​Friends at Creative Assembly: after 2022/2023, some of us Total War fans remain bullish on whether CA can deliver - despite the apologies and apparent commitment to start chipping away at the patching backlog for Warhammer 3 in the last 6 months. But others of us (like me) are deciding for now to take you at your word. Here's hoping someone at CA sees this, too.

With various rumors flying around lately, including hints of announced end of support/new content for WH3, there's a palpable feeling that CA risks not living up to the promise we Warhammer players all bought into back in 2016. Regardless of whether they are true or not, Warhammer 3 deserves the care by your studio to not merely hotfix issues that have shown up in your recent releases, but to achieve a level of polish that the scope and quality of the game have deserved and promised. If this doesn't occur, it casts a shadow on future projects. Here is a listing of things that I feel speak for the game, if not all the players of it:

1 - First and foremost, polish the game experience itself. There are a large number of bugs and lack-of-features which have been with us since the start of Warhammer 3; some even go back to Warhammer 2. Warhammer 3 has a superior interface that is marred by bugs or a lack of quality of life considerations. See at bottom (Appendix) for just a few things that require a minimum of effort to resolve, or otherwise have a high impact to the play experience...

2 - Almost as important as #1 -- make the game more accessible to new/novice/casual players, without wrecking us veterans. The price of entry alone (with all the DLC) is staggering at a glance, and based on my varied success at getting reluctant friends of mine to get on board with Total War, I'm sure that's turning off a lot of potential buyers. Maybe permanently discount the earlier material in a gradient that approaches full price for the newest content. Also, one of the strengths of Total Warhammer is the quality of immersion and difference of the "feel" from faction to faction, but this can be a weakness as well, especially if the mechanics to understand and manage for all factions are intimidating for new players.

3 - Last but not least... finish the job! Add ALL the remaining content that the players of various factions have been waiting (and paying) into the meantime, such as Thanquol, Verminlords, Nagash, the last two Chaos Gods, and of course any re-works of existing factions which are currently begging for it. Tomb Kings, Daemons of Chaos aka Daniel, and Vampire Counts come to mind, in particular.

​- Fix the campaign bug where some building upgrades aren't picked up by the notification system. This is a HUGE annoyance for every campaign by the mid game.
- Allow saving of campaign configuration choices (menu) AND camera settings (in-campaign) so that players don't have to constantly re-select their preferences every New Campaign. And make both fixes work for multiplayer, as well.
- Make Immortal Empires the default campaign in the game menu. It's time.
- Fix the multiplayer lobby bug that doesn't actually filter out non-friends games.
- Build mod profile management into the launcher so that it's not such a pain to play games with different friends.
- Fix the exactly-opposite progression of provinces when clicking the L/R arrows, as well as the cancellation effect that occurs when progressing to a province with a settlement that is ruins.
- This one probably isn't easy to resolve, but it's a major fun-killer and needs love - PLEASE fix whatever is going on with units self-cancelling orders constantly in certain situations during battles (pursuit order caused by shattered units nearby, explicit shooting orders getting cancelled, etc)