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Thread: World of Infinitas project (CnC Generals Zero Hour)

  1. #1
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default World of Infinitas project (CnC Generals Zero Hour)

    Not many info about myself:
    I started to write in the age of my childhood. I have 2 published books and many stories in russian journals (or internet-communities). First my book "Legend of the Moon Landscape" was dedicated to my grandfather, hero of Russia, proffessor A.Rodnikov. He was my first teacher in my writings and a very big man in my country. He also had the government protection. As for me - i am still writing and doing my work for his memory. Now my literature program - to show his work to the world community, because my grandfather deserved it. Also i have a full sci-fi universe, and you can not only see it, but play it too.

    DarkkozDarka, FreeDude, MaxProhnitski

    Here you are the Non-official Mission pack for ZH about the sci-fi universe, created by me. Consist of many scripted missions with a lot of effects and hardcore gameplay. Example of the Youtube video

    Full 2596 campaign (consist of 3 different mission packs about the First Darkness War in the Main Galaxy)
    all maps are for original Zero Hour game.
    Additional Missions pack (consist of 3 maps about diffrent periods of the galaxy)
    this pack needs SWG mod (latest version) for Zero Hour game.
    Dark Times 2190 pack (consist of several version of the mission "Dark Times")
    It also needs SWG mod installed.
    Lemuria Addon (consist of 2 versions of the "Lemuria" mission)
    it needs original Zero Hour game.
    2020 year Map packs (consist of 3 different maps about many periods of the galaxy history)
    2 maps needs original ZH game. And "Defeat of Man-Tzhou" needs Shockwave mod 1.201

    You need to install this campaign to your Maps folder. Activate it from skirmish game mode.
    Its for original ZH 1.04

    Main group of the universe -

    Information about the gameplay:
    All maps are for very proffesional Zero Hour gamers. Neophites will simply loose all battles. Because the game level here is a Very Hard in all aspects. Many missions having the style of Base-Defence. So you have a big start base and normal army, but you must in 20-30 minutes hold back the enemy. Difficulty is in the hard attacks of AI. AI here is a very difficult to challenge and very clever. Its trying to search weak places of your defence and hit there. Resourses sometimes are really low, and you haven`t got enough money to build a cool army. So the gameplay is making you more calculating. You must think about the battle decisions, you must save your game very often because of it. In 90% missions you will have a task - Hold The Line till the reinforcements.

    Anyway thank you for seeing this. And if you have some questions, feel free to ask it.

    Best regards, author of the project, A.K.Krokhmal aka BagaturKhan.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 18, 2021 at 07:37 AM. Reason: new beautiful thread style

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

  2. #2
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
    Patrician Artifex

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    Default Re: World of Infinitas project (CnC Generals Zero Hour)

    Zero Hour version of this project is still going. I think, soon, i can introduce you another jobs. I changed my universe plot in 2020, and now its have some differences.
    Maybe soon you can see full mission about the Meingard Civil War in 2568 AD.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

  3. #3
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
    Patrician Artifex

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    Default Re: World of Infinitas project (CnC Generals Zero Hour)

    My project is still going.

    New maps were released in these 2 months.

    Scenario maps for Zero Hour: - Death of Tulothrone new 2021 version Revenge of Shein mission

    Skirmish maps for Zero Hour (challenge): Zarragen strike 3 players (1 vs 2) Zarragen strike 5 players (1 vs 4)

    Installation process is the same.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

  4. #4
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
    Patrician Artifex

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    Default Re: World of Infinitas project (CnC Generals Zero Hour)

    This year was very productive for the World of Infinitas project. Too much new content - maps and missions for Zero Hour game.
    Planets of the Far Galaxy pack
    Lemuria Updated version mission
    Rummaldin Civil War mission pack
    and Antonio Strike too.
    Etteria planet challenge maps
    Northern Lemuria tournament map
    Gambra Rebellion mission

    And its not at all, we have done a lot of work in this year, really a lot of work.

    Many missions are playable in some Youtube channels for this game

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
    My Wiki page

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