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Thread: A great mod but a few questions.

  1. #1

    Icon6 A great mod but a few questions.

    Ok so does this mod act as a provincial campaign or does it overwrite the imperial campaign? Also is there a way to merge this with the imperial campaign? If so that would be awesome!

  2. #2

    Default Re: A great mod but a few questions.

    The mod is completely modfoldered, as stated in the stickied mod info thread. Which means it doesn't interfere at all with vanilla or other modfoldered mods.

    Not quite sure what you mean by "merge".

  3. #3
    Matsky's Avatar Civis
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Western Australia

    Default Re: A great mod but a few questions.

    Rather than make a new thread I thought I'd tag on here with a question.

    Firstly, is there a handy unit roster available anywhere? I wouldn't mind being able to print one off just for quick reference, but it's not a biggy (I could make one myself I guess).

    Another, I haven't got deep into a campaign yet but I'm playing around with titles to see how they work (I guess I roleplay a little when it comes to titles). Am I correct in saying Kings cannot receive ancillary titles and accompanying traits while they are actually King, but if they had it before being crowned, they retain it, right? Also, I notice you can swap the ancillary titles between characters, but does the trait change? Say if I gave a lord the ancillary title, then moved the original lord out of the fortress and left him there for a turn, would the title swap to him, or is the original lord stuck with the trait?

    Just a curiousity, how do others manage their titles? Do you play with a first-come-first-serve basis, or do you have a system? I like to give my heir the title of the capital city, so he has it while he is king (my kings usually stay at home while the heir is out winning battles), then when he gets old I bring the heir in so he will inherit the title, and so on (it does get a bit tricky sometimes no knowing exactly who will be next heir though, and keeping his title slate clean). I like to give only the really big, important areas to my related family members, and put adopted members into the little unnoticed regions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: A great mod but a few questions.

    Roster: Sadly no, but it's relatively simple.

    Titles: You got the king-related stuff correct. Kings cannot take titles, but if they got them before getting the crown, they keep them. And yes, when you swap around ancillaries, the traits will swap as well. Once a character gets the anc, he will also get the trait if the conditions are met.

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