I have problem with battle. During loading battle, game is CTD. I know that is old problem, I tried all solutions above and nothing. Someone help ?
I have problem with battle. During loading battle, game is CTD. I know that is old problem, I tried all solutions above and nothing. Someone help ?
any submod, for example some submod from the gameplay option for Imperial Destroyer, containing a scripting.lua file cause, that VDM not working properly..right?
is there any possible way to avoid inflation? thanks a lot
For all those complaining of crashes during loading into battle:
1- Make sure that VDM_saves folder is where Empire.exe is.
2-make sure to run every single .exe (those in the Wali folder and as well as Empire.exe) are in "Windows 7 Compatibility" mode
3-Start a new campaign, and never make a save in non-Latin Alphabet, no weird German SS or Turkish or Cyrilic.
Hello! I keep getting a pop-up message "you don't have enough points 100 or region is already yours" without reason. It usually comes when I click some of my building or town but also sometimes when I click goverment panel or ending turn. It happens randomly almost every turn.
Is it possible to add the wooden forts buildable by generals back in? I've looked in scripting.lua and found the relevant entry however deleting it just causes the rest of VDM to stop functioning it would seem. And the enabled fort option from the Imperial Destroyer options is a standalone scripting file incompatible with VDM. Many thanks!
Hey I installed the vdm with all diplomacy options scripting but when i launched my already ongiong campaign it made no difference. I tried starting a new campaign and then it worked but I really dont want to give up my old campaign as I'm 138 turns in. Is there away to have it activate in an already existing campaign?
does someone know which script part includes the "inflation" part of that mod? i wanna deactivate it
What CAI and BAI difficluty settings are recommended with this submod?
Frei zu sein, bedarf ist wenig, nur wer frei ist, ist ein König.
Current Hotseat:
Britannia: The Isles of Chaos
so I've finally been able to get into this. A couple thoughts/questions.
1) does this submod function with 6.3 and is it still being (relatively) updated? yes it works for me crash-wise, but are the functions still working as they were intended? I see vadants hasn't been active for six years and 6.3 is more recent than that. I ask because it pertains to several of these thoughts/questions.
2) I had to turn off conspiracy mode. As the dutch, I was getting assassinated within four turns every election cycle no matter the party in control. it resulted in permanent -3 stability.
3) does the stability function still work properly? i just got a mood disorder stab hit when every single one of my provinces except for cuba (as the netherlands) was +2 in both pops and my government had 71% popularity. This triggered a string of of stab hits that leads to -3 every time. Are there any resources that explain how this mechanic actually works?
4) All of my colonies have massive negative order because of religion, last time i was able to see (because I was being influenced) france and spain were at 8 religion level. 25 turns later after a massive coaching inn/upgrades buildup i'm at 18 religion. There is no way they matched it I put all of my income into building religion. My provinces are not converting from catholic to protestant. Why were they able to influence my provinces but I can't influence my own? I've since installed the priests option but they're not spawning. Do I need to completely wipe my 80 turn netherlands save? Do I need to install churches option to get priests? What is the missionary technology?
5) once again wtf is going on with stability and the random events. it's been the reason I've quit a campaign every single attempt. This is the first time I got past turn 30 and now it's become impossible again.