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Thread: top complaints you hear from your tourists

  1. #81

    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    where are your wooden shoes? not from a tourist but something i heard on my very first schoolday in australia

  2. #82
    Father Jack's Avatar expletive intended
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    Quote Originally Posted by blueice View Post
    where are your wooden shoes? not from a tourist but something i heard on my very first schoolday in australia
    Are you Dutch then?
    Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo.

  3. #83

    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    Where's my Rolex watch? for that matter, why is that man holding a gun to my face and pointing at my laptop? oh dear, it appears as though I've been shot!

  4. #84
    Legionem Insanis's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    From tourists and residents that do not speak Spanish:

    "The maintenance man barely speaks English"
    "I had trouble buying a hotdog because the person barely speaks English"
    "Some lady started talking to me in Spanish and got upset because I did not"
    (South Florida, USA)

  5. #85
    C-Rob's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    From the US-
    Europe is expensive as !
    The italian guys are sexy!

    Eh, don't feel like coming up with more, so I'll flip the question and say what tourists to my town say when they come from all over and see our biggest attraction-
    "Your lake sucks and I accidentally swallowed a mouth full of the fouled water and projectile vomited all the rest of the day!"

  6. #86
    D.B. Cooper's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    Toronto (Ontario, Canada) gets regular complaints that it is too dirty. Can't argue with that. And there's no real attraction other than the CN Tower. Which, btw, is no longer the world's tallest freestanding building, so what does Toronto have now? The Eaton's Centre? Skydome?

    There's no serious casino in Toronto either, which has always amazed me because even there's casinos almost everywhere else (even in Ajax, the rather small town next to Toronto). You'd think the biggest city in Canada would have a casino, right?

    The transit system needs to be redone also, I myself don't use the transit enough to say whether this is entirely true, and Union Station (the main bus/train station) needs a renovation. But I heard the latest Toronto council budget has a renovation planned so we'll see.

  7. #87

    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    when my dad whent to the states he complained about the cheese

    what kind of cheese would you like
    no thank you
    im sorry we dont have that kind
    no i meant no cheese
    no cheese! NO CHEESE! NO CHEESE? how can you not have cheese with lobster !

    he went out there to fix valves in new orlean after katrina

    no not at the drainage sytems, at a cheese factory... so... yeah...

  8. #88

    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists


    The roads suck. They're correct, for the most part.
    It's way to expensive. They're correct.
    It's so dark and cold! Well, what did you expect?
    Have you ever seen Dirty Harry Guns and money are best diplomacy
    "At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques."

    Bill Shankly

    "Not badly, considering I was seated between Jesus Christ and Napoleon"

    David Lloyd George was pleased with his performance at Versailles.

  9. #89

    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    The 3 most common complaints I hear a lot are from Canadians/Americans (the most common type of tourist) is;

    "I can't understand what they're saying!"
    "Where are all the gingers?" (Yes, I hear this all the time )
    "There's garbage everywhere"

    Liberté est un privilège à moins qu'elle soit appréciée par une ou plusieurs

  10. #90
    Legionem Insanis's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    Quote Originally Posted by D.B. Cooper View Post
    There's no serious casino in Toronto either, which has always amazed me because even there's casinos almost everywhere else (even in Ajax, the rather small town next to Toronto). You'd think the biggest city in Canada would have a casino, right?

    good clean hookers is all you need, no bloody casino
    are there good clean hookers there?

  11. #91
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    So where's dem liburty bells dat yer so famous fer?

  12. #92
    Rebel Jeb's Avatar Mayo
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    Default Re: top complaints you hear from your tourists

    delete, never teh mind.

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