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Thread: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

  1. #81

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Hello !
    can someone upload again the mod ? The links seems doesn't work...
    This mod is impressive, thanks for the work.

    Mundus Bellicus - TWC - ModDB - Discord - Steam
    ~ Patronized by Gaius Baltar, son of the Great Family of imb39, of the House of Garbarsardar, of the Noble House of Wilpuri.

  2. #82
    Axeman's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Whenever I click the link I go to filrefronts main page, and I can't find ITW by searching anywhere.

    EDIT_I found it

    ☻/ This is Muhammad.
    /▌  Copy and paste him
    / \ so as to commit horrible blasphemy!
    If there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence. --Bertrand Russell

  3. #83

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Thanks Axeman, I was looking for it as well.

  4. #84

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Silly Question:
    How do I install a "clean version" of RTW gold so I can install the mod ?
    When I try to install it detects a prior installation.
    When I just copy all the files to a new directory, RTW runs ok but the mods crash.

    Same question with Medieval II Total War.


  5. #85
    Schapur I.'s Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Hello, i have a important question:
    When i start RTW for playing ITW it looks as regular RTW and i have no additional historic battles only the 10 from the regular what did i make false?????????????????????????? I want to play the ITW and not the ragular RTW...
    please can somebody help me???

  6. #86
    Schapur I.'s Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Ok, the problem is resolved really isnt what i hoped that it is...the background noise in the battle is TERRIBLE and the composed stories of the historic battles (from the "historic battle man") are very addition to this BIG MINUSPOINTS are the units not so historical true like in regular RTW, besides i miss the special abilities (like testudo from the legionairs...) and the music is really (sorry this way of expression) ****...probably from any old romane films?!? and i also miss parthia...the were not as unneccessary as they seem to leave them...(or come they later in the campaign?)...why didn't you leave the music and background noises of RTW (they are MUCH BETTER) also the carthagian armey in cannae isnt true, where are the balearic slingshots...and he hasn't any sacred band in this battle...if you had though at this points the game would be much better...if you let the background noises and the music from RTW; if you would involve ALL factions (pontus, parthia, macedonia, aegypthia, all the barbarians (gallia, britannia, helvetii, nervii,...)); if you would made the historic-battle-tale like in RTW (and not composide the best pieces of everything together...); if you made ALL important towns of the roman history (ravenna, cannae, pydna, numantia, bibracte, alesia, brundisium,...); and if you would remake some of the historic battles (like the siege of numantia, because the romas had no problems with taking control of numantia, they waited until the people of numantia were so hungry that they kill themselve...and they built a huge wall and doesnt attack with only a single ram...)...if you would have this done this would be a perfect game...but this try was a shot into the furnace...more luck for the next try

  7. #87

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    So, if you, if you, if you,... if you paid some money to the "non-profit" modders maybe you could demand something, don´t you think?
    Btw, it´s really amazing that you´ve tested the entire mod in erh... 2 hours? and found all those issues while the modders are involved on it more than a year. You are very fast playing the game, maybe should ask to CA for hiring as beta-tester.

    Are u an historian? cos´some of the modders´ assistants truly are. Maybe they can have made some mistakes or maybe not but regarding they aren´t collecting anything but destructive critics from you, it would be much appreciated some words of "gratitude", don´t you think so Schapur I.? anyways it seems that word doesn´t exist in your vocabulary so don´t mind.

    Saludos majete.

  8. #88

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released


    Luckely, most of fans don´t have your "historical" opinions. I can´t understand why you are downloading a mod if you like very much original RTW (music, sounds of battle, effects of historical battle, original units, etc). You can tell about these details if you have read a lot of books of History, etc, but maybe you are a doctor in Ancient History. I am afraid you aren´t, buy if you have real knowledges I ask you give the books and bibliography.
    Speaking about unknow things is the truly TERRIBLE and ridiculous, mister.

  9. #89

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Thanks for the links, Axeman...

    Mundus Bellicus - TWC - ModDB - Discord - Steam
    ~ Patronized by Gaius Baltar, son of the Great Family of imb39, of the House of Garbarsardar, of the Noble House of Wilpuri.

  10. #90
    Schapur I.'s Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released i didnt know that i dont can say my free opinion in a free land (?!?), and i really know many things about the ancient history (but i'm not a doctor) and i know that some of the units aren't historical true...and yes i saw these things in 2 hours CeltiberoLerend, because they are obvious...and you must say, if you be honest to yourself, that the background noise is really terrible, and the historical backgrounds in the videos are not as good as in regular rtw...because they are only composed from the old videos (and that is not really to get gratuated if i only compose available things) besides CeltiberoLerend dont you know that it ever is easier to destroy (or test) things than to make them? so you shouldnt wonder why someone who has a little knowledge of ancient history find out these things in that short time...also as someone who do what the modders do you have to live with, like you said, DESTRUCTIVE critic, if you cant, you shouldnt do such things...and just because the other people didnt say anything bad about this mod it isnt not bad (just because 5000 people said on a RAINY day it DOESNT RAIN IT WAS of course NOT A SUNNY DAY, do you understand what i mean?) also i wonder why it may be so hard to make ALL historical battles (Cannae, Carrhae, Alesia, Pydna, Zama, Ilipa, Pharsalus, Teutoburg Forest, etc.) and not ever only 10 or couldnt be so much harder to make maybe 20...BUT to be honest to myself it isnt uncalled for a little gratuation, because the map is amazing also the campaign for itself is very good but some points are simply so destructive because of the kind of game, it should be a historical game and so i have to do my absolute best to make it historical and if i want to make a itw so i have to know what is important and what is to neglect and i have the impression that this isnt the assuming here in a few points...BUT THE MOST ANNOYING POINT IS THE MUSIC I COULD FORGET ALL OTHER THINGS FOR A GOOD BACKGOUND MUSIC BUT THIS MUSIC IS ALL BUT NOT NICE!!!!!!! and if i make such historical battles like cannae i should know which units are used there and there were balearic slingers used, but i cant see them (maybe im blind...but i know that im not blind), also hannibal had no sacred band in this battle (maybe he had but than they was much fewer than 50 MUCH FEWER) and as far as i know, and i know far, believe it or not, he didnt use them...and the reason why i loaded this mod is because im not nostradamus, so i couldnt know what im loading before i played it, so i played it and was really extremely disappointed...and to your satisfaction and i dont play it yet and wont do it ever only if it would be updated but as far as i see (and i see far, very far) there is nobody with an own opinion or somebody who say it here (because he is afraid that he get drawn down as me) and in this way it probably will never get upodated in the way it should be...and to remove all possible meanings to me i should do it better, im not an computer-expert...but be sure if i could i would do so...summa summarum i now know finally that it is never good to say the truth (sadly but true ), once again, i only said my opinion and i dont see a reason to change for some bodyguards of anyone who cant live with hard critic; sorry if i seem so aggressive but such stupid guys wich are absolutely intollerant to other opinions if they are not positive make me aggressive; be sure this is not the way i would say it if there would be some normal guys with that i can speak about negative and positive points in life...i hope you both now finally see that there are not ever people with the same opinion as you if not you are inconsolable that this situation expands in this form, but you wanted it so...............

  11. #91
    HELLEKIN's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Hi Scapur I,i read you post and i guess you can talk to me because i´m not intolerant and i acept all kinds of critics...i must say to you that i´m not stupid too and i know a litle history(but my english is a litle bit bad....but it´s all right to have a good and democratic conversation ) the point...this is my first post but from several years i see and came here to the tw,i always am in the "shadow" because until now i didn´t understand nothing about mooding....I can draw well,and belive me i´m not exagerating,but i did not knew how do mood,make a skin...make it i´s not easy you know...Can you imagine how much time this guys loose from their lifes to do this mood?Yes...?No....?They give their time and knowledge to us...and then one guy appears...two...ten...and says that all that work sucks.....Change are them....them are is it feel...good?I guess not isn´t it?To make a mood is very dificult and take many hours of a life....but these pass days,months even years making this because is easier than put here a post....Now i know what i´m talking because for mine litle and innocents mood i had to waist many hours,days,months searching...drawing....skinning....(i use the gimp...i´ts hard... ).Have you tried so?Can you do so...?You say that many are wrong,not historical correct....and you miss Parthia,Macedonia...etc...but i ask to you....Mr teacher of history the parthians belong to the Punic wars?Do they belong to the Iberia?This is Ibéria total war(focussing only that part of the map and the civilazations in it or related) or Partia total war?History accurrenci is very relative because what we know is from tales,cronicles and ancient writes that in many cases are writen many years from the batles or events...not even historians can say 100% that this was like this...or like can we...we can research in books ,net and so...what historians belive its their can we...dont you agree...?You say that the original units are better...and so,and so...i dont think so....and my neighburs...(7) cusins...(4) girl friend(5......o.k...just 1 ) work mattes...(3) at least 15 oppinions diferent from know your opinion is important to you...and to these guys....but when you speak as you could say that your opinion is the same of the rest of us you are very,very your opinion...and when you say this mood bad..the music YOUR you asked the thousands of guys that experiment this mood their opinion?No....?So...don´t speak for others opinion....your is important...but is i right?The original rome....units are only basic colors...shields red and black...(where is historic true in here...?),there are many aspects in the game that this guys and others that makes moods change to much better....recoloring units...making the game better....Sega...agrees whith me....don´t you?And if you pay attention when you play with lots of men,and me,and all of us....we dont have time to see how beautiful is this unit...or that...we just pull the camera up...and play with´t it?Finally...if we want histori accurence Cartaghe never wins the war...agree?Rome always play only with romans?As you said....its easy to say what is wrong than to do it....Make a better mood...more perfect...and with more aceptance than this from us..players....and then...make your agressive critics.....But remenber...dont speak in the name of all of us.....To me is a good mood unit are very nice and i like it.I know what i´m speaking...i´m not stupid...and i like democratic and respectful conversation.....i hope you answer to me....For the team that made Iberia...thanks guys...for the mood and your time and work.....Greetings to you Shapur I

  12. #92
    HELLEKIN's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Hi Scapur I,i read you post and i guess you can talk to me because i´m not intolerant and i acept all kinds of critics...i must say to you that i´m not stupid too and i know a litle history(but my english is a litle bit bad....but it´s all right to have a good and democratic conversation ) the point...this is my first post but from several years i see and came here to the tw,i always am in the "shadow" because until now i didn´t understand nothing about mooding....I can draw well,and belive me i´m not exagerating,but i did not knew how do mood,make a skin...make it i´s not easy you know...Can you imagine how much time this guys loose from their lifes to do this mood?Yes...?No....?They give their time and knowledge to us...and then one guy appears...two...ten...and says that all that work sucks.....Change are them....them are is it feel...good?I guess not isn´t it?To make a mood is very dificult and take many hours of a life....but these pass days,months even years making this because is easier than put here a post....Now i know what i´m talking because for mine litle and innocents mood i had to waist many hours,days,months searching...drawing....skinning....(i use the gimp...i´ts hard... ).Have you tried so?Can you do so...?You say that many are wrong,not historical correct....and you miss Parthia,Macedonia...etc...but i ask to you....Mr teacher of history the parthians belong to the Punic wars?Do they belong to the Iberia?This is Ibéria total war(focussing only that part of the map and the civilazations in it or related) or Partia total war?History accurrenci is very relative because what we know is from tales,cronicles and ancient writes that in many cases are writen many years from the batles or events...not even historians can say 100% that this was like this...or like can we...we can research in books ,net and so...what historians belive its their can we...dont you agree...?You say that the original units are better...and so,and so...i dont think so....and my neighburs...(7) cusins...(4) girl friend(5......o.k...just 1 ) work mattes...(3) at least 15 oppinions diferent from know your opinion is important to you...and to these guys....but when you speak as you could say that your opinion is the same of the rest of us you are very,very your opinion...and when you say this mood bad..the music YOUR you asked the thousands of guys that experiment this mood their opinion?No....?So...don´t speak for others opinion....your is important...but is i right?The original rome....units are only basic colors...shields red and black...(where is historic true in here...?),there are many aspects in the game that this guys and others that makes moods change to much better....recoloring units...making the game better....Sega...agrees whith me....don´t you?And if you pay attention when you play with lots of men,and me,and all of us....we dont have time to see how beautiful is this unit...or that...we just pull the camera up...and play with´t it?Finally...if we want histori accurence Cartaghe never wins the war...agree?Rome always play only with romans?As you said....its easy to say what is wrong than to do it....Make a better mood...more perfect...and with more aceptance than this from us..players....and then...make your agressive critics.....But remenber...dont speak in the name of all of us.....To me is a good mood unit are very nice and i like it.I know what i´m speaking...i´m not stupid...and i like democratic and respectful conversation.....i hope you answer to me....For the team that made Iberia...thanks guys...for the mood and your time and work.....Greetings to you Shapur I

  13. #93
    Schapur I.'s Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Its very nice to see that there is someone out there with which i can speak normally (my english too isnt perfect), i never said that i speak for all, i speak for me, and i know that my opinion may seem destructive but i didnt want it so, i only wanted to say what im thinking, also i never said that vanilla rtw is more true than this one and i never said that i want that it is a replay of possible historical factions (because you said rome ever wins, what isnt correct but in this time it is, i know, but rome may could also lose if carthage wasnt such ignorant to hannibal and let him die stupid and alone) i really dont want to play only with the winnerside (rome) i like the carthaginians much (but i also like rome) i just said true facts and i dont claim to say you are stupid (i dont think that you are), i know (even though i have no experience with modding) that they spent very much time for this mod, but you should know that there ever will be someone who dont agree with the majority, im such a guy and if you believe it or not i know how it is to earn destructive opinions (i often do so) the thing with parthia was my misstake and i want to apologize for it, but macedonia was important in this time...of course i agree with you in the point that modds make things much better, but im disappointed over your 5th sentence from bottom, you say make a better modd, but didnt you say you red my post?? then you should know that i dont know how to do such things (im no pc-expert), im surprised that you emphasize in near each sentense that you arent stupid (i of course dont think in the first moment of a conversation that someone is stupid, only if he prove me the opposite), and i only can say that i dont think that you are stupid, i also like conversation, but if you played rtw and itw with music you should agree with me in this point, the music really is terrible...i like the rtw music and i wont play without...i didnt say that the rtw units are better, but they have this special abilities (where are they in itw??) and some points really are unhistorical an example is the battle of cannae (balearic slingers?!?) and please dont make fun of me ("Mr teacher of history") i dont do so to you so there is no reason for it...but also i already said that the campaign is really amazing (if i dont fight) just the campaign, the campaign for itself...finally i think i said everything which was to say...if not i will post it anywhen...i also wait for your answer and i hope you do so...greetings to you HELLEKIN but i still wait for a better itw (until it comes i play rtr platinum 1.9 and m2tw ultimate ai 1.6), i wait with the best expectations

  14. #94
    HELLEKIN's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Hi Schapur I,and greetings,i´m glad that we understud both sides of the question ,about the music in itw and rtw its a matter of taste and i didn´t dislike it but i must say to you that i always play games without music because i like the background sounds i´m not the right person to speak about it....there is 2 games i play with music....Stongold,not the new....the previous and the real,real old,Lords of the Realm 2....yes...i still play it... ,about the slingers....(you realy don´t like slingers eh,eh,eh... ) i never mood historical batles but some time balancing it is needed and if the range troops in Carthage are slingers,i think thats the idea( i can´t say it 100% sure but in this geaographical part bows were not very popular and many armies used slingers or mercenary archers) and Palma belongs to Carthage so they use it ,the special habilities is a choice of the mooders and i can´t tell you the reason,from my part i like it but it shouldn´t be always...for instance if a army is defeeted warcry shouldn´t be possible again ( moral low)until that unit wins a batle would give more fun.Platinum and other moods passed too for this stages and the previous,that i played too,still had small changes to make.This mood is not the final version and ITW GOLD is caming and as far as i saw in the forum and stuff it is much better,but of course,its every one taste that decide what is more pleasent to play to us, i invite you to try it,without to try to convince you of nothing because we all like many moods at the same time....i like many.Salutations Schapur I and Roma Victor....

  15. #95
    Schapur I.'s Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    I'll try the new version of ITW when it came out . But i meant that there are no balearic slingers and i miss them because they were used. I wait with the best expectations for the new ITW . Thanks to you for the really nice conversation (even if it was short). Is there a programm for modding? Or is modding only overwriting the old datas?

  16. #96

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Quote Originally Posted by CeltiberoLerend View Post
    So, if you, if you, if you,... if you paid some money to the "non-profit" modders maybe you could demand something, don´t you think?
    Quote Originally Posted by CeltiberoLerend View Post
    Btw, it´s really amazing that you´ve tested the entire mod in erh... 2 hours? and found all those issues while the modders are involved on it more than a year. You are very fast playing the game, maybe should ask to CA for hiring as beta-tester.

    Are u an historian? cos´some of the modders´ assistants truly are. Maybe they can have made some mistakes or maybe not but regarding they aren´t collecting anything but destructive critics from you, it would be much appreciated some words of "gratitude", don´t you think so SchapurI.? anyways it seems that word doesn´t exist in your vocabulary so don´t mind.

    Saludos majete.

    Please, could someone tell me where in my words exist an “absolutely intollerant” behaviour? Why do you call me “stupid” and “cretin”, Schapur?... that´s only for asking you some kind of respect at the work made for others??? good...

    First of all, i´m not someone “absolutely intolerant” not even “intolerant”, and, of course, “stupid”, cretin (“normal”?), or “bodyguard” of somebody either. Pretty 4 “constructive” adjectives you use in your posts.

    Let me tell you something, the only "intolerant" here are you m8 (i won´t say anything i think about the other words you use to name me only for respect to the people who can read this thread, only for respect to them you can believe me 100%), cos´ you think you are the only man in the world who has the absolute true.

    Now we can begin with some educational and respectful lessons:

    Which is the difference between constructive and destructive criticism?

    Constructive criticism: Critic words about some “weak” spots of a work made by someone only led to improve it. Let´s see some examples:
    Example 1. “I´ve seen that you haven´t included some important factions in your mod like A, B and C. I think it would be very interesting for the gameplay if you did it”. Good.
    Example 2. “I don´t like the sounds of the ITW mod cos´ i think sometimes is unreal and incomprehensible...” Nice.

    Destructive criticism: Critic words about some “weak” spots of a work made by someone only led to criticize and sometimes to destroy it with or without basis. Although i think you got the graduate in this part of the matter, let´s see some examples:
    Example 1. the background noise in the battle is TERRIBLE” (note the caps).
    Example 2. “...and the composed stories of the historic battles (from the "historic battle man") are very ridiculous...” (i´ll ask the head of the guy who did that!).
    “in addition to this BIG MINUSPOINTS...” (note the caps, again).
    Example 3. BUT THE MOST ANNOYING POINT IS THE MUSIC I COULD FORGET ALL OTHER THINGS FOR A GOOD BACKGOUND MUSIC BUT THIS MUSIC IS ALL BUT NOT NICE!!!!!!!” (note the caps again and again. If you don´t like the music you could download any other music patches around there)
    Example 4. “...and the music is really (sorry this way of expression) ****...”
    At this point i would like to know if the admins of are using some kind of censure-words system or if this guy just changed the word “:wub:” for 4 asterisks. Anyways, even if he changed that word for 4 asterisks he breaks again the elemental rule of due respect cos´ in spite of those asterisks everybody know which word he used to define the work made by the ITW modders. That word is “:wub:”.
    It´s exactly the same as when you up your middle finger to someone while having the rest ones down. You are not insulting someone with words but with gestures “my friend”...very, very unpleasant words and behaviour from you that had a firm and respectful answer from me. More than you deserved, that´s sure.

    Btw, what if i think something of ITW mod could be improved? Must i demand the “non-profit” modders to do what i want, when i want, and where i want? Must i insult their job because is my free opinion? The answer is easy and categorical, NO.
    How Hellekin said before, make a mod involves lots of hours, days, and sometimes even years, so it´s amazing that YOU are demanding some modders make their job better than the real professionals… sorry but only an ignorant or a gullible should say something like that. And if all your philosophy comes down to “if you can´t, you shouldn´t do such things” when you say such things like “and i also miss parthia...the were not as unneccessary as they seem to leave them...(or come they later in the campaign?)“ orand to remove all possible meanings to me i should do it better, im not an computer-expert...but be sure if i could i would do so...summa summarum”, i ask to myself what things you can do, or better, what things you think you can do.

    “sorry if i seem so aggressive but such stupid guys wich are absolutely intollerant to other opinions if they are not positive make me aggressive; be sure this is not the way i would say it if there would be some normal guys with that i can speak about negative and positive points in life...i hope you both now finally see that there are not ever people with the same opinion as you if not you are inconsolable that this situation expands in this form, but you wanted it so...............

    Thinking about all you have said since several posts before and considering you become so aggressive I must suppose you punch yourself day-to-day…

    "im such a guy and if you believe it or not i know how it is to earn destructive opinions (i often do so) the thing with parthia was my misstake and i want to apologize for it, but macedonia was important in this time..."

    It would be much appreciate if you apologize not for that but your behaviour, and not to me but all the people involved in this mod.

    And yes of course, you are free to say your opinion but your freedom ends when the respect you must to have with the rest of the people begins, don´t forget that and maybe some day you will understand the difference.


  17. #97

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released


  18. #98

    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    You are wrong Siegebreaker. It´s just simply 1 man telling another he really put his foot in his mouth. That´s all.

  19. #99
    HELLEKIN's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released


  20. #100
    68 Powers's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War v1.5 released

    Schapur, the thing that really got me about your idiotic posts is that you miss parthia:violin2:.. Uhh Iberia Total war that doesent sound like it would have parthia in it would it?

    And please if your going to post how much you dont like a mod why dont you join the team and help them out instead of making these senseless posts that dont really do anything at all.

    Last edited by 68 Powers; January 01, 2008 at 07:04 PM.
    Peace on earth - Death to the Enemy!

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