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Thread: Outposts and Allied Recruitment

  1. #1
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    Content Director Patrician Citizen

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    Default Outposts and Allied Recruitment

    Do you build outposts and recruit allied units? Do you have any favourite allied units? I'm enjoying using Kroxigors in a Cathay army, for example.

    What do you think of this mechanic? The obvious drawback of allied units is that we lose them if our outpost is destroyed. How do you handle this, for example do you send an army to help defend an outpost?

  2. #2
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
    Patrician Artifex

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    Default Re: Outposts and Allied Recruitment

    I don't use outposts that much at the moment, because when playing as Cathay, for exemple, I often have other Cathay as allies, and so they don't give me very different units. I used them more with Kislev, to recruit Dwarves or Imperial artillery.

    By the way, in my mod, SWORD, I'm introducing a change of the outpost system.

    - Instead of giving you units based on the building own by the allied, it gives you unit based on the level of the outpost

    - There are 5 levels instead of 3: the tier 5 units obviously need an outpost in a major settlement, raised to level 5

    - Outposts give a small boost to trade, and research.

    - The unit available depends on the factions
    -- If you are Cathay and build an outpost in another Cathay faction, you can recruit all the units as soon as possible, including Celestial Guards, Sky Junk, Longma, Terracotta sentinels...
    -- If you are an order faction (Empire, Kislev, High Elves...) and build an outpost in Cathay, you may not recruit some of the to unit (like Terrocotta sentinels), or may recruit them only after upgraded the outpost one more level. Exemple: Celestial Guards only at level 5 instead of 4
    -- If you are Chaos, Greenskins, Sakven, and build an outpost in Cathay (unlikely, but who knows), then you won't have access to the best units (no Sky Junk or Celestial guards), or have to wait more (for exemple; ony peasants at level 1)

    - The allied units keep the colours of the faction of origine. Including banners! Instead of switching to your own colours.

    This is going together with a new regional recruitment mechanism, scripted and so compatible with any mod changing the startpos! I could detail that if someone is interested.

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