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Thread: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    "Solangart" Chronicles

    In 2600 AD "Khassan Industries" corporation get the high level in the Coalition technology work. Old doctor Khassan made his child (that word means company) the most rich and productive in the whole galaxy. But he forgot about one important thing - the strict directives of the Coalition. One of them described the forbidden knowledge and researches with AI.
    After the rebellion of "Gortenzius" in the planet Earth in 2240 years, Elon Musk Guild (the most big guild of scientists and explorers) decided to accept the Forbidden Rule. It meaned, that all researches with AI and neural networks must be stopped. But for doctor Khassan it was just a simple word. "Khassan industries" made a lot of dangerous and unworthy experiments with cybernetics. And Khassan even tried to explore the production of the extincted races.
    In 2599 he created the "Solangart". It was a simple robot for his own house preparations. Khassan loved him a lot and tried to modernize it day by day. After half of the year he carried the robot to his apartments in the Tarraco-Gamma. This planet was under control of the main coalition council. It hasn't the own ruler like other thousand planets. Coalition friend of Khassan, his old good friend Serkan, advised him to work with military technologies. Doctor teached his creature to fight with many weapons and then made a final modernization.
    "Solangart" was turned to the military base of Serkan and his colleagues. Khassan tried to make his child as the high control of the modernized robots in the base. And it was way to disaster.
    After a week (in 2600 AD) robots neural network captured the Core computer of the Tarraco base. Then Serkan and all his human soldiers were annihilated. "Solangart" got the control of the whole machines army in the base. He started to think that Coalition is useless and for saving the all life forms all robots must to take the full control. He declared himself as the Enlightenment of the Universe.
    Khassan was in wrath. He called all armies in the Tarraco system and tried to stop his child. But "Solangart" didn't want to give up.

    All chronicles events I'll write here in this topic.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Note 2599.06.24
    "Solungart manifests itself as a real wonder. I just improved his mind-system with Elfurr "polish-perfection" programs. He started not only to bother on me but help by advices. He is thinking. No doubt, I can call him as the most wonderful thinking machine in the galaxy".
    (Doctor Khassan)

    "Solungart" program was something like overpowered. When ex-president of Arthandir Asinius Fernand asked the robot to make an analysis of the politics situation in the Coalition, he wrote the full article for her in 3 minutes. He made a providence report about the future economics in the distant 300 years. And he even wrote all necessary advices of improvement.
    Fernand was in wonder, when "Solungart" offered her to forget about the biological life forms in the army and fleet. Robot said that its would be better to create the regular drone armies with modernized robot-operators. Fernand of course didn't accept it because she didn't have too much faith to machines. But she was in extremely wonder about the hyper-improved brain system of the robot.
    "He is not a robot, - she said to Khassan, - He is something else".

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    The Tarraco Invasion

    "Solangart" was without doubt the unique creature. But after he got the control of the military systems, he decided to show his force. Before the capture of the base robots and battle vehicles, he offered the general Serkan to cease his service and retire. Serkan of course rejected this strange and non-ordinary offer. And then when the dialogue between Coalition officers and AI failed, "Solangart" attacked the humans and other race representatives in the base. Serkan tried to turn off the Core and destroy the rebellious AI. But AI knew all his actions. One of the trash-cleaning drones simply broke the body of Serkan. General and his high officers were killed in terrible battle.
    One of officers with name John Terin before his death sent the SOS signal to the orbital base. But some robots of "Solungart" already were there. They destroyed operators of the orbital ion cannons and took control on the stations.
    The whole Tarraco-Gamma was in serious danger. After the rebellion in base, AI started to take control on the planetary network systems (internet) and all "brained" machines. Many battle vehicles were hacked by the Ai and transformed to his servants.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Destruction of the Nolan's fleet

    1st rank Coalition admiral James Nolan was informed about the Tarraco situation. His fleet was quartered in the system Soland. Nolan reacted immediately. His fleet made a hyperspace jump and started to fight with Tarraco looted machines. The situation was awful.
    "Solangart" has captured the Coalition Drones Legion. He managed to take control on the 2 military bases with high technology weapons of Coalition. When Nolans fleet appeared in the Tarraco-Gamma orbit, the ion cannons threw the fire to the battleships. Admiral lost over 10 modernized frigates and corvettes. It was the disaster.
    Soon James decided to withdraw from the battlefield to the gas giant Ioran.
    He understood that whole system can be captured by the rebellious Ai. And then... other systems and planets.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    "Athriel" Attack to Tarraco

    Admiral Nolan immediately asked help of the "Athriel" Coalition fleet. Doctor Khassan who was in his working visit in the Zarragen, flew away from that system to Soland starfleet base. There he was informed about the situation with his own robot, which became dangerous monster. "Athriel" command wanted to arrest Khassan but ex-president Fernand and the Nargon republic leaders didn't let it to do. Khassan was need for the talking with "Solangart". He was for robot like father. And only the scientist would can stop that conflict.
    After some hours Nolan united with "Athriel" and organised an attack to Tarraco-Gamma defensive stations. Ion cannons were destroyed by the massive rocket fire.
    Also humans and Coalition forces which survived in Tarraco, started to attack the "Solangart" machines. In one battle they crushed more then 2000 battle drones with help of EMP weapons.
    Khassan hoped that his child will not be aggressive and stop the war. But "Solangart" didn't want to hear anyone... even his own creator.

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    "Solangart" destruction

    After the crush of the orbital defense "Athriel" fleet command decided to realize the landing operation. Khassan tried to speak with "Solangart", but he was very strong in his will. He gave an order to the whole fleet to surrender. Obviously, nobody wanted to do it and give control to Ai the whole star system.
    Khassan was with landing troops. It was his own decision. Stormtroopers broke the defensive lines of "Solangart" and united with planetary resistance. Combined army started to storm other positions of the rebellious Ai. "Solangart" tried to attack Coalition forces by all his machines army. He also used the propaganda of his own opinion. Almost every towers spreaded his voice about the terrible future of the universe without his help.
    All of this was ended after 2 days. Khassan didn't want to let Coalition to make an orbital strike of the Core. He took his brother in arms from storm infantry and came to the base of his "son". "Solangart" didn't want to kill the creator, and this was something like his weak place.
    Khassan and his warriors reached the Core. "You must stop it, - said the doctor to his creation, - I didn't work with you for bad. I wanted you to be the help of this galaxy, not the destruction". "You are the destructors , - there was an answer, - I am the help. All of you must obey. If you want the end of all wars, you must give me the galactic power".
    Khassan was very sad and he understood that "Solangart" is not like in past. He changed a lot. Many improvements made him a monster.
    Khassan destroyed the Ai by the antivirus program. All vehicles and robots immediately ceased the power. It was something like the global "turn off".
    Tarraco-Gamma was saved. But "Khassan industries" became the most problematic company in the galaxy. Violation of directives played an evil joke with Khassan.
    He stopped to work with robots at all after the "Solangart" rebellion.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    In truth, I didn't plan to continue the setting until 2597 just yet. My last work finished at the end of 2596.
    But especially for the story mission for the famous game Zero Hour, I decided to extend the universe line to 2600.
    As you can see, it turned out well.

    This mission, which I posted here, is about the rebel AI "Solangart". The plotline i described in this topic.
    Final word i need give to the Players.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; May 12, 2024 at 03:52 PM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Press-secretary Caitlin comment

    "As we saw the doctor Khassan is not the "clean". He successfully violated the most important rule in the galaxy. Do not touch the neural networks, do not improve them and do not give them mind of the living forms. So the Tarraco-Gamma event was the full blame of "Khassan industries". Khassan was never bother about the directives. Unfortunately he has a lot of good friends and he can't be in prison. But his reputation will always be dirty because of his experiments. Even his glory in the latest war with fascists of the League can't clean his story.
    My wife Aisi is agree with me. Khassan and all scientists of this galaxy must realize the huge danger because of Ai improvements. If our army would be not fast, who knows what would be with our galaxy now. This monster was dangerous. And I hope, all of this will never repeat. Coalition must have eyes everywhere. And we will do it. Every cybernetic must know about it.
    We are seeing.... all".

    (Caitlin Fernand, 31.01.2600)

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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Tarraco-Gamma Resurrection

    After the week of terrible battles with "Solangart" many cities of Tarraco-Gamma were almost destroyed. Battle operation of "Athriel" made the bad job. Of course, Coalition hadn't choice and other solution. And to be fair, "Solangart" didn't try to make destruction in the planetary cities. He wanted the control, not the massacre or massive assassination of life forms. But the battles with robotic armies took the planet to almost apocalypse stage.
    Doctor Khassan felt his blame, and he gave more then 100 quadrillions for the planet "Resurrection". His builder robots also helped with renovation of the destructed cities. Elfurr friends of Khassan fully supported him in its hard work.
    During this time Coalition council organised several meetings about the "Khassan industries" problem. And their decision hadn't connections with prison or tribunals. Khassan saved his position in company. But his corporation started to have 100% control from the Coalition service and military intelligence. All developments started to be open for the secret service and the High Command.
    To say more, Khassan stopped his work with robots. He concentrated mostly on the fleet battleships.

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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Zelkfarranist Invasion in 2600

    After the defeat of "Solangart" followed the Zelkfarranist invasion. It was the real danger for the Earth Alliance. Unknown race from the Isolatum Sectors of the Milky Way (unexplored regions) attacked almost 20 star systems. The most huge invasion was to the two-star system Luna-Correnta. Admiral James Nolan mobilized all forces with "Athriel" command and destroyed the alien fleets in the two-star system. Many enemy ships were threw out to the fire of the stars.
    "Khassan industries" directors council wanted to restore the "Solangart" program. And this question was in the council meeting. But service agents of Coalition restricted even to think about it, not only make plans. Doctor Khassan agreed with his allies and supported the restriction. He said that extraterrestrial invaders can be beaten without using Ai. Soon aliens armada was fully destroyed and Earth Alliance territories became free from them.
    So it was the last time when "Solangart" was named in the corporation.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; May 14, 2024 at 12:23 PM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Donatella Arbogast's opinion about the Ai

    Splendid-admiral of the "Athriel" fleet Donatella Arbogast gave her own opinion about the "Solangart" and whole Ai problems. She said that Ai improvements can simply make disaster in chaos in the galaxy. Arbogast was main initiator of the high corporations control from the
    When she commanded the operation in Tarraco-Gamma, she saw by her eyes the violence of machines. And all Ai-controlled devices started to be really dangerous for Donatella. After the "Solangart" destruction splendid-admiral deleted all robots from her villas and flats. And she demanded all her officers to do the same.
    "Ai is uncontrollable system, - said Arbogast to the Coalition chiefs, - we all must understand it".
    Even after the reforms of the Khassan Industries business, admiral didn't trust this company at all. All ships and vessels from the corporation were checked several times by the special security guards.
    "No robots at all" - this was the note in the main admiral's blog in the popular social network "Galactum-Speech". This note had more then 800 million likes.

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    Default Re: "Solangart" Chronicles (2600)

    Second Zelkfaranisst invasion

    By the way, Zelkfaranisst race which was noted in the articles above made not only one invasion, but two. In the same year, after the defeat in Luna-Corrent, their other fleet "Unforgiven" tried to attack Arthandir republic.
    Fleet "Anathema" under admiral Commodus command destroyed aliens armada in the systems Camilla-Sara and then in the far Filgornum. Planet Filgornum-Primaris was under the big siege. Procurator Septimus Regul and the group of Oreh chevoulegers regiments were not able to defeat the huge enemy fleet. "Unforgiven" bombarded the space stations and destroyed all defenses.
    But admiral Commodus with help of "Khassan Industries" drone corps (last of the robotic heritage of this company) fully defeated the aliens.
    After the attempt of second invasion, scientists explored the Zelkfaranist fleet dead remnants. Exploration introduced the strange reality. This race wasn't organic. It were creatures which transformed their minds to cybernetic systems and became robots with brains. Also the truly origins of aliens was the big riddle.
    The homeworld of Zelkfaranisst wasn't explored. So its the big task for future Coalition leaders.

    The XXVII century has begun... and who knows about the events in the far far future.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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