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Thread: MAJOR Formation Project!

  1. #1

    Default MAJOR Formation Project!

    I am going to fix formations for many mods that exist in the community.
    Have fixed already some for "Ran No Jidai", "Fourth Age Total War", "Byzantium Total War" and now begin to fix a total brand new set of formations for BI_1.6 that will use all power of new AI.

    Also will fix new Formations that will be common for DarthMod_7.0 and RTR_7.0

    What do I want from you?

    Give me historical feedback for any faction you can provide and for any mod you would like a formation.
    For example for Ran no Jidai Mod I have fixed 2 new Formations the "Hoshi" and "Saku" which I try to force the AI use historical strategies of this era.
    For Fourth Age:Total War I have fixed an orcish formation that AI uses a simple but powerful strategy of center massive attack that will resample the orcish way of battle thinking.
    For Byzantium Total War (This will be used also for upcoming full set of new BI formations) I have created a cunning AI formation that will resample the cautious and deceptive Byzantine strategy that helped them to build their empire.(when they defend AI will put a certain heavy pilum infantry in front and heavy mass of troops will make a shield wall around the general and missile units. The general will be always protected by them and never charge to enemy but will rally the troops around him with discipline. Cavalry will support whenever there is need......etc.)

    Give me diagrams, philosophy of battle for factions....that will help me a lot to finish the task quicker.

    I depend on the community which I serve and expect help.

  2. #2


    i juz want a darth mod compatible with RTW 1.5
    A wait and watch approach for MTW2
    Adopt I will

  3. #3


    The formations are almost ready.
    I have to ask you smth all.I think the 1.6 version has a problem with AI.
    The foot missiles do not behave properly now when AI defends. They do not fire their missiles at all or seldomly.
    Do you anticipate this?

    Generally I have created surprisingly good formations for BI.Just testing them to upload.

  4. #4


    Darth, will you still release a similar type of formations update for RTW 1.5 which you have mentioned previously? I hope you do since a lot of us are still playing it heavily. Also, it would come full circle with your work on formations. You started with the first RTW's originally, fixed up BI 1.6, and to complete the circle, you could do your magic on the RTW 1.5, which undoubtedly will be the last. My fingers are crossed, and thanks for all the good work you have done up to now.

  5. #5


    I want to do this. As you say...for the circle
    I will fix formations for RTR and the would be DarthMod_7.0 so it will be for 1.5. I just cannot play the game and only do some tests like I work for it. I do not enjoy it anymore.

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