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Thread: Crash on Version 2.46

  1. #21
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Then let's do it this way. I'll attatch one. it will go in your regionmodbm/data folder.
    Last edited by irishron; November 08, 2012 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Thanks for that. Much appreciated, but it still freezes and crashes at the Turks go.

    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0004_Normalise> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0072_Governors_Religion> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0004_Normalise> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0004_Normalise> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0046_P_Normalise> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0049_P_Normalise_Non_catholic> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0083b_Update_Allies> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0084b_Update_Enemies> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0085_Update_Religion> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0093_Update_Normal_Difficulty> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0096_Increase_Global_Standing_New_Turn> fired
    17:47:12.109 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0108_Update_Untrustworthy_Factions_Minor> fired
    17:47:13.812 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents7> fired
    17:47:13.828 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents8a> fired
    17:47:13.828 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <master_of_assassins_vnv_trigger> fired
    17:47:13.828 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <master_of_assassins> not added - chance 5, random 12
    17:47:13.828 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents9> fired
    17:47:13.828 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents11> fired
    17:47:14.187 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0212_Spy_Mission> fired
    17:47:14.187 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents3> fired
    17:47:14.187 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents5> fired
    17:47:14.187 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <spymaster_vnv_trigger> fired
    17:47:14.187 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <spymaster> not added - chance 3, random 61
    17:47:15.796 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents23> fired
    17:47:15.812 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents23> fired
    17:47:15.812 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents19> fired
    17:47:15.812 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents20> fired
    17:47:15.812 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents20> fired
    17:47:17.375 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0089_Successful_Acquisition> fired
    17:47:17.375 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <agents30> fired
    17:47:19.546 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/england_win.bik]Pause on
    17:47:19.562 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/england_win.bik]Pause on
    17:47:23.406 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.

  3. #23
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    England just doesn't want to win.

    Seriously,since no one seems to having this problem as of yet, odds are it's a software problem. In your Medieval II Total War folder, what is the time and date stamp for binkw32.dll? They have been having problems with it in Empire and I wonder if the problem wandered over here.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Okay, I bought a new copy of MedII and have patched it 1.2 and ran your Regions mod.

    I started off as England (surprise-surprise) and was launching into playing the first siege of the game when this happened:

    23:44:04.562 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE
    23:44:04.562 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Apr 23 2007 version bld-medieval2-update2-84 (37970) ===
    23:44:04.656 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    23:44:04.718 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    23:44:04.796 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    23:44:04.875 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    23:44:04.953 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    23:44:04.953 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    23:45:22.609 [data.xml.tag] [error] File:[data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/descr_faction_movies.xml]Failed to open file(0:0)
    23:48:35.859 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.

    I tried doing what you said in our last PM and wiped off the '.bik files' in the descr_sm_factions.txt and tried loading up the game again and it came with the same crash and the same log entry.

    I have also tried finding descr_faction_movies.xml, but don't seem to have that in the data folder.

  5. #25
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Mine is there as I just looked in XP. If you're running Vista, look in your appdata folder.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Hey just fyi, if this is not just a issue that im having, not sure whats causing this but im having to delete my RegionModBM.cfg to start the game, it crashes out before it loads otherwise. Great mod thou its now my fav

  7. #27
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorothin View Post
    Hey just fyi, if this is not just a issue that im having, not sure whats causing this but im having to delete my RegionModBM.cfg to start the game, it crashes out before it loads otherwise. Great mod thou its now my fav
    Here is a copy of the one I have been playing with attatched. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll make a basic default one.
    Change the name from RegionModBM.txt to RegionModBM.cfg. For some reason, this site doesn't like uploading config files.
    Last edited by irishron; November 08, 2012 at 09:08 PM.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Hello. Long time no see!

    I got myself a new MedII disk and everything has been fine...up until now.

    03:06:59.671 [] [trace] file open,,139E8638,,not found
    03:06:59.671 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_2.pack,data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga,217308
    03:06:59.671 [] [info] open: found data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga (from: packs/data_2.pack)
    03:06:59.687 [] [trace] pack close,,data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga,,,-217308
    03:06:59.687 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0103_occupy_settlement_increase_global> fired
    03:06:59.687 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <extermination3> fired
    03:06:59.687 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <extermination4> fired
    03:13:00.781 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/england_lose.bik]Pause on
    03:13:00.781 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/england_lose.bik]Pause on
    03:13:05.718 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.

    It sticks on the Emirate of Hedjaz for about five minutes and then crashes. Any clues?

  9. #29
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Are you playing England and losing? It's hanging up on the England_lose screen.
    It could be a few things including one of those random pesky ctds of CA's. But before we go laying blame, make sure all your drivers are up to date.
    Make sure Directx 9 has the files from March, 2009, a few months ago. There are a couple of fixes.
    Make sure .Net framework is to 3.5 SP1. It runs a lot smoother.
    Update Windows Media Player to version 11. Yes, it's released for download.
    It won't hurt to run Microsoft Update to catch up on anything for your operating system.
    Run a registry cleaner to get rid of the garbage, defrag your harddrive, reboot for good luck, and let me know how it goes.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Quote Originally Posted by irishron View Post
    Are you playing England and losing?
    No, not at all. I've won the game. I'm just playing on from there. I have all of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, America and parts of North Africa.

    Make sure Directx 9 has the files from March, 2009, a few months ago. There are a couple of fixes.
    Make sure .Net framework is to 3.5 SP1. It runs a lot smoother.
    Update Windows Media Player to version 11. Yes, it's released for download.
    It won't hurt to run Microsoft Update to catch up on anything for your operating system.
    Run a registry cleaner to get rid of the garbage, defrag your harddrive, reboot for good luck, and let me know how it goes.
    Did all that you said and it worked fine for about two or three moves, then crashed on the same faction: emirate of Hedjaz.

    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worthy_Of_Adoption_4_VnV_Trigger> fired
    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worth_of_Adoption_loyalty_1> fired
    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worth_of_Adoption_loyalty_5> fired
    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worth_of_Adoption_piety_1> fired
    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worth_of_Adoption_piety_2> fired
    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worth_of_Adoption_piety_3> fired
    19:54:32.281 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <Worth_of_Adoption_chiv_1> fired
    19:54:32.312 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/ui/generic/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga
    19:54:32.312 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga
    19:54:32.312 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/
    19:54:32.312 [] [info] exists: found data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga (from: packs/data_2.pack)
    19:54:32.312 [] [trace] file open,,0DB013B0,,not found
    19:54:32.312 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_2.pack,data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga,217308
    19:54:32.312 [] [info] open: found data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga (from: packs/data_2.pack)
    19:54:32.328 [] [trace] pack close,,data/ui/northern_european/eventpics/horde_rehorde.tga,,,-217308
    19:54:32.328 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0103_occupy_settlement_increase_global> fired

  11. #31
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Is there anything on system.log.txt below the last line you posted?

    In the RegionMadBM.cfg, in the logs could you change trace to error and run it, again and post your results? Sometimes it shows up here easier.

    What year are you playing? If you have America, it's 1500 or later, right? Did you just take a settltment? If so, which one and who controlled it before you?
    Last edited by irishron; June 26, 2009 at 03:52 PM. Reason: Afterthought.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Quote Originally Posted by irishron View Post
    Is there anything on system.log.txt below the last line you posted?
    That was it I'm afraid.

    In the RegionMadBM.cfg, in the logs could you change trace to error and run it, again and post your results? Sometimes it shows up here easier.
    Did as you said, but whenever it crashes now it doesn't pull down the screen and present you with the warning box anymore. It just freezes.

    I have to use ctrl+alt+del to close it all down. I had just tried it before signing on here and it seems to work okayish now. It still freezes at that point still but it did start up again after 20mins.

    What year are you playing? If you have America, it's 1500 or later, right? Did you just take a settltment? If so, which one and who controlled it before you?
    The year is actually 1216! When I last crashed, the last settlements I had taken previously a move or two beforehand were: Cholula (Aztecs) and Budapest (HRE). I got Budapest via a crusade.

  13. #33
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Which files did you modify? Could you bundle them up and upload them to a site like Meagupload, with a link posted here so I can see if I can find it?

  14. #34

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    I will post you the links for the two files that I did alter slightly at before starting the campaign. I also had to use the file export_descr_character_traits.txt that you posted not so long ago, as the mod didn't contain that file.

    You'll see for yourself, but all I did was alter the amount of money England starts off with at the beginning and the amount of soldiers too. I can't abide with the slow start to the campaign.

  15. #35
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    That's the one I had to edit because of an imam in orthodox territory. It maybe the problem but a different trigger.

    Edit: I forgot to say it was a Hedjaz Imam.
    Last edited by irishron; June 27, 2009 at 11:04 AM.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    This gets stranger.

    I did as you said and changed the option to name the characters and absolutely nothing bad happened. The game ran through as normal, and I got pretty far with continuing the game. (I did turn the labelling off after three turns as it was annoying me, but I had a good few hours playing it before...), but I was just going to save my game from playing today and the game crashed.

    Here's the log:

    17:27:11.437 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE
    17:27:11.437 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Apr 23 2007 version bld-medieval2-update2-84 (37970) ===
    17:27:11.484 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    17:27:11.515 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    17:27:11.546 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    17:27:11.593 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    17:27:11.656 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    17:27:11.671 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    17:28:31.937 [data.invalid] [error]
    character_record not loaded properly.
    17:28:33.468 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
    I also just ran it with a trace instead of an error.

    17:42:56.359 [] [info] exists: found data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga (from: packs/data_1.pack)
    17:42:56.359 [] [info] exists: found data/loading_screen/loading_screen_17.tga (from: packs/data_1.pack)
    17:42:56.359 [] [info] exists: missing data/loading_screen/loading_screen_18.tga
    17:42:56.359 [] [trace] file open,,data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga,,not found
    17:42:56.359 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga,,not found
    17:42:56.359 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_1.pack,data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga,2359340
    17:42:56.359 [] [info] open: found data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga (from: packs/data_1.pack)
    17:42:56.375 [] [trace] pack data(),,data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga,,,2359340
    17:42:56.406 [] [trace] pack close,,data/loading_screen/loading_screen_16.tga,,,-2359340
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/descr_transition_screen.txt
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] file open,,11076248,,not found
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/descr_transition_screen.txt,6005
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] open: found data/descr_transition_screen.txt (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack close,,data/descr_transition_screen.txt,,,-6005
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] exists: missing data/loading_screen/
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] exists: found data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] file open,,data/loading_screen/,,not found
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/loading_screen/,,not found
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/loading_screen/,,not found
    17:42:56.437 [] [warning] open: data/loading_screen/ is missing
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] file open,,data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga,,not found
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga,,not found
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga,262188
    17:42:56.437 [] [info] open: found data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    17:42:56.437 [] [trace] pack data(),,data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga,,,262188
    17:42:56.453 [] [trace] pack close,,data/loading_screen/loading_logo.tga,,,-262188
    17:42:57.796 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga
    17:42:57.796 [] [info] exists: missing data/loading_screen/
    17:42:57.796 [] [info] exists: found data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    17:42:57.796 [] [info] exists: missing RegionModBM/data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] file open,,data/loading_screen/,,not found
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/loading_screen/,,not found
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/loading_screen/,,not found
    17:42:57.796 [] [warning] open: data/loading_screen/ is missing
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] file open,,data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga,,not found
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga,,not found
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga,262188
    17:42:57.796 [] [info] open: found data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] pack data(),,data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga,,,262188
    17:42:57.796 [] [trace] pack close,,data/loading_screen/loading_bar.tga,,,-262188
    17:42:57.890 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
    Last edited by BeornWulfWer; June 29, 2009 at 11:45 AM.

  17. #37
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    That is strange. You are far enough into the game that it would be pure CA's code. The mod would no longer affect it. It's one of those random ctds we modders have no control over. Sorry.

  18. #38

    Default Re: Crash on Version 2.46

    Ah well! Thank you for all your help up till now, IrishRon. Very much appreciate it.

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