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Thread: FBI seizes 60,000 copies; arrests 4 pirates

  1. #21
    Zuwxiv's Avatar Bear Claus
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    Jun 2004


    Holy Crap! Someone needs to hire those guys who smuggled them in... Think about it..

    It says september - december 280,000 were imported... To April, counting september, thats 8 months. They seized 60 thousand, so...

    They sold 220,000 units. In 8 months. I didn't think more than 200 SNES games or systems are sold in a year, but two hundred thousand in a couple months? Bravo. Make these guys telemarkerters or something, send them to target to sell the old stuff, they would make a fortune for anyone who employs them! :p

    Currently worshipping Necrobrit *********** Thought is Quick
    I'm back for the TWCrack

  2. #22


    Isn't that almost the same as most people buying copied versions of pc software, which is off course illegal?

  3. #23


    Nintendo doesn't lose money, they dont produce these anymore. Game stores don't lose money either, because they are the ones that are the real buyers, they just put the pirate copies in a real looking box on the shelf and the consumer doesn't know the difference. It's up to the merchant to decide wether or not to pass on the savings to the consumer or be "unethical" and sell it for the same price as if it were an "original" copy.

    Yeah this is the FBI's job, but this crackdown is still a complete waste of time. The manufacturing rights of video games should expire in 8 years, and after that anyone should be able to make copies and sell them for any price they wish. Think about the benefits;

    -Eight years is plenty of time for the game to ripen to full profit potential for the original creator company,
    -Fans of the "classic" games won't have to dig through bins in antique stores and fight other fans over a rare game,
    -All the post-8-year-mark copies can be produced in the daylight of legitamate buisnesses, with price competition, and profits being taxable,
    -These taxes put money into the government and our security forces, and since they don't have to waste their time wiretapping and going undercover, investigating and analyzing...we save money big time. And the time saved can go to protecting americas borders, or national monuments, high profile buildings, solving murders, busting alchohol smuggling rings...stuff the FBI really should be doing.
    -The last benefit is: When you buy an old game off the shelf you know that with some certainty, your money went to a legal buisness right here in your own country, and not to some mafia buttholes in china or russia or the bronx.
    (And i say domestically produced because if it were cheap to produce it here, there would be no reason to smuggle stuff in from other countries or pay for shipping.)

    And lastly...this bust included undercover agents do we really want to put agents in harms way over a ****ing video game haul??? If a buisness is illegal, there's nervous guys running it, and violence, as we know, is rampant among such buisnesses.

    Legalize it. Regulate it.

  4. #24


    Originally posted by Tsarevna@Apr 16 2005, 09:06 AM
    Nintendo doesn't lose money, they dont produce these anymore. Game stores don't lose money either, because they are the ones that are the real buyers, they just put the pirate copies in a real looking box on the shelf and the consumer doesn't know the difference. It's up to the merchant to decide wether or not to pass on the savings to the consumer or be "unethical" and sell it for the same price as if it were an "original" copy.

    Yeah this is the FBI's job, but this crackdown is still a complete waste of time. The manufacturing rights of video games should expire in 8 years, and after that anyone should be able to make copies and sell them for any price they wish. Think about the benefits;

    -Eight years is plenty of time for the game to ripen to full profit potential for the original creator company,
    -Fans of the "classic" games won't have to dig through bins in antique stores and fight other fans over a rare game,
    -All the post-8-year-mark copies can be produced in the daylight of legitamate buisnesses, with price competition, and profits being taxable,
    -These taxes put money into the government and our security forces, and since they don't have to waste their time wiretapping and going undercover, investigating and analyzing...we save money big time. And the time saved can go to protecting americas borders, or national monuments, high profile buildings, solving murders, busting alchohol smuggling rings...stuff the FBI really should be doing.
    -The last benefit is: When you buy an old game off the shelf you know that with some certainty, your money went to a legal buisness right here in your own country, and not to some mafia buttholes in china or russia or the bronx.
    (And i say domestically produced because if it were cheap to produce it here, there would be no reason to smuggle stuff in from other countries or pay for shipping.)

    And lastly...this bust included undercover agents do we really want to put agents in harms way over a ****ing video game haul??? If a buisness is illegal, there's nervous guys running it, and violence, as we know, is rampant among such buisnesses.

    Legalize it. Regulate it.
    Very nice suggestion!!!!

    If only those blockheads will listen...

    They wanna legalise frigging MARIJUANA, but pirating games is illegal...
    Back to play MTW2...

  5. #25
    Turnus's Avatar il Flagello dei Buffoni
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    Oct 2004
    Melbourne, Australia


    Originally posted by solid@Apr 15 2005, 02:36 PM
    I doubt Nintendo makes more then 100 $ a year on SNES games
    Those are NES games.
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