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Thread: The profile of the Total War player

  1. #1
    Incendio's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default The profile of the Total War player

    I started playing Total War with Empire Total War. Back then my computer was an office computer and it ran very bad. I managed to save some money to build myself a gaming computer to play Empire and Napoleon Total War, the only games I played but I did not have much money to do so, however, they ran decently.

    Currently because of my job I need a laptop as I am moving from place to place. However I play at home, not on business trips. I have a MSI gaming laptop which cost me 2000€ back in 2020. It was a big effort but overall I am happy with performance. My Laptop has GPU Nvidia RTX 2070 Super mobile, I was thinking about getting a new one but I don´t see such big improvement on new GPUs, basically the lowest one which worths the update would be RTX 4070.

    I am wondering which is the profile of Total War players. I imagine someone with big purchasing power able to afford expensive computers + monitors, because Total War games, most of them, are very demanding and I usually see videos on youtube of people streaming with very stable and high fps.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The profile of the Total War player

    Moved from Thema Devia.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The profile of the Total War player

    I have an older computer that some years ago I partially upgraded in order to be able to play Warhammer 2 - bought a GeForce GTX 1050Ti and 16 Gb DDR2. I can probably run every TW game, modded or not, so I guess it's a decent rig.

  4. #4
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: The profile of the Total War player

    I imagine there is a highly underrepresented profile of more humble users, certainly on TWC but on other platforms as well; it takes a certain type of PC to be a competent streamer (potatos won't do it very well) and so such PCs disproportionately make up streaming as compared to an everyday userbase (since potatos typically won't stream and won't last long if they do).

    Personally, Warhammer is the first title in a long time where I showed up initially with "streamer-standard" newish hardware. It was a difference but I've been chugging Total War on potatos for many years.
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