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Thread: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

  1. #81
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    Wow, a lot has been happening in this tale! I'm enjoying the mystery around the amulet, and evocative phrasing such as "Neither the Elves nor the Dragons will save them" - nicely done!

  2. #82
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    Phase 10
    Three days after the destruction of the Marfur-Nirari fleet. Menechfer, the central planet of the Elfurr Domination.

    Before your eyes there is a spacious hall of the Pharaoh's Palace in Menechfer. Spacious and majestic. Its ceilings are all painted with various frescoes and hieroglyphs, the purpose of which is understood only by Elfurr. The interior is replete with luxury. Golden furniture flaunts throughout the hall. Tables, chairs, cabinets and sideboards are all made of gold. The hall is so spacious that a small army could fit in it.
    The lighting here is quite bright. All because the sun has already risen. Its dazzling rays have long penetrated the walls of the palace and illuminated every room with their light.
    In the center of the hall is a long rectangular table made entirely of gold. There is practically nothing on it, except perhaps a long papyrus sheet and an inkwell with a quill.
    A powerful personality, distinguished by high growth, sits at a giant table. Her long dark hair falls to her shoulders and back. The gaze is turned to the papyrus leaf. He carefully looks at it and slowly displays small characters on it.
    By origin, he is clearly not a man. Long pointed ears betray their owner. It is immediately clear that he is Elfurr, and purebred, without impurities. Although his face is too young, he cannot be equated with the younger generation of this race. Eyes. Deep blue eyes give out incredible experience and wisdom. Royal vestment, worthy of the pharaoh himself. A long white tunic that reaches to the floor. Gold bracelets on the arms and neck. On the head is a striped nemes, traditional for the local nobility. On the chin is a ceremonial golden beard. It is worn by all representatives of Elfurr power.
    At the same moment, he hears footsteps. Someone or something is rapidly approaching him. Elfurr quickly turns around in the direction of the noise.
    Before him appears his messenger. He knows that his name is Horemheb. This young man has been working here for 5 years. Very soon he will turn 30, and he will already be of full age by the standards of Elfurr.
    The young man is dressed in a long white tunic. It has no bracelets. On the head is a small nemes, the same color as the tunic. It covers his clean-shaven head.

    Horemheb (bows low to his master):
    - Prince Sekheenhra Taa! I have arrived with important news! Let me speak!

    Sekheenhra Taa remains where she is. He gives a slight nod and then looks back at the papyrus leaf.

    Horemheb (continues):
    - Your transmitter did not respond. Therefore, I decided to convey to you personally ....

    Sekheenhra Taa (in a cold tone, without taking his eyes off the sheet):
    - Speak!

    Horemheb (realizes that he was guilty):
    - Excuse me, my prince. Yes you are right. I'd rather tell you everything now.

    Sekheenhra Taa leisurely draws another symbol on a papyrus leaf. He doesn't even look at his messenger.

    - Sala-Zarr has been destroyed.

    The prince twitches. This news causes him a strange and unbridled reaction. In surprise, he even drops a pen on the table. At the same time, he still does not look at the messenger. But he does not look at the sheet either. His gaze is fixed on the void and the unknown.

    Horemheb (continues):
    “I fear that our plans will also be revealed, my lord.” As it already happened with Khuptrai.

    Sekheenhra Taa (quickly turns towards the messenger):
    - But how did it happen?

    Horemheb (trying not to look the prince in the eyes):
    - A long time ago, our agents from the Sala-Zarr HQ reported that they had received some kind of Hyperborean sorcerer. Powerful and strong. As far as I remember, his name was Yuri. He was just on the ship hovering over Acheron Prime. Apparently, Yuri did it all. He destroyed the very ship, killed Sala-Zarr. And then he ran away with his friends. My drones have detected a sorcerer outside the system. As far as I know, it has recently appeared in Yetivar's domain. It's thousands of light-years from Acheron Prime.

    Sekheenhra Taa is beside himself with anger. He feels the rage engulf his entire being. It seems that he is ready to crush the head of this sorcerer. The prince's lips tighten in a terrible fit of anger.

    Sekheenhra Taa (viciously):
    - We need to find this.... Yuri ....

    Horemheb (nods):
    - I'm afraid it's pointless. If Yuri is on Yetivar, he may have already told everyone the truth.

    Sekheenhra Taa (almost breaks into a scream):
    To whom could he tell the truth? Farrukh?

    Horemheb (trying not to look at the prince):
    - Yes, anyone.

    Sekheenhra Taa knocks over a nearby table in a rage. A sheet with symbols already drawn on it, like a swift, sweeps through the hall and falls somewhere in the distance.

    Sekheenhra Taa (growls in rage):
    - But how did it happen? How?! How could Sala-Zarr have died? He is God after all! He is the Firstborn! No mortal can kill him! This is indeed…. Madness!

    - I'm afraid I don't know. I can't even imagine what kind of sorcerer you have to be to destroy God! It's just mind-boggling. But a fact is a fact. Sala-Zarr is dead. And his entire fleet turned to dust. The sorcerer destroyed not only the Lord of the Dawn, but also the Tulotron.

    Sekheenhra Taa (almost shaking with anger):
    - If a…. If the others find out the truth, do you... Do you have any idea what they'll think of us then? How will our race be perceived? Elfurr will turn into enemies of all things!

    Horemheb (nods again):
    “I understand, my prince. And to be honest... I still don't know how Yuri managed to destroy God Sala-Zarr. They probably helped him. But who exactly... I don't know.

    Sekheenhra Taa (terribly):
    - So find this Yuri! And don't let him talk!

    We will look for him, my prince. I swear that I will do my best to carry out your order.

    Sekheenhra Taa (eyes flashing):
    - And not only him! Everyone who knows the truth! Everyone! It's impossible for them to know. You can't let the whole galaxy know about it. We are Elfurr! And we were born to rule! Nothing can defame us!

    Horemheb (submissively):
    I swear that I will carry out your order.

    Sekheenhra Taa:
    - So do it! Immediately! Right now!

    The messenger once more bows his head to the prince. He understands that he must go and deal with this Yuri as soon as possible. Elfurr must not be tarnished. No one and nothing can make their reputation shaken. It was necessary to act as soon as possible.
    Horemheb follows quickly towards the exit of the hall, and soon disappears behind the giant painted doors.
    Sekheenhra Taa remains in splendid isolation. His desk is still on the floor. The sheet, like an unnecessary forgotten trinket, is lying far away, next to a gilded cabinet. The prince does not want to write or even think about the consequences. After all, the consequences will be fatal. It was absolutely obvious.

    Sekheenhra Taa (into the void):
    - We must try ... Try very hard ... so that the truth does not reach them. Elfurr will not indulge in dishonor! Do not be this!

    A fit of rage seizes the prince again. He no longer feels any control over himself.

    Sekhehra Taa (loudly):
    - Not! Never! Ne-e-e-eve-e-errr!!!
    His screams are heard with a deafening roar throughout the palace hall.

    The end....
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; May 08, 2022 at 01:11 PM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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  3. #83
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    "Neither the Elves nor the Dragons will save them" - nicely done!
    Elves - means, Elfurr race. Elf-like race. Some of galaxy races sometimes calles Elfurr as Elves.
    Dragons are Dragonids, reptile-like humanoid race. Their creator had name High Dragon-Progenitor. So anyone can simply call them - Dragonborn
    (no plagiarism with Skyrim of course)

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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  4. #84
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    A suitably dramatic ending!

    That makes sense, I can imagine a space-faring Elf-like race as well as reptile-like humans.

  5. #85
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    Thank you , sir!

    i must say, i have finished another story, and soon publish it here.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

  6. #86
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    You're welcome, I look forward to your new story.

  7. #87
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus

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    Default Re: Revenge of the Tyrants. Darkness.

    Thank you too!

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

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