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Thread: campaign help

  1. #1

    Default campaign help

    This may be a silly question but how do you load people onto boats?:hmmm:

  2. #2

    Default Re: campaign help

    You don't! :p

    Notice how the seas are broken up like provinces?

    Place a ship in the seas next to each other until they stretch from where you want to go and where you are leaving. Make sure there are not enemy ships in any of the seas you are moving through, as well.

    Thus, with sufficient naval strength, you can launch an attack as the Danes on Egypt without touching the Med with your provinces.

  3. #3

    Default Re: campaign help

    cool, although i'm the egyptians.

  4. #4

    Default Re: campaign help

    Ah, the Muslim factions have the best ships, since you can place them on the 'open' seas/ocean areas where Western ships cannot go, thereby making invasions much easier. What is really fun is having an empire that is basically the coastline of the Med or Atlantic, so that in one turn you can train a unit in every province, the next turn send them to this or that province (your own or the enemy's) and have an army in two turns.

  5. #5
    Oglethorpe1983's Avatar Decanus
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States (Ohio)

    Default Re: campaign help

    Glad Im not the only one who didnt grasp that right away... the naval transport issue gave me a headache when I first started playing... I especially hated it when your sea lanes got broken and the delays (even just a few turns) would put a screeching halt to the momentium of a campaign

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