.
    Thousand years after, there was a crisis in the Nargon democratic republic. Democratic leader Abbas il-Ajavid failed with his democracy program and was killed in the coup. After this event, there was a big period of Nargon crisis. And its finished by Shein dynasty. Gambra dynasty took the full power and destroyed all their enemies. And now Nargon is under control of this ancient family. Nargon president Farnak Shein returned to old names and reborned the Alamgir title. So presidents in Nargon have name Alamgir.
    Nowadays the president Zanzibhar Shein is always calling as Alamgir. If someone forget about it, this person is often have punishment.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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  2. #82
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    Daur planet Question

    Human rights activists have long been worried about the situation on the planet Daur. Daur is owned by Daur Industries, one of the largest mega-corporations in the Nargon Democratic Republic. It so happened that Sheikh Anwar Karani, a close friend of President Shein's father, Sheikh Shkvanvalar, owns it. Citizens of Daur (mostly underworld workers) living in the terrible conditions. Many cities of workers there have no light or system of canalisation. Work in caves is very hellish for people. They haven`t got any special costumes or defence against the horrible danger. Radiation level in Daur is very high, so it makes the second name of this planet - The Death World.
    There are no so much information about truly situation in Daur. But lawyers and activists have no doubts, that Karani is making violation of all "life forms" rights, especially human rights. Nobody can do anything, because sheih Karani is the powerful man in Nargon and the right hand of "blessed Alamgir".

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  3. #83
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    Alamgirs Regiments in the Taravan

    Nargon regiments "Alamgir Corps" with their leader Nasrim-Pasha organised a full siege of planet Taravan in the N`Sai sector. N`Sai race and its state is a part of the Achaeronian League, enemy conglomerate, which is fighting against Coalition. Nasrim-Pasha had an order from the president Zanzibhar Shein to capture Taravan. General successfully crushed the defence of a planet and destroyed many N`Sai commanders. But after the landing troops, Nasrim decided to join this planet to the Nargon Democratic Republic. He said, that its a will of Alamgir (president Shein). Coalition didn`t like these actions, and sent the protest to Shein`s administration. President didnt inform the Coalition Council about his decision. Shein answered, that N`Sai made a lot of evil to Nargonese people, and Nasrim did all by his prime order. Coalition asked president don`t make a destruction in Taravan. But Shein blocked this request. Nasrim-Pasha killed more then 100 thousands N`Sai in the Taravan capital. Also the capital was completely destroyed by orbital cannons. Coalition Council tried to make a summit about this situation.
    Nargon president asked help from the Elfurr empire. Elfurr blocked the idea about summit , and said that Shein have full rights to do all things with N`sai. For now, this situation is still haven`t got special decision. Nargonese occupied Taravan and joined this planet without any agreements. And Elfurr support made Shein`s action almost invincible for galaxy laws. Critics are saying, that presiden of Nargon have "special status" to kill all his enemies with help of Elfurr, and laws of Coalition is nothing for him.

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  4. #84
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    Because of difficult political situation in the world, i`ll return to this universe later. My project is still going, but now in "slow mode".

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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  5. #85
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Good updates! It sounds like what happened at Taravan was a major blow to the Achaeronian League, but that it also created internal tension in the Coalition. It's good to hear that you project will continue, even if it will happen more slowly.

  6. #86
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    Taravan and other planets are pain for Coalition. President Shein with help of Elfurr have almost real right to violate the rules of Coalition.
    Galaxy Council is always against this thing. Many states even tried to make a declaration against the Shein`s actions. But Elfurr always blocked this.
    Shein is like man without any law. And many states hates him. He have hatred even in his allies governments.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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  7. #87
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    Etterium Kinsmen

    Etteria (Etter, Etterium, Etterlingia, Ettero and etc) - earth-like planet in the Far Worlds Sector. Main population - humans. Other species - hekatonheir androphagus, berlings, velogars, kasteri, kinos tribes). This planet have half-control of Coalition of the Galaxy States, now in 2596 AD. But Coalition respects the High King Hruntin Haraldsson and his son, jarl Rogvold Hruntin Haraldsson. People from this world are looks like barbarians and earthling vikings, but the truth is in their powerful technology level. They have combination of technologies and ancient Hyperborean sorcery power. Natives believe in Ancient Old Time Gods, like Woten Hammer-bearer or Fanri The White Maiden. Territory of humans in Etteria is full of jarldoms and princedoms, but all of them are under full control of the High king.
    Etteria is taking part in the Achaeron war. League tried to attack Haraldsson with help of Androphagus kingdoms. Etterling people are fighting with Androphagus and making their victories. King Haraldsson organised a special battallions against League forces. One of famous battallion is "Etterium Kinsmen". Main leader of it is jarl Rogvold Haraldsson. His first advicor and banner-bearer is jarl Thorgeir Faramundsson. All of them are best warriors and psyonic adepts. Rogvold have power of ancient Rune magic. His steward Faramundsson is also the priest of Ancient Gods.
    One of great victories for "Etterium Kinsmen" was their battle with "Angel Maskazel" battallion. League created this battallion with help of Androphagus elite warriors and N-Sai race representative. Rogvold destroyed "Angel Maskazel" near the mountain Ingeborg. In this battle he saved the life of his friend, jarl Ragnar The Axebearer. His jarldom was under attack, and Rogvold saved not only his life, but his lands too.
    Coalition accept the Etterium regiments and battallions. Some of them are taking parts in battles in other parts of Main Galaxy.
    Etterium people have only one hatred - to president Shein and his servants. Relations between Nargon Democratic Republic and Etterium Kingdom is very cold and bad. Haraldsson is calling Shein as dictator and tyrant. Shein is calling Haraldsson the same words. Etterian people always prefer avoid fights with Nargon allies. They prefer to make their battles without Nargonese help.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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  8. #88
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    I like the idea of a nation who seem like barbarians (to a casual observer) but who actually have high technology and magic. Rogvald sounds like an effective leader and the detail that he saved his friend is nicely done.

  9. #89
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    Coalition and Achaeron League Battallions in the Etterium planet

    Galaxy Coalition`s Special Battalions in the Etterium territory:

    I. Earth Alliance Battalion "Light Crusader"
    commander - col. Jackson Sirojel, "Earthling Seals" veteran. (race - half-human, half-elfurr)
    Number of warriors - 500, 5 heavy tanks, 4 battle infantry machines, 2 helicopters, 8 battle-drones, 12 battle androids.
    Mostly humans.

    II. Earth Alliance Battalion "De Gaulle"
    commander - col. Francois Maucron, "Neo-Paris Seals" veteran. (race - human)
    Number of warriors - 450, 4 heavy tanks, 4 battle infantry machines, 3 helicopters, 12 battle-drones, 15 battle androids, 8 space airforcers (planes)
    Mostly humans.

    III. Nargon Democratic Rebublic (NDR) Battallion "Adolar"
    commander - sheih Kemal ar-Sadkiel, "Alamgir Corps" veteran (race - human)
    Number of warriors - 300, 3 heavy tanks, 5 battle infantry machines, 8 medium tanks, 7 drone-tanks, 8 battle androids, 1 rocket mortyr, 10 flying drones, 8 helicopters
    Mostly humans.

    IV. Elfurr Empire "Angel Raziel" Battallion
    commander - Ptahotep Sinqhh, Admiral Finkarel`s fleet veteran. (race - Elf`urr)
    Number of warriors - 400, 20 universal walkers, 10 ordinary walkers, 30 flying drones, 50 battle androids "halkaspidae", 40 battle androids "argyraspidae", 1 command battleship

    Achaeron League Special Battallions in the Etterium territory:

    I. Battallion "Angel Maskazel"
    commander - Anaxalotle Talkolotle, "N-Sai Firstborn" veteran. (race - N`Sai)
    Number of warriors - 1200, 10 battle machines, 10 battle walkers, 12 kossatti battle-droids, 12 kosatti flying droids, 14 "Punisher" androids, 1 commanders battle fortress
    Mostly - androphagus species and N-sai

    II. Battallion "Begovac"
    Commander - Biara`shinka Vindor, St`Fing empire fleet veteran. (race - St`Fing)
    Number of warriors - 800, 10 battle machines, 12 kosatti flying droids, 15 kho`nari battle drones, 5 infantry crawlers, 8 ultra-copters, 8 battle androids
    Mostly - androphagus species, n-sai, aranguto and st`fing

    III. Battallion "Sinister"
    Commander - Zirotle The Cruel, Unn`Chorr state fleet veteran (race - Unn`Chorr)
    Number of warriors - 1000, 20 battle machines, 35 medium tanks, 20 light tanks, 10 flying drones, 10 battle androids, 8 drone-howitzers, 1 commanders battle fortress
    Mostly - androphagus species, unn`chor and n`sai

    Etterium Kingdom Battallions (most famous):

    I. 'Etterium Kinsmen' Battallion
    (main information you can see above in my post about it)
    Commander - jarl Rogvold Hruntinson Haraldsson, crownprince of Etterium
    Number of warriors - 1100, 120 heavy horsemen, 100 northling rhino riders, 5 steam battle machines, 5 infantry machines, 2 steam tanks "Fire of Nifleheim", 3 howitzers
    Mostly - humans

    II. 'Sons of Haraldsson" Battallion
    Commander - jarl Bernard Hruntinson Haraldsson, prince of Etterium
    Number of warriors - 600, 10 howitzers, 5 battle machines, 6 steam heavy tanks, 50 heavy horsemen, 10 mortyres, 50 rocket crossbowmen
    Mostly - humans

    III. "Valkyries" Battallion
    Commander - Ingera White-Haired, jarless of Fiordaland
    Number of warriors - 500, 100 northling rhino riders, 50 light rifle horsemen, 40 gun chariots.
    Mostly - humans.

    Last edited by BagaturSasha; April 03, 2022 at 12:49 PM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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  10. #90
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    Incident with Mlada-Hosna Autonomy Batallions

    Because of old conflict between Neo-Moskan Socialists republic (NMSR) and Nargon Democratic (NDR), Etterium battallions mission from Neo-Moskan turned to serious problem. Mlada-Hosna Autonomy (2 systems government) and its leader Leopold Branislav Karudzic cancelled the project of "Stegovic" battallion. Commandment planned to send "Stegovic" to the Etterium planet. Idea was about the deployment this battallion near Etterling Capital. But Karudzic didn`t like the mission of Nargon republic. All knows, that president of NDR Zanzibhar Shein sent his own battallion to the king Haraldsson. When Karudzic received this information from Coalition, he immediately stopped the mission of his soldiers. Neo-Moskan general secretary Andropov Todor Boyan accepted his decision. The reason was in conflict of 2588 with name of "The Great Crisis".

    What it was? The Great Crisis?
    In 2588 year, Neo-Moskan and Nargon was near the great war in galaxy. General secretary Stovan Troyanovic and president Shein broke the relations because of Mlada-Hosna Autonomy and Luhovic positions. Luhovic system and Mlada-Hosna were under Neo-Moskan control. It was the star borderland between the NDR and Neo-Moskan republic. Nargonese population in these systems captured a lot of companies and actually seized control on the whole business. Luhovic people and mlada-hosnans often discriminated by Nargonese.
    In 2588 the Great Crisis came to all states. There was an accident in the historical community session in the high Mlada-Hosna university, where almost 100 people fought between each other because of disputes. Also there was a galaxy-ball match between 2 teams - Luhovic "The Greatest" club and Nargonese "Azistan" in the Luhovic planet. Results of match were 3-1, and Nargonese won. But Luhovic fans with a great wrath attacked Nargonese fans. Conflict very quickly turned to a huge battle. Soon, all Luhovic capital transformed to battlefield. Nargonese fastly got weapons and started to shoot. Neo-Moskans and Luhovic people answered them by their weapons. In the Mlada-Hosna Nargonese radicals organised the full rebellion against the Neo-Moskan. All cities turned to battlefileds with the speed of Luhovic.
    President Shein declared a resolution against the Neo-Moskan and said the offensive words against it, called them "non-humans and servants of dictature". Neo-Moskan leader Troyanovic called the Velikoi NarCom (Council of Government Commissars). The decision of Troyanovic was to sent troops to the Luhovic and Mlada-Hosna. Main task was - to destroy the rebellions and stop the conflict. "Nargon will pay for that" - said the Troyanovic. President Shein decided to sent his "Alamgir" corps to Luhovic and Mlada-Hosna. But Coalition intervened immediately. Coalition Council organised the High Summit about the situation in Autonomies. Summit declared all galaxy states to stop the conflict in 2 days. So campaigns of Nargon president and Neo-Moskan general secretary weren`t successfull. Fleet commanders, who transported armies to Luhovic and Mlada-Hosna, got an order to return to their home positions. Neo-Moskan and Nargon accepted declaration of the Coalition Summit.
    After these events, Coalition with Elfurr help organised a Justice Coucilium. Many bandits and provocateurs, who were culprits of violence, were taken to prisons. Three persons got a life imprisoment for cruel actions in the streets. But Neo-Moskan and Nargon lost their confidence forever. Autonomies of Neo-Moskan started to a new campaign against the Nargonese diaspora. Many Nargon people were fired from works, specially from government centers and concerns. In Mlada-Hosna Autonomy councils declared Leopold Karudzic as their president. He was the representative of the Milanovic planet, Neo-Moskans 2nd big world. Luhovic president became the neo-moskan woman, Alda Kalinovic.
    Old leaders and politicians with half-nargonese blood left the autonomies and returned to Nargon republic.
    So the conflict between Nargon and Neo-Moskan is still a problem. For now, in the period of Achaeron war, these 2 states are fighting like allies with the League forces. But their problems and ethnic conflicts can return in every minute. President Shein even now thinks about moskans not good things. He was very happy, when servants said him about cancelled mission of the Neo-Moskan battallion "Stegovic".

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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  11. #91
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Good update. It sounds like the Coalition Council are decisive and powerful!

  12. #92
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    Coalition Security Council is the future version of UN. Full name of this organisation - Galaxy Coalition of the United Races and Nations.
    Second name - Coalition of The Galaxy States. Its have 2 official names.
    Achaeron League races (and states too) were part of Coalition till the secession in 2593 AD.

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  13. #93
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    Destruction of Trotskevich's "Chemical Ship"

    It is known that due to the Convention of 2285, Chemical, Poison and Biological weapons are prohibited by the Galactic Coalition. It also includes nuclear weapons, Über-weapons based on stellar energy, and cataclysm generators. However, during the Acheronian Galactic War of 2596, the provisions of the Convention were often violated. The League was especially successful in this matter.
    The initiator of the violations of the protocols on prohibited weapons was General Dvorok Trotskevich. His race is mixed, he combines both Hecatoncheir and human-Arangutan kins. Outwardly, he looks like a person with very pale skin. Few people know his true story, but they say that he was born somewhere in the Kraskovo sector.
    Trotskevich, back in 2594, suggested that the newly formed League government use nerve gases against individual kingdoms that were not members of either the Coalition or the League. Much information about the use of prohibited weapons is hidden by the Acheron Prime Commissariat.
    But everyone remembers the incident with the Chemical Ship at the beginning of 2596. Then the army of the Elfurrian commander Ptahotep Singh investigated the use of the forbidden gas "Blackness" in the region of the planet Sekheb-4, controlled by the Aranguto tribes. Singh noted that the League ship hit the planet with several missiles that spread the gas over almost the entire mainland.
    After that, he was going to go to the Buridava star system, subordinate to the Artandir Republic to strike at the fortress of the Coalition peacekeepers.
    But Singh's group tracked the ship in time and destroyed it in space. It was said that the order to attack Buridava was given by General Trotskevich himself.
    Thus, Trotskevich was put on the Coalition`s list of "especially dangerous" terrorists, like the entire government of the Acheronian League. At the moment, he still remains the commander of the League troops.

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  14. #94
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Trotskevich does sound dangerous - and presumably difficult or impossible to arrest for breach of the Convention of 2285, as the commander of the League troops.

  15. #95
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    Its not so hard to arrest him, if you have special forces elite group, especially with psi-adepts. Maybe Elfurr will deal with him.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Nargon Terrorists Forces in the League service

    The Nargonian opposition falls into two different categories. One is the democratic component. Democrats prefer to flee from the NDR territory to Artandir and other territories of the Coalition countries. The other is radical groups from occult organizations. Given the NDR's rejection of foreign cults and its "zero tolerance for unworthy paganism" policy, many religious organizations choose to flee Nargon to other lands or operate underground.
    President Zanzibhar Shein (Alamgir) issued a decree to destroy all suspicious religious sects. Nargon has a law on the Prohibition of Alien Cults, which implies imprisonment or the death penalty for those who practice a religion other than those officially permitted.
    Many occult lodges flee into the territory of the Acheronian League. The League readily accepts such lodges and uses them in the war with the Coalition. In the Coalition itself, such groups are referred to as Nargon terrorists.
    An organization known as the "Heirs of the Dawn" is considered especially dangerous. It entered into an official alliance with the League government. Its suicide fighters are used in combat with Coalition forces. But at the time of 2596, it was almost completely destroyed.
    President Shein stated that he would personally punish the followers of forbidden cults. To do this, he uses elite special anti-terror forces approved by Elfurr and the Coalition Government. They call themselves the "Dark Hunters".

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  17. #97
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    The Dark Hunters sound pretty lethal. I'm intrigued by the descriptions of the occult groups - the Coalition call them terrorists, perhaps others see them differently.

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    Problem of the Insectoid race Arah`Nii

    No one has yet been able to reach an agreement with Ara-Nii insectoid race. There is evidence that their relatives Ho-Nari and Zenovians tried to communicate with them. But these insect-like forms usually did not make contact with other races. Any attempts to negotiate with Ara-Nii turned into failures. And analysts from various galactic states are speculating: why would this race even invade the Main Galaxy of the Milky Way? When someone tried to find out the reasons from Ho-Nari, it usually caused an uproar. For some reason, the Ho-Nari flatly refused to comment. The Zenovians, master craftsmen of robotics, also refuse to talk about Ara-Nia.
    But it is believed that the Ara-Nii dream of restoring the former empire of the Overhive. Ancient chronicles say that the empire, led by insects in time immemorial, was truly global. There is even a myth that 12 million years BC. it contained three known galaxies. It turns out that the Ara-Nii can claim global galactic dominance. And their main goal may indeed be the construction of the Overhive.
    Back in 2520, Dr. Ephraim Collins found a mysterious monument on the planet Terkwe, on which a possible history of the Ara-Nia race was painted in ancient Artandir cuneiform. It said that Ho-Nari, Zenovians and Ara-Nii in ancient times were the One Whole, the Collective Mind. But then, thanks to the influence of an unknown deity, they separated. It is noteworthy that Ho-Nari demanded to stop research on Terkva and turned to the Coalition. In the end, their demands were granted. And Dr. Collins stopped his work on the study of the monument. Moreover, the monument was confiscated and taken to the home world of the Ho-Nari race.

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  19. #99
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    You've got me interested in why the Zenovians refuse to talk about the Ara-Nia (maybe there's something they know, which they're keeping secret).

  20. #100
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    Griffin Imperium star system

    The Griffin Imperium star system was inhabited by the forgotten civilization Grefin in ancient times. According to various sources, they were related either to the draconians or the Norlans, but they looked like upright mythical griffins. It is known that entities possessing wings growing from their backs dominated among them. How exactly this civilization functioned, no one knows. The scientific galactic community does not have enough information. But the ancient temples, discovered deep under the surface of the planet, told about Grefin and about their ability to space flights. The age of the found temples, artifacts and objects of utensils is at least 35,000 years old. The most grandiose artifact is the "Bird Complex" on the island of Hedzhet in the ocean of Smurno. There, researchers found giant statues of upright griffins that have survived to this day. The remains of a temple were found next to them. Judging by the frescoes, initiation ceremonies into rulers or high priests could take place in the temple. Nothing is known about Grefin's religion or technology. Murals testified to the presence of interstellar vehicles, but no technological devices were found on Griffon-1. In other words, this civilization is a real "white" spot in galactic history.
    Draconids and Cossatti claim to be unfamiliar with any races resembling gryphons. Although most likely, they simply do not disclose the data that scientists are so eager to receive. Archaeologists and cryptohistorians working in the ruins of the temples have come to the conclusion that Grefin are still more related to the draconians than the Norlans.

    When exactly the first colonists arrived on the Griffin Imperium, no one knows either. It is believed in Artandir that the colonies on the Griffin were founded during the reign of the emperor Domitian the Callous, togezh within the 7th millennium BC. The Byzantian believe that the gryphons are descendants of their culture. At the same time, the system of the Griffin Imperium, like Shatsk-Prime, is wholly owned by the Coalition. The local rulers, leading their relationship from the ancient kings, are entirely at the mercy of the Galactic Council. The Griffin government cannot take a single step without the will of the Coalition. However, there are no separatist sentiments here, since in the power of the Coalition of the Galaxy, this semi-state flourishes. None of the local residents can call themselves poor or indigent. In the capital of Griffin City, there are special thanksgiving payments in the Elfurr style. This means that the inhabitants of the capital receive a certain amount as a token of gratitude that they were born on the Griffin. Payments are made by the Finance Committee of the Notables of the Coalition.
    The language of the Gryphons is very close to the Artandir dialect of Kailam and at the same time has similarities with the Byzantians. Because of this, there are so many representatives of the Artandir Republic in the Griffin Imperium system.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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