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Thread: Arthurian AAR

  1. #1

    Default Arthurian AAR

    Well, i just got the mod and it's absolutely bangin
    Played an inordinate amount of time as Gododdin until i got bored of it, then decided to start an AAR. Decided it was going to be Ynis Manaw, for whatever reasons. After realising that Rheged would roundly trounce me, Cheated a bit by editing descr strat for some steady income. Played a couple of turns, it's on hard/hard by the way.
    Enough shoddy words, get on with it.

  2. #2

    Default Chapter 1

    Chapter 1: False Threats

    It is the spring of 482 A.D and Tudgual Manau rules the island state of Ynis Manaw from the comfort of his fortress. From here, he keeps relative peace over Galwyddel, levying taxes and armies from the coast, and growing wealthy from the abundant copper deposits on the island.
    The political situation is stable, the neighbouring states in alcluyd lacking the manpower and wealth to carry a war, especially with the pictish raiders to the north a constant thorn in their side. Thus does Manaw maintain blissful neutrality.

    However, Tudgual's spies had reported a large amount of activity in Rheged to the southeast, a powerful kingdom with manifold resources. Although never presenting a direct threat to Manaw, Rheged had acted in a more expansionist manner of late, gathering professional forces and making military alliances. And so in the spring of 482 A.D Tudgual was positioned at Din March, surrounded by his best forces and captains.

    Tudgual had the alliance of two great cheiftains, Glewlwyt and Arth of Galwyddel, brothers to whom he had granted semi-independance on the mainland. He often referred to them as his left and right arms, they were that important to him. At the time Arth was away to the west defending the Galwegian homeland, but Glewlwyt spent days in council with Tudgual, plotting their defence, and thus gained the confidence of the king.

    The summer rolled on into Autumnn, and still there was no sign of an attack from Rheged. Word came from the North that they had forced a sucessful alliance with Dal Riada, part of a plan to secure their northern borders from any plots against them. By the end of the Autumn though, with no sign of war, Tudgual retired to Din March for the Winter months.

    Now Tudgual having assembled such a large army, and spent a year in wait, began to ponder the benifits of war. Glewlwyt waited for when he deemed the time was right, and suggested a plan to snatch Northern Galwyddel from under the very noses of the Alcluyd. For Glewlwyt secretly wanted more power and more land, although did not want to be seen usurping the king. Eventually, as bare trees began to bear leaves, Tudgual made a decision. He would propose an alliance with the Alcluyd. If they refused, he would attack. They refused outright.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    right that was pretty long winded but i think its alright. howd you get the pics to appear in the post?
    cheers x

  4. #4

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    When you upload a picture on imageshack, the site will give you different links to your picture. Copy and paste the "Thumbnail for forums (1)" link if you want the thumbnail. Copy and paste the "Hotlink for forums (1)" link if you want your post to show the complete picture.

    Anyway, great! Please continue.
    "Tempus edax rerum." Ovid, Metamorphoses
    Under the patronage of Virgil.

  5. #5
    SeniorBatavianHorse's Avatar Tribunus Vacans
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    Jul 2007
    Glasgow, Scotland

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    Not long-winded at all! Looking forward to more updates as soon as you can post them.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    haha brilliant played a battle and got destroyed good work to the ATW team. Anyway, no-one knows a way of automatically saving screens automatically rather than copying them to the clipboard eh? Cant deal with all this flitting between gimp and rome.
    Nuff love x

  7. #7
    BNS's Avatar ...
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    Feb 2007
    Miami, FL/U.S.A.

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    haha brilliant played a battle and got destroyed good work to the ATW team. Anyway, no-one knows a way of automatically saving screens automatically rather than copying them to the clipboard eh? Cant deal with all this flitting between gimp and rome.
    Nuff love x
    Poor you, youre still doing the copy paste method, dl fraps
    its all youll need. Though you may still need gimp to convert the images to jpg later

  8. #8
    SeniorBatavianHorse's Avatar Tribunus Vacans
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Glasgow, Scotland

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    Here's some tips for capturing those ever elusive great shots!

    First, pause the game and then zoom around to find the shot you want.

    Then, compose it. Click off adviser button, if showing. Hit 'return' key - this will deselect any highlighted units and remove green arrows. It also removes any of those annoying large arrows pointing to troop units offscreen.

    Take the shot using fraps and make sure it is saved to a desktop folder - 'fraps1' or something.

    Have another folder set up on the desktop.

    Once out of the game. Open up each individual screenshot and edit using 'paint' or 'photoshop'. This is where you remove the lower UI by cropping the screenshot. Rename and save in SECOND folder.

    Once all the screenshots are edited and saved, upload entire second folder to somewhere like 'imageshack'.

    That's the bones of the system I use but I am sure others here have better systems and will advise you as they see fit. Good luck and will look forward to you new pics soon!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Arthurian AAR

    cheers for the tips guys, i was getting some nice screens before, it just took far too long. Got an essay to finish anyhoo, and cant actually get very far with this campaign anyway. How embarassing.

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