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Thread: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

  1. #1
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    World of Warships shut down its official site and asked its members to sign in in the Game's official Discord prommising that the new way would ber easier for the users to hundle and find info they seak for. How wrong they were. The Discord chanel has all the Threads the site had but its a mess gathering hunderds of complains every day. The Discord apears the threads in a linear way that makes a wondering in them a real labyrithm! Conclusions. No matter the REAL cause that lead WoWs in that dersision one thing has been proven. Clasical sites as we know them do not have their word spoken yet offering easier info finding.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Once upon a time (early 90) Chat was king. Then came the dreaded email list. I once belong one that deliver almost a hundred emails per day. 2000s rolled around, and people discovered forums. In-depth conversation at last without flooding your email. chat rooms and messengers slowly emptied as people realized the utility of the forum. The same will happen with Discord. Discord chat is only for "in the moment" discussions. You really cannot go back to read the messages of the day (its tedious, if you try). At least on the forum, if you have a question, you don't need to monitor it to wait for your answer. there is no fear your questions will "disappear in the void," which happens often.

    Personally, groups that have both functions are better because each have their strength and weaknesses.

  3. #3
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Discord is the successor to the mIRC and yahoo chatrooms of yore. Reddit is the one replacing forums, not Discord. As far as Wargaming are concerned, they are making the move to discord because they got a lot of extremely negative PR lately and every time it started with the community protesting anti-consumer decisions on their official forums. They hope that by moving to Discord they will still be able to keep the appearance of transparency while also making it very difficult to effectively protest against them.
    Under the patronage of Pie the Inkster Click here to find a hidden gem on the forum!

  4. #4
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Quote Originally Posted by PikeStance View Post
    Once upon a time (early 90) Chat was king. Then came the dreaded email list. I once belong one that deliver almost a hundred emails per day. 2000s rolled around, and people discovered forums. In-depth conversation at last without flooding your email. chat rooms and messengers slowly emptied as people realized the utility of the forum. The same will happen with Discord. Discord chat is only for "in the moment" discussions. You really cannot go back to read the messages of the day (its tedious, if you try). At least on the forum, if you have a question, you don't need to monitor it to wait for your answer. there is no fear your questions will "disappear in the void," which happens often.

    Personally, groups that have both functions are better because each have their strength and weaknesses.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Adrian View Post
    Discord is the successor to the mIRC and yahoo chatrooms of yore. Reddit is the one replacing forums, not Discord. As far as Wargaming are concerned, they are making the move to discord because they got a lot of extremely negative PR lately and every time it started with the community protesting anti-consumer decisions on their official forums. They hope that by moving to Discord they will still be able to keep the appearance of transparency while also making it very difficult to effectively protest against them.
    Both true. The clients complain about these issues. In fact WG with the Discord Channel might try to overrun the Belgium and other EU countries gambling laws. I was 10 years a modde to World of Tanks and 5 years in World of Warships. Now those threads may look separate again but they are a mess.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  5. #5
    jsktrogdor's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Literally making my first post on thema devia since 2012 because I was watching a youtube video about Jack Teixeira leaking state secrets on his Minecraft Discord server and people started talking about what kids post online. It got me thinking about the hours I spent on this site for like a decade.

    Say what you will about phpBB forums, I don't think the mods here would let us leak any Pentagon Secrets.

    EDIT: dates.
    Last edited by jsktrogdor; December 13, 2023 at 03:58 PM.

  6. #6
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    The only thing we protect more closely than Pentagon Secrets is Hexagon Secrets.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

  7. #7
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    And we all know that you actually have plenty of horses, Abdümecid is Ged's alt. account and Loli the Grinch.

    Someone trying to leak information to the masses from here would be making a big mistake, indeed.
    Last edited by mishkin; December 14, 2023 at 03:56 AM.

  8. #8
    Aru's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    It is so frustrating having to explain to young people why forums are better than chat, how this was proven in the past and that Discord is just chat with thematic subsections and can't replace forums because you can't have longer discussions.

    But they are crazy about Discord now and will have to learn from the mistakes themselves.

    It's just sad that many old forum communities will have to die first.
    Has signatures turned off.

  9. #9
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Discord is so Beta...

    This is my worst joke this year, I apologize
    Last edited by mishkin; December 14, 2023 at 07:08 AM.

  10. #10
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dismounted Feudal Knight View Post
    The only thing we protect more closely than Pentagon Secrets is Hexagon Secrets.
    Some say the Hexagon is the greatest nemesis of the Pentagon, although the latter cannot confirm or deny this claim.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aru View Post
    It is so frustrating having to explain to young people why forums are better than chat, how this was proven in the past and that Discord is just chat with thematic subsections and can't replace forums because you can't have longer discussions.

    But they are crazy about Discord now and will have to learn from the mistakes themselves.

    It's just sad that many old forum communities will have to die first.
    Good point. To buttress your argument, on TWC forums you can go back through an old thread that has years of comments conveniently paginated for you, so you can easily search and scroll though an interesting history of how people commented in the past from the opening post onward. Good luck doing that on Discord, it's virtually impossible for some channels in a server. On Discord comments are often fast and punchy, and quickly get buried and forgotten by the next day's conversation or even sooner (aside from people internalizing the most important things that others have said and done, but memory is a hazy thing).

  11. #11
    Flinn's Avatar His Dudeness of TWC
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    Good point. To buttress your argument, on TWC forums you can go back through an old thread that has years of comments conveniently paginated for you, so you can easily search and scroll though an interesting history of how people commented in the past from the opening post onward. Good luck doing that on Discord, it's virtually impossible for some channels in a server. On Discord comments are often fast and punchy, and quickly get buried and forgotten by the next day's conversation or even sooner (aside from people internalizing the most important things that others have said and done, but memory is a hazy thing).
    Tbh I use both profusely. If I'm up to a one on one chat, Discord is my choice, but even so, if I have to post an articolate concept, I post it at TWC and just link it to the person I'm chatting with. Other than this I use Discord mostly for memes and posting
    Really one can use both and get the best of the two, no need to pick either one or another
    Under the patronage of Finlander, patron of Lugotorix & Lifthrasir & joerock22 & Socrates1984 & Kilo11 & Vladyvid & Dick Cheney & phazer & Jake Armitage & webba 84 of the Imperial House of Hader

  12. #12
    Aru's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    Good point. To buttress your argument, on TWC forums you can go back through an old thread that has years of comments conveniently paginated for you, so you can easily search and scroll though an interesting history of how people commented in the past from the opening post onward. Good luck doing that on Discord, it's virtually impossible for some channels in a server. On Discord comments are often fast and punchy, and quickly get buried and forgotten by the next day's conversation or even sooner (aside from people internalizing the most important things that others have said and done, but memory is a hazy thing).
    Of course, there is a search function on the Discord, but discussions scroll so fast and jump from topic to topic that they can never develop the same level of coherence like on a forum. There can not be an equivalent of "wall of text post" on discord, you can not give someone an answer by quoting him sentence by sentence and then answering each, and all that in a 500+ word reply. I mean you can technically, if you try really hard and don't let yourself be distracted, but it's much harder than on a forum.

    But since this is specifically about games, let me give an example to something relevant with the theme of this site.

    I had a question about a mod for Warhammer TW3 that I downloaded from steam and I wanted to ask the modders. Steam page linked to a discord server, a huge server in which I barely found the channel for that mod only through using the search function. There I asked a question and for the first two days I got one random "no idea" answer from random person, but there were 50 other posts... comments... messages, however you call them on discord, in those 3 days and since my question didn't tag anyone, it was left unseen by modders (if any were online in those few days) and I had no idea who were the modders to tag them and there was no @modteam tag or somethg. In any case, unless I would post my question few times a day, no one would ever answer and no one who knew the answer would see the question.

    Compare this with opening a thread in a subforum for a mod. Hell, even a mod megathread on a forum is more readable than any channel on discord.

    Of course, another problem is generational. I had these discussions with 20 years old kids who think forums are slow and archaic and need things to move and something to happen all the time, they need animated things on their screen and sometimes are even too lazy to write a message but simply record it and send it as audio because writing is so old timey.

    I'm too old for that .
    Last edited by Aru; December 15, 2023 at 12:35 PM.
    Has signatures turned off.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Site Vs Discords in official Games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aru View Post
    Of course, there is a search function on the Discord, but discussions scroll so fast and jump from topic to topic that they can never develop the same level of coherence like on a forum. There can not be an equivalent of "wall of text post" on discord, you can not give someone an answer by quoting him sentence by sentence and then answering each, and all that in a 500+ word reply. I mean you can technically, if you try really hard and don't let yourself be distracted, but it's much harder than on a forum.

    But since this is specifically about games, let me give an example to something relevant with the theme of this site.

    I had a question about a mod for Warhammer TW3 that I downloaded from steam and I wanted to ask the modders. Steam page linked to a discord server, a huge server in which I barely found the channel for that mod only through using the search function. There I asked a question and for the first two days I got one random "no idea" answer from random person, but there were 50 other posts... comments... messages, however you call them on discord, in those 3 days and since my question didn't tag anyone, it was left unseen by modders (if any were online in those few days) and I had no idea who were the modders to tag them and there was no @modteam tag or somethg. In any case, unless I would post my question few times a day, no one would ever answer and no one who knew the answer would see the question.

    Compare this with opening a thread in a subforum for a mod. Hell, even a mod megathread on a forum is more readable than any channel on discord.

    Of course, another problem is generational. I had these discussions with 20 years old kids who think forums are slow and archaic and need things to move and something to happen all the time, they need animated things on their screen and sometimes are even too lazy to write a message but simply record it and send it as audio because writing is so old timey.

    I'm too old for that .
    100% Chat is only good for "in the moment" discussion. I have had countless questions just disappear from chats because the conversation scrolls into obscurity.

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