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Thread: Military Orders (Latin)

  1. #61

    Default Re: Military Orders (Latin)

    Ok i dont have any problem for renamed them, but you can see that templars have a lot units and the rest of military orders have only knights ( 2 units), so you want to stay there or make new units for the other orders? I think that at least one unit of sergeants should be for the rest of 3 military orders... A generic unit? 3 order sergeants for each them? That is the problem...
    Furthemore i think that all catholic factions shoud have access to all military order units, not only jerusalem faction, so if you and Jurand agree i can modify battle model folder and EDU for them. It is logical that if you have a military order building you can recruit all military order units available in these region.
    Also i will make turcopoles available only in Levant as mercenaries and available for templars only in Levant, they were the auxiliares forces of templars in middle ages.
    What do you think? Some proposals?

    Edit: all your proposal are ok for me, i agre to remove templar guard, constable of jerusalem and merge sergents freres with chevaliers( but all white surcoat, they were knights), the rest i can renamed, but we need a solution for order sergeants available for all military orders, not only templars...
    Last edited by j.a.luna; May 21, 2024 at 12:39 PM.

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