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Thread: don't you afarid of competition?

  1. #21
    Eranshahr's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Mirage I know about that, what I meant with competition was it is probably just as fun to play the CAE mod as it is going to be with playing the BC mod. and i think I said there is not that real " competition" as both mods focus of different areas, read the whole reply before stating I don't know anything. Why would I state things I don't know? I know very much about whats going on in this mod and the CAE mod.
    Independence, freedom, Aryan republic!
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    It is the structures of Capitalism who make the class, race and gender struggles neccesary. I personally refuse to accept that I will have approximately 17% less money each month because I am Middle Eastern, I refuse to accept that if a girl is raped the rapist blames it on her clothing, and I refuse to accept that the working class is the slave of the modern society- thats why I believe in Socialism, thats why call myself a Feminist and thats why I am Anti-rascist.

  2. #22

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    yes Fra70. none of this is meant to offend any other modder. im sure mirage has stated his opinion, and i think i'd stated mine, that this is just modding fun, and there is no competition. don't take it personally, i'm just looking at this as a moral boosting opportunity, and all modders do indeed deserve the gratitude of the community.

    but we're just answering a question that accuses us of this competition thingy... am i pronouncing it right? competition... com-pee-ti-shun?

    [btw: i hope u guys know i'm joking about not knowing the meaning of certain english words? english is my first language, so i don't wanna get ppl confused]
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  3. #23
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    OK. I hope no one was offended here. The fact is that I did not make this thread nor have I ever exhibited competitive behavior about other mods. We're all hobbyists and we're all doing what we have a passion for and thats whats important.

    But if people are going to make statements comparing us to non-existent mods or minor conversions then I will naturally express my feelings and opinions. Especially considering the hardwork that AD, Strelac, Me and Ahiga have put into the mod. Its in no way meant to spite any one else, instead my intention is to market our own work. I'm only human.

  4. #24

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    no offence , mirage was very kindly on our forum to praise my skins and im here to praise your work ... i posted just to say some things that are common between "serious" ( but we are serious ??? ) modders ...

  5. #25
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fra70 View Post
    no offence , mirage was very kindly on our forum to praise my skins and im here to praise your work ... i posted just to say some things that are common between "serious" ( but we are serious ??? ) modders ...
    As far as I'm concerned Dawn of Kingdoms, thanks to your and LC's work, is definitely one of the best upcoming major conversions. So I wasn't passing judgements on other great mods, just a defense of our work.

  6. #26

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    and you have all the rights to do it because its a fantastic work

  7. #27

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Team, don't you afraid of competition with the mod "Peoples Of God"?
    This mod is also about the Mideast and it has more interesting factions.
    Well...I don't mean to be rude but...It does not make much sense in the modding world, in my point of view it even looks a little childish, cause when a mod is done no one profits from it and everyone wins, cause they have a whole new game to play!

    and by the way...if it was a competition, BC would be kilometers ahead...
    Last edited by CaesarBR; July 31, 2007 at 06:34 PM.

  8. #28
    The Mongol's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Quote Originally Posted by indian_boy90 View Post
    and indian_boy's cheerleading ofcourse, coupled with his lame attempts at sometimes successful humour.... right? right? right?

    i don't even know why i posted this message.....?
    Theres only room for one person with bad jokes around here bub.

    As for competition, wait, BC? Competition? These guys are progressing at blitzkrieg speed and pumping out the best models/skins and features I've seen for an MTW2 mod so far.

    Maybe there is a god, somehow a team is making a unique mod and it's progressing, dear lord what is happening!?
    Last edited by The Mongol; July 31, 2007 at 07:59 PM.

  9. #29

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    yes and that's me !

    and no actually, theres this little provinve [couple of billion square killometers] called indian_boyolia. i reside there, and gun my weirdness at the forums so there's room for both of us. now lets sign an alliance in case somebody else comes to encraoch on our lands of ridiculousness!!!

    wait... u were referring to urself right? or did i just make a fool of myself?
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  10. #30
    Eranshahr's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Hey, Nobody is to steal my title away from me, I am the guy with the best, bad jokes in the whole TWC, I am America, you are Iraq!
    Independence, freedom, Aryan republic!
    Socialism, Feminism, Anti-Rascism!
    It is the structures of Capitalism who make the class, race and gender struggles neccesary. I personally refuse to accept that I will have approximately 17% less money each month because I am Middle Eastern, I refuse to accept that if a girl is raped the rapist blames it on her clothing, and I refuse to accept that the working class is the slave of the modern society- thats why I believe in Socialism, thats why call myself a Feminist and thats why I am Anti-rascist.

  11. #31

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eranshahr View Post
    Hey, Nobody is to steal my title away from me, I am the guy with the best, bad jokes in the whole TWC, I am America, you are Iraq!
    I think he just proved his point . Mercy...

  12. #32
    jermagon's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    BC could easily knock out any opponent,we have the best team in the forum,both sterlec and Alpha deserve a big kiss and medal of honor for their Art,and mirage is the best in scripting and mapping,and ofcourse Ahiga is a walking history encyclopedia,the most important thing in this mod that native Arabs,turks,Persians,Armenians,Georgians members in the forum provided their factions with a lot of information and pics,you won't find this in any mod

    George Galloway ''You don't give a damn !!!!!!!!''

  13. #33
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    I just wanted to say that Alpaca is the best scripter out there. I learnt a lot from his tutorials.

  14. #34
    Eranshahr's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Thank you Serious Samurai!
    Independence, freedom, Aryan republic!
    Socialism, Feminism, Anti-Rascism!
    It is the structures of Capitalism who make the class, race and gender struggles neccesary. I personally refuse to accept that I will have approximately 17% less money each month because I am Middle Eastern, I refuse to accept that if a girl is raped the rapist blames it on her clothing, and I refuse to accept that the working class is the slave of the modern society- thats why I believe in Socialism, thats why call myself a Feminist and thats why I am Anti-rascist.

  15. #35

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    haha... don't take this the wrong way [cuz its soo gonna sound like its an attention-grabbing prickish credit wanting collection of words] but what about ur native indian historian lol! [nono... im not digging for credit or anything... its just funny]. <-- see i even put a smilie

    but yeah, we've got a great team. AD and strelac are producing some amazing work which is at a professional level, mirage is multitasking with UI and coding, our historians are dedicated and [thankfully] not so crazy so as to enforce pointless 'facts' that get in the way of gameplay. Most importantly, however, we've got great teamwork, and [from what i see at least] hate levels are minimal, and there's great feedback for everything for everybody. And who can forget our in-house comedians right?

    if there was a mod competition, i can tell you one thing, BC would be the first _full conversion_ MOD to reach the finish line..... or so it seems atm. i'm not discrediting the other MODders... like mirage aptly said, we have a right to defend our work !

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  16. #36
    Ninefingers's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    It's a bit silly to even try to compare another mod with Broken Crescent at the moment. I don't mean that to say that BC is inherently better than others, because I (along with 99.9% of the M2:TW community) don't have a clue as to how good it is - we haven't played it.

    What everyone can see however, is the sheer amount of work that's going into it. The BC team has been very transparent in their work, which has allowed their fans to see just how extensive of a conversion it will be. It really is a full conversion, which thus far no other mod is.

    The vast majority of M2:TW mods out there are either very narrow (ie: map mods, AI mods or small conversions like adding a single faction or a few units) or simply a mish-mash of smaller mods. The most popular mod out there, Stainless Steel, has at least half a dozen smaller mods crammed into it (in addition to King Kong's own fantastic work) - and it still doesn't change all that much.

    Ergo, you can't judge BC by the same standards as you would other, current mods. Its scope is so far and beyond that of mods that have been released that it will have to be judged on its own merits, at least until such a time as other mods of similar scope and size are released.

    "The enemy flees! Probably back to his palaces and prostitutes!" -Eastern faction battle announcer, Rome: Total War

  17. #37
    Recon's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    All this talk about the CAE mod, have made me interested. Care to provide us with a link?


  18. #38

    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    I hope there's a feeling of competition with other mods, it will only make this one better. From the scale and scope of BC I don't think it will turn malevolent, nor should it. If you can just clean up horse archer unit cohesion I would say it's the best mod evar!

  19. #39
    Zephrelial's Avatar Eternal Sorrow
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Obviously the starter of this thread Orko unwittingly had spread some sort of dissent in the BC sub-forum,although it's quite minor,it is totally visible.

    Pursuing the idea of Mirage, BC Team had relentlessly worked to craft a very professional mod.Any person with commonsense and a bit of an eye for appreciating and evaluating an exceptional solid work such as BC can clearly see that.

    As of character I'm a realist and a merciless critic not even excepting myself when criticizing.In the light of this I can put together BC and CAE and compare many aspects and can make certain accurate conclusions,

    If I did that;it doesn't matter that CAE is my mod,I would conclude that BC would overwhelm CAE.

    However,there are other aspects of making of a great mod.Perphaps the foremost of them is the visual-appeal which BC is superior to all the mods as the team is modelling from scratch.. As for my part I couldn't have the chance to find any competent modeller nor skinner.I created 99 percent of CAE alone,Mirage also emphasizes in some of his posts that he was very lucky hooking up with Strelac and AlphaDelta.

    So in terms of comparison yes it is right that we are not in the same ballpark Mirage...since the odds are not equal Because CAE is just me and BC is Mirage,Strelac,AlphaDelta,Ahiga... Thats another perspective and a reality at that.

    Let's make an another assumption.Let's suppose I also found two artists as skilled as Strelac and AlphaDelta.. What would happen? CAE would surely be much better in terms of graphics,but there are also other factors such as leading a team,the personal relationships between the team working together etc.

    I'd like to illustrate that Mirage,Strelac,AlphaDelta,Ahiga works in a perfect harmony so that the fruits are so tasty (BC) I noticed that they debated and strived to improve many other aspects of their mod as well,not just the eye-candy appeal.

    I sincerely believe that rivalries or competition would result in any positive way.If there would be any in all honesty I would like to be exempt from them forever.
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  20. #40
    teh.frickin.pope's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: don't you afarid of competition?

    Don't forget Indian_boy, Jermagon(whose massive translations are awesome), celtic pagan, and everyone else who've helped.

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