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Thread: The Indignities of Old Age

  1. #21
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze's Avatar Let's Get After It
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    Default Re: The Indignities of Old Age

    Quote Originally Posted by skh1 View Post

    Also, one doesn't heal as fast as one used to.

    Sadly, this is very true. Now the following items, once unknown to me are now "indispensable".

    * Skin cream: Don't use this on your hands & arms and you'll look like an Egyptian mummy.
    * Band aids
    * hydrogen peroxide & ointment: For every single scratch.
    * tweezers: top of the nose and behind the ears.
    * "Cheaters": Drug store glasses for reading. I used to make fun of people who held things at arms length to read them. Now I is one (sigh)...
    * Turning the volume on the TV all the way up: (Just you wait, this one's coming to get you too Buddy).
    * Naptime: Once unknown, now a true, passionate, and wondrous friend.
    * Forgetfulness: Once this makes it's initial appearance I'd carry a little note pad & pencil with you wherever you go.
    * Doctors: Not so long ago I couldn't name one that I knew to save my life. Now I got like five of them(different specialties) on speed dial.
    * Walk, don't run: I used to be the fastest kid on the block. Now if I had to run half a block one of you lucky folks would be giving the eulogy at my funeral.
    * Acceptance: Not so long ago I would fight everything and wouldn't accept . Now when most things happen, I just accept it. Too tired to fight for stuff unless it's really meaningful.

    * The phrases "How's that?" and "Come again?" are now true & trusted friends. Hearing aids are coming for you, just wait.
    * Light Jackets: Keeping one in the car is mandatory. Say you go to the movies. Don't bring it and you'll freeze. Do bring it and you will roast. Pick your poison. Under or Over cooked.
    Now it is true that being hot or cold is mostly personal chemistry make up, not an age thing. However with age the degree with which hot/cold affects you is more severe. Be hot/cold during
    the movie and your ability to enjoy it can be deeply affected.

    ... ...
    Last edited by Mega Tortas de Bodemloze; January 09, 2024 at 01:32 PM. Reason: color change
    A Lion serves in Winter, then perhaps a Unicorn for the Spring.

    If you cannot stand behind what you say.... then do not speak. If your words are taken out of context,
    then the weight of the evidence will still fall in your favor and carry the day

    The Casual Tortoise: Mega's Guide to Fast Turtling

  2. #22
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: The Indignities of Old Age

    The people around you (family, partner, friends) dying or aging pitifully.

    Serious motor difficulties. May it be a miracle to walk ten minutes without tripping. Being unable to wash. Someone has to wash your ass. on yourself.



    People abandoning you because you are a burden or because they feel sorry for you.

  3. #23
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze's Avatar Let's Get After It
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    Default Re: The Indignities of Old Age

    Up until I was say 30 years old, I can truly state that I can't remember ever falling. If I tripped, I would always regain my footing effortlessly. Now however, if I in any way stumble it's 911, going down, guaranteed face sandwich with all the trimmings. The moment your foot hit hits any type of resistance time stops/freezes with the realization that your gonna eat it. Gee I hope I don't break every bone in my body on the way down. So you trip, then the next thing you realize is that you are on the ground. The time in between is a blur, and you can only pray that unconsciously you did the best you could to avoid injury on the way down.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    A small confession on my part: Yes I do embrace
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    embellishment in this thread. (Here and there). Now I do have two 81-year-olds at home (husband and wife). They are still vibrant and very active, matter of fact both of them still drive. They are also active in all the local Republican Party* goings ons. Any how if the things mentioned here did not happen to me personally, I was there firsthand to co-experience them.

    * Republicans, yuck .... Some of them a detestable lot....(to clarify: Their stances on things)
    Last edited by Mega Tortas de Bodemloze; January 09, 2024 at 01:35 PM. Reason: Clarification
    A Lion serves in Winter, then perhaps a Unicorn for the Spring.

    If you cannot stand behind what you say.... then do not speak. If your words are taken out of context,
    then the weight of the evidence will still fall in your favor and carry the day

    The Casual Tortoise: Mega's Guide to Fast Turtling

  4. #24
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Just in case, what I explained in the previous post is not my current situation. I was just expressing what I believe is the reality of really older people around me.

  5. #25
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: The Indignities of Old Age

    Quote Originally Posted by mishkin View Post
    Just in case, what I explained in the previous post is not my current situation. I was just expressing what I believe is the reality of really older people around me.

    There is no shame in embracing your old age

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