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Thread: In the aftermath of USA 2024 elections, what are the chances of widespread violence?

  1. #41
    irontaino's Avatar Protector Domesticus

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    Default Re: In the aftermath of USA 2024 elections, what are the chances of widespread violence?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Spot the difference?

    "It's ok when we do it, but the evilest thing ever if anyone opposed to us does" - The left about everything, forever
    Let's property damage or injuries, and instead of cultists acting at the behest of their messiah, are protesting discriminatory legislation, the US aiding and abetting genocide, and anti-worker legislation. Did I cover all my bases?

    Do you denounce the murder of Ashley Babbit and demand protests and riots to hold her police murderers accountable?

    They need no help. Despite the apparent plethora of evidence Trump incited a rebellion, nobody has been able to prove jack squat in a court of law. Trump has not been convicted of anything. As usual.
    Except that wasn't the claim now, was it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    refused to even investigate any 2020 electoral fraud issues despite troubling evidence
    So I suppose you're sitting on some secret cache of this "troubling evidence" that has eluded all investigations, including Republican ones?

    The left accuses them of being insane gun owners every ten minutes. Please, deny this.
    Empty statement is empty.

    Y-you're aware people have eyes and ears, correct?

    Translation: I am sorry we jumped the gun, yet again, on the orange man bad propaganda, because we have no actual argument, but I am intellectually dishonest enough to admit I don't care because the electoral college is racism, or something. "We must save our DeMoCrAcY by controlling who can be placed on the ballot. At this point it takes a willful slurping of the propaganda not to understand what's going on. Sadly, I had expected enough people to have their intelligence insulted enough to just go against this but thanks to the orange man bad agenda, the opposite is true.
    Did you type this rambling nonsense trying to say something, or what?

    Doubling down on election denial. Bold.
    So you're denying the fact that Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 and Trump in 2016? Despite the fact that the information is publicly available? Are you just that high on copium?
    Last edited by irontaino; January 07, 2024 at 12:14 AM.
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  2. #42
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: In the aftermath of USA 2024 elections, what are the chances of widespread violence?

    Quote Originally Posted by spiderknight View Post
    I dont usually drink coffee. The entire gender confusion lgbtq madness that's being forced on our children. Its insane and everyone of sound mind can see that it is.
    I got three kids two finished with HS and i in JHS - I have failed to observe any having gender confusion or LBGTQ madness forced on them.
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    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

  3. #43
    Vanoi's Avatar Dux Limitis

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    Default Re: In the aftermath of USA 2024 elections, what are the chances of widespread violence?

    Widespread violence? No. Some isolated incidents? Probably. I don't see another Jan 6 incident happening.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriakos View Post
    While you are at it, allow Germany to rearm, it's not like they committed the worst atrocity in modern history, so having a strong army can't lead to anything pitiful.

  4. #44

    Default Re: In the aftermath of USA 2024 elections, what are the chances of widespread violence?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vanoi View Post
    Widespread violence? No. Some isolated incidents? Probably. I don't see another Jan 6 incident happening.
    This. For all the right's swagger about being tough mountain men able to live off the land and wage war on the entire military single-handed, the Covid lockdowns showed just how pampered and inept most of them are. Though they would never admit it, I think most have become aware that if they couldn't handle feeling slight discomfort from wearing a mask, they certainly won't be able to handle the actual hardships of waging guerrilla warfare. I'd give it a day before the lot of them were begging to go to prison where they could be fed and clothed and kept out of the rain.

  5. #45
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: In the aftermath of USA 2024 elections, what are the chances of widespread violence?

    Quote Originally Posted by spiderknight View Post
    Just reading through this the amount of leftist lies and cope is astounding. Russia gate was a complete fabrication. Floyd died of a drug overdose. Trump has not been convicted of insurrection. America is done as a country at this point. Its just a matter of time. Given the progressive insanity taking over the schools and infecting our kids it will actually be a good thing when western society collapses. For the good of humanity it cant go on. It doesn't deserve to. Here's hoping some enclaves and areas can carve out some areas and keep the old flame alive. The divide between the two parties is to wide to ever be bridged at this point in America. Arms will decide the outcome. Its pretty much inevitable. Given that the left hates guns its not to hard to see how that will play out. The lesson to be learned from trump isn't that he went to far. Its that he didn't go far enough. Just like in the fall of the roman republic some far more brash and outrages person will come along after trump. Vivek is already looking like the heir to the populist mantle. Eventually in the name of populism someone will have military backing and force the will of the people on the elites. Julius Caesar is an example of this. If i lived in America i would refill the ammo supply and by some canned goods.
    LOL. Is this satire? Not even The Onion or The Babylon Bee could produce something this funny.
    Have fun in your underground bunker, I guess!

    "Arms will decide the outcome." Nah, not against the United States military, Mr. Spiderman Knight. You also don't seem to know much about how the US armed forces operate on domestic soil (whether the Army National Guard or Air National Guard) if you think a "Julius Caesar" type can suddenly march on Washington. Also, the US Capitol Building is just a building...LOL. It's just a place where Congress convenes, but theoretically they or the US federal government could convene anywhere in an emergency situation involving some insane whacko military officer who tries to go rogue and storm Washington D.C. to commit suicide for no particularly good reason. At which point that has nothing to do with the will of the people, as you claim, but more or less the whims of some military strongman who thinks the US is somehow a top-heavy civilization that can be toppled like the Spanish toppled the Aztecs.

    Quote Originally Posted by spiderknight View Post
    You're entirely wrong. The silent majority agrees with me. Your view point ends empires and is the hallmark of destruction. History agrees with me.
    The "silent majority" is actually a bunch of apathetic (often apolitical) lefties who either like or dislike the Democratic Party, and who eagerly or very reluctantly vote for the mainstream centrist candidate like Biden as a lesser of two evils. It's not just Biden winning in 2020 that has proven that either, it's the SCOTUS's dismantling of Roe v. Wade and then immediately seeing the GOP suffer electoral consequences as a result, and ballot measures in states as red as Kansas and Ohio ensuring abortion access as a matter of women's reproductive healthcare. When it comes to social issues, most people lean left whether they want to admit it or not.

    There was a time when those of your stripe were indeed the "silent majority," and I'm not talking about the Reagan era. For the strand of inane conservatism that you're talking about, I'm thinking more the Prohibition Era when rural Evangelicals thought that outlawing alcohol would mean all crime would go away and jails would no longer be necessary in their heehaw towns, while giving urbanites a holier-than-thou middle finger. LOL. Instead it just caused an enormous wave of violent organized crime with bootlegging and loss of state revenues right before the Great Depression. After FDR and the New Deal Democrats took over to revitalize the economy (and legally enjoy a drink or two to celebrate), most Americans didn't take the rabid teetotaler rural Protestants very seriously again.

    Quote Originally Posted by spiderknight View Post
    The entire gender confusion lgbtq madness that's being forced on our children. Its insane and everyone of sound mind can see that it is.
    Did one of the Queer Eye guys convince your son to style his hair like a metrosexual? Is that what this is about?

    The past few decades are the first in modern history where LGBTQ folks haven't been crapped on, stigmatized, and maligned in mainstream culture, or worse criminalized (like the WWII computer scientist war hero Alan Turing who was chemically castrated in the UK just for being gay, but is now retroactively pardoned by the UK government). To some people that all of a sudden means tyranny and oppression, now that they can't harass and kill gays like they could in the past and largely get away with it or worse, have the backing of their government to do so.

    Personally I find it annoying sometimes when gay subplots are shoehorned into every other TV show for demographic marketing purposes, but that's hardly a reason to make a call to arms for overthrowing the government, which is what you think is inevitable. I've also come to understand that most people who are the most violently reactive against gays wind up being closeted gays themselves, who internally hate themselves and want to unleash their anger onto someone else. The very rabidly antigay movement is usually comprised of a bunch of people who desperately need to see a therapist.

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