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Thread: --Rise of Rome--

  1. #1

    Default --Rise of Rome--

    --Rise of Rome--
    Rise of Rome aims to bring more fun, difference and quality to Rome Total War. Rise of Rome is a mod for the people and we wish to bring you exactly what you want! 'With certain limits'. So what are you waiting for show your support, join the team, get your ideas heard!

    About the Mod
    The following is very brief, we will be bringing out more information shortly
    Rise of Rome is for RTR Platinum Edition 1.9. You can download this patch and see more at there website or Twcenter forums...
    Rise of Rome will give you the following and more…

    In Rise of Rome we are making it even more realistic. To build your troops you will now need…
    Iron + Armoury = Troops such as Legionaries
    And so on. We are trying to create the most fun, fairly realistic yet challenging mod there is.

    Tones of new buildings will be implemented to make your empire build seem that more life like. Build places for your council to meet, Schools, Doctors, Vegetable Farms, Timber Cutting camp, Clothing Factory, Glass Factory, Furniture Factory, Pottery Factory, Slave traders, Barber Shops, Gladiator Guilds and more.

    New and Revamped Units Loads of New Units for Each Team and a whole new bunch of Mercenaries.

    More Resources on the Campaign Map
    Get hold of tones of new Resources such as Fish, Crabs, Sugar, Stone, Silk, Pigs, Sheep, Cows, Clams, Rice, Corn, Gems and more.

    Bigger and Better Campaign Maps
    Two new Factions the Mauryan Empire and Etruscan Tribes

    !!And a whole lot more!!

    The logo
    Which logo do think looks better and suits Rise Of Rome??

    Design one

    The Roman Centurion in the Centre will undergo more work - Its just a basic and will be made to look more metallic.

    Design Two

    Please post which one you think looks the best or come up with your own design

    These units are still under construction but give a small taste of what they will look like...

    Roman Hastati

    Roman Triarii

    Roman Funditores

    --More to come very soon--

    Do you wish to join the team?

    Want to help with the mod? Just want to create a certain unit? Building? All you need to do is follow the simple rules bellow…
    Send an email to…
    Or just PM me with the following...
    Telling us Your name, What you wish to do, e.g. modelling, skinning or just to create one unit etc.

    OPTIONAL: Send some of your previous work (This would be a good idea!)
    And that’s it. You should then wait and we will confirm with you.

    Please Read before Joining
    You are welcome no matter your skill, talent or capability. You must however to apply full time must be serious and dedicated. You will be expected to commit your time, effort, and work towards at least one release client. All positions are non paid. This is a perfect opportunity for you to expose your talents to a large audience that can be cited in your resume and or portfolio.
    NOTE: If you create some work we MAY modify it slightly.

    Special Thanks to…
    Biggest Thanks to RTR and RTR PT Team for letting us use Patch 1.9
    Lusted for allowing us to use some of his Roman models
    Riczu74 For allowing us to use his Naval Reskin patch
    Prometheus for letting us use some of his models
    Spirit of Rob
    Atilla Reloaded
    Thanks to Limes and the rest of the team at RTR Ancient Empires for allowing us to use some of their units
    And so many more

    More information will be posted at a later date

    --Rise of Rome--

    Last edited by Caesar2345; July 01, 2007 at 02:34 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    This mod Looks very nice. I would sure like to better test it
    I can help with some textures if you wish. I cant wait to see another preveiw
    Oh and by the way I think you should make some more units for Dacia, loads of people always want more choise with Dacia but not many mods give it. I for one would like to see it

    Good Luck

  3. #3

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Good luck with this! I like what you did with the hastati. Just curious. Did you also edited the leather straps that hold the breast plate so that they won`t end right in the middle of the back as they did before?

  4. #4

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    the hastati look close to spartacus's slaves equipped with legionary armour from the 77 BC mod. I would hate to wear white in battle, imagine cleaning all the

  5. #5

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    lol well I’m just about to release the first mini preview of the Romans. And unfortunately I don’t have 3DS MAX so I cannot edit this. I want to change and add stuff to the models when we do hopefully get someone who is willing to work for this mod and has 3DS MAX etc. I have some good ideas which unfortunately cannot be implemented until we have someone who can model.

  6. #6

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--


    Please don’t forget to add your comments. We want to know what you think and what should be added.
    Last edited by Caesar2345; July 02, 2007 at 08:18 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Hopefully i will get the rest of the Pre-Marian Roman previews done tonight. Next Preview to follow is Marian Romans then Greeks. Keep checking for updates.

    Italian Cavalry
    Italian Swordsmen
    Italian Spearmen
    Italian Velite
    Last edited by Caesar2345; July 02, 2007 at 08:29 AM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Good luck Caesar!


  9. #9

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    yep im definatly going to beta test this one lol. Looks awesome!

  10. #10

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Hi, thanks for the support everyone its appreciated. Anyway ive finnished the previews now and should hopefully have the Pre-Marian and some Marian Romans up by the end of tonight so keep checking. Just a few more thing to add and change.

  11. #11

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Added Rorarii and Equites to the preview. I will post the rest of the Previews in the forum if we hopefully get it.


    PHP Code:
    Last edited by Caesar2345; July 02, 2007 at 08:30 AM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Etruscan Tribes
    Caesar,i want to suggest that you should rename the Etruscan tribes to Etruscans,because they lived,mostly,in cities


  13. #13

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    lol yea I thought i should have. Thanks for that just started modding them now aswel

  14. #14

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    this mod is back alive!!!
    will you be using those spartan hypaspists?

  15. #15

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    yes with an even better model and texture. Il create a preview for it soon.

  16. #16

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar2345 View Post
    yes with an even better model and texture. Il create a preview for it soon.
    cant wait
    and if you need help with skinning ill join the team pm
    me for more details

  17. #17

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    We now have our new forum up and running, see it here..

  18. #18

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Good job so far, Caesar. Best of luck to you!

  19. #19

    Default Re: --Rise of Rome--

    Other than the Etruscans and Mauryan Empire, what new factions can we expect / what factions (that we are used to) will not be represented?

    I strongly suggest you seek to accomplish the impossible with a RTW mod....Make the Parthians a powerful faction that lasts longer than 30 years!!!!

    I also hope you get away from the 4 turns/ year system. I realize this is probably an unpopular suggestion, but this would really help the game feel more historical in my opinion. Games simply move by too quickly; its far too easy to raise an army and travel around the map (without any attrition factor). By 250 bc in most of my games, the battle for the middle east and asia minor is generally over; one faction is in dominant position. I play Rome as historically as possible, and hate having to trigger the Marian reforms in the 220's, more than 100 years early, but the distance from my troop producing cities to the battles being fought in Asia minor neccesitates this. I'd also change the trigger for the Marian reforms if at all possible; it is far too easy to grow Capua to the point where the Imperial Palace is available, thus triggering the reforms as early as 260 BC.

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