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Thread: Is there anyway to increase loyalty of generals/characters?

  1. #1

    Default Is there anyway to increase loyalty of generals/characters?

    For Carthaginians

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Germany ,NRW

    Default Re: Is there anyway to increase loyalty of generals/characters?

    High authority increases loyality.Have your ruler and heir win battles and try to make sure that they have good traits .There is a small boost from having your leader in your capital as well and the authority should also increase over time as long as you don't screw up and lose battles or territory.Keeping low loyality generals close to your ruler should also help.
    Elder Scrolls Online :Messing up the Lore since 2007...

    Well overhand or underhand: 3:50 Onwards...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is there anyway to increase loyalty of generals/characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sint View Post
    High authority increases loyalty. Have your ruler and heir win battles and try to make sure that they have good traits .There is a small boost from having your leader in your capital as well and the authority should also increase over time as long as you don't screw up and lose battles or territory. Keeping low loyalty generals close to your ruler should also help.
    hmmm.... I have a character in his prime with 0 loyalty, 0 confidence, 0 command but 9 influence. Sharp/Charismatic/Languorous.. What would u suggest I do with him? lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is there anyway to increase loyalty of generals/characters?

    If you have 2 generals in the same army they will never rebel

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