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Thread: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

  1. #1

    Default Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Please, post here the little (or big) mistakes and your suggestions to improve ITW.


  2. #2
    loet66's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions


    This mod is excellent but I think battles are too long !!

    Stat attacks for the units are a little bit ridiculous in my opinion.

    For example, Principes have attacks =1 , regarding to the defensive stat (between 15 and 25), the battles are very very long.

    I understand It's deliberate but I'm not agree with it.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    You will love or hate system battle hehe, it is based in moral and is very different to traditional Rome.
    You can read here:

    A spanish fan is preparing any most arcade for tradicional players.

    Un saludo.

  4. #4
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    But routing enemies doesn't work on siege battle - the enemy on the center square just can't rout. It may take days to kill them......
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    Last edited by AqD; September 20, 2011 at 06:37 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    yes, they have most morale there. You have that think different to rome and rout them far of population center (here, they guard his houses and familyes and fight until dead)
    You can use missile troops and other tactics.
    If u can put cavalry in center and push enemy, u will can win most quickly.
    You must think like rout morale enemy, dont like kill enemys.

  6. #6
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Idibil View Post
    yes, they have most morale there. You have that think different to rome and rout them far of population center (here, they guard his houses and familyes and fight until dead)
    You can use missile troops and other tactics.
    If u can put cavalry in center and push enemy, u will can win most quickly.
    You must think like rout morale enemy, dont like kill enemys.

    But.. another problem: doesn't this cause experienced soliders to get much more attack stats? It was like 10-11-12-etc in vanilla game, but in ITW it would be 1-2-3-... (a level-9 unit would be godlike )

    PS: I'm thinking of integrating this into my own mini-mod as well
    Hitomii cam
    Last edited by AqD; September 20, 2011 at 06:37 AM.

  7. #7
    Legio XII's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    I must say, this is one of the more challenging mods I have played so far. But I feel I must echo the thoughts of others in saying that the battles are somewhat too long. While I do appreciate the change towards longer battles, in place of the quite unrealistic slaughters of RTW vanilla, I think you have gone a little far. I would suggest adding 2, maybe 3 to the attack values of most units.

    Several times I have had battles between heavy infantry in which the melee lasted several minutes (real time) and there were only four casualties. That just seems a little too unrealistic to me. But again, I must say that I do appreciate the battle system that you have come up with. I just feel it needs a little tweaking. I may just do it myself, instead of bothering you.

  8. #8
    Legio XII's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Oh, and another thing. Cavalry scripting/behavior. I have noticed that the cavalry is extremely unresponsive. Sometimes when I give an order to charge, it is simply ignored, or the cavalry attacks another unit entirely. And in siege battles, cavalry cannot navigate the streets to save its life. Sometimes half of the unit will take one street and the other half another street, which is irritating.

    Also, cavalry seems to like very large, dispersed formations. Is this intentional?

    Once again, great job overall. A very good mod. Will be playing this one for a while, at the expense of my grades.

  9. #9
    loet66's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Legio XII View Post
    I must say, this is one of the more challenging mods I have played so far. But I feel I must echo the thoughts of others in saying that the battles are somewhat too long. While I do appreciate the change towards longer battles, in place of the quite unrealistic slaughters of RTW vanilla, I think you have gone a little far. I would suggest adding 2, maybe 3 to the attack values of most units.


    I'm totally agree, but I don't know how do it.

    Someone could explain me ??

    sorry, my english
    Last edited by loet66; May 01, 2008 at 11:12 AM.

  10. #10
    Legio XII's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by loet66 View Post

    I'm totally agree, but I don't know how do it.

    Someone could explain me ??

    sorry, my english
    Glad to respond. If you want to change things yourself, follow the following file path:

    C:\Activison\Rome - Total War\ITW\Data\export_descr_unit

    That is the file you need to edit. The file has instructions at the top that you can read and see what to edit. Hope this helps. If not, post again or PM me. I'll be glad to help again.

    And don't worry about the English thing. You are trying. Besides, your English is good enough to get ideas across to others, which is what really counts. Don't be so self conscious about it.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Sound system, many of the sounds sound distorted and muffled to me is this normal I have miles installed?


  12. #12

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by cleaburn View Post
    Sound system, many of the sounds sound distorted and muffled to me is this normal I have miles installed?

    What kind of sounds? voices, corns, other battle sounds?

    For information, every player can choose the preferences, if he click in adjustements - sounds preferences or right click of the mouse in the battlefield and choose "sounds". Voices sounds and general battle sounds can be changed (decrease o increase the percentage). For instance, if you listen the voice very muffled or distorted you can test to increase de voice volume, etc.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Congratulations on a wonderful campaign, its one of the best

    In my opinion your battles SUCK though…. Heres why
    In your quest for realism you have gone in the opposite direction. The unit stats are to low there is no point in having infantry at all, I can tell I’m right because the computer agrees with me. It usually builds armies with at most 4 units of infantry the rest are missile. Second the routing has got to go, my soldiers seem to think they are losing when they are outnumbering the enemy and in a phalanx. Also did I mention the unit stats are TOO LOW one time my general unit charged into archers fought for about a minute then retreated then charged again and still not a single archer was killed. The second reason for archer armies in the game is the fact that their the only unit available at the start, what does an archery range do?? Train archers….. What does a barracks do?? Train soldiers… Why oh why can I only train archers and skirmishers in my barracks’. some distinction between barracks and archery ranges would be nice.

    Normally I wouldn’t right all this but since every time I see and play your campaign I almost weep from the beauty, I decided to do this so that maybe one day I will enjoy playing every aspect of your game.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    The archery range was eliminated from the buildings tree. In most of peoples included in ITW is probable that the range weapons were very common (used for hunting) and warriors did not need an extra training center. Because of that we thought it was better to recruit all the infantry units in the same building, and missile units are the weakest and cheapest of the mod. This is the reason because AI recruits lots of missile units.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    This mod made me return to RTW after a long break and i am glad to say it was worth coming back for, congratulations on creating such a quality mod.

    Just a couple of things i would like to give feedback on, first of all your contraversial battle system. Personally i think it is great except for one thing, the second hitpoint given to all units makes things drag on a bit too much. I removed the second hitpoint myself and adjusted missile values and had some of the most entertaining battles i have experienced in RTW. Apart from the second hitpoint the balance you have achieved between the units/factions is probably the best i have seen.

    Regarding the campaign map only two minor complaints, firstly i will echo the comments made by others that there are perhaps too many armies made up of missile units, its a small thing but the early stages of the campaign would be improved if there was a bit more melee troops to be seen. Lastly i would have like to see a greater difference in the upkeep cost of units, at the moment there is so little difference between the top tier and medium tier troops there really is not much point in training anything other than the elites, i would have preferred if the upkeep cost would have been higher for elite troops to encourage more realistic army compositions.

    Thanks once again for a great mod.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    One problem I noticed is Balearic slingers make a 'twanging' bowstring archery sound when they fire, as if they were archers.

    Also, the number of men per unit needs more variety -- elite units should have fewer men than levy units, and cavalry should have considerably fewer men than infantry units.

    EDIT: looks like many if not all the slinger units make archery sounds How can I fix this? It's incredibly annoying.
    Last edited by cherryfunk; May 30, 2008 at 06:16 PM.

  17. #17
    sirfiggin's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    the experience bonuses cause a terrible amount of imbalance. Think about it, mst infantry and cavalry have a base attack of 1, but much higher defence and 2 hit points, together making for protracted melee. Now, each experience point adds one attack point and defensive skill point. Potentially, the attack power of one unit can increase ten fold, as a maximum number of experience points is nine, whilst the higher base attack of units in other mods and vanilla reduce the edge of the boost, your otherwise brilliant balancing is dangerously unbalanced.Is there any way to reduce experience bonuses?
    The Duke of Dunwich and surrounding fiefdom

    For any who are interested by my FF on occurrences in Rhun and beyond; I have begun a new project (not because the old one is finished, just opening more room for ideas) about one of the minor characters, Rankal. It is in the Third Age AAR index and here is the link

  18. #18

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Bonus is Hardcore,sirfiggin. U speak of bonus in campain, true? We have quit weamon y armor bonus in single and multiplayer battles.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    Hey , i have downloaded this mod and its great i like it! The units are great ! Good job!
    But there is one problem , the battles takes to long! And its very booring ! Maybe in your next version or patch you could fix that!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Iberia Total War Gold Edition: errors and suggestions

    You have arcade version for battles if u wish it most fast:



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