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Thread: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

  1. #101
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    The mysterious lost civilization of the Grefin are intriguing. If they had interstellar travel, maybe there are undiscovered ruins of their colonies in other solar systems.

  2. #102
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Yeah, its can be in other systems, of course.
    Dragonids know something. But they prefer to not speak about it publicly with other race representatives.
    Also there is a variant, that Greffin were destroyed in the ancient galactic wars. Its also can be the reason.

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  3. #103
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    "Mechanical soldiers" question in the Nargon Democratic Republic

    Even under President Zangi, who ruled in the 2490s, the idea of ​​creating the so-called "Iron Army" in Nargon republic was discussed. According to Zangi, the use of robots in wars could significantly reduce the number of casualties. "Machines should fight," he declared at state councils, "and not people." But they didn't really listen to him. The inhabitants of the regions of Nargon, in which the cult of the warrior had been for a long time, were indignant. And they did not want to deviate from the old traditions. Only closer to the beginning of the reign of president Zanzibhar Shein, that is, in the 2nd half of the 26th century, this issue began to be discussed.
    In 2593, Shein passed a special resolution at a meeting of the Diwan with high wazir Yorum that "Steel Warriors" should be mass-produced. Dr. Hasan promised to complete the task, and he coped with it quite successfully. For six months, at least 1 million combat drones of various stripes were created, capable of fighting both in space and on land and under water. The latest development was the multifunctional drone "Shifter", capable of fighting almost anywhere, where it is possible, even under the earth's crust.
    But Shein did not want to switch to one hundred percent replacement of living soldiers with robots. All the same representatives of the military clans, who were accustomed to staining the blades with the blood of enemies, resisted. And they were strongly against the absence of warriors of flesh and blood.
    And yet drones do their job perfectly. At least 2000 combat robots are stationed in Ushkuy-Gambra and are trying to counteract the growth of dangerous cults, especially those where sacrifices are made.

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  4. #104
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    The cultural resistance to the use of combat drones instead of human warriors is an interesting development. I imagine that sufficiently advanced drones will always beat humans (or similar beings) because the drones will react faster, be more accurate and resilient - unless the humans are genetically modified.

  5. #105
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    War Drones is a really big question in many galaxy states. Many military leaders thinks, that robot forces can replace the "living forces". And its would be good for all wars.
    But there is one dangerous thing as EMI weapons, or Cyber-Code weapons, which can make a destruction of all computer "neuro-system" of these drones. Simply, it means, that robotic army can be easily destroyed with the help of electro-magnetic weaponry or special hacking codes. One high-skilled hacker can do it in some hours.
    The other problem is AI with "human mind". Tech genius from the Old Earth time (pre-space time) Elon Musk was first, who started to tell about high danger level from AI researchments.

    In Earth Alliance there was a near catastrophic situation with rebellious AI "Gortenzius" in the middle of XXIII century. Earth was saved by a miracle.
    So AI is a real problem. And the words of Old Earth scientists are popular even in XXVI century.

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  6. #106
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Ser`Kiraani Agression

    Ser`Kiraani is a very dangerous Kossatti reptile-like race female, who served Achaeronian League. Coalition security documents saying, that she is not only the agent of the League special forces, but also the leader of secret Occult group. Coalition Council thinks, that Ser`Kiraani must be immediately arrested as terrorist. But the war is "driving" the galaxy over 3 years, and this kossatti female is still not found. Elfurr representatives believe that she may be involved in occult experiments. There were rumors that the League was going to make a turning point in the war. To do this, she created a special group to search for ancient "sorcerous" artifacts from long forgotten times. Among them are not only sources of technology, but also ancient books. The League is believed to be searching for an ancient book called 'The Book of Angel Masqazel', also known as 'Demonology'. There is even a version that this book is connected with the Zarem era of Egypt on the Old Earth. Ser-Kiraani has always shown interest in such things. And therefore, the Coalition fears that this knowledge can be dangerous. But scientists from the Elon Musk Guild (named after the outstanding Earth techno-genius of spacecraft of the 21st century AD), famous for their contribution to the development of the Coalition space fleet, on the contrary, believe that all this "secret knowledge" is nothing more than fairy tales. And that you shouldn't trust it.

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  7. #107
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    I wonder if Ser`Kiraani used the ancient knowledge to stay hidden, or if the scientists are right.

  8. #108
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    She use an ancient device of stealth-ability. Maybe Sovi`lar race technology, maybe more ancient ))) but someone says, that she use "ancient knowledge" too

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  9. #109
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Elfurr Race "Types":

    Representatives of the High Elfurr race (also known as Ancients, Singalis, Singhe or Siddhe).
    The first technology-powered and psionic-powered race in the whole galaxy. Leaders of the Galaxy Coalition.

    "Once i saw her face among the messengers in Arthandir-Prime, and i lost my soul and head. I was forever killed by her alien beauty"
    diplomate of the Meingard republic, Dario Birantion, about one elfurr female

    Elfurr race is the most beautiful race in the whole galaxy. And also the most powerful in technologies and superweapons. No one can fight with them except League forces.
    But who are they? They are not only one type. They have a lot of different species as Dragonids, Nicomedians, Sozidaus or Kinos races.

    1. Singalis Ta-Kemetians
    Also known as Ordinary Elfurr. Like all representatives of the race, they have incredible attractiveness and beauty of faces. Hair is usually black, long to the waist. Differ in high growth, from 1.90 - to 2.30 m. Accelerated reaction.
    They live in the large worlds of the Elfurr (High) Empire, such as Menehfer, Kumbor, Nephrusabek, Sha-Talesh, Akhetaten or Mamkhfis-Thanet. Large ecumenopolis worlds are usually preferred. Often they build multi-level cities up to the stratosphere. They love high technology. As a rule, they are very belligerent towards those who do not accept them.

    2. Singalis Elefsinians
    Violet-haired subspecies of Elfurr. As a rule, they have purple or pink hair, long to the waist. Differ in high growth up to 2 m to 3.35. Great attachment to nature. They do not like large ecumenopolis cities, preferring quiet and calm "lagoon worlds". Most of the Elephsinians are empaths and thought-hearers. Not warlike, unlike the Ta-Kemetians. They prefer frequent meditation and a solitary lifestyle. They live in "lagoon worlds", such as Elefsin, Diomedes-3, Arche-Cleopatron and Arche-Antiostrakon.

    3. Singalis Alvertines
    The Alvertines are the "Mountain Elfurrs". They have an extremely belligerent disposition. They are hostile towards other civilizations and races. The best warriors and ambush masters. They make excellent trackers and fighters of special squads. They are distinguished by gray, almost gray hair and eyes of the same color. Growth reaches 2.30 m. Hair can be cut short and even grow beards. They prefer blue tattoos. They live in mountainous worlds such as She-Kelesh, Tariandil, Alkesh or Narmer-hatesh.

    4. Singalis Nymphariel
    Nymphariel - they are incredibly beautiful, have different hair colors, up to blue and bright yellow. Among other races, they are known as "nymphs", "forest beauties", "wood elfurrs" or "naiads". Most of them are removed from hostilities. But their contacts with other civilizations are rare. They prefer green nature worlds without techno-introductions. They are famous for their long singing, which affects the environment. Growth is not too big, from 1.90 to 2.10 m. Very peaceful. They inhabit green worlds such as Nymphariel, Calmiviel, Nayis-Desentiel, and Nayis-Nayadel.

    5. Singalis Osanim
    Osanimy are "ocean elfurr". They live mainly in water or island worlds. They are great at swimming. They live in underwater cities and in island "arcologies". The Osanims are excellent builders of robots and drones, as well as "safe" vehicles. Most of the time is spent perfecting technology and the psionic arts. They are in close contact with the spirits of the planets on which they live, and coordinate each of their studies with them. Growth up to 2.20 m. They have different hair colors, mostly bright - yellow, white or blue. Not militant. Found on island worlds such as Levandir or Ochanim Prime.

    6. Singalis Khalibem
    Khalibem - known as desert elfurr. They live mainly on the desert planet Khalib-Doshan in huge oasis cities. They differ in that they constantly wear capes or turbans. They often hide their faces from strangers. They reach a height of up to 2.30 m. They have blue-black and just black hair, but differ from the Ta-Kemetians in an extremely arrogant disposition. In wars, their special combat groups are often used, famous for their secrecy and at the same time fierce fury.

    7. Singalis Khalfalim
    This subspecies is rather not a race, but hybrids. Half-humans-Half-elfurr. They live on the planet Halfalim. They are related to races such as Eladris and Air, descended from the unions of humans and elfurr. Halfalim may look like typical Elfurr, but they have human blood. Most often, it is they who act as ambassadors in different states of the people of the galaxy. Their height can be different, from 2.30 m to the smallest, 1.80 m.

    8. Singalis Kariel (Neteriel)
    Kariel are dark-skinned Elfurr, characterized by extreme militancy. Growth can reach up to 2.40 m. They often live in the worlds of Ta-Kemetians. But they also have a home planet known as Karail-Khofru. This planet is currently part of the Deep Worlds of the Elfurr Empire. Often it is from Kariel that excellent warriors and combat commanders are obtained. The hair is usually very black. But there are exceptions, in the form of dark red or dark blond hair.

    9. Singalis Alpharel (True Ancients)
    Alfarel are the oldest of the Elfurr, close to their Primal Forefathers (Pre-Elfurr race in the Age of Firstborn Stars). They have white or bright blond hair. Usually they are not shown and live in seclusion in different parts of the universe. They have unsurpassed psionic abilities. Known in legend as the greatest mages in the galaxy. Avoid communication with relatives from the Empire. Alpharel, as unique as the White Kinos, the Winged Draconids or the Sun-Eating People.

    10. Singalis Droen
    Droen are "dark Elfurr", powerful sorcerers of the highest level. Their exact origin is hidden. But Droen can be obtained from all of the above subspecies, except Alfarel. The reason for their incredible destructive psychic abilities is unknown to much of the galaxy. Droen can be born into any Elfurrian family, and this is a reliable fact. Elfurr themselves carefully hide the true reason for the appearance of such "death machines", up to the murder of those who accidentally learned the secret. One Droen in a state of "ultra-rage" can destroy an entire settlement, in the worst case, cause cataclysms on the planet. Their power is extremely dangerous and controlled by the secret services of the Empire. There is a Special Rule for Droen, according to which, if they go out of control, they are neutralized with a cryo-weapon and frozen into special sarcophagi of the "winter rest" class.

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  10. #110
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Cool update, I like the way that the distinct groups of Elfurr are influenced by their geography. It's an interesting detail that the Singalis Khalfalim live on their own planet, rather than living on the planets of their Elfurr or human parents - it sounds like they have a strong shared identity. The Special Rule for Droen is interesting too - I wonder who neutralises the ones which go out of control (other Droen? Someone else?).

  11. #111
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    Droen - is the most big secret of the Elfurr Empire. Yeah, indeed.
    I wonder who neutralises the ones which go out of contro
    If the Droen is out of control, the High Inquisition of Elfurr is working with it. There is a special security force, which can neutralise Droen life-form.
    Its a squad of elite psionic masters with a high level of knowledge. Otherwise, the Droen can destroy all things around. Only mightiest psionics can neutralise these "monsters".
    And yeah, other Droen also can work with their uncontrolled "brothers and sisters".

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  12. #112
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Ancient Gods heritage and other mysteries of the galaxy

    For many scientists of the Galaxy, such a concept as the "sources of the Old Gods" has long been relative. In other words, the Gods were often perceived as some kind of extraterrestrial entities that at one time had an impact on a particular civilization. But not recently.
    During the Acheronian War, more and more people began to talk about the relics of the ancient Gods and their powerful legacy. And the point here is not even in alien technological artifacts, but in something more powerful. The League began to engage more often in the occult, resorting to sciences that the real scientific community considers false. The Coalition, in turn, appeared secret detachments specializing in the study of ancient books and paranormal phenomena. But for what?
    The same is true with the concept of Sorcery. Magic (psionics) was considered a feature, a kind of genetic mutation. But why is it present in all civilizations? Absolutely every race has representatives with psi-powers. Perhaps this is just a new level of evolution system? Or a consequence of the intervention of the Gods?
    There are only more mysteries in the Galaxy.

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  13. #113
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    Mysteries like these help to make me want to know more about a setting. I imagine that different civilizations might respond to psionics in different ways - in some societies the psionics might become the rulers, in other societies they might be used as police and spies, and in some societies they might be outcast and hunted.

  14. #114
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    You are saying the truth, sir! Exactly! Every galactic race have characters with psi-abilities and mysterious powers.
    Some says, that this power is from Gods, others (scientists) - that its a new evolution. But there is absolutely no one opinion about it.

    By the way, in the times of Old Earth, people with psi-abilities were outsiders, especially in the Medieval time. And to say fair, the Earth was very uncomfortable planet for psionics. So many of them made their powers as a deep secret. They just kept silence. Psionics became legal only in the time of the Earth Alliance.

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  15. #115
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    My big condolences

    I understand that this is post-offtopic. But I can't keep silence.
    Please accept my sincere condolences about the death of worthy Queen Elizabeth. I know there are a lot of UK people in this community.
    I have always respected the Queen of Great Britain. She was a worthy, strong, brave and kind woman.
    Her reign was worthy for the whole country.

    My grandfather, when he was in London, received a medal from the University of Cambridge for his scientific achievements. He always respected the British ruling family.

    There is a lot of English in my fantasy universe as well. For example, light rulers, always acting on the side of Good. It was these qualities that were inherent in the great Elizabeth II.

    May she have a bright path to the Kingdom of God.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; September 08, 2022 at 02:05 PM.

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  16. #116
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Thank you, BagaturSasha.

  17. #117
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    I wish you to overcome this sadness and sorrow. And i believe, that King Charles III is decent and kind, as his legendary mother.

    P.S. Later, i`ll return to my universe.

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  18. #118
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    "Any dictatorship is aggression. Violence. Evil. Any dictatorial forms must be stopped in the galaxy in order to avoid the destruction of billions. What the League did at Tissalini-3 is unacceptable. The Coalition must give a decisive answer to the evil done. And the League government will be punished. I definitely believe in it."

    (general Alek der-Salonin about the situation in Tissalini-3, 2594 AD, some months before the Achaeronian War)

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  19. #119
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    An intriguing quote, I imagine this will get readers interested in what happened at Tissalini-3, and in whether the Coalition managed to give a decisive answer.

  20. #120
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    Tissalini-3 is the main planet of the Tissalini Senior Republic, controlled by the descendants of Cavinto signoria and Belgamonte people.

    Tissalini was an independent state. Full name - Sovereign (Senior) Republic of Tissalini. Although it is difficult to call it a democratic republic, due to the presence of a certain group of aristocrats in power. It had a chance at one time to enter the Coalition, but due to corruption schemes of the republic government parties, the Galactic Security Council constantly postponed this issue.
    When General Alek der Salonin (who came from a powerful family from Mars, by the way, and a loyal servant of the Earth Alliance), spoke about the situation with Tissalini, he meant the large-scale attack of the League on this republic. This happened even before the Acheron War. When a period of a kind of "cold war" began between the League and the Coalition. The League, accusing everyone and everything of provocations, arranged seizures of other, so-called "small" states, and expanded. But there hasn't been a war yet. Her spirit only hung in the air.
    Tissalini was of interest in terms of resources for the Acheronian League. The great Aillus of the Unn-chorr race, Olmec, coveted the Tissalini star system for the League. Kakontsi (supreme leader) of the N-Sai race Popotl Tlaxcalan agreed with Olmec. The Republic was captured in just a few weeks. And its leader, the supreme magnificus Liutprand Calerro, until the last, refused to ask for help from the Coalition. As a result, Tissalini's condottiers army was defeated, and the regular units surrendered. Some of palazzo guards left their homeworld, but saved the hope about the independence of their state.
    After the conquest of Tissalini, kakontsi Popotl ordered admirals Traore, Ildranit and Tsaxilopoxotl to raze the capital of the republic to the ground.
    The Coalition considered this act as unacceptable aggression. Later, during the war in 2596, the Council of the Coalition recaptured the Tissalini from the League and returned freedom to its inhabitants. But their home planet will never be the same again. And the aristocratic republic will not be restored. At this stage, Tissalini is controlled by a protostrator consul subordinate to the Galactic Coalition.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; October 30, 2022 at 07:54 AM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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