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Thread: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

  1. #61
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    I just double checked to make sure that you removed the factions from the catholic churches and you have. If you can still build them then I think you have become a victim of the virtual store. Please follow this tutorial from step 3 onward and then delete the medieval 2 total war folder in the virtual store if it exists.

    But first let me ask the question that I should have asked in the beginning: are you modifying the main game or are using a mod set up? If you are using the main game then I recommend to install my mod set up and copy your edited files in there. It is designed to make modding easier by removing the known pitfalls, simply start it by using the provided desktop shortcut.

  2. #62

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Turns out you are correct, I am a victim of the virtual store, better yet, I'm on a version of windows 10 without gpedit.msc or secpol.msc so I can't disable it, I'm looking for workarounds and I'm going to give the geomod you linked a try, and hope that works. So, after installing your geomod, would i just copy my edited files into mods\bare_geomod\data ? and by launching the geomod have success?

  3. #63

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Sorry for the double post, but I've made some progress. By using the bare geomod for kingdoms, I've successfully made scotland/denmark/poland/hungary/byzantium into pagan factions, by adding my descr_sm_factions.txt to your geomod, however, after adding my export_descr_buildings, and export_buildings to geomod it refuses to launch, you've already seen my files and said there isnt anything wrong with them. should I just give up start from scratch and go with simple more boring names and the original post did? like (small_church_p) instead of unique names? or do you have any other reccommendations.

  4. #64
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    I ran your EDB through the EDB validator and found these two formatting errors.

    Error parsing line 5478: Missing a comma after a faction/culture name: byzantium
    Error parsing line 5499: Missing a comma after a faction/culture name: byzantium

    Correct these two errors and try again. To find a line press Ctrl+F in Notepad and then enter the number.

    If you still get errors then check the log in the logs folder for a [error] entries. Most of them are self explanatory, but if you still have a problem then compress the log (7Zip is freeware) and attach it to your post.

    Please delete the old text\export_buildings.STRING.BIN file to make sure a proper new one is generated (there could be a time stamp\date issue). After a new one is generated it isn't necessary anymore to delete it after you edit the export_building.TXT again.

  5. #65

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Success at last! by using your bare geomod and checking the log after every small change I was able to squash the errrors and get everything working. that log file is a godsend, at least if I know whats wrong I can fix it.

  6. #66
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Glad to hear you got going. Keep in mind to frequently test and to keep backups of files that you are editing.

  7. #67

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Hi there, I'm currently about 40 turns into a SS6.4 campaign with the Byzantines... is it possible to affect this religious change (orthodox -> pagan, a la Julian, all of a sudden as if by Basilien decree -- i am seeking to invoke massive unrest in fact) without destroying my saves??...

  8. #68
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    There is a scripting command that changes a faction's religion - but it requires to be in the script from the start, aka not save game compatible.

  9. #69
    Vomar's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church


    I apologize in advance for my failure in finding this out myself. All my attempts on succeeding in this have failed.
    All the guides I've found only explained half of what I needed it seems or I am unable to understand them right.

    I want to make Norway make use of Lithuania's pagan religion. I tried the usual desc.strat, export.buildings etc. but it seems that making Norway use
    Lithuania's paganism is somehow more difficult. Unfortunately my system.log wasn't showing any errors. In fact it always came in blank though the game crashed. So I reinstalled the mod to start fresh. Even though I backed up all the scripts and re-overwrote the ones I changed the game crashed anyway. Must have overlooked something.

    So I must ask for help if you have time to both make Norway pagan and also to change Lithuania's paganism to be more broad. Change the names of the temples from for example:
    Temple of Dievas to Temple of the Patriarch or something similar. And possibly to make use of the units they provide as well. But that is not a priority.

    If anyone has done this before sending me the script would be ideal. I've already spent hours changing this line and that and these ctd's have just defeated me utterly.


  10. #70
    Vomar's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Figured it out after a few more hours work. Sorry for your time.

  11. #71

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Well, something isn't identical.

    Put the descr_sm_factions, EDB and descr_strat files into one folder and then compress (7Zip is freeware) and upload them. I'll have a look.

    Hey I have tried to follow everystep and redone it so many times, yet I can't get it to work. Playing on stainless steel BTW
    Followed export_descr_buildings correctly descr_sm_factions export_buildings i text file, etc etc.

    Yet as soon as I start Stainless steel and has the starting image the game just instantly shuts down.
    The wierd thing too is as soon as I remove the buildings i added, the game works perfectly. So I don't know what I do wrong as I have double checked the files I have mentioned.

    This is what I have done if you can see any wrong I did?

    export_descr_buildings file

    building temple_s_pagan
    convert_to temple_s_pagan_castle
    religion pagan
    levels small_church_p church_p abbey_p
    small_church_p city requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    convert_to 0
    agent priest 0 requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    happiness_bonus bonus 1
    religion_level bonus 2
    agent_limit priest 1 requires not event_counter strictly_religious 1
    agent_limit priest 9 requires event_counter strictly_religious 1
    material wooden
    construction 2
    cost 800
    settlement_min town
    church_p city requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    convert_to 1
    agent priest 0 requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    happiness_bonus bonus 1
    religion_level bonus 3
    agent_limit priest 1 requires not event_counter strictly_religious 1
    agent_limit priest 9 requires event_counter strictly_religious 1
    material wooden
    construction 3
    cost 1600
    settlement_min large_town
    abbey_p city requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    agent priest 0 requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    happiness_bonus bonus 2
    religion_level bonus 4
    agent_limit priest 1 requires not event_counter strictly_religious 1
    agent_limit priest 9 requires event_counter strictly_religious 1
    population_health_bonus bonus 1
    recruits_morale_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
    material stone
    construction 5
    cost 3200
    settlement_min city
    building temple_s_pagan_castle
    convert_to temple_s_pagan
    religion pagan
    levels small_chapel_p chapel_p
    small_chapel_p castle requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    convert_to 0
    agent priest 0 requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    happiness_bonus bonus 1
    agent_limit priest 1 requires not event_counter strictly_religious 1
    agent_limit priest 9 requires event_counter strictly_religious 1
    religion_level bonus 2
    material wooden
    construction 2
    cost 800
    settlement_min town
    chapel_p castle requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    convert_to 1
    agent priest 0 requires factions { denmark, norway, }
    happiness_bonus bonus 1
    religion_level bonus 3
    agent_limit priest 1 requires not event_counter strictly_religious 1
    agent_limit priest 9 requires event_counter strictly_religious 1
    population_health_bonus bonus 1
    material stone
    construction 4
    cost 1600
    settlement_min large_town


    {small_church_p_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {small_church_p_desc_short}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {small_church_p_northern_european}Small Church
    {small_church_p_northern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {small_church_p_mesoamerican}Small Church
    {small_church_p_mesoamerican_desc_short}A Small
    {small_church_p_middle_eastern}Small Church
    {small_church_p_middle_eastern_desc_short}A Small
    {small_church_p_eastern_european}Small Church
    {small_church_p_eastern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {small_church_p_greek}Small Church
    {small_church_p_greek_desc_short}A Small
    {small_church_p_southern_european} Small Church
    {small_church_p_southern_european_desc}With devotion
    {small_church_p_southern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {church_p_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {church_p_desc_short}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {church_p_northern_european}Small Church
    {church_p_northern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {church_p_mesoamerican}Small Church
    {church_p_mesoamerican_desc_short}A Small
    {church_p_middle_eastern}Small Church
    {church_p_middle_eastern_desc_short}A Small
    {church_p_eastern_european}Small Church
    {church_p_eastern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {church_p_greek}Small Church
    {church_p_greek_desc_short}A Small
    {church_p_southern_european} Small Church
    {church_p_southern_european_desc}With devotion
    {church_p_southern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {abbey_p_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {abbey_p_desc_short}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {abbey_p_northern_european}Small Church
    {abbey_p_northern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {abbey_p_mesoamerican}Small Church
    {abbey_p_mesoamerican_desc_short}A Small
    {abbey_p_middle_eastern}Small Church
    {abbey_p_middle_eastern_desc_short}A Small
    {abbey_p_eastern_european}Small Church
    {abbey_p_eastern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {abbey_p_greek}Small Church
    {abbey_p_greek_desc_short}A Small
    {abbey_p_southern_european} Small Church
    {abbey_p_southern_european_desc}With devotion
    {abbey_p_southern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {small_chapel_p_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {small_chapel_p_desc_short}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {small_chapel_p_northern_european}Small Church
    {small_chapel_p_northern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {small_chapel_p_mesoamerican}Small Church
    {small_chapel_p_mesoamerican_desc_short}A Small
    {small_chapel_p_middle_eastern}Small Church
    {small_chapel_p_middle_eastern_desc_short}A Small
    {small_chapel_p_eastern_european}Small Church
    {small_chapel_p_eastern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {small_chapel_p_greek}Small Church
    {small_chapel_p_greek_desc_short}A Small
    {small_chapel_p_southern_european} Small Church
    {small_chapel_p_southern_european_desc}With devotion
    {small_chapel_p_southern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {chapel_p_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {chapel_p_desc_short}DO NOT TRANSLATE
    {chapel_p_northern_european}Small Church
    {chapel_p_northern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {chapel_p_mesoamerican}Small Church
    {chapel_p_mesoamerican_desc_short}A Small
    {chapel_p_middle_eastern}Small Church
    {chapel_p_middle_eastern_desc_short}A Small
    {chapel_p_eastern_european}Small Church
    {chapel_p_eastern_european_desc_short}A Small
    {chapel_p_greek}Small Church
    {chapel_p_greek_desc_short}A Small
    {chapel_P_southern_european} Small Church
    {chapel_p_southern_european_desc}With devotion
    {chapel_p_southern_european_desc_short}A Small

  12. #72
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    You are missing these lines (you got 'catholic'):

    I recommend using this checker with the description option switched on.
    And for easy creation of export_buildings entries I did create this tool ages ago.

  13. #73

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    You are missing these lines (you got 'catholic'):

    I recommend using this checker with the description option switched on.
    And for easy creation of export_buildings entries I did create this tool ages ago.

    Thank You giving these tools, will try to use them but is there a tutorial?
    Because i downloaded the java 6 it requires me to. then i downloaded and tried to activate "EDB validator" but then it says an error with like "can't find the file C:/windows/syswow64/javaw.exe

    Also i tried changing the files little more like you told me but still didn't work. So maybe these "tools" will help.
    Don't know why it doesn't work because i have edited this before and saved the files when it worked but then when i downloaded the mod again and replaced the files, it doesn't work. Now I'am trying to redo everything again.

  14. #74
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    You may have to edit the properties of the shortcut:

    First check where your javaw.exe file is with a simple file search. Then copy that path into the 'target' field (open by right clicking the x64 shortcut and choose 'properties'). Example from mine:
    D:\Programs\java7\bin\javaw.exe -cp classes checkEDB.EDBValidator

    Once you have the program running you browse to your mod (the three dots button), tickmark 'check for ..' and then 'validate'. Note that the checker will report only the first error and then exit. Meaning you will need to fix the error and then 'validate' again until you are error free.

  15. #75

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    You may have to edit the properties of the shortcut:

    First check where your javaw.exe file is with a simple file search. Then copy that path into the 'target' field (open by right clicking the x64 shortcut and choose 'properties'). Example from mine:
    D:\Programs\java7\bin\javaw.exe -cp classes checkEDB.EDBValidator

    Once you have the program running you browse to your mod (the three dots button), tickmark 'check for ..' and then 'validate'. Note that the checker will report only the first error and then exit. Meaning you will need to fix the error and then 'validate' again until you are error free.

    Sorry it doesn't work for some reason. It says
    C:\program is not available
    access denied.
    don't know if have wrong java or something, downloaded the one that was from the link though. or do I need to have something in the path called "start in"?

  16. #76

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    You may have to edit the properties of the shortcut:

    First check where your javaw.exe file is with a simple file search. Then copy that path into the 'target' field (open by right clicking the x64 shortcut and choose 'properties'). Example from mine:
    D:\Programs\java7\bin\javaw.exe -cp classes checkEDB.EDBValidator

    Once you have the program running you browse to your mod (the three dots button), tickmark 'check for ..' and then 'validate'. Note that the checker will report only the first error and then exit. Meaning you will need to fix the error and then 'validate' again until you are error free.
    It worked now when i didn't use the EDB validator x64. Don't know if that makes a difference but this what I got and have no idea what it means sorry XD

    Scanning files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data ...

    Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\descr_sm_factions.txt
    Finished reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\descr_sm_factions.txt
    Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\descr_cultures.txt
    Finished reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\descr_cultures.txt
    Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\export_descr_unit.txt
    Finished reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\export_descr_unit.txt
    Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\text\export_buildings.txt
    Finished reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\text\export_buildings.txt
    Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\descr_religions.txt
    catholicorthodoxislampaganhereticFinished reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\descr_religions.txt
    MTW2 EDB syntax:
    Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\export_descr_buildings.txt
    Finished reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data\export_descr_buildings.txt
    Parsing EDB...
    Hidden resources:
    Error parsing line 84: Referenced unit type does not exist in EDU: Baltic Spearmen

    Note: Only the first detected error is reported. Fix, then try validating again.

  17. #77
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    This is the error (remove the tick mark from the 'debugging' option to make life easier) :

    Error parsing line 84: Referenced unit type does not exist in EDU: Baltic Spearmen

    It means that in line 84 of the EDB there is a recruit pool line for a unit that does not exist in your EDU (export_descr_units) file. Simply putting a semi-colon in front of that line will disable it. Then run the checker again.

  18. #78

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    This is the error (remove the tick mark from the 'debugging' option to make life easier) :

    Error parsing line 84: Referenced unit type does not exist in EDU: Baltic Spearmen

    It means that in line 84 of the EDB there is a recruit pool line for a unit that does not exist in your EDU (export_descr_units) file. Simply putting a semi-colon in front of that line will disable it. Then run the checker again.

    Well that's wierd i have never edited the units file.
    Also that can't be right because the line 84 is this ;Details of secondary weapons. If the unit rides on, or has attached animals or vehicles

  19. #79
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    Line 84 in the EDB (buildings) file, not the EDU (units) file.

  20. #80

    Default Re: How To: Change Faction Religion and Church

    But that makes even less sense since as I have not even touched that area, I only added stuff to the bottom of the textfile never touched abything above.

    Do you think it is messing up because I'am using EDB Validator and not the x64 version. Couldn't use the X64 though cuz I only got and error message saying access denied.
    Yet i used the exact same path for the not x64 one, and that worked.

    Otherwise I think there is something wrong with this program because when I put back the original files before I edited. The EDB Validator it still says the same error of line 84 baltic spearmen, yet i can still play the game perfectly fine.

    This is the line by the way recruit_pool "Baltic Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.1 0 requires factions { lithuania, }

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