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Thread: A question on: scripting dynasties and dynastic names?

  1. #1
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default A question on: scripting dynasties and dynastic names?

    Hello, thank you for your time.
    I am trying to write an AAR retrospectively it will tell a story of the dynasty.
    What I do need is to if anyone can help is to script the dynasty and other significant historical dynasties continuing their names and lines.
    The point, in fact, Mithradates comes to the Seleukid throne and takes the name Antiokhos (Megas)
    Is it possible to keep Seleukid, Ptolemaic etc dynasties continuing via a script?
    secondly for the FL to take the/a dynastic name scripted options?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: A question on: scripting dynasties and dynastic names?

    Surnames are defined through descr_names - if you wish to use another name\title then you could use the trait epithet approach which replaces surnames. That trait can then be inherited.
    First names cannot be changed.

    Example: have a script monitor that checks for a certain condition and give the character that script (best to give a label to the character to avoid giving the trait to the wrong character). Have a trigger that tests for that FatherTrait.

  3. #3
    Napovanni's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: A question on: scripting dynasties and dynastic names?


    Has this been continued?
    Would be amazing to have ancillaries with the Dynastic House names for nobles or even adopted generals which then could be inherited by their sons/daughters?

    I know it's possible because it's been done in the Bulat Steel mod.
    Really curious to know what SSHIP is planning to do in terms of dynastic gameplay

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