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Thread: [AAR] M2TW Kingdoms: The Story of Hernan Cortes

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    Default [AAR] M2TW Kingdoms: The Story of Hernan Cortes

    Author: Mathn
    Original Thread: The Story of Hernan Cortez!
    The Story of Hernan Cortez
    The story is about Hernán Cortez, and his 'adventures' in the New World.
    i will update this AAR every week, and first impressions, comments, criticism, compliments, everything welcome(because it's my first:original

    Note: the other chapters will contain more pictures, i just couldn't find photo's that would help this chapter.

    Unmodded Americas Campaign
    No reloads.
    boring battles, or battles that are too long/short will not be shown.
    no cheats

    It’s the year 1521, Hernán Cortez, a famous conquistador has landed in the Americas, looking for treasuries and cities of gold.
    But what he doesn’t know, is that various factions don’t want the Spanish in their territory.
    This is the story of a conquistador...
    This is the story of Hernán Cortez.

    After the Vikings, the Spanish were the second to land in the Americas, Hernán Cortez was one of those, behind him, are thousands of men searching for the golden cities.

    Cortez landed near Vera Cruz, where he could reinforce his armies and lead them to victory, gold, and the conquest of whole America.

    “Are we ready to go?” asked captain Garcia.
    One of his men runned towards him and answered: “si, señor, we are ready to go!”
    Garcia looked up to the sky, and prayed that he would return alive and well to his wife and son.
    “We need to go now, if we want to be near Coatzalcoalcos before the end of the day,” Said Cortez. “Then we can besiege the city tomorrow.”

    Cortez and his bodyguards marched through the gates, and behind him followed hundreds of conquistadores, ready to die for the glory of New Spain.

    “what are we going to do after we have taken Coatzalcoalcos?” Asked Garcia.

    “we’ll see then.” Answered Cortez.

    The gate closed behind the last soldier, and they went to conquer....

    End of the Prelude.

    Chapter 1: The New World.

    “Luck is not a thing to rely on, we are not waiting for good weather. Send the ram to the wall!” Cortez looked annoyed.
    “Ok, we are going” answered Garcia, clearly dissaptioned, because he thinks the bad weather is a sign from God, that says, do not attack today!

    Cortez lookes up to the sky, and begs for a victory, because if he fails to conquer this city, the Spanish king wouldn’t send any more troops to a general, who can’t conquer a small city.

    “Let the Culverins shoot at the towers!”, the order quickly reaches the crew, and they start loading the gun.

    “And watch out for the men trying to breach the wall, we don’t want any casualties before we start to fight!”
    And with that order, the siege of Coatzalcoalcas had officialy begun.

    “Garcia has reached the wall, my lord”

    “Excellent, now let the Culverins fire”

    The Culverins fired, and 2 seconds later, the first tower had collapsed, a few minutes later, the other one was destroyed.
    Cortez smiled, God was with him.
    “Very good, now aim for the gate!”

    “Señor, Señor, Garcia has breached the wall!”a soldier came running to him.

    At that same moment, the gates were destroyed, and Cortez ordered his men to move in.

    The men, Cortez had just send in, now charged into the enemies, and the battle didn’t take too long.
    The rebels retreated and the gate was captured.
    “Cortez, the army at the gates need help, should we send?”

    “Shoot a hole next to the gate and send in 2 units of cavalry”
    Cortez smiled, he knew that the enemy lacked spears, so sending in cavalry could speed up the battle.
    “My lord, we have...we have killed the enemy general, the enemy is retreating to the center!”

    “Very good, send everything in, let nobody escape, send a message to Garcia, and let him attack from the left.”

    The Spanish came from every side, and the enemy soon became tired.

    “Cortez, victory is ours, all the resistance is killed.”

    Cortez laughed, the first victory in this month, he would stay here one year, retrain, rebuild, and then go further east.
    “Señor, we are unable to find Garcia!”, Cortez stunned, “Search for him!”, if he loses his best captain and friend, the men can lose morale and rout in the next battle.

    He had to find Garcia...

    Chapter 2: Total Annihilation

    A fresh new day started, Cortez was already planning his next moves when a messenger walked into his room.
    “A message from Viceroy Diego!”

    Cortez received the letter and started to read, it was just a small message.

    I am landing near Chetumal, we’ll meet at Xicallanco.
    Quickly take Potonchan, then you can reinforce my army there.


    Cortez laughed, Viceroy Diego again thought he ruled everyone, the Supreme Commander.
    But if he ignored the order of Diego, he would be killed.
    So he ordered his men to march for Potonchan.

    Garcia came running to him, “Why are we leaving?”
    “Diego ordered us to take Potonchan!”

    “are we going to use the same tactic again for this siege?”

    “I think so”, answered Cortez, “except, you are going to stay at the main force, so we can easily spot you!”

    Garcia laughed, at the siege of Coatzalcoalcas, he couldn’t be found after the battle, and many people thought he was dead.

    “I don’t know if you already heard the rumour, but some people say that Bernal Diaz is coming with Diego, and he will be helping us with our conquest!”

    “Why does Diego send him to us, we can easily win without him?”, Cortez was annoyed, Diego always thought that other generals couldn’t win without friends of the Viceroy.

    “I don’t know, it’s just a rumour.”
    Cortez didn’t answer, and he walked to his horse.

    When the siege of Potonchan started, a messenger arrived with the message that the Black Plague has arrived in Vera Cruz.
    “What should we do, go back to Vera Cruz to keep order, or keep besieging Potonchan?” asked Garcia.
    “We’ll keep besieging.”

    Days passed, and finally the Viceroy reached Xicallanco, and went to besiege the city.
    “The enemy looks scared,” said Garcia, “maybe we will conquer this city without a fight!”
    “That would be beautifull, but don’t expect too much, the last you almost got killed.”
    Garcia laughed,”that was because i was confused where the gate was, i prefer the Spanish styled cities.”
    “well, i can send you back to spain, if you want to fight...”
    “No, i’m fine here, thanks for the offer,” Garcia looked back to the enemy regrouping at the gate.
    The next day, early in the morning, it started to rain, there was no noise, only birds.
    But then: “Nos estan atacando!”(they are attacking us).
    Cortez laughed, the enemy noticed his troops marching to the wall.
    “Send the ram to the left section of the wall,” Cortez ordered, “and let the cannons fire at the towers.”
    Everything went well, and quickly the gate was conquered, and the wall broken.

    Garcia marched with his army inside, and there he met the general Yax Pac, fearless, ruthless and not a good commander, he killed two men and reached Garcia.

    Pac stabbed wildly but missed everytime, Garcia waited for his moment and attacked, Pac’s head fell off, and the body fell to the ground.
    Everyone felt the shock, the enemy started to rout, and the Spanish started to reach the center.

    “Well, if this isn’t going to be victory number 2, i will retire and live in Vera Cruz.” Cortez seemed hopefull,but the battle was still raging.

    The mounted Spanish quickly achieved victory at the gates, and marched to help Garcia.

    The enemy, desperate, routed to the center, and the soldiers were ordered to quickly take out the archers, and again they locked the enemy in the center.
    “send the crossbowmen to fire at the enemy,”Cortez ordered,”send all of the crossbowmen.”
    “But won’t we hit our own troops?”
    “we have reserves here, they don’t!”

    That was the last order, because after that, the battle was won, no enemy survived.

    “Exterminate the city.”

    The next day, Cortez said to Garcia:“so loud was the wailing of the women and children that there was not one men among us whose heart did not bleed at the sound.”
    “Garcia, i am going to reinforce the siege on Xicallanco, i’ll take all of the cavalry, you are going to stay here, in a few years i’ll be back, alive or dead”

    Chapter 3: A footnote in Americas history.

    Next update i will crop the pictures :wink:
    and can anyone tell me, at the battle, the banners are flickering, yellow, flag of spain, yellow, what that means?

    Cortez and his men marched to Xicallanco to reinforce Viceroy Diego.
    He had only taken his horsemen because if he took everything Potonchan would riot, and he wouldn’t be in time to make it to Xicallanco.

    When Cortez arrived to Xicallanco, he saw nobody, it was like everybody routed.
    But then a big explosion came, and one tower collapes.
    “Diego is on the other side of the city,” said Cortez, “and he is starting the siege, move out!”

    “Where is Cortez, i ordered him to come!”, Viceroy Diego was upset, why would Cortez ignore an order of the faction leader?
    “He will come.”

    “Sir, the enemy is coming through the gate, it’s a full scale attack!”

    “Send in the cavalry!” Viceroy Diego watched the enemy running through the gate.
    Then a messenger came, from Cortez’ army; “Cortez is coming!”
    The soldier who said that he would come, could laugh in the face of Diego, but he didn’t, he wanted to survive.
    “Let them join in the attack at the gates, kill everyone.”

    All the cavalry was fighting against the enemy, that was without spears, and soon, the gate was captured, the general ordered his men to retreat, he turned around to run, but he heard a sound, and turned his head.
    It was a Spanish horsemen, that had his spear pointed at him.
    “oh my...”, The general couldn’t finish his sentence, he flew 3 meters backwards and broke his neck.

    He stood on his knees, but the same soldier, attacked with his sword, and he fell to the ground.
    Every enemy who saw that, started to rout to the center.

    At the same moment, Cortez and his men entered the gate.
    The battle was almost resolved and the enemy was fleeing.
    Cortez and his men planned an frontal assault, and Diego’s men would attack from the sides.

    It worked, the enemy started to perish and in no time the city was conquered.

    “Well, that was a nice fight,” said Cortez, while walking to Diego, “we came just in time.”
    Diego wasn’t looking happy noticed Cortez, “What happened?”
    “Well, i got bad news, there were riots in Léon, your wife and children are dead, killed by rioting peasants.”
    Everything freezed for Cortez, he fell on his knees, he had promised that he would come back to them, but he was to late.
    He saw the sky turn black, it was starting to rain.

    The next morning, Cortez woke up, and he heard people talk.
    “Francisco de Montejo has landed on the Yucatan Peninsula, he will assist our attack on the Mayans, my plan is to besiege the northern cities, eventually they will give up, and we have those 3 cities without a fight. At the same time as we march that way, a army from Vera Cruz marches to the southern cities.”
    “That’s a very good plan, Diego”, said Bernal Diaz, “Cortez helps us, and we let an extra army come from Havana, and then we can help the others, as soon as we have conquered our target.”
    “good idea, we also ship an army from Havana, go and wake Cortez up, and tell him our plan.”
    “i’m already awake.”
    “well, then you already know the plan, are we going?”
    Cortez wanted to stay, but he knew he had to go know, maybe later he could rest.
    Diego went first with his army, consisting of Cavalry, musketeers and mercenaries.
    Cortez laughed, those mercenaries were the weakest in whole the new world, Diego had given him 2 units of them, but for Cortez, they were cannonfodders rather than real units.
    The army of cortez went 5 minutes later, and consisted of cavalry and infantry.

    Five days later, they reached Canpech, there they would wait for the messengers that would tell if the army of Faction Heir Pedro and Francisco already were in place.

    Three days later, the messengers came, and the siege had begun.
    The Maya’s were stunned, they had never expected that the Spanish would attack that way, their scouts hadn’t seen anything.

    There they were, standing before the gates, waiting for the enemy to attack, or to surrender.
    “luckily we killed those scouts before they could report that we were coming, it almost seemed we were invisible.”
    Cortez looked to Diego,”sure.”

    The Siege took days, weeks, even months, but eventually the enemy walked through the gates, unarmed.
    Diego smiled, the first of three victories.
    “what should we do, señor?”
    “exterminate the place!”
    “Just do it, show the population that we are in charge now.”

    “Cortez! Go to Tikal, there will be another army of ours, he’ll talk to you.”

    New reached, that Uxmal and Chichen Itza were conquered, the plan had worked, the Maya’s were almost defeated.

    After some weeks of walking, Cortez finally reached Tikal, at the rendez-vouz point, 2 minutes later Roy de Bilbao arrived with his army, eager and ready to besiege Tikal.
    And the next day, that siege begun.

    Two days later, Kan Bahlum-Mo came with his army, and attacked the besiegers.
    The battle took two minutes, his ‘army’ consisted of 20 peasants and himself.

    The news reached the outskirts of America and Europe, the Mayans were destroyed, they became a footnote in history, destroyed by Hernan Cortez.
    Chapter 4: Back home again.

    Spain had achieved many victories, the Aztecs had lost many armies and many cities.

    Cortez had marched straight to his target and achieved another victory, hoping that many would yet come.
    “Things have changed lately...”said Cortez,”Viceroy Diego passed away, Fransisco Coronado killed Moctezuma in battle.”
    “Lucky him, he almost got himself killed, but after that victory, he had to retreat”, answered Garcia.
    Day became night, night became day.
    A calm wind blew over the city, the sun warming up the houses, it was a calm day, like there was total peace in the whole world.
    Then everything changed, a scout came running up the steps to Cortez’ palace.
    “Señor, the Aztecs are marching to this city, with an army twice as big as ours!”

    Cortez jumped up, how could the Aztecs come this far without being noticed?
    “Get everybody inside, double the guards, and mobilise every single men that is able to fight”

    The panic soon reached the population and fear started to rise, would everyone die? Will Cortez again achieve victory? It was unknown, nobody knew their faith.

    The message also reached the neighbouring city, Tehuacan, who mobilised an army and started to march to Cholollan.

    Cortez had already asked for numbers and position and started to make a plan, he coughed, olderness got to him.
    He was lucky it wasn’t the plague, or else he couldn’t fight.
    “Hernán, come home!” he looked up, his wife and children were standing in the doorway, smiling.
    “I have to fight, i will come later.”
    His wife turned around, and walked away, seconds later, Hernán realised who was standing there, and chased them.
    It was too late, they had already left.
    “I’m not old enough to die, i can live for another ten years.”

    The next day, viceroy Diego heared the news of the siege, but he couldn’t help, he was too far, he would come too late.
    But eagerly he awaited new news.
    He ordered to camp the nights on an open field, untill they hear news of the victory.
    “Sir, we are a sitting duck here, they can attack from every direction!”

    “Don’t argue, just do it!”

    The next day, Garcia assembled the men, ready to fight the Aztec threath.
    As the army assembled, he looked up, to the palace were Cortez was living, but he noticed something, something strange.
    “Where is Cortez?” asked a soldier.

    Then Garcia knew it, he stood up and runned to the palace, as fast as he could, taking two steps of the stairs at a time.

    He smashed the door open, and there was Cortez, he had fallen on the floor.
    “Garcia, i’m going home, to my wife and children!”

    “No, don’t go, we need you here!”
    “What will they say? Welcome back. daddy? What took you so long?”
    “They will say that you need to come back, fight, and achieve many victories, you will be famous!”
    “What....what does that mean? Famous? Everybody knows my name?”
    “They will know you, fear you, write stories about you, if later someone says: Hernan Cortez, they will think about you!"

    "Please, don’t die!”, Garcia could cry.

    “They are here, my family, they are coming to get me” Cortez smiled, “i’m going”
    “No, stay here, you will be known, please, we need you, you are going to be famous!”


    Cortez closed his eyes, and never opened them again.
    Garcia started to cry, his best friend died in front of him.
    “Where is Cortez?!” shouted the assembled men.
    Garcia stood up, grabbed the sword, and helmet that belonged to Cortez, he walked to the men, stepped on Cortez’ horse.
    He marched through the gates, with his army behind him.

    “For Cortez!”

    Garcia and his men won the battle, outnumbered but later rescued by the army from Tehuacan.
    Garcia lived on, but went back to Spain, to tell the story of Hernán Cortez, to make his last dream come true: to be famous.

    Viceroy Pedro recieved the news that the siege had failed, and that Cortez died, he walked out of his tent, to tell the men, when a arrow just missed his head.

    The Spanish army was outnumbered and unprepared, but still they managed to rout the army, and sending the Aztec general to the other world.

    Spain would conquer the Americas....

    With Hernán Cortez in their soul.

    Last edited by La♔De♔Da♔Brigadier Graham; January 15, 2010 at 05:34 PM.

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