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Thread: By far the worst glitch in the game: troops permanently stuck on city towers

  1. #1
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Virginia, USA

    Default By far the worst glitch in the game: troops permanently stuck on city towers

    I'm aware that the EBII team is remodeling settlements for all cultures, but for those trying to enjoy the game in the meantime, could you guys please finally address this issue?

    It's the worst glitch in the game by leaps and bounds. The certain wall sections that can't be traversed after knocking them down with artillery are bad enough, but this one actually makes you lose entire sieges (with the 45 minute time limit on) for no other reason than an enemy unit being incapable of leaving the bottom door of a fortified tower. This is a problem for certain towers along the walls of Western Greek, Eastern Greek, and if I recall correctly also Roman cities. You have to either take the central square within a very quick window (not feasible when there are many enemy units) or route every single unit in the city before the timer runs out. The problem is that you CAN'T route a unit stuck on the wall itself, where all of the soldiers get bundled into one giant heap as they try to run. It's immersion breaking to say the least, but also a game mechanic failure of the highest order.

    As the human player, this also happens, but the human player can work around it a little bit by directing the unit to go back onto the wall and then exiting through a nearby tower instead that isn't affected by the glitch. The AI is obviously not smart enough to do this. As the faction doing the besieging, you also basically have to send tons of your units in and out of the tower and onto the walls, then back down again to get the besieged enemy unit to start fighting instead of running. You can also try whittling them down by arrow fire and placing your general nearby in hopes that they route from losing morale, but this is time consuming and doesn't always work.

  2. #2

    Default Re: By far the worst glitch in the game: troops permanently stuck on city towers

    You're going to have to manually disable the battle timer before fighting defensive sieges, and reenable them after the battle. This way, the "unroutable" clumps of AI soldiers on the walls can be slowly chipped away over time. BTW, they CAN be routed, but as you said, they tend to be clustered together and thus enjoy a morale boost from safety in numbers. Just surround them from inside the walls and outside the walls and simultaneously attack them from everywhere

  3. #3

    Default Re: By far the worst glitch in the game: troops permanently stuck on city towers

    Also, I always play the game without the timer and everything goes alright

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