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Thread: Suebi Unit Expantion

  1. #1
    Kraut and Tea's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Apr 2013

    Default Suebi Unit Expantion

    The Suebi faction is somewhat of a disapointment. A faction that doesnt have enought unique units and seems to have no clear strategic focuse. With 2 of the vanila units having stealth abilities I think CA intended to make the Suebi a ambush and stealth warfare orientated faction.
    I stuck to that stealth concept and added 5 new units that are based on historical research, with the intention of expanding the Suebi roster in a way that doesnt make it look redicilous. I hope CA still intends to expand the Suebi roster, but for the time being I hope this will help out.

    The Unit Pack includes:

    Burii Warriors - The Burii were a Germanic tribe that allied with the Suebi and Qadrians to fight against the invading Goths. But after massive defeat the Burii decided to join the Suebi confederation and migrated with them. I used this backstory to make a light berserker unit for the Suebi with guerilla deployment.


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    Suebi Scout Raiders - Guerillia infantry always need either a guerillia spear unit or cavalry unit to back them up. Because otherwise they are just cav bait. The Suebians raided Gaul and Iberia aswell as crossed a frozen rhine to enter Gaul, all of which are tasks that in my mind require some good scouts and raiders. This is a medium tier fast melee cavalry unit with guerillia deployment.


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    Galician Slingers - When the Suebi invaded Iberia they settled in the Homelands of the Galicians. The Galicians were a Celtic tribe that lived in hilforts throughout the mountainrange of the Galician massive and were never fully romanised. The Suebians fought a long war against the Galicians until peace was negotiated by a bishop. With this backstory I made a Galician slinger Unit, which is one of the best slinger units in the game and in it`s apperance is a mix of Celtic and Roman influences.


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    Sarmarto Suebians - The Suebian tribes who lived in the lands bordering the Danube along the regions of Raetia and Pannonia had a very friendly releationship with Sarmartian tribes that migrated to that region from the East. They frequently formed alliances to fight against common enemies and the Suebians even adopted Sarmartian horsemanship. Some Roman historians even made no destinction between Suebians and Sarmartians. With that historical background I made a Horse Archer Unit for the Suebians that in it`s apperance and tactics is a mix of Germanic and Sarmartian influences. It makes this faction unique since the Suebians would be the only Germanic faction with aHorse Archer.


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    Martiarii Defectors - I like the Defector units available to some germanic and Gothic factions alot. And when the Suebi were announced by CA I hoped that they would receive a Roman Defector unit. Thy didn`t get one so I decided to add one through this mod. The Alemani, Visigoths and Ostrogoths all have Roman sword infantry defector units and I wanted to something different for the Suebi. So I gave them Martiarii Defectors, which are a well armoured javelin unit, and gave them Guerillia deployment.


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    Link to Steam Workshop Download:

    PS: Thanks to Magnar for his modding tutorials and to Luft "Nyo ho" Waffle for helping me with the unit stats balancing and unit concepts

  2. #2

    Default Re: Suebi Unit Expantion

    Nice mod! but

    Could you upload the mod to a no steam link?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Suebi Unit Expantion

    I just want to say you dont have any idea about history
    Suebi (Svebi) btw were Slavic and not germanic.

    Even modern german historians before some 1800 admit that they were Slavic.
    Just in 19. century turmoil and german nationalism, history get totally rekt and manipulated.
    I ma just saying ;-)

  4. #4
    Valkyr's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Suebi Unit Expantion

    The mod has been removed from Steam. Could you please upload it again or upload it to a no-steam link?

  5. #5
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Suebi Unit Expantion

    The OP has not been online in 3 years. You may be best served finding his Steam account and contacting him there. His steam name is public in his profile.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

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