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Thread: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

  1. #41

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Hey everyone, I have a similar question to Bruce I just started a new campaign as the Romans and my faction leader got the potential reformer trait which says that he can reform my faction's military but needs to have learned the first level of the scholarly trait in a settlement with a school. I put him in a settlement with a school, but nothing seems to be happening so I was wondering if I could get an explanation about how that works.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    You should not be getting that ancillary as Rome, it's a bug. It is intended only for greek factions. Roman reforms work exactly as written in the guide, go check there. This issue has been fixed in 2.4a so i guess you are still on 2.4.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Oh okay, thanks for the quick response.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Regarding my last question i just checked the campaign_script and the reforms seem to be the ones explained in the Guides and AAR section about the 2.3 version, so i guess nothing substantial changed in 2.4

  5. #45

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Canzoli View Post
    Regarding my last question i just checked the campaign_script and the reforms seem to be the ones explained in the Guides and AAR section about the 2.3 version, so i guess nothing substantial changed in 2.4
    The only changes will have been fixes to things not working as intended. I don't have any specific recollections of rewriting any reform conditions.

    There are many new "early events" scripts, but they're not reforms. Nabtaea for example has something acknowledging their establishment of the early kingdom.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sint View Post
    Just checked and no there isn't any.
    Someone needs to tell Windows Defender that, because it thinks the same for me as well.

  7. #47
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quintus reported it, maybe/hopefully Microsoft will bite. Repackaging might deal with the flags if done differently.

    For the end user you should be able to tell the antivirus to permit, otherwise the archive copy should not give errors.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
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  8. #48

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    So i must say the Ai have become much more aggresive in army building and their money no longer stuck being poor.

    It definitely change Pergamon experience, from waiting Seleucid to lose Sardis to Ptoelamic and attack the usually weak Ptoleamic garrison, into waiting patiently in my Pergamon settlement as every other Greek busy ammasing full stack across all border and kill each other.

    I don't think i will betray Seleucid, at least until Pergamon reform. I just buy any settlement i could buy because sitting around doing nothing with a 1000-2000 income is still enough to transform Pergamon into Huge City and ammassing 50k-60k treasury.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    So the mod is 90 % complete? I wonder if 2.5 will be the last version.

    It will be a good time for the dev team to devote some attention to the more neglected factions like the Lugians, Sabeans and Sauromatai (the last faction mentioned here has fun scripts but it lacks the satisfying progression of other factions when it comes to govs and reforms)

    But I want to ask the team : What will be your biggest focus for the next big release?

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Did a Swêboz campaign(VH/H) until turn 253 and did some toggle_fow at the end:
    -Rome was stuck in Italy and only able to take Cisalpine Gaul after 220 BC somewhat historical,but they weren't able to take Sicily or Sardinia and Corsica from Carthage and I noticed that they had massive garrision in their cites that they could have used more aggressively.
    -Many AI factions are at war with 4 or more factions.Probably due to naval blockades.The Saba also have 21 fleets in the Red Sea and are losing the land war against the Ptolemaioi.
    -Makedonia dominates Greece and Epeiros tends to get destroyed early .KH tend to be stuck in Crete after losing greece.Makedonia then expanded north.
    -Pahlava got turned into a horde and managed to take Kapisha but are likely to lose it again due to the Taksashila.
    -Arche Seleukeia got destroyed early and their territory got mostly divided by the Ptolemaioi and Hayasdan.
    -The Aedui never managed to expand and got stuck with 1 province until turn 238 after which I destroyed them.The Areuakoi also did not manage to expand .
    -The Aruernoi stayed with one settlement unitil ca turn 140 but are currently holding 4 provinces.
    -Western europe has a massive amount of rebel stacks and by 220 some provinces had 7 full stacks in them.The rest of the map isn't nearly as extreme and most rebels settlements are gone.
    -Himbroburgz and Luppae start with low Pastoral Tribalism.Which is a bit weird since both start as camps close to the Swêboz.
    -Swêboz roster feels fine but the tribes don't really provide as much unique recruitment as the descrptions imply and only a few have unique units.Which his made worse by the very late reform.It would take another 400+ turns for me to even get to them.
    -The Slahandiz feel kind of dissapointing compared to EB1 and their low base damage make them almost useless even with ap.
    -Light cavalry also seems to be a bit too resistant to missiles which I also noticed in my shorter KB campaign.

    Someone needs to tell Windows Defender that, because it thinks the same for me as well.
    Windows Defender shows that message for every unknown .exe it has nothing to do with trojans.It's just a warning since it doesn't recognize the program.Which you would know if you had actually read the warning.
    Last edited by Sint; January 21, 2024 at 10:20 AM.
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  11. #51

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    A bit late to the party but:
    Congratulations, it's great to see EBII still being worked on after more than one and a half decades (!).
    Looking forward to actually play the game again sometime in the future, please keep up the great work.
    I still have that wild dream, after all - that dream to finally see all 30 faction slots used one day, even if it's "only" () Belgae and some backwater Thracian tribe. (j/k!)

    (Although I still have like 0.0000000001% hope that Meroe might be #30 instead. Yes, there's tons of very good reasons why they won't be in - but in the seven years before the first public beta the team stated time and time again why there wouldn't and couldn't be any indian faction.
    And then we were hit by the Taksashilan surprise.
    I won't be disappointed if Meroe won't make it, though - 2.3 (which is, very sadly, the last EB version I managed to play for more than a couple turns) is already among my personal top 3 of my alltime favourite mods for any game I ever played. )

    Long story short:
    great to see you're still alive and kicking, looking forward to the future of EB II.

  12. #52
    Ozonius Tomicus's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Congratulations to the team! It has been a few years that I haven't been gaming at all since I "wore out" my favorite factions in EBII. I am glad that I checked-in.

    Downloading now. This should be interesting as I have switched to Linux Mint since Win7 went out of support and so now will have to install WINE to run.

  13. #53

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    As early Nabatu, how do I get the Arid Nomadism down enough in Rekem and the other settlements to let me build the higher level farms required for the reforms?

  14. #54

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivir Baggins View Post
    As early Nabatu, how do I get the Arid Nomadism down enough in Rekem and the other settlements to let me build the higher level farms required for the reforms?
    One thing that will help a lot is to tear down all of your factional War Temples, they promote nomadism. Build Temples of Qos (Farming temples) in their place to increase the rate of Eastern tribal states culture, this should displace arid nomadism enough to unlock the high level farms, it would also help if your governers have at least the trait "Wants to settle"
    Last edited by realm56; February 07, 2024 at 07:38 AM.
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  15. #55

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivir Baggins View Post
    As early Nabatu, how do I get the Arid Nomadism down enough in Rekem and the other settlements to let me build the higher level farms required for the reforms?
    And if you are already the highest level camp(2000+pop) dismantle the herds building, much of your military will come from Arab confederation

  16. #56

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Follow-up - how do I get FMs with the Wants To Settle or similar traits? All my new ones are either Nomadic or nothing at all there.

  17. #57

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivir Baggins View Post
    Follow-up - how do I get FMs with the Wants To Settle or similar traits? All my new ones are either Nomadic or nothing at all there.
    Make them govern settlement and focus on building farm, that will quickly accumulate want to settle trait.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    An old question: what are the best difficulty settings? I hate AI stack SPAM and I like a reasonable democarcy (not weird backstabbing and AI attacking player just because he is human), yet I like a challenging campaign.

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  19. #59

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    An old question: what are the best difficulty settings? I hate AI stack SPAM and I like a reasonable democarcy (not weird backstabbing and AI attacking player just because he is human), yet I like a challenging campaign.

    Ai now is generally more aggresive, backstabbing and army spaaming than before.

    So play Normal. At least ai don't recruit mercenary which make them less agressive and backstabbing by default. Protip sometime ai backstab but immidiately backtrack and want to make a quick peace, you could ally them again.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by eyelurker View Post
    Ai now is generally more aggresive, backstabbing and army spaaming than before.

    So play Normal. At least ai don't recruit mercenary which make them less agressive and backstabbing by default. Protip sometime ai backstab but immidiately backtrack and want to make a quick peace, you could ally them again.
    AI does not recruit mercenaries? that is a pity.

    "Ai now is generally more aggresive"
    " At least ai don't recruit mercenary which make them less agressive"

    >> so is AI more or less agressive?

    What about BAI difficulty settngs?
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