Thread: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

  1. #5981

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

  2. #5982
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    The game crashes just after this battle to take Pamplona with a small army. Is this due to the presence of the allied general who was killed before I got there ?
    The full log says that:
    mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt: I_WonBattle needs a faction that was in the battlewhen testing condition19:25:32.678
    [game.script.exec] [trace] exec at line 60010 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt19:25:32.678
    [game.script] [error] Script execution error for , at line 60010, in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt: I_WonBattle needs a faction that was in the battlewhen testing condition19:25:32.678
    [game.script.exec] [trace] exec at line 60017 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt...19:25:32.678
    [game.script.exec] [trace] exec at line 60212 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt19:25:32.678
    [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger fired19:25:32.678
    [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger fired19:25:32.678
    [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger fired19:25:32.679
    [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger fired19:25:32.686
    [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on19:25:32.686
    [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on19:25:32.775
    [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.

    That was it : by replaying the battle but preventing the allied general from getting killed, the game didn't crash after the battle this time. There must be a line of code missing to make this possible without crashing the game...
    The save befor battle
    PS : The lack of tools for me on the forum was due to a google extension. By uninstalling this extension, I have access to the text tools again. Phew!

  3. #5983
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @Silhouette: Thanks for the save. The bug did indeed come from one unit: the javelinmen unit, which was absent in the rebel units. This problem was fixed some time ago and should not recur in new versions.
    On the other hand, in the era in which you play, the appearance of units is very often obsolete, and I'm really going to have to work on the late units !

  4. #5984

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    oh no....this may be the end of my campaign. everytime i press end turn, and it finishes each faction, my game closes immediately at the end. no message, no crash, just close. it comes right after egypt regains its player status, and then rebel's turn, jerusalem is sieging ray, crash.

    even if i don't end turn, i messed around with the agent list, i moved some assassins/spies in africa. it causes the game to endlessly load with the hourglass mouse cursor.

    i've been having some weird game issues up to this, but i always worked around it. like recruitment notices when there were too many units, and looking at the message would freeze the game, so i just erased the message.

    if anyone can help me save this file, PLEASE thank you, i want to finish this


  5. #5985

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Sllhouette View Post
    oh no....this may be the end of my campaign. everytime i press end turn, and it finishes each faction, my game closes immediately at the end. no message, no crash, just close. it comes right after egypt regains its player status, and then rebel's turn, jerusalem is sieging ray, crash.

    even if i don't end turn, i messed around with the agent list, i moved some assassins/spies in africa. it causes the game to endlessly load with the hourglass mouse cursor.

    i've been having some weird game issues up to this, but i always worked around it. like recruitment notices when there were too many units, and looking at the message would freeze the game, so i just erased the message.

    if anyone can help me save this file, PLEASE thank you, i want to finish this

    My suggestion, if nothing else works - surrender_regions 'faction' - you just need to figure out which faction causes the crash. I know its a solution far from satisfactory but works nonetheless to continue the campaign.

  6. #5986

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    the only factions are me, crusader states, papal states (0 regions), and egypt (revived by rioting from crusader states)

    if i have to surrender_region crusader states then the game is over

    ill try it out

  7. #5987

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    wtf have i done hahaha

  8. #5988

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    so it appears its not the regular factions causing it. i've tried eliminating egypt, jerusalem, both, even papal states (0 effect). the only problem is when the turn is finishing the rebel's last move, which is the rebel city of Ray under siege by jerusalem. right as the "siege attack" animation is beginning, for one moment you can see the city flag fills up a little more, as though its army strength increased. could it be related to that? also, its possible one of the units in the city are broken, but i wouldn't know that list. i'm gonna have to see if there's a cheat to give cities to a faction, to erase this siege.
    Last edited by Sllhouette; February 08, 2024 at 05:19 PM.

  9. #5989
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @Silhouette: I tested your campaign. At first, I managed to skip the turn, but then all the information icons were buggy (with unit cards instead of information cards and buttons on the panels).
    I tried to open the information panels, and indeed, the one that was supposed to correspond to unit recruitment froze the game.

    After restarting, I couldn't get past the turn. Back to the desktop at Ray's headquarters. Another test where I wanted to browse the information on the number of settelments you had sent me back to the desktop.

    I have the impression that the game engine is reaching its limits...
    Last edited by kostic; February 09, 2024 at 05:52 AM.

  10. #5990
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I think I've found the cause of the crash : the Ahdath archers unit didn't have their rebel unit in the battle_models.modeldb

    By downloading this file below with the link and replacing the old one with this one, the crash no longer occurs.
    (You can make a copy of the old one in case it causes other problems).
    On the other hand - but this may be due to the fact that this campaign isn't mine - you can see that I've got completely buggy ad and button icons!


  11. #5991

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    @Silhouette: I tested your campaign. At first, I managed to skip the turn, but then all the information icons were buggy (with unit cards instead of information cards and buttons on the panels).
    I tried to open the information panels, and indeed, the one that was supposed to correspond to unit recruitment froze the game.

    After restarting, I couldn't get past the turn. Back to the desktop at Ray's headquarters. Another test where I wanted to browse the information on the number of settelments you had sent me back to the desktop.

    I have the impression that the game engine is reaching its limits...
    yes! the buggy icons and text window textures is a regular issue for me. i've managed to get through it and live with it. mostly happens when there's way too many retrained unit notices, i think. if you looked, you would see almost every city/castle on the map is retraining to max. if you click the recruitment notice, it'll probably crash the game, just right click the notice and dont read.

    i was able to solve the turn problem, by moving the sieging army away from the castle to the left, near the bridge. after the turn continued, i noticed a crusader spy appeared in the spot where they were sieging. its possible that agent/sieging army in the same spot conflicted somehow. curiously, the moved army was still in siege stance, and even built more siege equipment. the turn after that, they won their siege...despite the army not even being near the castle. interesting

    with the buggy icons/notices, i tend to go through my info and rebuild/retrain as i need, then save, then should be clean after that

  12. #5992
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    You haven't tried the battle_models.modeldb fix posted above. The crash at siege time was due to an unlisted rebel unit. In any case, it was by correcting this absence that turn 1545 to 1546 was completed.

  13. #5993

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    no i haven't yet. but i moved the army away with console commands like i said, and somehow i was able to continue the turn?? strange. eventually, i will siege Ray myself, and i will probably encounter the unlisted rebel crash. i'll change out the file when i get there

  14. #5994

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    I think I've found the cause of the crash : the Ahdath archers unit didn't have their rebel unit in the battle_models.modeldb

    By downloading this file below with the link and replacing the old one with this one, the crash no longer occurs.
    (You can make a copy of the old one in case it causes other problems).
    On the other hand - but this may be due to the fact that this campaign isn't mine - you can see that I've got completely buggy ad and button icons!


    Kostic- is this bug present also in our most updated version on the server? If so could you please send me the fixed version as well ?

  15. #5995
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @Macaras: You know I don't use Git and my patch only focuses on the units aspect with the EDU and the battle_models.modeldb...

    I just suggest you download the latter and update the most recent version with it. The fix is not included in my latest patch!

  16. #5996

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    i just began my attack on Ray. you can see the rebel Ahdath archer unit. in fact, i think i've faced this unit already in the past with 0 issue. i didn't replace any file. for whatever reason, my file at that specific turn may have lacked a code for this unit, but it looks fine right now. any idea why a unit code would be wrong for one turn only??

  17. #5997
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    In the original battle_models, the Ahdath archers unit is purely a mercenary unit. Perhaps you have encountered them as such?
    In the specific case here, all Ray's units are indicated as "rebels"...
    So I added the necessary lines in the battle_models file so that they can also be represented as "rebels"

  18. #5998

    Icon9 Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Experiencing a CTD during my campaign. Stupidly, I do not have a save within 80 turns of this event. I am on turn 106, and on the Dalwat-i Saljuqian faction's go, the game crashes to desktop. I *believe* it is due to a character named "Arthur de Thouars" who probably shouldn't be in that faction, merging with one of their armies. Normally I'd either kill him off or destroy the faction but I can't figure out the faction name in the console + I can't seem to get move character to work for him.I've attached the screenshot and my save, its been a while since I've used the forum so I sadly cannot remember how to put inside the post itself. Thanks for any help!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 20240216114039_1.jpg  
    Attached Files Attached Files

  19. #5999
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    @underworld965: Indeed the game crashes. I don't know how to correct this error unfortunately. Why the game crashes on the Turks faction's turn is a mystery to me.
    Isn't the general's Latin name simply the result of a Westerner having married a Turkish princess?

    The end of the log doesn't help me either:
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <set_counter> at line 44528 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.counter] [trace] counter <freeze_cumans> = 0
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <add_money> at line 44529 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <add_money> at line 44530 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <add_money> at line 44531 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <add_money> at line 44532 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.832 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <if> at line 44535 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.833 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <if> at line 44544 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.833 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <destroy_units> at line 44544 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.834 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <wait> at line 44545 in mods/SSHIP_098/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    13:07:22.835 [game.script.timer.display] [trace] Display timer start 0.10, line number 44545, display_update_total_time 236.89
    13:07:23.062 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on
    13:07:23.062 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on
    13:07:23.188 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.

  20. #6000

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    this is when marrakech revolted and the moroccans revived as a faction. i'm surprised they spawned in spain though; i know at early era, granada is probably their capital in iberia right? whenever i've seen cities revolt and revive an old faction, they always spawned there at that location. this was the one time where 3 giant moroccan armies spawned in my territory, it was weird

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